Papertoys of Jogja Tourism one of education and socialiazation media of historical tourism in Yogyakarta Nova Suparmanto Beny Abdurrahman Dept of Informatic Engineering Education FT UNY Jeblog, Tirtonirmolo, Kasihan, Bantul, DIY - Indonesia [email protected] Dept of Electronics Engineering Education FT UNY Plono Timur, Pagerharjo, Samigaluh, KP - Indonesia [email protected] Rizky H Oktiavenny Tri Hardiyanti Dept of Electric Engineering Education FT UNY Jln. Gejayan Gang Mawar No. 8 A, DIY – Indonesia [email protected] Dept of Elementary School & Teacher Education FIP UNY Ketalo, Gadingsari, Sanden, Bantul, Yogyakarta- Indonesia [email protected] Abstract—Purposes in this research are: able to design and make “Papertoys of Jogja Tourism” one of education and socialiazation media of tourist area in Yogyakarta. Then, knowing the function and proper with finished design. The implementation method is Research and Development (R&D). Object of research is maked “Papertoys of Jogja Tourism” as a education and socialization media. The accumulation data technique is divided into two. First method is measurements of program functions according with specified design and the second method is using questionnaire to assess the feasibility of interactive media as media supporting national exam. Analysis techniques for the first phase is explained using a qualitative descriptive engineered media product once it is implemented in the form of the game, and the level of validation and reliability testing program and the second phase is using qualitative descriptive is describes the feasibility of the product to be implemented. The result is Papertoys as education and socialization media of historical tourism in Yogyakarta. Keywords: Papertoys, Jogja Torism, education and socialization media I. INTRODUCTION The second tourist destination in Indonesia after Bali island is Yogyakarta. The number of tourist arrivals in 2007 in the city of Yogyakarta based on data from the Department of Tourism and Culture of Yogyakarta is 1,260,658 people. The number of visits was divided into 1,159,805 (92%) domestic tourists and 100 853 (8%) tourists. The numbers are increasing at the end of 2011 where the total tourists visiting Yogyakarta city was 2,670,649 (up 112% compared to the year 2007) [1]. This indicates that the potential of tourism in the province are in great demand and should be developed. However, the potential attraction particularly historic places such as batik museum still needs to be improved. Prayoga, Yogyakarta Batik Museum manager stated that the museum was established on May 12, 1977 is empty. From the observation of the writer, every month visitors are only about 15 people. Not only is batik museum, the Museum of Struggle Yogyakarta also experienced the same thing. While the number of visitors to Museum of Struggle is only about 400 people per year, or one visitor per day. The evidence is certainly very unfortunate for the people of Yogyakarta. Whereas in the attraction is so much knowledge that visitors can add insight. So it would need a good socialization media. On the other side Papertoys become a thing much talked about. Papertoys is a picture of cute toys made of paper. But the toys of this paper is not just a simple form, but with threedimensional shapes such as cubes or prisms. Many design magazines contain reviews, reviews of papertoys. This is what started us thinking to develop papertoys be an item that can be sold into the market. Because these days as reported in various media, historic sights of children less desirable because of the lack of socialization in education. The elementary school should be learning to use the tools because they have not had a good abstraction capabilities. With props, the brain can be more motivated students, helping students to concentrate and develop the power of reason [2]. Current textbooks were considered less provide information to complete and teachers rarely give a better reading or developing their own reading materials needed. The discourse of teachers and students eventually evolved only limited to what is in textbooks. In the case of other skills, and creativity of the students were not able to grow [3]. Learning system even less pegged to the book. Teachers are expected to be creative in creating media and activities that can lead children to prefer the lessons that they can [4]. Elementary School (SD) indicates that a learning system that made it pegged to the book and especially the lessons of history, no props at all facilities, just from the pictures and posters. In addition, children have no other facilities for tourism and culture familiar in Indonesia especially Yogyakarta. Looking at the above phenomena and the characteristics of which often contain illustrations Papertoys certain figures, then we have plans to develop Papertoys as educational games, as a means to introduce the tourism and culture in Indonesia especially Yogyakarta with the target consumer-grade early childhood and elementary school. Moreover papertoys still have many other benefits, such as increasing creativity, practicing fine motor, cognition, affect, and even social skills with people around him, if the children do this activity with his friends, and a proper media as a means of child's play and learning resources are good and cheap. To maximize the usefulness of this papertoys, then provided the board game with a background picture travel map Yogyakarta that can support learning through play. With the above background, the authors make a study titled "Papertoys of Jogja Tourism as Education and Socialization Media of Historical Tourism in Yogyakarta". This is expected to introduce tourism and culture in Indonesia to children through a fun and inexpensive media to give an illustration, packaging, and said the language will either be a decent papertoys sale. Through this Papertoys of Yogyakarta, tourism can be famous because tourism socialization of children has a big opportunity because children are the future generation which should be instilled the values of local culture as early as possible. II. 3. 4. GOAL OF THE RESEARCH The purpose of this study are: 1) Capable of designing and making, 2) know the accuracy of the functions in accordance with the plan already made, and 3) determine the feasibility Papertoys of Jogja Tourism "as a medium of education and socialization in the historical sights Yogyakarta. III. METHODOLOGY Research Design The implementation method using Research & Development (R & D) method [5]. In line with the research method, then the steps taken in the development of Papertoys media are as follows: 1) analysis of needs and preparation, 2) download supporting software, 3) retrieval of data and images for the model, 4) design and manufacture of model design , 5) the print process, 6) testing and repairs, 7) packing and labeling, as well as the 8) socialization and distribution of program. 1. Step 1: Preparation The first equipment that should be there to make a paper toys of course, is the paper. To create forms or the creation of toys, paper used can be of various types. However, if the AP paper used is 245 grams or glossy paper that is usually used for printing photographs because it is more durable and looks more attractive. With this kind of paper thickness, paper toys we will not be easily dented and very alive to the impression of super-slick. Additional equipment is not much different with the tools that we use when making crafts. List of tools and materials such as scissors or craft knife, ruler, and glue. Complement the other is printer to print a pattern that has been established. 2. Step 2: Download Software Supporter Pepakura Designer 3.0 Software is used in making paper toys. So no more trouble to get the pattern to be formed in the 3D model. 5. 6. Adobe Photoshop Software is used in editing and processing images with camera screenshots. Blender Blender is a software for a free 3-dimensional graphics and popular among designers. Blender is available for various operating systems. In general, excess Blender is open source, multiplatform, update fast, free, free, fullfeatured, lightweight and community terbuka.Blender used to create 3-dimensional animation and also has features to make the game. Step 3: Decision Data & Images for Model The images used in the model Papertoys of Jogja Tourism is drawn using a camera (screenshot) that must be good for later prints are also good. So the result is blurred or broken when printed. Step 4: Design and Construction Design Model Paper toys made up of several patterns which are then spliced into one. The basic science of patterns used is a simple space such as beam up, pyramid, circle, or prism which will then be more complicated as the development of a more unique look kreativitas.Agar by providing design through pattern or color other than the other. Attractive design, form charming, and coupled with the complexity of the tinggiadalah that we offer. To make papertoys need patience, skill and thoroughness. For the manufacture of designs made with the software above. Last is pembuatandesain board game with a background picture travel map Yogyakarta and signs in the pattern instructions for enabling users to use papertoys. Step 5: The Print Papertoys of Jogja Tourism Images that are processed and completed in the design and manufacture of the design, then printed using the printer with excellent image quality that results. Step 6: Test and Repair To obtain the maximum product result, then technic testing is conducted. Testing techniques in the study area include Alpha Testing and Beta Testing. Alpha Testing is the process of testing and revision at the time of manufacture of the product takes place. The testing process includes assessment of aspects of the media. It is necessary for media and design experts who can objectively assess the media that has been made. Beta Testing While the Beta Testing is the process of testing the sample media (in this case N Sanden elementary students), the value obtained from the results of the testing instrument study of 22 students to determine the eligibility level medium the testing of Papertoys printout given to children in sheet form card or print out full color, then the cut-to-cut, and finally merged back with glue. After testing the research data will be obtained. If the results obtained are still a lot of errors (error) and not so good, then be repaired and then tested again. 7. Step 7: Packaging and Labeling After the finished product is then performed in the form of packing and labeling and packaging of hard plastic. This is done to facilitate the distribution. 8. Step 8: socialize and Distribution Program In order Papertoys of Jogja Tourism is actually used by all components of education in Indonesia as an educational game to introduce Yogyakarta tourism in particular, it is necessary to socialize and distribution of required courses and the right marketing strategy. By looking at the potential market / Elementary School and the Education Office Yogyakarta, the strategy to be used is a door to door and day care in bookstores and stationery shops / education. Door to door strategy is the promotion or marketing strategy by offering a product to the consumer / independent schools. Where Xt is the score of eligibility; Xy = maximum score;% = percentage of viability. The collected data were analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis techniques disclosed in the frequency distribution and percentage of category rating scale that has been determined as a percentage of the presentation, then drawn conclusions about each indicator. IV. RESULTS Designing and Making Steps 1. Papertoys manufacture begins with the three-dimensional modeling using software Blender 2.5. here will be exampled the object of making a monument jogja back (Monjali). The first thing have to do is create the object in the form of cylinder. How to create a new object by pressing the keyboard Shift + A - select mesh – cylinder Object Research Object of this research is the creation of "Papertoys of Jogja Tourism" as a medium of education and socialization media. Expected of all components, especially early childhood education and elementary school (SD) may apply Papertoys of Jogja Tourism as a medium of learning to know the history of tourism in Yogyakarta. Picture 1. Modelling with blender 2. If it so it will look: Data Collection Techniques Collection techniques in the study through two stages. First, using measurements of the product in accordance with a predetermined design. Second, the questionnaire or the questionnaire to assess the feasibility of the product as a medium of socialization support tourism in Yogyakarta. Data Analysis Data analysis technique for the first phase is described using a qualitative descriptive engineered media product once it is implemented in the form of the game, and test the level of validation and reliability of products. The second phase, also using a qualitative descriptive, which describes the feasibility of the product to be implemented. Furthermore, the data that is communicative processed to the expected number and percentage obtained [6], or can be written by the following formula: Eligibility percentage (%) Xt X 100% Xy Picture 2. The result of modeling with blender 3. Then to be carried into papertoys process, should be exported to .3 ds. then click next to export to file - export 3dStudio (.3 ds). 4. If it is then stay exsporting a bitmap image. Click the file exsport - Bitmap (BMP, JPG etc) The testing result Here are the results of the research instrument data processing media experts and design experts: 1. Media expert data No Name 1. Unik Ambarwati, M. Pd. 2. Design expert data No Name NIP Expertise 19791014 200501 2 001 Strategi Pembelajaran NIP Expertise 1. Picture 3. Making the papertoys with papercut Results Design and Creation The results of the design and manufacture Papertoys of Jogja Tourism are as follows: Picture 4. Making results of the Papertoys (Museum Batik) Picture 5. Result of the Papertoys (Tugu) Picture 6. Result of the Papertoys (Vredeburg) Muh. Munir, 19630512 PTI Manajemen M. Pd 198901 1 001 Pendidikan 3. Conclusion media and design experts Feasibility Test Results Pictures Assessment For Desired No Picture/Video Results 1 2 3 4 5 v 1 Tata Letak Gambar Pilihan gambar v 2 Jenis Warna Gambar Proposional 3 4 Kontras Warna Keharmonisan 5 Sinkronisasi Gambar 6 7 Kejelasan Gambar Urutan Gambar Ada Kesesuaian Enak dilihat Navigasi ke gambar Gambar tidak pecah Jelas dan tepat v v v Discussion From the test results and retrieval of data can be analyzed the performance and quality of media. In the alpha stage of testing, no revision is obtained from the questionnaire design experts and media. Category: 16% - 32% = do not deserve to be tested 33% - 49% = less worthy to be tested 50% - 66% = good enough to be tested 67% - 83% = worth to be tested 84% - 100% = very feasible to be tested Media expert Xt X 100% Eligibility percentage (%) Xy = 59 x 100 % 70 = 84,30 % Design expert Eligibility percentage (%) = 33 x 100 % 35 = 94,29 % Based on expert analysis of data media and design experts above, then Papertoys of Jogja Tourism is worth tested and used in the wider community. While in beta testing stages, from analysis of questionnaires administered related to interest students of media on students' classroom learning VB Sanden SD N 2 data showed that 63.6% of the 22 students admitted knowing some of the attractions that exist in Yogyakarta. v v It is directly proportional to the student's knowledge of the historic attractions in Yogyakarta which is about 81.8% of students claimed to know only in part a tourist attraction. This statement is also supported from the observation during a trial that is almost all children are not familiar with batik museum and Museum Perjuangan some of them only know the museums and monuments Vrendeburg. Student interest in learning about the history, as many as 77.3% of the 22 students said he was happy with the teaching of history and only 2 students who admit to being pleased to learn history. Regarding the students' knowledge about the history that occurred in Yogyakarta, 54.5% of students claimed to know the history of the city and 45.5% of students claimed to not know the history that took place in Yogyakarta. The question to-5 on the frequency of students' VB Class 2 SD N Sanden visiting the museum, the data found that 54.5% of students are rarely admitted to the museum and 31.8% claimed to have never been to the museum. Responses from students about the papertoys, is 63.6% of the 22 students admitted that the game is easy and only two students who said that the game is difficult. Almost all the students as much as 90.9% said that these games help them with applicable tourism in Yogyakarta. 77% of students claimed to want to visit the Museum after this game. Furthermore 81% of students admitted to this game is used in the eyes of history teaching in schools. V. 3. Based on questionnaires obtained from media experts Paper Toys is declared eligible by the revised field test, which is perle packaging that sells. The appropriateness score of 84.30% that fall into that category is eligible to be tested. To refine of the results, authors give the following advice: 1. Necessary development of the various media that make kids interested in visiting the historic attractions in Yogyakarta. 2. Need for infrastructure improvement museum so as to increase the interest of children visiting the museum. 3. Promotion through mass media and electronic media (radio, television). Thus information about the product will be more widely spread. 4. Continue to add to the model, so all the attractions in Yogyakarta can be used as educational games through papertoys. 5. Production of instructional media Papertoys of Jogja Tourism in mass production 4. Cooperation with the Department of Education By looking at the potential market / schools and the Education Office of National and local level, then the next strategy is to work together to the Department of Education. In this way, the results of this study will be widely distributed to the market / schools throughout Indonesia. DISCUSSION From the results obtained by means of making the following conclusions: 1. Papertoys design and manufacture started with 3dimensional modeling using software Blender 2.5. Then, once the process is complete, then open the Paperkuta Designer software. 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