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Tugas Mata Kuliah Seminar isu-isu strategis 2020 Semester 4 (Autosaved)

Judul Proposal Penelitian Tesis :
Analisis Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Interprofessional Collaboration Practice Terhadap
Kualitas Pelayanan ANC Terpadu di Puskesmas Kota Surabaya
Variabel Independent
This article summarizes the key features of
Framework for Action on
the World Health Organization's framework
Interprofessional Education and
for action on interprofessional education and
Collaborative Practice
World Health Organization (WHO) (2010)
collaborative practice. The framework is a
call for action to policy-makers, decisionmakers, educators, health workers,
community leaders, and global health
advocates to move toward embedding
interprofessional education and collaborative
practice in all of the services they deliver
Successful collaboration in health care teams
The Determinants of Successful
can be attributed to numerous elements,
Collaboration: A Review of Theoretical
including processes at work in interpersonal
and Empirical Studies
Leticia San Martin Rodriguez, Marie
relationships within the team (the
Dominique Beaulieu, Danielle D’Amour and interactional determinants), conditions within
Marcela Ferrada Videla (2005)
the organization (the organizational
determinants), and the organization’s
environment (the systemic determinants).
This article introduces key concepts relating
Collaboration in Health Care
Lyndon Morley, and Angela Cashell (2017)
to interprofessional collaborative
teamwork. Approaches to measuring and
studying collaboration and evidence
demonstrating the benefits of collaboration
are presented. The structural, psychological,
and educational factors which may determine
collaborative behaviour are described.
Health care delivery system does not provide
Crossing The Quality Chasm: A New
consistent, high-quality medical care to all
Health System For The 21 Century
Instituted of Medicine (IOM) (2001)
people. Americans should be able to count on
receiving care that meets their needs and is
based on the best scientific knowledge--yet
there is strong evidence that this frequently is
not the case. Health care harms patients too
frequently and routinely fails to deliver its
potential benefits. Indeed, between the health
care that we now have and the health care
that we could have lies not just a gap, but a
The focus of this article is to provide
Core Communication Competencies in
Patient-centered Care (
information on core nursing competencies for
effective communication and to discuss
communication tools used in patient-centered
care, interprofessional collaboration, and
Gambaran Pengetahuan Sikap dan
Dukungan Keluarga oleh Ibu Hamil
Terhadap Pelayanan Kebidanan di
Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas
Andi Syarkawi, dan Muhammad Anwar
Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh lebih dari
(59,2%) yang memiliki tingkat pengetahuan
kurang terhadap pelayanan kebidanan.
Sedangkan sikap diperoleh lebih dari (55,1%)
yang memiliki sikap kurang terhadap
pelayanan kebidanan dan dukungan keluarga
diperoleh kurang dari (24,5%) yang memiliki
dukungan keluarga kurang terhadap
pelayanan kebidanan. Melihat dari hasil
tersebut maka dapat di tarik kesimpulan
bahwa pelayanan kebidanan di Kecamatan
Mehalaan belum sesuai yang diharapkan ibu
hamil yang di tentukan maka disarankan
sebaiknya ibu hamil untuk lebih
memanfaatkan pelayanan kebidanan untuk
menghindari tejadinya gejala pada janin yang
dikandung oleh ibu hamil.
Variabel Intervening
Implementation Strategies: “Collaboration The research projects intervention was used
in Primary Care-Family Doctors & Nurse to develop this paper that provides a
description of collaborative practices that
Practitioners Delivering Shared Care”
Daniel Way, Linda Jones, and Nick Busing
build appropriately upon the strengths that
each professional partner brings to the
Collaboration is a complex phenomenon, yet
Collaboration: a Concept Analysis
Elizabeth A Henneman, Jan L. Lee, and Joan one that is of significance to nursing. This
I. Cohen (1995)
concept analysis presents definitions and
defining characteristics of collaboration so
that the concept may be used in the creation
of operational definitions, or to develop and
evaluate tools for measuring collaboration.
Antecedents, consequences and empirical
referents of collaboration are explored
Model, contrary and related cases are
presented to clarify this concept further
Collaborative practice is receiving increased
Development and Pilot Testing of The
attention as a model of healthcare delivery
Collaborative Practice Asessment Tool
that positively influences the effectiveness
Corinne Schroder, Jennifer Medves, Margo
and efficiency of patient care while
Paterson, Vaughan Byrnes, Christine
improving the work environment of
Chapman,Anne O’Riordan, Deborah Pichora healthcare providers. The collaborative
and Carly Kelly (2011)
Practice Assessment Tool (CPAT) was
developed from the literature to enable
interprofessional teams to assess their
collaborative practice.
The need to be able to assess collaborative
Assessment of Interprofessional Team
practice in health care teams has been
Collaboration Scale (AITCS): Further
recognized in response to the direction for
Testing and Instrument Revision
Carole Orchard, Linda L. Pederson, Emily
team-based care in a number of policy
Read, Cornelia Mahler, and Heather
documents. The purpose of this study is to
Laschinger (2018)
report on further refinement of such a
measurement instrument, the Assessment of
Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale
(AITCS) first published in 2012. To
support this refinement, two objectives were
set: Objective 1: to determine whether the
items from the data collected in 2016 load
on the same factors as found for the 2012
version of the 37-item AITCS. Objective 2:
to determine whether the items in the
subscales of the AITCS could be reduced
while retaining psychometric properties
similar to those from the earlier versions of
the AITCS. The result was a 23-item AITCSII for practitioners that retained acceptable
levels of reliability and validity within 3
subscales—partnership (8 items), cooperation
Development and Testing of a Conceptual
Framework for Interprofessional
Collaborative Practice
Brenda J. Stutsky and Heather K. Spence
Laschinger (2014)
Development of a New Measurement Scale
for Interprofessional Collaborative
Competency: The Chiba Interprofessional
Competency Scale (CICS29)
Ikuko Sakai, Takeshi Yamamoto, Yoshinori
Takahashi, Takashi Maeda, Yuuko Kunii &
Kana Kurokochi (2016)
Nurse - Physician Collaboration: A
Comparative Study of The Attitudes of
Nurses and Physicians at Mansoura
University Hospital
Karima A. EL Sayed and Wafaa F. Sleem
(8 items), and coordination (7 items).
Validated conceptual frameworks are needed
to guide interprofessional research in order to
build a systematic body of knowledge of
Interprofessional Collaborative Practice
(ICP). A conceptual framework derived from
an extensive review of the interprofessional
literature was developed. In the framework,
constructs that include personal factors (i.e.,
beliefs in interprofessional collaboration,
flexibility, trust, cooperation, and
communication skills) and situational factors
(i.e., leadership, empowerment, and support
structures) are posited to influence effective
ICP. ICP is conceptualized as understanding
of roles, interdependence, knowledge
exchange, and collective ownership of goals.
Consequences of ICP include improved
patient, organizational, and team and
personal work behaviours and attitudes.
The purpose of this study was to refine the
items on a scale measuring interprofessional
collaborative competency that was developed
by the authors in an earlier pilot study. As the
structural validity of the CICS29 has been
verified, it is possible to obtain a
multidimensional measurement of the
competencies in interprofessional
collaborative practice.
Collaboration and team work between
physicians and nurses is crucial for patient
care and morale. Each team member has his
own perspective regarding assessment and
plan of care for a patient and only through
collaboration and exchange of information
can appropriate treatment plans be made. The
study aims to study attitudes of nurses and
physicians regarding nurse-physician
collaboration in general medical and surgical
units at Mansoura University Hospital and to
measure differences in attitudes of nurses and
physicians regarding nurse – physician
collaboration. Results revealed that the total
scores indicated that nurses have more
positive attitudes toward nurse- physician
collaboration than physicians
Variabel Dependen
COPE adalah metode peningkatan kualitas
Kualitas Pelayanan yang Berorientasi
dengan melihat dua sisi yang terlibat dalam
pada Pelanggan di Puskesmas
Hendrianto T. Wibowo (2009)
pelayanan kesehatan di Puskesmas yaitu
pasien yang meneima pelayanan dan petugas
selaku pemberi pelayanan. Hal ini bertujuan
agar proses peningkatan kualitas tepat
sasaran dan dapat berlangsung secara terus
menerus karena COPE merupakan suatu
proses yang berkesinambungan dan dapat
diterapkan sesuai dengan kemampuan dan
sumber-sumber yang tersedia di lapangan.
Pendapat Ibu Hamil Tentang Pemenuhan Salah satu aspek dari kualitas pelayanan
kesehatan adalah terpenuhinya hak klien
Haknya pada Pelayanan Kehamilan di
yang terdiri dari hak untuk memperoleh
Andryansyah Arifin (2010)
informasi tentang jenis layanan yang
diberikan, akses terhadap pelayanan,
memperoleh informasi sehingga dapat
memilih pelayanan yang diinginkan,
keamanan, privasi dan terjamin kerahasiaan,
penghargaan, kenyamanan dan bebas
mengemukakan pendapat serta kelangsungan
pelayanan rujukan. Hasil penelitian
menemukan bahwa hanya sedikit ibu hamil
yang selalu terpenuhi haknya pada pelayanan
antenatal di Puskesmas, hal ini merupakan
indikasi rendahnya kualitas pelayanan
antenatal di Puskesmas. Mengingat hak
pasien pada pelayanan kesehatan telah
diamanatkan dalam Undang-undang no.36
tahun tentang kesehatan, maka sangat
disarankan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan
dan keterampilan provider kesehatan (bidan
dan dokter) agar mampu memenuhi hak ibu
hamil dan memperbaiki kualitas pelayanan
antenatal di Puskesmas, dan disarankan pula
untuk lebih menitik beratkan soft skills
seperti keterampilan komunikasi antar
manusia pada pendidikan bidan dan dokter.
Development and Testing of a Conceptual Validated conceptual frameworks are needed
to guide interprofessional research in order to
Framework for Interprofessional
build a systematic body of knowledge of
Collaborative Practice
Brenda J. Stutsky and Heather K. Spence
interprofessional collaborative practice (ICP).
Laschinger (2014)
A conceptual framework derived from an
extensive review of the interprofessional
literature was developed. In the framework,
constructs that include personal factors (i.e.,
beliefs in interprofessional collaboration,
flexibility, trust, cooperation, and
communication skills) and situational factors
Komunikasi Efektif dalam Praktek
Kolaborasi Interprofesi Sebagai Upaya
Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan
Noor Ariyani Rokhmah dan Anggorowati
(i.e., leadership, empowerment, and support
structures) are posited to influence effective
ICP. ICP is conceptualized as understanding
of roles, interdependence, knowledge
exchange, and collective ownership of goals.
Consequences of ICP include improved
patient, organizational, and team and
personal work behaviours and attitudes.
Tujuan penelitian literature review ini adalah
untuk mengetahui komunikasi efektif dalam
praktik kolaborasi interprofesi akan
meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan.
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