Uploaded by rekywardana2907

01. Abstrak

Retaining wall is a construction that is built to hold land that has a slope or
slope where the stability of the land cannot be guaranteed by the land itself. The
building of retaining walls is used to hold lateral soil caused by topsoil or native soil
which is labile due to topography. The purpose of this study was to find out
efficiently the dimensions or size of the gravity retaining wall on the lambidaro river
in the Lubuk Bakung area of Palembang City. So that it is stable against rolling
forces, shear forces and bearing capacity. Calculation of soil pressure was calculated
using the Coulomb and Rankine method and the calculation of soil bearing power
pressure was calculated based on the Hansen and Vesic equations based on
engineering characteristics data. The results of planning and calculation of retaining
walls on the lambidaro river using soil data from laboratory tests obtained
dimensions or sizes: Upper width 40 cm, Lower width 250 cm, 50 cm foundation
height and overall wall height 350 cm. With that size it is efficient enough for
retaining walls at the location of the Lambidaro river. So that it is stable against the
rolling, shear and bearing capacity of the soil.