Crop Protection 118 (2019) 57–65 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Crop Protection journal homepage: Plant virus diseases and their management in Bangladesh a,c,1 M.S. Akhter b c d , A.M. Akanda , K. Kobayashi , R.K. Jain , Bikash Mandal T d,∗ a Fruit Research Station, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Rajshahi, Bangladesh Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), Gazipur, Bangladesh Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology and Virology, Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University, Japan d Advanced Centre for Plant Virology, Division of Plant Pathology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, India b c A R T I C LE I N FO A B S T R A C T Keywords: Bangladesh Plant virus disease Begomovirus Cucumovirus Potyvirus Tospovirus Plant virus vector Plant virus management Plant virus diseases are significant constraints in agricultural production in Bangladesh. The hot and humid environmental conditions are highly favourable for the perpetuation of the viruses as well as vectors round the year. Although, the virus diseases are recorded in many crops, vegetables and pulses are most seriously affected. Several viruses belonging to the genera Begomovirus, Cucumovirus, Potyvirus and Tospovirus have been recorded during the last decade. Whitefly and thrips-transmitted viruses have emerged as major constraints in the horticultural crops. Management of viral diseases largely depends on the control of insect vectors by widespread application of insecticides. The epidemics of leaf curl, yellow vein, yellow mosaic and bud necrosis diseases were witnessed in the recent past. However, the knowledge of identity and diversity of viruses occurring in Bangladesh are largely lacking. This review provides the first comprehensive account of viral disease problems in the cultivation of several important crops and their management in Bangladesh. 1. Introduction Plant viruses have been recognised as one of the major constraints in agricultural production Worldwide. The information on plant virus diseases is generally well documented in the developed countries. The impact of plant viruses on agricultural production in the developing and underdeveloped countries are difficult to assess adequately due to lack of research facilities and expertise. Devastating losses caused by plant viruses have been witnessed in many countries in the South and South East Asia (Mandal et al., 2012; Rishi, 2009; Schreinemachers et al., 2015; Varma and Malathi, 2003). Bangladesh situated in South East Asia adjacent to India has a typical hot-humid tropical environment with numerous rivers and water bodies. Bangladesh is an agriculture-based country with 8.52 million hectares of cultivable land, where a wide range of crops such as cereals, fibers, fruits, oilseeds, pulses and vegetables are cultivated. Plant diseases caused by viruses are serious constraints in agriculture in Bangladesh (Fakir, 1984). The tropical climate favours a high prevalence of viruses and their vectors in Bangladesh. Ever increasing population pressure exerts intense demands on food production; as a result, a large number of high yielding crop varieties are introduced from other countries. Favourable environmental conditions, lack of resistance in high yielding cultivars and lack of appropriate plant protection measures contributed the outbreak of viral diseases in several crops (Akanda, 1991; Akanda et al., 1991a,1991b; Akhter et al., 2012; Muqit and Akanda, 2007). The viruses under the genera Cucumovirus, Potyvirus and Tobamovirus are endemic in nature, whereas Begomovirus and Tospovirus are emerging as significant problems. Plant viral diseases have been reported throughout Bangladesh by several researchers (Supplementary Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). The distribution of the reported plant viruses in Bangladesh is presented in the Fig. 1. However, a comprehensive status of viral disease problems in the different crops in Bangladesh is not available. The present review summarises the problems of plant virus diseases in the major crops in Bangladesh and highlights the measures for the management of the plant virus diseases. 2. History of virus research The earliest documentation of virus disease in pre-independent Bangladesh was leaf mosaic of jute (Ghosh and Basak, 1951). Before the liberation of Bangladesh (1971), rice tungro, mosaic of lentil and chickpea were reported (Miah, 1977; Bakr, 1994; Islam et al., 1970; Fakir et al., 1978). During the early 1980s, virus diseases in pulse such as sterility mosaic and yellow mosaic of pigeon pea, yellow mosaic of mungbean and pea, and leaf crinkle in mungbean were documented (Ahmed et al., 1981; Ahmed, 1984a). A comprehensive survey of virus ∗ Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected], (B. Mandal). 1 Present address: Plant Pathology Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh. Received 4 July 2018; Received in revised form 24 November 2018; Accepted 26 November 2018 0261-2194/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Crop Protection 118 (2019) 57–65 M.S. Akhter et al. Fig. 1. Distribution of tospoviruses, begomoviruses, potyviruses and other viruses in Bangladesh. symptomatology. A few studies have been conducted using serology and molecular tools through international collaborations. Plant virus detection based on serological techniques was launched during 1986-87 in collaboration with Kyushu University, Japan. In 1986, an electron microscopy facility was established in the Institute of Postgraduate Studies in Agriculture (now known as Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University), Gazipur with the support of the Japan International Cooperation Agency, which boosted the plant virus research in Bangladesh. The genomic information of viruses was generated during 1996–2007 with the collaborations of International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines, World Vegetable Centre, Taiwan and Greenwich University, UK. Of late, the genomic properties and diversity of some important viruses occurring in Bangladesh have been studied at the Advanced Centre for Plant Virology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India, which was funded by The World Academy of Science. diseases based on symptomatology, mechanical inoculation, host range, electron microscopy, ultra-structural study and serology was conducted throughout the country during 1986–87, which was the first benchmark survey of plant virus diseases in Bangladesh documenting the occurrence of twenty plant viruses (Akanda et al., 1991a). The variation in the genome of rice tungro bacilliform virus was reported in 1996, and this constituted the first genomic information of a plant virus in Bangladesh (Fan et al., 1996). A begomovirus, tomato leaf curl Bangladesh virus (ToLCBDV) was identified in 2001, and this was the first molecular diagnosis of the plant virus infecting Solanaceous vegetables in Bangladesh (Green et al., 2001). Subsequently, the genetic diversity of several begomoviruses and their betasatellites were studied (Maruthi et al., 2005a, 2005b; 2005c, 2007). Among the RNA viruses, papaya ringspot virus pathotype-P (PRSV-P) was the first virus identified in 2004 based on its genome sequence (Jain et al., 2004). Subsequently, the genetic diversity of PRSV-P population in Bangladesh has been documented (Akhter et al., 2013). 4. Epidemics and crop losses 3. Institution and collaboration The prevalence of virus diseases is known in many different crops, but the magnitudes of yield loss have not been estimated for all. However, some estimates of crop loss are available for a few serious diseases (Table 1). Tospovirus of tomato has emerged as a significant problem (Farooq and Akanda, 2007a, 2007b). During the 2010–2011 cropping seasons of tomato, epidemics of bud necrosis disease caused a widespreadloss in tomato production in Rajshahi district, where groundnut bud necrosis virus (GBNV) was identified to be associated Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University are the two major institutions where plant virus research work has been addressed. Although, some research work on plant viruses have also been reported from Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Bangladesh Agricultural University, University of Dhaka and Jahangirnagar University. Determination of virus diseases in Bangladesh is largely based on 58 Crop Protection 118 (2019) 57–65 M.S. Akhter et al. Table 1 Significant yield loss in some vegetable and pulse crops due to viral infection in Bangladesh. Crop Associated virus % Yield loss References Potato Potato leafroll virus Potato virus Y Potato virus X Potato virus M Potato virus A Tomato leaf curl virus 78 Up to 5–15 Up to Up to Up to Mungbean yellow mosaic virus? Mungbean yellow mosaic virus? Bhendi yellow vein mosaic virus Up to 100 Hossain et al. (1989) Hossain and Ali (1992) Muqit and Akanda (2007) Muqit and Akanda (2007) Muqit and Akanda (2007) Gupta (2000); Muqit and Akanda (2007) Jalaluddin and Shaikh (1981) Afzal et al. (1999) Tomato Mungbean Black gram Okra 95 25 30 95 20–100 Up to 94 Ali (1999); Muqit and Akanda (2007) ?: Not confirmed. with the disease (Akhter et al., 2012). Cultivation of tomato early in winter, when rainfall is low results in a high population of thrips that favours widespread occurrence of GBNV. Leaf curl of tomato is a chronic problem resulting in up to 95% crop losses in some places and seasons. During last decade, cultivation of papaya in Bangladesh was seriously affected by PRSV (Fig. 2 a-c), but in the recent years, leaf curl disease has emerged as another serious threat to papaya production. A number of plant viruses are known to infect potato in Bangladesh, but only potato virus Y (PVY) and potato leafroll virus (PLRV) are serious threats to the potato production every year. The yellow mosaic disease is a major constraint in the production of pulses. Up to 85–100% crop losses in mungbean and black gram have been witnessed in Bangladesh (Table 1). 5. Viral diseases of cereals Cereals including wheat, rice, maize, barley, oats, millet, sorghum, buckwheat are cultivated in Bangladesh. Rice is the main food crop grown in Bangladesh, and 80% of its population is dependent on rice farming. About 10.5 million ha of land are cultivated only for rice, and the cropping intensity is increasing as a result of population increase. On the other hand, wheat, maize, barley and millets were cultivated on only 0.63 million ha (Karim et al., 2008). Although several types of cereal crops are grown in Bangladesh, information of virus diseases is available only on rice and maize. Rice tungro is a serious viral disease of rice in South and Southeast Asia including Bangladesh (Anjaneyulu et al., 1994). Tungro disease of rice was recorded in Bangladesh during 1966 and has been reported as the most damaging viral disease of rice in Bangladesh (Miah, 1977). Stunting of the plant along with twisting of the leaves, reduced tillering, delayed flowering, etc. are the distinguishing features of the disease. The vector green leafhopper population is high in every year during April, June–July and October–November and tungro diseases incidence is also high in susceptible varieties (Rahman et al., 2007). In 1987, a high incidence (85-81%) of tungro was recorded in the southern to northwestern parts of the country. The ratoon crop of paddy acts as a source of the virus for subsequent rice infection (Ali and Miah, 1990). The yield loss due to tungro infection in Bangladesh was estimated to be 52.34% (Quazi et al., 2009). The restriction endonuclease map and cross-hybridisation analysis of the genome of rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV) from Bangladesh and other countries in Southeast Asia (India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines) showed that the isolate from Bangladesh is related to the Indian isolate (Fan et al., 1996). The preliminary study based on partial nucleotide sequences of the coat protein gene of rice tungro spherical virus isolate from Bangladesh showed it to be different from those in other Southeast countries (Zhang, 1993). Fig. 2. Significant plant virus diseases in Bangladesh. Seriously affected papaya plantation with yellow mosaic on leaves and ringspots on fruit (a, b, c). Banana plant infected by bunchy top disease (d). A cucumber field showing severe damage by yellow mosaic disease (e). Extensive damage of tomato crop due to tospovirus causing bud necrosis disease (f, g). The widespread occurrence of yellow mosaic in mungbean (h). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) Maize being a minor crop in Bangladesh, has limited information is available for viral diseases. The survey, monitoring and identification viral diseases of maize were undertaken during 1980 in Ishurdi, Jessore, Jamalpur, Hathazari, Savar dairy farm and Sreepur, where mosaic, dwarf mosaic, stripe and streak diseases were observed with 2–40% incidence. The incidence of these diseases varied among different locations and varieties. Information on the specific identity of the virus affecting maize and their impact on yield is not available. 6. Viral diseases of fibre crops Bangladesh has a famous history in the production of the finest cotton fabric, ‘Moslin’. The production and trading of Moslin gradually declined during the British rule and the industry ultimately closed by the early nineteenth century. Yet, the garment industries are flourishing in Bangladesh and presently contribute 27% of GDP. The garment 59 Crop Protection 118 (2019) 57–65 M.S. Akhter et al. industry depends on the fibre crops as raw materials. The principal fibre crops grown in Bangladesh are cotton (Gossypium spp.), Jute (Corchorus capsularis and Corchorus olitorius), kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) meshta (Hibiscus sabdariffa) and sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea). Of all these fibre crops, jute ranks number one. In the fiscal year 2012–13, earnings from the jute sector was US$ 1.01 billion. The studies on viral diseases of fibre crops have been conducted only in jute. A yellow mosaic disease of jute (C. capsularis) is known in Bangladesh since 1917 (Finlow, 1917). The mosaic disease of jute occurs widely in the major jute growing countries, Bangladesh, Burma and India (Ghosh and Basak, 1951). The disease is characterised by crinkled, leathery leaves with yellow mosaic symptoms and stunting of plants. The effect of jute mosaic disease on jute production was investigated, and it has been considered to be one of the most important biotic factors causing a reduction in yield and quality of jute fibre and stick (Das et al., 2001). The disease is readily transmitted by whitefly (Bemicia tabaci) (Ahmed, 1978; Dastogeer et al., 2012; Ghosh et al., 2008). Management of mosaic disease through vector control and cultural practices was carried out, which suggested early removal of symptomatic plants, application of one insecticidal spray and one extra booster dose of nitrogen at about 30 and 45 days post- emergence of plants were beneficial in reducing the disease in Mymensingh region (Hoque et al., 2003). Corchorus golden mosaic virus (CoGMV), a bipartite begomovirus species was identified based on the complete genome sequence of DNA-A and eB in jute mosaic in Bangladesh. Sequence analysis of several isolates of CoGMV from Bangladesh revealed the existence of greater genetic diversity compared to that in India and Vietnam (Hasan and Sano, 2014). culture propagated plantlets. The presence of viruses in the propagative materials poses a risk of circulation of viruses or strains in the new areas. Virus diagnostic services and use of virus-free planting material is very important for preventing possible virus outbreak in commercial banana cultivation in Bangladesh. Papaya (Carica papaya) is an important fruit crop in Bangladesh due to its high nutritional value and diverse use as fruit and vegetable. It is grown in the backyard garden as well as in large-scale farms. Foliar mosaic and fruit ringspot disease (Fig. 2a–c) caused by papaya ring spot virus (PRSV) is the major threat to papaya production in Bangladesh. The occurrence of PRSV in Bangladesh was first confirmed based on the serological test (Akanda, 1991; Akanda et al.,1991b, 1991d). In 2004, PRSV was further identified in papaya based on electron-microscopy and genome sequence analysis (Jain et al., 2004). PRSV is prevalent all over Bangladesh with an estimated yield loss of 72–100% depending on the time of infection and symptom severity (Akanda et al., 1991d). Of the various symptoms induced by PRSV, leaf distortion was observed to cause the most severe damage in the growth and yield of papaya under field conditions (Akhter and Akanda, 2008). The genetic diversity of PRSV population from the different papaya growing regions in Bangladesh based on the sequence of coat protein was estimated up to 14% (Akhter et al., 2013). Leaf curl disease of papaya is emerging as a serious problem in the northern region of Bangladesh. The samples collected from Chapai Nawabganj showed the presence of tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) (Maruthi et al., 2007). 9. Viral diseases of pulses 7. Viral diseases of oilseeds Several pulse crops are cultivated in Bangladesh. Lentil (Lens culinaris), chickpea (Cicer arietinum), grass pea (Lathyrus sativus), faba bean (Vicia faba) are grown in the winter season, and black gram (Vigna mungo) and mungbean (Vigna radiata) are grown in the summer season. There are several biotic and abiotic stresses, which limit the pulse cultivation in Bangladesh. Mosaic, yellow mosaic, mottling, stunting and sterility mosaic diseases are frequently observed in the different pulse crops, but their causal agents have not been clearly established (Fakir, 1983). Different plant viruses have been tentatively identified from pulse crops based on symptoms and serology (Supplementary Table 1). Mungbean, one of the most important pulses in Bangladesh, is seriously affected by the yellow mosaic disease (Fig. 2 h) with an estimated yield loss of 67–100% (Jalaluddin and Shaikh, 1981). Black gram cultivation is also equally affected by the yellow mosaic disease. The severe outbreak of this disease resulted in a shift in the cropping pattern. The disease appears at any stage of crop growth; however, the yield loss is severe when plants are affected at an early stage. The total loss was recorded when the infection occurred at 1-2 week-old crop, whereas 63% and 20–30% of loss were observed when infection took place at 3 and 4-7 week-old crop, respectively. Symptoms of the disease appear on leaves as minute yellow specks that expand and cover the entire leaf area resulting in mosaic disease. Pods are reduced in size and bear small and shrivelled seeds. A total of eight mungbean varieties, BINA Moog-5, BARI Mung-3, BARI Mung-4, BARI Mung-5, BARI Mung6, BU Mung-1, BU Mung-2 and BU Mung-4, were evaluated at field conditions for yield performance, incidence and severity of yellow mosaic disease (Ali et al., 2010). The highest disease incidence (64%) and disease severity score (8.73) was found in BARI Mung-4, and the lowest incidence (33.01%) and disease severity score (3.36) was observed in BARI Mung 6. The yellow mosaic disease is spread through whitefly (Bemisia tabaci). Mungbean yellow mosaic disease is known to occur in India, and the causal virus has been identified as two begomovirus species, mungbean yellow mosaic India virus and mungbean yellow mosaic virus (Mandal et al., 1997). However, the causal virus of yellow mosaic disease in Bangladesh has so far not been confirmed. The major oilseed crops grown in Bangladesh are mustard, sesame, groundnut and linseed, while niger, soybean, sunflower, safflower and castor are grown as minor oil crops (Biswas and Das, 2011). The major contribution of oil comes from mustard (65%) followed by sesame (10.71%) and groundnut. The viral disease is not a major constraint in the production of oilseeds in Bangladesh. A mosaic disease is known in mustard, but the associated causal virus has not yet been characterised (Muqit and Akanda, 2007). In groundnut, mosaic, green blotch and stunting were recorded (Khatun, 2004). Several viruses, tobacco rattle virus (TRV), alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV) and peanut mottle virus (PeMoV) were detected by ELISA in groundnut samples from different places (Akanda et al., 1991a). In soybean, mosaic, yellow mosaic, mottling, chlorosis and leaf curl were recorded (Hossain et al., 2005). The ELISA based detection indicated the presence of AMV, PSbMV, PeMoV and blackeye cowpea mosaic virus (BICMV) in soybean (Akanda et al., 1991a). An unidentified virus that causes mosaic disease in sunflower and sesame was also reported (Hossain et al., 2005). 8. Viral diseases of fruits A wide variety of fruit crops, citrus, jackfruit, mango, pineapple, papaya, guava, banana, melon, watermelon, litchi, ber and hog plum are cultivated with the annual production of 3.2 million tons from 0.6 million hectares of land. Viral diseases are a severe constraint in banana, papaya, melon and watermelon. Banana (Musa sp.), one of the most important fruit crops in Bangladesh, is widely grown in small, mixed gardens up to a large commercial monoculture farming. Banana is known to be affected by three viruses, banana bunchy top virus, banana streak virus and banana bract mosaic virus (Sattar and Hoque, 2004), but all these viruses are not characterised at the molecular level. Among the banana viruses, banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) is frequently observed (Fig. 2d). In the developing countries, the international movement of banana germplasm has increased in recent years particularly in the form of tissue 60 Crop Protection 118 (2019) 57–65 M.S. Akhter et al. 10. Viral diseases of spices 11. Viral diseases of vegetables Twenty-five different spices crops were grown in Bangladesh. Among them, chilli, onion, garlic, turmeric and ginger were the most common and have contributed as cash crops of resources poor farmers in Bangladesh. The production of spice crops in terms of yield (ton/ha) is very low as compared to other spices producing countries of the world, this is because of the lack of disease-resistant varieties, especially for the viral diseases. The viral diseases are the major constraints in spices production in Bangladesh, but for most of the diseases, the causal agents and their vectors have not been properly documented. Viral diseases are significant constraints wherever chilli pepper is grown as it causes poor fruit yield and quality. Compared to the other chilli growing countries, Bangladesh experiences a low yield in chilli production, which is potentially due to viral disease complex prevailing in the crop. Several viruses were reported infecting pepper worldwide, while only CMV, PVY, TMV, chilli venal mottle virus (ChiVMV) and chilli leaf curl virus (ChiLCuV-[Jessore]) were reported in Bangladesh (Akanda, 1991; Akanda et al., 1991a, 1991d; Maruthi et al., 2007; Rashid et al., 2007). The incidence of CMV in chilli pepper has been reported up to 100% in Bangladesh (Rashid et al., 2007). The molecular identification of CMV suggested the occurrence of sub-group IB CMV in Bangladesh. CMV and potyviruses (PVY and ChiVMV) limit commercial pepper production in Bangladesh. Screening for resistance was attempted in thirteen pepper lines, but none of them showed resistance to CMV or ChiVMV (Rashid et al., 2007). Begomoviruses are an emerging threat to chilli cultivation. However, the causal virus species is yet to be identified. Leaf curl disease occurs in epidemic proportion (up to 100% incidence) in North Bangladesh. Under field conditions, 40 local and exotic genotypes of chilli were screened against leaf curl disease, and severity of leaf curl was assessed using a 0–5 scale, where three genotypes were found field resistant, and three other genotypes were moderately resistant. In another study, seven out of 46 genotypes were found free from leaf curl disease, sixteen genotypes were moderately resistant, twelve genotypes were susceptible, and four genotypes were highly susceptible to the leaf curl disease. Garlic (Allium sativum) is one of the most important culinary herbs in the Indian subcontinent and widely cultivated spices crop in Bangladesh. Viruses, especially those belonging to the genera Potyvirus, Carlavirus, and Allexivirus are the most important viral pathogens of garlic in Bangladesh. In Gazipur, two viruses, shallot latent virus (SLV) and leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV) were identified in garlic based on DAS-ELISA and DIBA (Akanda et al., 1991a). Although only two garlic infecting viruses have been identified in Bangladesh, garlic plants were frequently observed with a variety of symptoms eg., mosaic, leaf distortion, stunting and degenerating of cloves. It is possible that several other viruses, onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV), garlic common latent virus (GarCLV) and garlic virus X are introduced through importing new cultivars from India and other countries, where the viruses are known to be present (Baranwal et al., 2011; Majumder and Baranwal, 2009). A systematic study for the identification and characterisation of viruses infecting garlic in Bangladesh is important for sustainable garlic production. In Bangladesh, 125,101 ha land is under onion (Allium cepa) cultivation in the winter and summer seasons. The mean yield of onion in Bangladesh is very low (4 tons/ha) compared to the world average (17.27 tons/ha). Every year, Bangladesh imports onion from other countries to meet its demand. The onion crop suffers from a viral disease that causes mosaic, leaf distortion and stunting. The outbreak of such a virus disease has been observed at Taherpur of Rajshahi District during 2010, which might be due to the infection of OYDV. Although so far, no specific documentation of onion viruses is available in Bangladesh. About 16% of total cultivable land in Bangladesh is under vegetable cultivation. Members of the Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Malvaceae families are widely grown in Bangladesh as summer, winter or year-round vegetables, which contribute 3.2% of the agricultural gross domestic product. Viral diseases are major threats to vegetables production in Bangladesh (Supplementary Tables 2 and 3 &4). Several species of cucurbits, such as cucumber (Cucumis sativus), sweet gourd/summer squash (Cucurbita moschata), bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria), white gourd/wax gourd (Benincasa hispida), pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima), bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) and ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula) are cultivated as major vegetable crops in Bangladesh (Rashid, 1976; Rabbani, 1984). Some of these cucurbits are very important as they provide a year-round source of vegetables. Various types of viral diseases affect cucurbits, but systematic studies on these diseases and the causal viruses are lacking. Whitefly-transmitted viral diseases are emerging problems in cucurbits in Bangladesh and other countries (Tsai et al., 2007). Severe disease symptoms like yellowing and chlorotic spots on foliage are frequently observed in several cucurbit crops throughout Bangladesh, but the causal agent of those diseases have not yet been addressed. 11.1. Cucurbitaceous vegetables Potyviruses, PRSV and WMV have been reported in ash gourd in Bangladesh (Akanda et al., 1991a; Muqit et al., 2007). The effect of trichome density on aphid (Aphis gossypii and Myzuz persicae) population and the incidence of viral diseases in four accessions of ash gourd were studied in local Sylhet genotype, local round, exotic high female and exotic CQ-10-90 (Khan et al., 2000). The numbers of aphid were lowest on the terminal and young leaves of ash gourd compared with mature and senescent leaves, this is due to the presence of higher trichome density in the former leaf categories. Trichome density was found to have a significant negative influence on the number of aphids and the occurrence of viral diseases. The virus disease symptoms such as mosaic, vein clearing and yellowing are commonly observed in bottle gourd. The attempt to identify the associated viruses in bottle gourd in Gazipur using antisera to CMV, PRSV, WMV, ZYMV, CGMMV and SqMV by DAS-ELISA and DIBA revealed the presence of PRSV (Akanda et al., 1991b, 1991c). The further study indicates the presence of other unknown filamentous viruses in bottle gourd (Akanda et al., 1991a). Two potyviruses (PRSV and WMV), a cucumovirus (CMV) and a comovirus (SqMV) have been identified in cucumber based on DASELISA and DIBA (Akanda et al., 1991b; 1991c; Akhter et al., 2008; Ali et al., 2007). In northern Bangladesh (Rajshahi district), high prevalence CMV and PRSV-W were recorded (Ali et al., 2007; Aktar et al., 2008). Yellow mosaic disease is a serious problem of cucumber production in Bangladesh (Fig. 2e). Begomoviruses are emerging problems in vegetables in Bangladesh due to the high prevalence of whitefly vector. In cucumber, ToLCNDV has also been identified based on the complete sequence of DNA-A genome (GenBank accession no. EF450316). Pumpkin, a common vegetable is affected by PRSV alone or with WMV and ZYMV (Masud et al., 2009). A survey was conducted in four southern districts, Faridpur, Khulna, Gopalgong and Magura, which showed a high incidence (up to 89.23%) of viral diseases in pumpkin (Saifullah et al., 2003). CMV is another common viral pathogen, and about 24.0% incidence of CMV was recorded in southern Bangladesh (Saifullah et al., 2003). Yellow vein mosaic disease is a serious disease of pumpkin. The disease causes yellowing, stunting of plant and reduces both the quality and yield of fruit. The genome sequence analysis of two isolates from Jessore revealed the association of squash leaf curl China virus (Maruthi et al., 2007). 61 Crop Protection 118 (2019) 57–65 M.S. Akhter et al. Several tomato cultivars were released by BARI: BARI Tomato-2, BARI tomato-4, BARI Tomato-5, BARI Tomato-6 (Chaity), BARI tomato-7 (Apurba), BARI Tomato-11 and BARI Tomato-12. Field evaluation of these cultivars showed a high occurrence of leaf curl disease (Gupta, 2000; Rahman et al., 2006). Tospoviruses are the emerging threat to tomato cultivation in the Indian subcontinent including Bangladesh (Mandal et al., 2012). GBNV causing leaf mottling and necrotic veins, short internodes, necrosis of terminal buds and concentric rings on fruits of tomato has emerged as a significant problem (Fig. 2 f, g). The most of the popular tomato cultivars, Sobal, Abhiruchi, Salamat, Bangobir, and BARI hybrid Tomato-5 and -6 are susceptible to this tospovirus (Farooq and Akanda, 2007a, 2007b; Akhter et al., 2012). 11.2. Malvaceous vegetables Okra or bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus) is an important vegetable grown in the late summer season when very few other vegetables are available. Yellow vein mosaic is a significant constraint in the production of okra in Bangladesh (Ahmed, 1984b). The disease is widely spread in all the okra production regions and occurs at an epidemic proportion (Akanda et al., 1991d). Most of the cultivars are highly susceptible to yellow vein mosaic disease. Two okra accessions, IPSADherosh and BARI Dherosh-1 were released as resistant cultivars against yellow vein mosaic disease (Ali, 1999; Ali et al., 2000; Rashid et al., 2002), but none of them continued to show resistance anymore. Bhendi yellow vein mosaic virus (BYVMV) (genus Begomovirus) was detected in okra from Jessore, that showed very close sequence similarities to the BYVMV isolates occurring in India (Maruthi et al., 2007). 12. Viral disease in tuber crops The important tuber crops grown in Bangladesh include potato, sweet potato, aroid, yam, cassava and yam bean. A list of plant viruses infecting tuber crops is presented in (Supplementary Table 5). Potato occupies the third position in acreage after rice and wheat in Bangladesh. Two main categories of potato cultivars are grown in Bangladesh: indigenous cultivars and exotic high yielding cultivars. Six viruses, PVY, PLRV, potato virus X (PVX), potato virus S (PVS), potato virus M (PVM) and potato virus A (PVA) have been reported in Bangladesh. Among these viruses, PLRV and PVY are two most prevalent viruses that were recorded to cause yield loss up to 78% and 35%, respectively (Hossain et al., 1989, 1993; Hossain and Ali, 1992). The potato plant infected with PVY and PLRV was recorded to degenerate in the successive generations (Bari et al., 1998). Assessment and production of virus-free seeds are the acute problems in seed potato production in Bangladesh (Ali and Khan, 1990; Khan et al., 1991). Symptoms severity due to PLRV varied with vegetative generations of potato seed tubers (Rahman and Akanda, 2010). Eleven high yielding exotic second vegetative generation seed potato cultivars, Baraka, Remarka, Victoria, Voyager, Felsina, Febula, Bellini, Fontane, Sinora, Martene and Diamond, were evaluated for resistance against PVY and PLRV, none of them was found to be resistant against these viruses and the infection of these viruses increased in the second year of the experiment compared to the first year (Rahman and Akanda, 2009). In 2012, the genome sequence analysis of PVY isolates from Bangladesh revealed the presence of NTN strain (necrosis strain) (GenBank accession no JX088119). PVX was detected as a mixed infection with PVY in 2012, and coat protein gene sequence revealed that the PVX isolate was closely related to the European isolates (GenBank accession no. JX 273242). These are the first sequence data of potato viruses in Bangladesh, but more sequence information is needed to study population diversity of RNA viruses infecting potato in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Government imports E-class seed potato from Holland every year, and it is said to be virus-free. Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC) multiplies them to produce foundation and certified seeds, which are distributed to farmers for cultivation purpose. BADC also produces virus-free seed potato by using sprout and stem cutting method from E-class imported potato. The least incidence of PVY and PLRV was recorded for the seed tubers developed from sprout cutting and stem cutting method, but the highest incidence of these viruses was recorded in the seed tubers developed from conventional farmer's practices (Rahman and Akanda, 2009). To manage potato virus, farmers frequently spray insecticides to control vectors. Spraying of insecticide against insect vectors did not show significant influence on plant growth and tuber yield (Rahman and Akanda, 2010). However, indiscriminate use of chemicals has led to increasing resistance in insects. Five plant viruses, sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV), sweet potato mild mottle virus (SPMMV), sweet potato latent virus (SPLV), sweet potato chlorotic fleck virus (SPCFV), sweet potato leaf curl virus (SPLCV) have been suspected to infect sweet potato in 11.3. Solanaceous vegetables Brinjal or egg-plant (Solanum melongena) is one of most commonly cultivated crops in Bangladesh. A large number of brinjal cultivars is grown in Bangladesh, which shows a wide range of variations in yield performance and disease reaction. Mosaic, vein clearing and yellowing symptoms are commonly observed in brinjal. PVY and TMV were detected in brinjal based on serological methods (Akanda et al., 1991a). However, the virus etiology with most of the diseases are not well established. Recently, CMV has been reported to affect 90% of the brinjal plants that showed mosaic and mottling symptoms in Barishal district of Bangladesh (Bagewadi et al., 2015). Sweet pepper (Capsicum sp.), a high-value vegetable crop, is gaining popularity in the supermarkets in Bangladesh. Sweet pepper is grown in the winter season (October–March). Viral diseases are the main constraint of capsicum production in Bangladesh. The crop has been observed to suffer from a different virus-like disease symptoms, mosaic, mottling, curling and yellowing. Tentative identification of TMV, CMV, PVY and begomovirus with these diseases was reported (Akanda eat al., 1991a, 1991c; Rashid et al., 2007). Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is cultivated in both winter and summer seasons in Bangladesh. Several viral diseases were recorded in tomato (Supplementary Table 3), and many of them are of serious problems. Leaf curl is the most important disease of tomato, which is prevalent throughout the country and causes serious crop loss (Akanda et al., 1991a, Green et al., 2001, Maruthi et al., 2005a; 2005b, 2005c). During the last two decades, leaf curl disease has emerged as a devastating disease causing economic loss up to 100% in many tropical and sub-tropical regions including Bangladesh (Akanda, 1994, Varma and Malathi, 2003). Different types of symptoms are developed on tomato plants due to begomovirus infection. The disease symptoms range from mild leaf curl to yellow leaf curl and severe curling and stunting. The infection at an early stage of plant growth resulted in severe curling, stunting and complete loss of yield (Maruthi et al., 2005a). A few benchmark research approaches such as PCR based detection, sequencing and management of the disease with resistant/tolerant cultivars and vector control using insecticides have been conducted on begomoviruses that infect tomato in Bangladesh (Green et al., 2001; Maruthi et al., 2005a, 2005b; 2005c, 2007; Muqit, 2006). So far, four begomoviruses species, Tomato leaf curl Bangladesh virus, Tomato leaf curl Joydebpur virus (ToLCJV), ToLCNDV, Tomato leaf curl Karnataka virus (ToLCKV) have been recorded to infect tomato in Bangladesh (Green et al., 2001; Maruthi et al., 2005a, 2005b; 2005c, 2007). The high genetic diversity of tomato-infecting begomoviruses is expected, which poses a challenge for the management of tomato leaf curl disease in Bangladesh (Maruthi et al., 2005a). Four tomato cultivars, TLB111, TLB131, TLB133 and TLB182, which are known to be resistant/tolerant to southern India, were evaluated in Bangladesh. These cultivars were tolerant to leaf curl as low incidence of disease (6–45%) was observed compared to the local cultivars (68–100%) (Maruthi et al., 2005a). 62 Crop Protection 118 (2019) 57–65 M.S. Akhter et al. 16. Virus free planting materials Bangladesh (Supplementary Table 5). Among the viruses, SPFMV is the major one (Hossain et al., 1999). Under the field conditions, 49 genotypes of sweet potato were tested for the incidence of different viral diseases. Three viral diseases, feathery mottle, mild mottle and leaf curl prevailed with the disease incidence of 100%, 50% and 60%, respectively. None of the genotypes has been found free from SPFMV infection (Hossain et al., 2004). Tissue culture techniques were successfully employed for the eradication of virus diseases of potato. PLRV, PVY and PVX were reported to be eradicated through thermotherapy and meristem culture (Hossain et al., 1993). Utilization of true potato seed could produce virus-free potato and increase the yield in potato (Akhtar et al., 2001). 17. Resistant cultivars 13. Viral disease management Lack of resistant cultivars is a major limiting input for the management of virus diseases, however, limited numbers of virus resistant/ tolerant cultivars were released for a few crops by the major crop research institutions in Bangladesh. Five cultivars of mungbean viz. BARI Mung-5, BARI Mung-6, BINA Mung-5, BU Mung-1 and -2 were reported to be tolerant to yellow mosaic disease (Afzal et al., 2004). Okra cultivars, BARI Dherosh-1 and IPSA Okra-1 were released as yellow vein mosaic resistant okra (Hossain, 2000; Ali, 1999; Ali et al., 2000). Four cultivars of black gram, BARI Mash-1, -2, -3, and BINA Mash-1 were released as yellow mosaic tolerant cultivars (Afzal et al., 1999). Six cultivars of potato, Heera, Dheera, Chamak, Cardinal, Diamant and Granola were reported to be tolerant to virus diseases (Hossain et al., 2002). Management plant virus diseases is a difficult task as no direct chemical solutions are available. Molecular diagnosis and transgenic resistance have been applied for the management of plant viruses in the developed nations, but the modern approaches are yet to be utilized in Bangladesh. However, traditional control strategies have been employed in the managing plant virus diseases in Bangladesh. 14. Cultural management Alteration of planting time was shown beneficial to reduce virus infection in okra, mungbean and tomato. The substantial reduction of okra yellow vein mosaic disease was observed when okra was sown in February–March as compared to May–October planting. If okra was sown in January–March, April–September and October–December, it took 111, 28 and 47 days, respectively for initiation of disease (Muqit et al., 1999). The incidence of yellow mosaic disease of mungbean was reduced when the crop was planted in the 3rd week of January. The disease incidence was further reduced in the early sown crop when four sprays of insecticide were applied. Tomato leaf curl is a year-round problem, however, avoidance of active phase of crop growth during the period of abundance of vector whitefly helps reduce the disease pressure. For example, early summer planting (February) of tomato resulted in lower incidence of leaf curl disease compared to late summer (April) planting (Rahman et al., 2006). Leaf curl disease was reduced by > 40% when the tomato was planted in the 1st week of December as compared to the first week of November (Muqit, 2006). There trap crops, mungbean and marigold were planted in the chilli field in order to minimize the incidence of chilli leaf curl disease. Intercropping okra with amaranthus reduced the incidence of okra yellow vein mosaic disease (Aminullah, 2003). 18. Integrated management Combining multiple management tactics was useful in managing viral disease. Integration of netting of seed-bed, polyethylene mulch, trap crop together with three sprays of imidachloprid, azadirachtin (neem based insecticide) and soybean oil at 10-day interval could effectively reduce tomato leaf curl (Muqit et al., 2006). Early sowing, intercropping with amaranthus, polyethylene strip hanging together with foliar spray of systemic insecticides reduced the incidence of yellow vein mosaic disease in okra that contributed an increase of ∼40% fruit yield (Sanker, 2004). 19. Concluding remarks Plant viral diseases are severe threats to sustainable crop production in Bangladesh. Of the several virus diseases recorded in many crops, some of them are endemic and some are epidemic in nature. Vegetables and pulse are worst affected by viruses. Whitefly and thrips-transmitted viruses are of high economic significance. Many recurring epidemics of leaf curl disease in tomato and chilli, yellow vein mosaic in okra, ringspot disease in papaya and yellow mosaic in pulses were witnessed (Alam, 1995; Gupta, 2000; Maruthi et al., 2007; Akanda, 1991; Akhter and Akanda, 2008; Ahmed et al., 1981; Ahmed, 1984a, 1984b; Islam et al., 2012). Assessment of yield loss and the economic impact of the major virus diseases is necessary. The viral genera, Cucumovirus, Begomovirus, Potyvirus and Tospovirus are economically important in Bangladesh (Mandal et al., 2012; Akhter et al., 2012). Some of the viruses are tentatively identified based on serology (Akanda et al., 1991a, 1991d). The complete genome sequence information of a few begomoviruses and partial genome sequence of a few other viruses eg., CMV, PRSV, PVY and PVX have been generated during the last eight years (Maruthi et al., 2005a, 2005c; Akhter et al., 2013). Genome sequence information of the viruses affecting major crops is required to establish the identity of the prevailing viruses and further the genomic information will serve the basis of developing molecular diagnostic reagents and transgenic resistance. Traditionally, for the control of virus diseases, farmers adopt a large-scale application of chemical pesticides without the knowledge of the cause of diseases either by fungus, bacteria or virus (Schreinemachers et al., 2015). As a result, indiscriminate use of insecticides directly affects the economics of cultivation as well as creates an ecological and environmental imbalance. The resistant cultivar is the 15. Vector control Insecticides are used widely for controlling insects and viral diseases. Spraying of systemic insecticides at the 15-day interval for the control of aphid vector was suggested for the management of mosaic and leaf roll diseases of potato (Hossain, 2005). Systemic insecticide spray at 15-day intervals starting from 20 days after germination is recommended for the management of yellow vein mosaic of okra. Admire (imidachloprid), Bayer Crop Science Limited was effective in reducing the incidence of tomato leaf curl through controlling the vector whitefly in the early season (Muqit, 2006). Rouging and spraying of insecticides were observed more effective for the management of mungbean and black gram yellow mosaic (Afzal et al., 2004, Afzal et al., 1999) and bunchy top of banana (Huq and Hossain, 2001). Oil emulsions were used to control aphid and whitefly vectors. In potato, the application of Finavestan TS (emulsion oil) Total Fluides, France, resulted in a reduced level of leaf roll and mosaic diseases. Soybean oil emulsion was found effective in reducing the incidence of tomato leaf curl under open field conditions (Aktar et al., 2008). Not many studies are available in Bangladesh for the effective control of virus and vector using botanical extracts. However, one study showed some satisfactory results in managing virus diseases of tomato by using allamanda leaf extract (Mostatfa, 2004). 63 Crop Protection 118 (2019) 57–65 M.S. Akhter et al. most important input in virus disease management (Schreinemachers et al., 2015). The precise identification of resistant sources using molecular diagnostics is essential in developing breeding for virus resistant cultivars (Nicaise, 2014). Developing virus resistant cultivars is a longterm and intricate process. Alternatively, import of resistant cultivars developed through classical breeding or transgenic approach in the other countries may offer a quick solution, but it needs a prior evaluation before introduction. Capacity building in the area of plant virology specifically genomics, molecular diagnosis, genetics of resistance, breeding for resistance, vector biology and disease epidemiology is required for addressing the viral disease problems in Bangladesh agriculture. Further, there is a trans-boundary circulation of viruses through insect vectors and planting materials among the neighbouring countries. Pathogen diagnostic network laboratories with the special emphasis on virus diagnosis network among the adjoining countries under the international organization like Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectorial Technical and Economic Cooperation and SAARC Agriculture Centre will be highly benefiting the production crops in Bangladesh and thereby the trade in agriculture among the South and South East Asian countries. Akhter, M.S., Basavaraj, Y.B., Akanda, A.M., Mandal, B., Jain, R.K., 2013. 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