Communicative Competence in Language Teaching Introduction Ferdinand de Saussure was the expert who first clearly distinguish between the subject matters linguistic (is the research field linguist, which covers all the phenomena that closely or less closely related to the use of language) with the object of his (is sector or aspect of the phenomenon which will attract the attention of the linguist). Saussure mentions it as an object language (la langue: language) and subject matters as speech (la parole: speech or utterance). Competence and language performance Noam Chomsky and his colleagues or his followers often to the difference between language and speech, between la langue and la parole, between language and speech is the distinction they make between linguistic competence and linguistic performance, for short between linguistic competence and performance. Understanding Competence Competence is the grammar of a language a person who internalized; this means one's ability to create and understand sentences and includes sentences that he had never heard before: this also includes one's knowledge about what really are not a sentence and the sentence, a particular language. Understanding Performance The performance is a theory of language use, actual use of language, what is done by the speaker-hearer based on actual knowledge of a language, speech utterances actual, as opposed to language, the subject of psychological theories expect how linguistic competence that is used in the production and comprehension of speech, linguistic behavior, subject to form performance grammar, which includes a to form grammatical competence in it, is roughly comparable to la parole, speech. Behavioral objective performance has 3 main characteristics, namely: 1. Clearly describe or provide the learning objectives that have anything to do with observable behaviour 2. Provide container behavioural conditions that are expected to occur 3. Stating a standard of acceptable performance Variety competence 1. Participatory competence 2. Interaction competence 3. Academic competence Language Competence Functional Skills Competency So he gives three components of students who have a functional proficiency, namely: a. Participatory competence is the ability to give an adequate response or guidance of various classroom tasks and procedural rules to complete these tasks. b. Interaction competence is the ability to provide a satisfactory response to classroom discourse rules and the rules of social discourse and can interact well with peers and adults when completing class assignments. c. Academic competence is the ability to acquire new skills, Assimilate or understand new information and establish or develop new concepts. Communicative competence Component of Communicative Competence Communicative competence includes: a. Knowledge of grammar and vocabulary relevant language b. Knowledge about the rules of speaking c. Knowing how to use and give response to various types of speech acts. d. Knowing how to use language appropriately and satisfactorily 1. Grammatical competence Grammatical competence is closely related to the mastery of the language code itself, both verbally and nonverbally. So involve characteristic to them and the rules of language such as vocabulary, won formation, sentence formation, speech, spelling and linguistic semantics. 2. Sociolinguistic competence Sociolinguistic competence are extensive direct or level of understanding utterances produced an understood appropriately and satisfactorily in various sociolinguistic contexts depending on contextual factor such as the status of participants, purpose/objective of interactions, and norms or conventions of interaction against these factors. 3. Discourse competences Type of competence is related to dominance combine forms and meanings of grammatical to involve oral or written text that is integrated into a wide range of 'genres' 4. Strategic competence Strategic competency is composed of control strategies for verbal and nonverbal communication that can be involved into the action.