ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga ABSTRACT The Construction of Mathematics Coalision Models between H5N1 and Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Virus Hariyanto Mathematics Departement of ITS and Doctorate student in Airlangga University Basuki Widodo Mathematics Departement of ITS CA Nidom AVIAN Influenza Reseach Center - UNAIR I. Nyoman Budiantara Statistics Departement of ITS The existence of genotypes of H5N1 viruses show that all novel genotype are always found in the form of isolation in poultry and domestic birds. The H5N1 virus adapting to humans and animals if there is a mutation in the PB2 protein amino acid numbers 627 and 701. While, the pandemic H1N1 virus has been able to adapt to animals and humans without mutations of 627. Both the virus have the same structure that is independent of the other eight genes that are so very easy to happen coalition. To understand the process of the coalition, as well as the potential for a pandemic of a new strain have been done. The construction of a mathematical model is applied to observe any changes in subpopulations that cause a dynamic movement and evolution genetics of each individual of the population. The analysis of the persistence of the spread of the H5N1 and the pandemic of H1N1 influenza virus and Super - Strain perform at each stage of the construction of the model. The model is defined as a metric transmission, in which it determines the spread globally and locally. It can be done by analyzing the spread of the wave speed and the ability of the virus to transmit. The oftained results Disertasi KONSTRUKSI MODEL MATEMATIKA KOALISI HARIYANTO ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga show that the super virus strains against persistent changes in the spread of the pandemic H1N1 influenza virus. However, if against persistently the spread of H5N1 influenza virus in a stable condition. Keywords: Mathematical Model, Influenza virus coalition, Persistence, wave speed. Disertasi KONSTRUKSI MODEL MATEMATIKA KOALISI HARIYANTO ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga Barang siapa menemukan ( merintis ) sesuatu yang baru dan baik maka baginya pahala atas penemuannya dan pahala bagi orang yang mengamalkannya ( Al- Hadits ) Disertasi KONSTRUKSI MODEL MATEMATIKA KOALISI HARIYANTO