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3 jenis indikator penilaian

3 Jenis Indikator Penilaian
Performance Measurements
Indicator Category
Spesific Performance Measurements
Number of communications and meetings
Number of investigations and reviews
Number of disciplinary action taken
Number of risk managements studies
Number of hazards or suggestions reported
Number of medical surveillance or substance abuse testing
Number of behavioral observations
Number of rewards allocated or withheld
Amount of training (frequency, hours)
Workforce participation information (rates, count)
Number of interviews that probe H&S issues
Number of survey that probe H&S issues
Performance Measurements
Indicator Category
Spesific Performance Measurements
Number of and type of citations/compliance rates
Number of and type of injuries and illnesses
Number of and types of near miss
Results of root cause analysis of injuries and illnesses
Results of behavior observations
Results of performance evaluation
Results of medical surveillance or substance abuse testing
Results of risk management studies (e.g. hazard inspections
and audits)
Results of workforce H&S knowledge assessments
Interviews that probe performance
Survey that probe performance
Performance Measurements
Indicator Category
Spesific Performance Measurements
Number of and type of citations/compliance rates
Number of and type of injuries and illnesses
Number of and types of near miss
Results of root cause analysis of injuries and illnesses
Results of behavior observations
Results of performance evaluations
Results of medical surveillance or substance abuse testing
Results of workforce H&S knowledge assessments
Interviews that probe performance
Surveys that probe performance
SPI in Safety Climate Activities Across PDCA Cycle
Plan: Determine current safety/risk
climate within organization
Act: Corrective or Preventive actions to
improve safety climate/performance
Specific Performance Indicator:
(Interventions Category)
Corrective actions completed based on
results (Interventions Category)
Improve training adequacy
(Interventions Category)
Check: Monitor, Measure, Report Results
Specific Performance Indicator:
* Results of workforce H&S perceptions
in the organization and H&S
Performance within the organization
(Organizational and Worker
Performance Category)
* Number of hazards, risks, issued noted
in surveys(Interventions Category)
Specific Indicators
*Engage in behavioral observations to
determine potential health/safety
issues (All three category)
*Develop/adapt a safety climate
survey for site wide distribution
(Interventions Category)
Do: Implement the activity to help
identify and improve safety/risk
Specific Performance Indicator:
*Distribute safety climate survey to
employees to probe perceptions and
performance (Organizational and
Worker Performance)
*Number of completed
surveys/workforce participations
(Interventions Category)