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Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris

Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris
: Heppy Salma
: MIN Karangsari
Bismillahirohmanirohim.. Assalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh
Assolatu wassalamu ala asrofil ambiyai wal mursalin waala alihi wasohbihi ajmangin. Amma
First, I say thanks to Alloh SWT for blessing us. Then, sholawat and greeting deliver to our
Prophet Muhammad SAW, Who brought us from the darkness to the brightness. Ladies and Gentlement,
today I will deliver my speech about The obligation to study.
Ladies and Gentlemen. Ideally we as human, certainly having an obligation that must be run.
Among those obligation is to worship Alloh SWT, to run all command and away from the prohibition. In
addition, among the duties commanded by God is to study. As taught by the Prophet…
Seek knowledge is an obligation for those people clams to be muslim, both men and women.
Therefore there is no harm if at any time we have done in this life, based because the commands
of Alloh with a pure heart, intentional learning and to always be grateful for what has been given by God.
Learning is a basic requirement for human beings. Early in life, when a man is born, he learned to
see the beauty of the world, learned to listen, and learned to feel the love that given by parents, especially
he must learn to always be grateful for the Lord. All of it is a reply to those who believe and fear Alloh.
Let us together to always be grateful for the favor of Alloh, learn by sincere in implementing his
commandments and learning relentless leaving the prohibition. In the end, that how wonderful heaven is
ours forever. Amiin
Now I think that’s all from me.
Wassalamualaikum warohmatullohiwabarokatuh.