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The following text is for questions 16 and 17.
1234 Main Street,Boston,MA 02123
14 February,2013
Hello Mika,
I want you to know how awful I feel about letting ou down. I know you were really counting on me
to leave you alone and I blew it! You must be frustrated and angry with me and I don’t blame you.
Nothing is more aggravating than having to deal with a flake who can’t be depended on. Ordinarily,
I am very responsible and reliable. I wish I had a good ecuse for why I failed you,but I’m afraid
there just is’nt one. I hope you’ll forgive me for this lapse on my part. Again, Iam terribly sorry.
16. From the text above we know that..
A. the writer really regrets his mistake.
B. the writer doesn’t blame his friend.
C. the writer is forgiven by his friend.
D. the writer will forgive his friend.
E. the writer shares his feelings.
17. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To tell the lapse of someone.
B. To share someone’s feelings.
C. To consider the fault.
D. To ask for apology.
E. To tell the truth.
The following text is for questions 18 and 19.
To apply for a new drive’s license,come to the BRI to buy a form. Then bring the form you’ve
completed to the license office Monday through Friday between 8.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. You
will take a written test and a driving test after you fill in other forms from the license office.
There will be a fee but not much.
18. That text is mainly about the announcement of…
A. written and driving test
B. the place to get the license
C. how to get the license form
D. applying for a drive’s license
E. the schedule to apply the drive’s license
19. According to the text,we can get the form for applying the new drive’s license by…
A. coming to the BRi
B. going to the license office
C. buying it in the license office
D. taking the written and driving test first
E. coming to the office on Monday through Friday
The following text is for questions 20 and 21.
=======THE NEW========
Combination Bug Killer ,Disinfectant
And Furniture Polish
Guaranteed by Grocers and Druggists
To Kill All Insects and Vermin
20. What does the advertisement mainly tell about?
A. the way to use the spray
B, the new product of spray
C. the advantages of using the spray
D. the spray to kill insects and vermin
E. the combination bug killer and furniture polish
21. We can infer that Radium Spray can…
A. slay all small animals with six legs
B. only damage certain small animals
C. be dangerous for human being
D. destroy all living things
E, protect small animals
The following text is for questions no.22 to 24.
A grlizzly bear killed a 57-year old man hiking in Yellowstone National Park with his wife Wednesday. It’s the
first fatal bear mauling in the park since 1986.
The bears involved in Wednesday’s encounter have not been captured,and park officials said they did not
immediately have enough information to determine what measures,if any,they might take in the aftermath of the
According to the AP,Yellowstone National Park is home at least 600 grizzly bears,though some say the
population is over 1.000. While the attack is the first fatal mauling in the park since 1986,it’s the third in the region
in little over a year.
A National Park Service statement said the couple surprised the mother grizzly while with her cubs,and that the
grizzly fatally mauled the man in “an attempt to defend a perceived threat to her cubs.”
22. The third paragraph talk us that….in the Yellowstone National Park.
A. the grizzly bears’ attack is the first fatal mauling
B. there are more than six hundred grizzly bears
C. there are only one thousand grizzly bears
D. the grizzly bears attack the population
E. the grizzly bears are wild animals
23. From the text,we know that…
A. they were often fatal accidents in Yellowstone Park
B. a bear killed an old man at Yellowstone Park
C. grizzly bear and her cubs were attacked
D. unexpected incident happened in the zoo
E. the old woman got a tragic incident
24.Why did the grizzly bear attack the old man?
A. the old man disturbed the bear’s cubs
B. the grizzly bear wanted to eat the old man
C. the bear thought the man threatened it’s cubs
D. the bear defended itself from enemy;s attack
E. the old man and his wife took the cubs of the bear
The following text is for questions 25 to 27.
BAYLESA STATE: The price f oil has risen than one hundred twenty dollars a barrel,some expert say the most
recent price increase is only the beginning,they have predicted that oil could reach two hundred dollars a barrel
Unrest oil producing countries has been partly to blame.Last weekend,a rebel group in Nigeria said it attacked
an oil center in Baylesa State. Nigeria is the eight biggest oil exporters in the world.
Also Iraq is slowly rebuilding its oil production ability. Iraq’s industry minister says the countries oil production
is currentky at about two million barrels of oil a day. He says that could increase to five million barrels a days in
three days depending on how much foreign help Iraq receives.
The Venezuelan Government’s efforts to control its oil industry have increased tensions with foreign oil
producers. And Russia,The world’s second largest exporter,has also sought to increase government control of its
energy recources. Nationalization of oil resources often forces out oreign investment that would normally seek to
increase supplies.
Another cause of high oil prices is the weak American dollar. Oil is traded in dollars. So a less valuable dollar
buys less oil. But experts have notes that the week dollar alone cannot explain the increase of about eight five
percent in the price of oil over the last year.
They organization of petroleum exporting countries is the world largest oil producing group. It says its member
nations not including Iraq, are investing one hundred twenty billion dollars in over one hundred new oil projects.
OPEC says its produces forty five percent of the words oil export.
In the post, non OPEC producer like Russia,Mexico,and Norway have increase production to meet demand. But
these nations have struggled to keep productions at the level of recent year. Norway’s production for example,has
decreased by twenty five percent since two thousand one.
The expanding economies of ASIA,especially China and India have increase pressure on world supplies.
Meeting demand appears to be harder than ever before.
25. The text mainly tells about..
A. the increasing of oil price
B. the oil exporting countries
C. the decreasing of oil price
D. the cause of increasing oil price
E. the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
26. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text above?
A. Asian countries need more oil to provide for their economic development
B. there are political conflicts in some oil producing countries
C. Iraq is fast rebuilding its oil production ability
D. there is a decrease in oil sources
E. the value of US dollar is low
27. “Unrest in oil producing countries has been partly to blame”. (Paragraph 2)
The word “ Unrest” means…
A. incapability
B. impossibility
C. instability
D. disability
E. inability
The following text is for questions 28 to 30.
Makassar: Fifteen people were injured after being hit by a car driven by 14-year old H.R.R. in Makassar,South
Sulawesi,on Saturday.
The red Honda Jazz car which belonged to H.R.R’s father, was involved in a sequence of five crashes on Jl.
Baji Gau, Jl. Dangko , at the Hartac housing complex and Jl. Dg Tata I, injuring 15 people,including three
motorists and a pedicab driver
Angry residents damaged the car after the fifth crash,while H.R.R was arrested by the local
police,tribunnews.com reported.
The accident reminded the public of a fatal accident in Jakarta on January 22 in which a highy intoxicated
driver,Apriyani Susanti,slammed her car into pedestrians on Jl. Ridwan Muis in Central Jakarta.
The accident killed eight people on the spot while the ninth victim died at Gatot Subroto Army
Hospital.Three other critically injured pedestrians were hospitalized.
28.What is the text about?
A. the impact of the car hit in Makassar
B. the condition of the victims of the car crash
C. the anger of the residents about the car crash
D. a lethal accident which occurred in South Sulawesi
E. a teenager driver who hit many people in Makassar
29. Which of the following spots is NOT the places where H.R.R. involved in car crash?
A. Jl.Cendrawasih
B. Jl.Ridwan Muis
C. Jl.Dg Tata I
D. Jl.Baji Gau
E. Jl.Dangko
30.The first paragraph talks us about…
A. H.R.R. father’s red Honda Jazz car was involved in the accident
B. three motorists and a pedicab driver were injured
C. three were fifteen people injured in the accident
D. the red Honda Jazz belongs to H.R.R.’S father
E. H.R.R. father’s car was a red Honda Jazz
The following text is for questions 31 and 32.
I lifted my wet woolen gloves up to my damp eyelashes and wiped the delicate snowflakes from my eyes. I could
feel my nose and my breathe was like icecles forming in the air. I was cold. I was fed up! I wanted to go home.
Mum and dad had forced me and two sisters – Jenny and Mary to go for a Sunday afternoon walk in the park. I
could see my footprints in the snowy path. Like a trail of breadcrumbs in the forest showing me the way home
I stopped and listened to the music around me. I could hear the wind howling like a stray hungry dog for a
yummy none. The branches of the trees that used to whisper and rustle had become bare,brown bones and the
grass was covered with a white sparkling blanket. Then I saw a web shimmer and glimmer beneath a pale sun.
My breath was like silky soft smoke wafting up into the freezing cold air.
Suddenly there was mum with a big cup of liquid heaven. She handed it to me with an enormous smile on
her face. “Here you are Jo,this will keep you warm.” I slowly sipped the delicious liquid and fet it dripping and
slipping down into my tummy like lava flowing down a mountainside. My wer woolen gloves were no longer
frozen but warm. My breath had thawed and I was no longer feel up or cold. I was happy and contented.
31. What did the writer’s parents ask him to do?
A. have a walk in the park
B. go home on Sunday afternoon
C. enjoy the scenery in the snowy
D have a big cup of liquid heaven
E. wear the gloves to warm his hands
32. Paragraph 2 mainly tells about…
A. the condition of snowy weather
B. the beautiful scenery
C. the wind in the snow
D. the strong wind
E. the slim body
The following text is for questions 33 and 34
Tyrannosaurus Rex,sometimes just called T-rex,is believed to be the largest and most fearsome predator on Earth’s
land ever to have existed.
This dinosaur one lived in the Creataceous period approximately 60 to 65 million years ago.The T-rex lived in
a humid,semi-tropical environtment,in open forests with nearby rivers and in coastal forested swamps. The seasons
were mild.
Tyrannosaurus rex was up to 40 feet (12.4 m) long,about 15 to 20 feet (4.6 to 6 m) tall. The arms were wonly
about 3 feet (1 m ) long. Tyrannosaurus rex was roughly 5 to 7 tons in weight.
As a carnoviorous dinosaur,this giant predator most likely ambushed their prey,and devoured the with jaws
full of white sharp teeth. With its fast ability to run at an astonishing speed of 32 mph (50 kmh), a perfect of slim
and stiff tail that gave it an excellent balance and allowed it to make quick turns,equipped this gigantic predator
and made it even more deadly,like a killing machine.
33. The text is about..
A. Tyrannosaurus rex
B the largest dinosaur
C. the most fearsome predator
D. the habitat of Tyrannosaurus rex
E. the life history of tyrannosaurus rex
34. Why was T-rex known as a deadly animal?
A. it had the white sharp teeth and fast ability to run
B. it was he largest predator in the world
C. it most likely attack its prey
D. its big posture scared its prey
E. it liked to keep its prey
The following text is for questions 35 to 37
Seasons come to us regularly. We have probably noticed that it gets warmer in summer or dry season while it
gets colder in the winter or wet season. However do we know how these seasons change?
Seasons happen and change every year. This happens because the earth tilts back and forth as it goes around
the sun. During the summer,the earth tilts toward the sun. It makes half of the earth hotter. This condition is what
we call summer. During the other half of the year,the earth tilts away from the suns. As a resut,it makes that half
of the earth cooler. This cool condition is then what we call winter.
The different parts of the world have the same season at different times. In the northern half of the world,winter
happens durng the months of December,January,February. The regions are such North America and Europe. In the
other hand, the southern half of the world have winter during months of June,July,August. The regions are like
South America and Australia. How does this difference happen? The same season happens at different times
because the top and bottom halves of the earth tilt away from the sun at different times.
35. The text explains…
A. how the seasons happen
B. kinds of seasons in the world
C. the change of weather in a country
D. the expected and unexpected seasons
E. the difference of seasons among other countries
36. Why do seasons always change?
A. the earth tilts toward the sun
B. the earth tilts away from the sun
C. the same season happens at different times
D. the earth tilts back and forth as it goes around the sun
E. the top and bottom halves of the earth tilt away from the sun at different times
37. The writer’s intention in writing the text is..
A. to report the season that happened in some countries
B. to explain how the seasons happen and change
C. to tell about the difference of seasons
D. to describe the seasons on the earth
E. to classify the seasons
The following text is for questions 38 to 40
Drug users are actually ill people who need to be helped. Rehabilitation is one of the ain things that they should
get. Instead of punishing and stacking them in prisons which are getting full,the government should provide
rehabilitation for them. Most users are actually victims of persuasive peddlers and they suffer from consuming the
drugs.Therefore,by rehabilitating them,we are actually helping them out of a trap,which they might accidentally
step on. They then,can start a normal life again.
Furthermore,if we only arrest drug users and send them to jail it doesn’t solve the problem because the drug
users will still be addicts unless being properly treated. Jaild will be filled up with drug users. Moreover, the users
will still be users after released from the prison. They then,will be arrested again.
By providing rehabilitating programmes for drug users and forcing them to participate on the programmes is
a better way tan only arresting them and do nothing on their illness.
Moreover,the prison will not be so full and packed up with users. Only drug dealers,traffickers,and
wholesalers should be imprisoned instead.
38. What will happen if the drug users do not get a rehabilitation?
A. they will persuade the others to use the drugs
B. they will be still addicted to drugs
C. they will not be sent to the prison
D. they will sell lots of drugs again
E. they will stop using drugs
39. The text mainly tells about..
A. the rehabilitation that should be provided for the drugs users
B. the drugs users as the victims of the problem
C. the solution to help the drug users
D. the impact of being the drug users
E. the punishment to the drug users
40. The main idea of paragraph 3 is…
A. the punishment to the drugs dealers,traffickers,and wholesalers
B. the participation of the drugs users in a program
C. the prison as the best place for the drugs users
D. the rehabilitation for the drug users
E. the way to help the drugs users
The following text is for questions 41 to 43
Working and going to school is challenging,it can be a rewarding experience if you use some foresight.
However,you’d better think a hundred times before you decde to take a part tie job. There are a lot of things that
should be considered to take a part time job.
Working and still maintaining a good grade at school is not an easy task. Having less time for schoolwok
becomes the main negative effect. Consequently,many students who work part time fail to perform at their best
both on schoolwork and on examinations. Moreover,a part-time job can eally interfere with the students’ free
time. It also cuts into their studies or social life.
On the positive side,a part time job helps students to support day to day living expenses. Working can be a
valuable part of a student’s life. Students can derive a great deal from working. In most cases,they can acquire a
nice dose of discipline and a whole new set of skills and experiences. Another benefit of part time work is
opportunity to expand the resume. Ideally,a student should try to find a job that is related in some way to his or
her selected field of study. But if not, a student can still gain some work experience and develop his or her skills.
Working takes a lot of time and energy, so student need to make sure to be able to handle both employment
and their current commitments. Finally,if you are considering working part time,talk to your school counsellor to
discuss this move. Explaining your goals to someone else can help you make decisions and figure out your
41. The bad impact of taking a part time job is…
A. no opportunity to expand the resume of the course work
B. disturbing student’s living expenses
C. having less time for schoolwork
D. no chance to develop the skills
E. being undisciplined
42. The text discusses about…
A. the effects for students of taking part time jobs
B. the reason why students should take part time jobs
C. thepositive impacts for students of taking part time jobs
D. the best decision for students to take part time jobs
E. what the students do on their free time
43. From paragraph four,we can imply that…
A. students have to handles their studies and job when taking a part time job
B. students may take the job after completing their studies
C. students should study first than take a part time job
D. students are forbidden to take the part time job
E. part time job makes students be tired
The following text is for questions 44 to 46
The Ghost at the Trial
The Ghost at the Trial tells about a man,George Fatherly. One day, he was reading a newspaper in his sitting
room. On the front page,there was news about a horrible murder. After he read that news,he had a dream about
the victim’s room that he had read before. When he woke up,he saw a strange thing happened in font of his
apartment. He saw a frightened man who was followed by a pale face’s man. Both of them were staring at him.
Three days later, some police arrested a man accused as the murder.
Two months later,George and his servant saw a ghost in his dressing room. They were frightened. The next
morning, George got a letter from the Law Courts. He was asked to be a member of the jury in a trial.
In the trial,George had some strange experience again. First,he saw the frightened man that he saw in front of
his apartment two months ago as the accused person. When the udge asked who wanted to be the foreman between
the jury,George lifted his hands up.
According to the list,there shoud be only twelve juries,but he saw thirteen juries in the trial. The thirteenth
jury was shadow of the ghost.
On the ffth day of the trial,George realized that the ghost who kept following him during the trial was the
victim of murderer case and he wanted him to recover the fact. The ghost wanted George to prove that the accused
an was guilty and must be punished.
The last day of the trial,the judge spoke to the jury. George as the foreman told the judge about the accused
man,the victim,and the witnesses.At that time,the ghost appeared in the trial room. When the judge finally decided
that the accused man was guilty,the ghost disappeared. His revenge had been paid.
44. The ghost kept on following George because he wanted George to…
A. prove that the accused man was guilty
B. revenge the accused man
C. discuss the murder case
D. scare the accused man
E. frighten the juries
45. How many juries were there at the table?
A. Eleven juries
B. Twelve juries
C. Thirteen juries
D. Fourteen juries
E. Fifteen juries
46. We infer that...
A. the victim of murderer becae the ghost helping George to prove the guilty man
B. George was not jury helping the victim of murder prove the guilty man
C. the victim was not a murderer helping the jury prove the accused man
D. George was a jury not to help the victim prove the guilty man
E. George was the victim of murderer becoming the ghost
47. Arrange the following sentences into the correct and meaningful paragraph!
(1) Next,slide the SIM card carefuly into the slot and make sure that the golden connectors are facing to the
connector of the phone
(2) Press the locking catch and slide the cover then lift it off the phone
(3) Insert the two catches of the back cover corresponding slot in the phone and slide the cover forward button
of the phone until locks into place
(4) Don't forget to switch on the cellphone. Wait until it is ready to use
(5)When inserting the SIM card to cellphone,make sure that the cellphone has been switched off and follow
the direction below
(6) Put the battery and align it until sanps into its place
(7) Push two catches in the opposite directions and remove the battery
Which of the followings is the good arrangement to be the correct text?
A. 5-1-2-7-3-6-4
B. 5-2-7-1-6-3-4
C. 5-6-1-2-7-3-4
D. 5-7-2-1-6-3-4
E. 5-7-1-2-6-4-3
The following incomplete text is for questions 48 to 50
One of Kelly Brook’s hobby is swimming. She likes to … (48)… whole day swimming in the sea. She usually
goes swimming on weekend on to refresh and away from her routine. Last Saturday afternoon,Kelly visited Long
Beach to enjoy sun shine. She walked alone on the beach. Then,she stopped in the shady place to remove her
clothes. In blue sexy swimsuit, Kelly walked toward began to step into the water. Kelly swam around 100 meter.
Her hair was wet and made her look so beautiful. Kelly … (49) … to enjoy her time on the beach. She swam
until she got her skin tanned. She looked cheerful and laughed a lot. The sunhad set down when Kelly too her
clothes on… (50) … walked through the sand to go home. She lookeds satisfied and fresh.
48.A. spend
B. expand
C. make
D. waste
E. give
49. A. seemed
B. seems
C. is seemed
D. had seemed
E. has seemed
50.A. so
B. and
C. then
D. although
E. moreover