RENCANA PEMBELAJARAN SEMESTER (RPS) MATA KULIAH: Sistem Informasi Akuntansi II PROGRAM STUDI AKUNTANSI 2015 18 Nama Mata Kuliah Kode Mata Kuliah/sks Program Studi Semester Mata Kuliah Prasyarat : : : : : Sistem Informasi Akuntansi II EKA 4140 Akuntansi / 3 sks Sistem Informasi Akuntansi I Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Matakuliah SIA II bertujuan memberi pemahaman pada peserta didik mengenai Sistem Informasi Akuntansi berbasis komputer dan pengendalian intern yang diperlukan dalam lingkungan SIA berbasis komputer. Setelah lulus dari matakuliah ini peserta didik diharapkan akan mampu untuk memahami pengendalian intern yang digunakan SIA berbasis komputer dalam sebuah organisasi. Selain itu matakuliah ini memberi peserta didik pemahaman mengenai proses-proses pengembangan sistem yang diperlukan dalam sebuah Sistem Informasi Akuntansi. Secara singkat akan diberikan materi mengenai ERP, E-commerce dan audit sistem informasi. Capaian Pembelajaran/Learning Outcomes Pada level ini mahasiswa diharapkan memiliki kemampuan untuk mengingat, memahami, mengimplementasikan dan mulai menganalisa pentingnya sebuah Sistem Informasi dalam suatu perusahaan, khususnya bidang Akuntansi. Pada SIA II, kemampuan ditingkatkan pada pemahaman yang lebih spesifik pada pengendalian internal dan implementasi menggunakan AIS tools dan audit tool. Referensi Accounting Information Systems, 12th ed., Romney & Steinbart, 2012, Prentice Hall. (RS) 2. Accounting Information System, 8th ed. James A. Hall, 2012, South-Western College Publishing. (JH) Accounting Information Systems, 11th ed., Bodnar & Hopwood, 2012, Pearson Education. (BH) 4. Accounting Information System and Internal Control, 2nd edition, Vasseen et. al., 2009, John Wiley & Sons. (VM) 5. Sistem Informasi Keperilakuan, edisi revisi, Jogiyanto, 2007, Andi. (JG) Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan 28 HARD COMPETENCIES v SOFT COMPETENCIES Analytical / Quantitative Customer orientation Skills that emphasize techniques for improving problem-solving by making problem-solving a more rational, analytical process Remaining competitive in an increasingly global environment companies needed to create an environment in which the customer was at the center of every decision. v Computer skills The fundamental skills needed for seeking information utilizing hardware, software, and internet. Decision making v Entrepreneurial v v The creation of wealth – adding value The process through which a problem was identified solution objectives defined, a predecision made, alternatives generated and evaluated, and the best alternative chosen and implemented. Leadership / Interpersonal v Behavior and characteristics of individuals who use their influence to coordinate and direct the activities of others toward group objectives. Risk taking Oral communication A decision making situation which only the probabilities of the possible outcomes are known The transfer of information from one person to another by the process of speaking and listening Written Communication TeamBuilding The ability to use written language effectively. A planned organizational development technique with a group of people who may have common organizational relationships and goals designed to improve how work gets done. v Strategic Thinking & Systemic Thinking v The process of determine the alternatives solution through perceiving, understanding, and reasoning process by considering the short and long term implications. 38 Evaluasi Hasil Belajar Penilaian mahasiswa akan ditentukan berdasarkan gabungan dari komponen berikut ini: 1) Ujian tengah semester (UTS) 30% 2). Ujian akhir semester (UAS) 30% 3). Tugas terstruktur 40% Konversi nilai angka ke nilai huruf, sesuai bobot komponen, adalah sebagai berikut: Nilai Angka Nilai Huruf Bobot Nilai Angka Nilai Huruf ≥ 90 A 4,00 60,00 – 64,99 C+ 80,00 – 89,99 A3,75 55,00 – 59,99 C 75,00 – 79,99 B+ 3,25 50,00 – 54,99 C70,00 – 74,99 B 3,00 45,00 – 49,99 D 65,00 – 69,99 B2,75 < 45 E Bobot 2,25 2,00 1,75 1,00 0,00 48 Rencana Perkuliahan Minggu Ke- Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan Pokok Bahasan dan Sub Pokok Bahasan Overview of learning process 1. Recognize the primary information flows within the business environment. 2. Differentiate AIS and MIS. 3. Differentiate non/financial transactions. 4. Describe AIS basic functions. 5. The role of AIS for company. 1. Understand the transaction cycle. 2. Understand Accounting record in transaction processing system. 3. Understand batch and real time processing. 4. Describe the documents and procedures to collect and process transaction data. 1. Explain threats in modern IS. 2. Define how and find who penetrate Fraud. 3. To prevent fraud. and introduction to Accounting 1 Information System. Overview of transaction processing. 2 Computer Fraud and Abuse Technique. 3 Metode Pembelajaran Media Pembelajaran Sumber Ajar Deskripsi Tugas - Ceramah - Diskusi - - Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web RS 1 JH 1 - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal - Ceramah - Diskusi - Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web RS 2 JH 2 - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal - Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi - Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web RS 5-6 - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal 58 IS Control for Reliability: Part I Systems 4 IS Control for Systems Reliability: Part II 5 Transaction Processing Internal Control Process 6 Electronic Commerce Systems 7 & 1. Explain the information and system reliability. 2. Describe and identify preventive, detective and corrective control. 3. Basic types of encryption. - Ceramah - Diskusi - Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web RS 8, 9, 10 - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal 1. Explain the risk of incompatible functions of how to structure the IT function. 2. Explain the precaution required. 3. Explaining the technique to reduce risk. 4. To explain the database integrity. 1. To explain computer processing and exposure. 2. To explain the external influence in internal control. 3. To explain the internal control process. 4. To describe the techniques of evaluating internal control. 1. To describe the integration trough internet. 2. To explain the business benefit by using e-commerce. 3. To explain the risk associated with e-commerce. 4. To describe the internet security. 5. To explain the E-commerce - Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi - Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web JH 15-16 - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal - Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi - Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web BH 4 - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal - Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi - Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web JH 12 - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal 68 application. 8 Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Enterprise Resource Planning Systems 9 Internal Control on ERP System 10 Introduction to System Development Life Cycle 11 System Development Strategies on AIS 12 1. To explain the general functionality and key elements of ERP systems. 2. To discuss the various aspects of ERP configuration. 3. To explain the risk in ERP implementation. 4. To explain about data warehousing. 1. To explain the evolution of internal control. 2. To explain the scope of IS 3. To explain the cornerstone of internal control. 4. To explain the internal control instruments. 1. To explain the key stages of SDLC. 2. To describe the circumstances during the system migration. 3. To discuss the issues occurring during the analysis. 1. To explain the stages of SDLC. 2. To explain the role of accountant in SDLC. 3. To explain TELOS. - Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi - Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web RS 17 JH 11 - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal - Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi - Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web VM 2 JH 11 (alternativ e) - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal - Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi - Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web JH 13-14 - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal RS 20, 21, 22 - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal - Ceramah - Diskusi - Presentasi 78 Auditing CBIS 13 Introduction to theory Behavior towards IS of 1. To describe the scope of audit work and process. 2. To discuss the objectives of audit CBIS. 3. To describe the computer audit software. 1. To explain the acceptance model of IS 14 15 Review & Discussion on Current issues in AIS 16 All chapter (after mid) - Ceramah Diskusi Presentasi Praktikum - Ceramah Diskusi Presentasi Praktikum - Ceramah Diskusi Presentasi Praktikum - Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web Text Presentasi Animasi Audio/video Soal-tugas Web RS 11 - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal JG 4 - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal All chapter - Kuis - Tanya jawab - Penyelesaian soal Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) Dibuat oleh : Disahkan oleh : Mengetahui : Tifa Noer Amelia, SE., M.Acc. Dosen Jasman, SE., Ak., MBA. Ketua Program Studi S1 Akuntansi Dr. Umbas Krisnanto Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis 88