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Bachelor Thesis summary Rana Farrasati

RANA FARRASATI. 135040201111424. Flora Diversity at Different Levels
of Soil Compaction in the Mountain Forests of Bromo Tengger Semeru
National Park (TNBTS). Supervised by Kurniatun Hairiah dan Widianto.
Forest degradation is one of the limiting factor of the ecosystems
sustainability that caused land degradation, biodiversity loss (flora and fauna),
and deflation of its function for provide goods and environmental services. The
successfulness of restoration efforts, which will be conducted in TNBTS need
to be monitored and evaluated, therefore some informations of initial condition
both from soil and flora diversity prior to restoration are observed. The aim of
this study is to develop a baseline information by assessing the diversity of
flora (seedling, sapling, pole and trees) at different levels of soil compaction in
degraded forest compared to soil condition of natural forest in TNBTS areas.
This research were held in TNBTS, Pasuruan, East Java at two resort
management area which are RPTN Coban Trisula and RPTN Pananjakan.
Field measurements were conducted from September 2016 until December
2016. The sampling strategies used a Nested Sampling Design with 3 sources
of variance (SV) i.e. type of forest (degraded and natural forest), slopes (upper
and lower slope), and soil depths (0-10 cm; 10-20 cm; 20-30 cm) were
performed on 4 conservation areas (KK1, KK4, KK5A, KK5B) used as
replications, that made total soil samples measured was 48 samples. The
measured variables in this study consist of flora aspects which are important
value index (IVI), diversity index (H'), richness index (R), and evenness index
(E). From soil aspects were measured bulk density, particle density, porosity,
penetration resistance, C-organic, and pH.
Based on the study results shows that species diversity index (H') in
degraded forest is lower than natural forest. Index H' in degraded forest varied
upon life stages of vegetation, for seedlings has a ‘moderate’ rates (H'= 1,68),
while saplings poles and trees have a ‘low’ rates (H'<1). In natural forests for
seedling, saplings, poles and trees classified as ‘moderate’ diversity (1 <H'<3).
In the degraded forest, there are three dominated species Styphellia javanica
(seedlings, IVI = 85%), banana or Musa paradisiaca (poles, IVI = 193%), and
local name Mentigen or Vaccinium varingiaevolium (sapling and trees, IVI =
147% and 300%). In the natural forest dominated by Eupatorium riparium
(seedlings, IVI = 105%), Pilea melastomoides (sapling, IVI = 146%), Pinanga
coronata (poles, IVI = 193%), and Acacia decurrens (trees, IVI = 287%).
Forests soil in TNBTS has a low compaction rates, with average bulk density
of 0,82 g cm-3, soil porosity of 63%, and soil penetration resistance of 0,10
MPa. Approximately 20% reduction in the number of tree species in the forest
TNBTS is associated with the increasing of soil penetration resistance (R =
0.2101), but this does not revamp at the seedlings, saplings and poles