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Study Case of Geological Hazard at Eretan Area

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Study Case of Geological Hazard at Eretan Area Based on Morphometry Analysis
Conference Paper · November 2019
5 authors, including:
Arthur G.P. Nayoan
Sofyan Rahman
Universitas Trisakti
Universitas Trisakti
Harry Pramudito
Universitas Trisakti
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Tentrem Hotel, Yogyakarta, November 25th – 28th, 2019
Study Case of Geological Hazard at Eretan Area Based on Morphometry
Rivolino Edison (1), Arthur G.P. Nayoan (1), Rafael H. Daned (1), Sofyan Rachman (2)
and Harry Pramudito (2)
(1) Student of Geological Engineering Department, Trisakti University
(2) Lecturer of Geological Engineering Department, Trisakti University
Lately the topic of disasters is a main topic that is always
discussed by the public. Disasters that occur naturally are
always related to the geological conditions that exist in
some region and regional conditions, such as Indonesia
which has a tropical climate so that the lithology of an area
becomes easily weathered. One of the areas that the author
is currently researching is Eretan and its surroundings,
West Java. This time the author research aims to determine
and analyze the geological disaster of the research area that
is associated with the disaster mitigation. The method used
by the author is geological mapping, morphometric
analysis, and remote sensing method. Based on the
morphometric analysis the author got three geomorpholical
units of the study area, the units are structural steep slope
hills, denudational sloping hills, and fluvial sloping slightly
tilted low hills. Using the remote sensing method the author
know about the residential area and the current
environmental conditions of the research area. Based on the
geological mapping that has been done, the writer knows
the geological unit of the research area, namely volcanic
breccia, claystone, tuffaceous breccia, and alluvial deposits
with weathering levels which are generally high weathering
- extreme weathering. The research results of the authors
based on the analysis that has been carried out, that the area
have potential landslides in the east of the research area that
can disrupt and inhibit river water flow in the east of the
research area which is assumed to produce floods in the
surrounding residential areas.
loss of property, damage to facilities & infrastructure, and
other public facilities, as well as causing victims of humans
and other living things. In this research the writer focused
on the type of landslide geological disaster.
Generally the controlling factors for landslide disaster
including geomorphological conditions/slope, geological
conditions, soil conditions or rocks that make up the slopes,
conditions of hydrogeology, and land use conditions
(Sampurno, 1975). But, in the author’s research area there
are two causes that can trigger a landslide disaster. The first
cause it is the lithology itself, what type of rock that occur
in the area. The last cause is what is the morphological
formation that exists in some area. This two causes occur in
the author’s research area in the Eretan and it’s
Keywords : Geological Hazard, Morphometry, Geology,
Remote Sensing, and Eretan Area
Until now the public’s understanding about geological
hazard in Indonesia is inadequate. Recent disasters like
Palu’s earthquake and Banten’s tsunami, have made the
community looking up the geological hazard’s topic. The
disaster that occur in Indonesia is related to the conditions
that existed in Indonesia, where Indonesia itself is traversed
by three main plates (Indo-Australia, Eurasia, and Pasific).
Then Indonesia is a country that has a tropical climate
which bringing many benefits, but also it can bring a
negative impact that causes disasters. According to Zakaria
(2010) geological hazard is an event caused by geological
conditions involving geological aspects and resulting in
Figure 1: The landslide disasters classification
(Cruden and Varnes, 1996)
Data and Method
The method that author used in this research is geological
mapping, morphometric analysis, and remote sensing
method with research aims to determine and analyze the
geological disaster of the research area and associated with
the disaster mitigation.
TBA Hotel, Yogyakarta, November 25th – 28th, 2019
the surrounding community, because there were no village
or infrastructure around the area.
Geomorphological Analysis
and Geological Mapping
Figure 3: The appearance of a structural steep
slope hills in the research area (Purple Line)
Figure 2: The research flowchart
Result and Discussion
a. Geomorphological Analysis
In the geomorphological analysis the author use Van
Zuidam (1983) for the morphometric analysis that occur in
the research area and also assisted with the Verstappen
(1983) geomorphology genetic classification. Based on this
analysis the author got three geomorphological units, the
units are structural steep slope hills, denudational sloping
hills, and fluvial sloping slightly tilted low hills.
In denudational sloping hills there are a medium landslides
probability. Because based on Van Zuidam (1985) analysis
the sloping hills has a condition of easier surface erosion
with intensive surface erosion and low-speed mass
movement. The landslide vulnerability is also related to
structural steep slope hills in the east of denudational
sloping hills units. In this unit there’s a high probability
landslide can occur, because of the unit’s morphological
formation itself and the control of geological structure. The
author interpret that the landslide will occur towards the
river in the east. The last geomorphological unit fluvial
sloping slightly tilted low hils has a very low landslide
probability, but there a high possibility of flood can occur.
Although the impact of the flood was very large on this
geomorphological unit, it did not have a negative effect on
Figure 4: The geomorphological map of the
research area, where the slope tends to tilt to
the east
b. Geological Mapping Analysis
Apart from morphology, lithology types also have a large
impact on landslides occurance. Beside that, the author also
focuses on the degree of weathering of rocks based on
ISRM (1978) in the study area combined with the lithology
data. From the geological mapping the author got four
geological units volcanic breccia, claystone, tuffaceous
breccia, and alluvial deposits. The alluvial deposits in the
study area act as a sign of a fluvial genetic
geomorphological unit and there’s no sign of weathering
effect in this units.
Then in the tuffaceous breccia geological unit in the west of
the research area there’s many indication of weathering
effect in this geological units with range completely
wheatered to extremely wheatered. This indication of
TBA Hotel, Yogyakarta, November 25th – 28th, 2019
weathering greatly affect the occurrence of landslides in the
research area. Other than that the location of this unit which
tends to be higher further strengthens future landslides
probability and this unit also in the area of denudational
sloping hills geomorphological unit.
landslide in the research area is high enough on the slope’s
cliff west of the river.
Figure 7: The geological engineering map and
the distribution of lithologies in author’s
research area
Figure 5:
The appearance of a tuffaceous
breccia geological unit with the indication of
highly wheatered in the outcrop
Going to the east of tuffaceous breccia unit the author
found the clay geological units which there are some
indication of medium weathered effect in this geological
units. Then in the next of geological units the author found
volcanic breccia with weathering indication in range from
slightly to medium weathered. But the main problem that
the author find the indication of completely weathered to
extremely weathered on the slope’s cliff. This make the
causes of the slope in west of the river to be more
susceptible to occur landslides in the research area.
Figure 8: The river flow pattern map that
show us the connection about Cimanuk river
with the river around the village
Figure 6: The appearance of a volcanic breccia
geological unit with the indication of medium
wheatered in the outcrop of the research area
c. Remote Sensing Analysis
From the analysis that has been done about the landslide in
the research area based on geological mapping and
geomorphological analysis. The probability of occurance of
Figure 9: The remote sensing map and the
location of Kadujaya village east from the
research area (Yellow Circle)
TBA Hotel, Yogyakarta, November 25th – 28th, 2019
From the remote sensing in can be interpret that if landslide
will occur in the future, the movement direction of the
landslide will be in accordance with the same of the slope
direction. If this landslide occurs, it will hold up of the river
(Cimanuk River) flow from the dam (Jatigede Dam). This
situation coincides with the location of the Kadujaya
village east of the research area, where the direction of the
river flow around the village will lead to the larger river
(Cimanuk River).
Zakaria, Z. 2010. Praktikum Geologi Teknik. Bandung.
Universitas Padjajaran.
Because the Cimanuk river flow is hold up by the landslide
material, it will make inhibition of river flow around the
village and make the local flood.
Based on this research that the author did, the landslide in
the research area are closely related to morphological
formation and weathering conditions. Generally the range
of weathering condition in the research area slightly
wheatered to completely wheatered and from the author
interpretation this can cause the future landslide in the
research area. If the landslide occur in the future, it will
hold up the Cimanuk river flow and will hold up the river
flow around the village naturally.
So from that the author's advice for the local government,
must hold learning about local disasters that can occur in
the recent area to the local village, so that the local villager
will always be vigilant in the event of a disaster such as
landslides that the author has interpreted in this research in
the research area.
Cruden, D.M., Varnes, D.J. 1996. Landslide Types and
Process; Landslides Investigation and Mitigation,
Special report 247. Transport Research Board, National
Research Council, Editors : K.A.Turner dan R.
Schuster, National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
ISRM, 1978. Suggested Methods for The Quantitative
Description of Discontinuities in Rock Masses. Int. J.
Rock Mech. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr., Pergamon Press
Ltd, Vol. 15, p. 319 – 368.
Sampurno. 1975. Geologi Daerah Longsoran Jawa Barat.
Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan IV Ikatan Ahli Geologi
Van Zuidam. R. A. 1983. Guide to Geomorfhology Ariel
Photographic Interpretation and Mapping. ITC
Enschede The Nederland.
Van Zuidam R. A. 1985, Aerial Photo – Interpretation in
Terrain Analysis and Geomorphologic Mapping, Smith
Publisher, The Hauge, ITC.
Verstappen, H. Th., 1983. Applied Geomorphology
Development. New York. El sevier
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