JOURNAL ECONOMICS THE EFFECT OF EXPERIENCE INDUSTRIAL WORK PRACTICES, MOTIVATION ENTERING THE WORKFORCE AND CAREER GUIDANCE TO WORK READINESS Osly Usman1, Annisa Claudia2 Email: [email protected] Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Jakarta ABSTRACT This study aims to determine whether there is an influence between experience industrial work practices, motivation entering the workforce and career guidance to work readiness of students of class XII of State Vocational Schools in Jakarta. This research was conducted for four months from March 2019 to June 2019. The research method used was the survey method. The population in this study were all students of class XII Office Administration of State Vocational Schools in Jakarta, totaling 250 students. The sampling technique used was proportional random technique, so the sample in this study amounted to 240 respondents. Data collection techniques using questionnaire techniques. Technique of analyzing test data requirements analysis consists of normality test and linearity test, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression test, hypothesis test consisting of f test and t test. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be seen that there is no partial effect between experience industrial work practices and work readiness. Can be seen from the results of data analysis which shows the value of tcount of 0.830> ttable of 1.651. Motivation to entering the workforce has a partial effect on work readiness, this is seen from the results of data analysis which shows the value of tcount 2,173> ttable value of 1,651. Career guidance has a partial effect on work readiness, this is seen from the results of data analysis which shows the value of tcount 5.240> ttable value of 1.651. The experience of industrial work practices, motivation to enter the world of work and career guidance simultaneously influence the learning outcomes, this is seen from the results of data analysis which shows the calculated Fvalue of 29.391> Ftable value of 2.65. The regression ̂= 5,818 + 0,054X1 + 0,158X2 + 0,431X3 . Based on the test of the equation obtained is Y coefficient of determination obtained R2 value of 0.272 which means the experience of industrial work practice (X1), motivation to enter the workforce (X2) and career guidance (X3) affect the work readiness (Y) of 27.2%. Keywords: Experience of Industrial Work Practices, Motivation Entering The Workforce, Career Guidance, Work Readiness, Vocational High School JOURNAL ECONOMICS INTRODUCTION The meaning of Indonesian education is part of an effort to enable every human being to develop his potential to grow into a person who is strong and has character and social life. The implementation of formal education in Indonesia is a type of education that is obtained regularly, systematically, in stages and by following clear conditions. In formal education there is a level of education as a stage of education that is set based on the level of development of students, goals to be achieved and capabilities developed. The level of education in Indonesia in 12 (twelve) years compulsory education is divided into basic education which is the level of initial education for 9 (nine) years, namely Elementary School (SD) for 6 (six) years and Junior High School (SMP) for 3 (three) years. The next level is 3 (three) years, namely High School (SMA) or Vocational High School (SMK). The aim of the government in implementing the 12 (twelve) year compulsory education is important because it has a relationship with the Human Development Index (HDI) to print future generations who are more ready to work in terms of age and are ready in competence. The 12 (twelve) year compulsory education program is proclaimed as a solution to reduce unemployment, reduce dropout rates and increase the ability of the younger generation to be increasingly ready to compete globally. Emphasizing the increasing need for higher quality and highly competitive human resources. Human resources are an important factor in Indonesian employment, reported by the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF), describing employment issues in Indonesia, namely low labor productivity, minimal education even though many work, capabilities possessed by Indonesian human resources not in accordance with the demand in the world of work. Report on the Indonesian employment situation The Central Bureau of Statistics noted that the total workforce in Indonesia in August 2018 reached 131.01 million people, while the Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in August 2018 reached 7 million people or 5.34% of the total workforce. The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) is an indicator that can be used to measure labor supply levels that are not used or not absorbed by the labor market. Viewed from the area where they live, TPT in urban areas is higher than in rural areas. In August 2018 TPT in urban areas amounted to 6.45 percent, while in rural areas it was only 4.04 percent. According to the National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) source, the region with the largest TPT is the Jakarta at 6.33% of the total workforce. The open unemployment rate according to age, namely the age of 15-19 years was recorded as the highest number of 26.67%. Aged 15-19 years is the productive age of graduating from school. At that age there is a level of senior high school or vocational high school. Judging from the level of education in August 2018, TPT for Vocational High Schools (SMK) still dominates among other education levels of 11.24%. In other words, there is a supply of labor that is not absorbed, especially at the education level of Vocational High 2 JOURNAL ECONOMICS Schools (SMK). Data on the Open Unemployment Rate shows that the gap in vocational education held by schools turns out to be less able to adjust to changes and needs that occur in the development of the world of work, so that students' work readiness becomes less. Vocational education according to Law Number 20 of 2003 Article 15 is secondary education which prepares students primarily to work in certain fields. Vocational High School (SMK) is a form of formal education unit that organizes vocational education at the secondary education level as a continuation of SMP/MTs or other equivalent forms. Vocational High School is a secondary education level that prioritizes developing the ability of students to carry out certain types of work or preparing students to be ready to work in a particular field. Vocational secondary education prioritizes preparing students to enter employment. Vocational schools have many expertise programs by adjusting to the needs of the existing workforce. Adjustments are seen in the demands of the community and the market. Vocational schools have a primary mission for students, namely preparing students as prospective workers who meet the needs of the workforce, so that they are required to have professional skills and attitudes in their fields. The objectives of this study are (1) To determine the effect Experience of Industrial Work Practices on the work readiness of students of class XII Jakarta State Vocational Office Administration expertise program 2018/2019 academic year. (2) To find out the effect of motivation to entering the workforce towards the work readiness of class XII students of the Jakarta State Vocational Office Administration expertise program in 2018/2019. (3) To find out the effect of career guidance on work readiness of class XII students of Jakarta State Vocational Office Administration expertise program 2018/2019 academic year (4) To determine the influence of experience of industrial work practices, motivation entering the workforce and career guidance simultaneously on student work readiness class XII Jakarta State Vocational School Office Administration expertise expertise program 2018/2019. THE CONCEPTUAL DESCRIPTION Work Readiness According to Oemar Hamalik (2008) readiness is the level or condition that must be achieved in the process of individual development at the level of mental, physical, social and emotional growth. According to B. Renita (2006) work seen from the social point of view is an activity carried out in an effort to realize general welfare, especially for the closest people (family) and society, to maintain and develop life, while from a spiritual / religious perspective. According to Dewa Ketut (1993) Work readiness is the ability, skill, and work attitude in accordance with the demands of the community and in accordance with the potential of students in various types of specific jobs that can be directly applied. Work readiness is the overall condition of the individual which includes physical, mental and experience maturity 3 JOURNAL ECONOMICS and the willingness and ability to carry out a job or activity. interaction between individuals and their environment. According to Slameto (2010), the factors that influence readiness include three aspects, namely: (1) Physical, mental and emotional conditions, (2) Needs, motives and goals, (3) Other skills, knowledge and understanding learned. These three aspects will affect one's readiness to do something. Also stated by Slameto (2010), that experiences have a positive influence on readiness. According to Dalyono (2005), experience can influence the physiology of individual development which is one of the principles of the development of the readiness of SMK students in preparing themselves to enter the workforce. The work readiness program is a competency that is based on a program that utilizes learning experience to give students the ability to work well while being watched by their working components (Danielson, 2008). This program must be carried out by all vocational education, especially Vocational Schools, so that the main objectives of Vocational Schools can be realized. According to Agus Fitriyanto (2006) the characteristics of students who already have Work readiness include: (1) Having logical and objective considerations. (2) Having the ability and willingness to work with others. (3) Able to control themselves or emotions. (4) Having a critical attitude. (5) Have the courage to accept responsibility individually. (6) Having adaptability to the environment and technological developments. (7) Have ambitions to move forward and try to keep up with the development of the field of expertise. Experience Practices of Industrial Work According to Oemar Hamalik (2008), experience is a source of knowledge and experience gained because of the According to Oemar Hamalik (2008) Experience in Industrial Work Practices is an experience directly experienced by students through direct participation and through direct observation in the world of work. Industrial Work Practices are beneficial for students to gain experience in the world of work and foster confidence in students. In addition, by participating in Industrial Work Practices, students can train and support the skills that have been learned in school to be implemented in the Industrial Workplace, can live and get to know the work environment so that students are ready to work in the business world and industry after graduating from Vocational School. Motivation Entering The Workforce Nana Syaodih (2009) also argues that Motivation is a force that encourages individual activities to move individuals to carry out activities to achieve a goal. In this case it is encouraging individuals to enter the workforce. So the motivation to enter the workforce is something that raises the enthusiasm or encouragement of students to enter the workforce. The encouragement comes from within himself and from outside himself. According to Eysenck in Djaali (2007) explaining the functions of motivation 4 JOURNAL ECONOMICS include explaining and controlling behavior. Explaining behavior means that you can know the reason students do work diligently and diligently. While controlling behavior means that one can know the reason someone is very pleasing to an object and less like other objects. Function of motivation entering the workforce include: (1) Encouraging behavior or actions. Without motivation, no action will arise, for example applying for a job to enter the workforce. (2) Motivation functions as a guide. This means directing actions to achieving goals to enter the workforce. (3) Motivation functions as a driver. The size of the motivation to enter the workforce will determine the speed or slowness of determining a job. can direct themselves to activities that are relevant to the career they aspire to, and understand the abilities and interests of work that they feel are capable. The theoretical framework in this relationship constellation is used to provide research directions or drawings conducted by researchers, where industrial work experience (X1), motivation to enter the workforce (X2) and career guidance (X3), as independent variables or affect work readiness (Y ) is the dependent variable that is affected. Career Guidance In guidance and counseling services in schools, there are four areas of service that must be given to students, namely personal guidance, social guidance, tutoring, and career guidance. Theoretical Framework Keterangan: According to Syamsu Yusuf (2006) suggests that career guidance is a service to fulfill student development related to cognitive, affective, and student skills in realizing self-concept, knowledge, and decision-making processes in sociocultural life in life that are constantly changing. X1 : Variable Experience Industrial Work Practices of X2 : Variables Motivation Motivation Entering The Workforce X3 : Variables Career Guidance Y : Work Readiness Syamsu Yusuf (2006) suggested the purpose of guidance and counseling related to career aspects including having self-understanding (abilities and interests) related to work, having the ability to shape career identities such as requirements and characteristics of work, job prospects and work welfare, have the ability to design life rationally, : Direction of Partial to Y : Direction of Stimultan to Y The hypothesis proposed by researchers: H1: Experience of industrial work practices (X1) has a positive effect on work readiness of vocational students. 5 JOURNAL ECONOMICS H2: Motivation to enter the workforce (X2) has a positive effect on vocational student work readiness. H3: Career guidance (X3) has a positive effect on vocational students' work readiness. H4: Experience of industrial work practices, motivation to enter the workforce and career guidance on work readiness of vocational students. METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH The method used in this study is a quantative method with multiple linear regression research design. This is because to test and explain the direct effect of independent variables on the dependent variable. In this study, which is the independent variable (Variable X1) is the experience of industrial work practice, (Variable X2) motivation to enter the workforce (Variable X3) career guidance as an influencing variable and the dependent variable (Variable Y) is affected work readiness. The population in this study were all students of class XII East Jakarta Vocational Office Administration Program 2018/2019 totaling 250 respondents. The sampling technique used is proportional random technique, which is in determining the sample members, researchers take data by paying attention to the criteria. So from the total population of 250 students, the researcher took a sample of 240 respondents with the criteria specified as research respondents. The data collection method used by researchers to collect data is by using the method questionnaire. In processing data the researcher uses SPPSS Statistics 22 software. Test the validity and reliability, to test the validity by correlating each item with the total score in the variable. According to Ghozali (2011) to find out whether the questionnaire used is valid or not, it can be done by comparing the values (r count) and (r table) with the significance level used which is 5%. what if r count> r table then the instrument is said to be valid. A construct or variable is said to be reliable if it gives a Cronbach Alpha value> 0.60. Alpha value which is <60% indicates that there are some respondents who answer inconsistently and must see one by one the answers of respondents who are inconsistent must be discarded from the analysis and alpha will increase. Suharsimi (2010) After the data is collected from the results of data collection, data processing (data analysis) needs to be done immediately. The analytical method used is using multiple regression analysis, descriptive percentage, classic assumption test, and hypothesis testing. The classic assumption test uses normality, multicollinearity, linearity, and heterocedasticity tests. According to Ghozali (2011) the normality test aims to see whether a data is normally distributed or not. The decision criteria with the KolmogrovSmirnov statistical test are: (a) If the significance is> 0.05 then the data is normally distributed. (b) If the significance is <0.05, the data is not normally distributed. According to Ghozali (2011) the linearity test is used to see whether the specifications of the model used are correct or not. Testing of linearity can be done through linearty significance 6 JOURNAL ECONOMICS values. Aim to find out whether two variables have a relationship that is linear or not significantly. Decision criteria with linearity test with ANOVA, namely (a) If the linearity is <0.05, then two variables are said to have a linear relationship. (b) If the linearity is> 0.05 then the two variables do not have a linear relationship. According to Ghozali (2011) multicollinearity test aims to test whether the regression model found a correlation between independent variables (independent) Regression models can be said to be good if there is no correlation between the independent variables. How to find out whether each variable has multicollinearity or not can be seen from tolerance values and VIF (Variance Inflation Factor). Statistical testing criteria by looking at VIF (a) VIF> 10, multicollinearity occurs. (b) VIF <10, meaning that multicollinearity does not occur. While the statistical testing criteria by looking at the Tolerance value are (a) If the Tolerance value is <0.1 then it means that there is multicollinearity. (B) Tolerance value> 0.1 then it means that there is no multicollinearity.. According to Ghozali (2011) heteroscedaticity test aims to test whether in the regression model variance from residuals occur one observation to another observation. A good model is homoskedasticity. Detection of the presence or absence of heteroscedasticity can be done by looking at the presence or absence of certain patterns on the Scatterplot chart. Testing the research hypothesis, According to Ghozali (2011) the F test basically shows whether all independent or free variables included in the model have a joint effect on the dependent or bound variable. In the SPSS program the results of Fcount can be seen in the Anova table. Decision criteria (a) F count <Ftable, so H0 is accepted. (b) Fcount> Ftable, so H0 is rejected. According to Ghozali (2011) the t test basically shows how far the influence of one explanatory variable or individually independent in explaining the variation of the dependent variable. The decision criteria, namely (a) t count <t table, so H0 is accepted. (b) t count> t table, so H0 is rejected. According to Ghozali (2011) the coefficient of determination (R2) basically measures how far the ability of the model to explain the variation of the dependent variable or measure the extent to which the success rate of the regression model used to explain the value of independent variables can be seen from the magnitude of R square. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The classic assumption test in the study consisted of normality test, linearity test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. Tabel 1 Normality Test 1 Simple K-S One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Unstandardize d Residual N 240 Normal Mean Parametersa,b Std. Deviation Most Extreme Absolute .046 Differences Positive .046 Negative -.046 Test Statistic Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .0000000 2.16092497 .046 .200c,d 7 JOURNAL ECONOMICS a. Test distribution is Normal. b. Calculated from data. c. Lilliefors Significance Correction. d. This is a lower bound of the true significance. Based on the results of the calculation of the normality test using SPSS 22 states that the data from the three variables are normally distributed. Viewed from the significance level of 0.200 the variable is> 0.05. Thus it can be concluded that the data used in this study are normally distributed and can be used in subsequent analyzes with statistical methods. Anova table linearity test, it can be seen that the significance value in linearity for industrial work practice experience variables and work readiness is 0.000, significance value in linearity for variables motivation entering the world of work and work readiness by 0.000 and significance value for linearity for career guidance and readiness work of 0,000 this states that the assumption of a linearity relationship between industrial work experience, motivation to enter the workforce and career guidance with work readiness is fulfilled because of the significance level of linearity <0.05. Tabel 2 Results of Multiple Regression Analysis Coefficientsa Model 1 (Constant) Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity Coefficients Coefficients Statistics B Std. Error 5.818 2.416 .054 .065 .158 .431 Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF 2.408 .017 .061 .830 .407 .565 1.771 .073 .136 2.173 .031 .790 1.266 .082 .403 5.240 .000 .522 1.916 Experience of Industrial Work Practices Motivation Entering The Workforce Career Guidance a. Dependent Variable: Job Readiness The calculation of multicollinearity test in this study uses SPSS version 22. The multicollinearity test shows that industrial work experience (X1), motivation to enter the workforce (X2), career guidance (X3), has a tolerance value of ≥ 0,10. That is industrial work experience equal to 0.565; the motivation to enter the workforce is 0.790; and career guidance of 0.552. Whereas for VIF value shows that all variables have VIF value ≤ 10 which is industrial work experience 1.771; the motivation to enter the workforce is 1,266; and career guidance of 1,916; So it can be concluded that there is no multicollinearity between independent variables in the regression model. Calculation results of heterocytestity test using Sperman's rho test. The significance value of industrial work practice experience (X1) is 0.779 > 0.05. The significance value of the motivation to enter the workforce (X2) is 0.712 > 0.05 and the significance value of career 8 JOURNAL ECONOMICS guidance (X3) is 0.490 > 0.05. Because the significant value of each variable is more than 0.05, it can be concluded that the regression model in this study does not have a problem of heteroscedasticity. Based on the results of the multiple regression analysis above shows a regression equation, namely Y = 5.818 + 0.054X1 + 0.158X2 + 0.431X3 + e. The regression equation can be interpreted that if the independent variable is experience of industrial work practices, the motivation to entering the workforce and career guidance is worth 0, the dependent variable is work readiness is positive 5.818. If X1 is the experience of experience of industrial work practices, the motivation to entering the workforce and career guidance is worth 0, the dependent of 1% delinquency and the other independent variables have a fixed value, the dependent variable is work readiness will increase by 0.054. If X2, which is the motivation to enter the workforce, experiences delinquency of 1% and other independent variables has a fixed value, the dependent variable is work readiness will increase by 0.158. If X3, namely career guidance has increased by 1% and other independent variables have a fixed value, the dependent variable is work readiness will increase by 0.431. Heteroscedasticity Test Heteroscedasticity test aims to test whether the regression model variance occurs from residual inequalities to one observation to another observation. The Heteroskedastistias test in this study is based on a scatterplot, it can be seen that the points spread with unclear patterns, namely above and below number 0 on the Y axis. Therefore, it can be concluded that in the regression model in this study there was no problem of heteroscedasticity. Tabel 3 Simultaneous Test Results (Uji F) ANOVAa Model 1 Sum of Squares Regression df Mean Square 416.966 3 138.989 Residual 1116.034 236 4.729 Total 1533.000 239 F Sig. 29.391 .000b a. Dependent Variable: Work Readiness b. Predictors: (Constant), Experience of Industrial Work Practices, Motivation Entering The Workforce, Career Guidance. 9 JOURNAL ECONOMICS Based on the hypothesis test on the simultaneous test (F test) obtained Fcount that the calculated F value is 29,391. The Ftable value can be found in the statistical table at a significance level of 0.05, df 1 (number of variables - 1) or 4-1 = 3, and df 2 = nk-1 (n is the number of data and k is the number of independent variables) or 240 -3-1 = 236. Obtained a Ftable value of 2.65, it can be concluded that the experience of industrial work practice, motivation to enter the workforce and career guidance simultaneously influence the learning outcomes because the calculated F value is 29.391 > Ftable value of 2.65. Tabel 4 Hasil Uji Parsial (Uji t) Model 1 (Constant) Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error 5.818 2.416 Experience of Industrial Work Practices .054 .065 Motivation Entering The Workforce .158 Career Guidance .431 Based on the hypothesis test on the partial test (t test) for the industrial work experience experience variable (X1) obtained tcount = 0.830 with a significance of 0.407 > 0.05. These results indicate that the tcount is not significant, the hypothesis on H1 which reads “There is a partial influence between the work experience of industrial work on the work readiness of students of class XII of State Vocational Schools in Jakarta 2018/2019 school year rejected but has a positive effect”. The partial test results for the motivation variable entering the world of work (X2) obtained tcount = 2.173 with a significance of 0.031 < 0.05. These results indicate that the tcount is Beta t Sig. 2.408 .017 .061 .830 .407 .073 .136 2.173 .031 .082 .403 5.240 .000 significant, then the hypothesis in H2 which reads “There is a partial influence between the motivation to enter the workforce and the work readiness of class XII students of State Vocational Schools in Jakarta in the 2018/2019 academic year is accepted, and has a positive effect”. The partial test results for career guidance (X3) obtained tcount = 5.240 with a significance of 0.000 < 0.05. These results indicate that the tcount is significant, then the hypothesis on H3 which reads “There is a partial influence between career guidance on the work readiness of class XII students of State Vocational Schools in Jakarta in the 2018/2019 academic year is accepted, and has a positive effect”. 10 JOURNAL ECONOMICS Tabel 5 Results Determination Coefficient (R2) Model Summaryb Model 1 R Adjusted R Std. Error of the Square Estimate R Square .522a .272 .263 2.175 a. Predictors: (Constant), Experience of Industrial Work Practices, Motivation Entering The Workforce, Career Guidance. b. Dependent Variable: Work Readiness Based on the results of the simultaneous determination coefficient (R2), the Adjusted R Square value is 0.272. The Adjusted R Square value is multiplied by 100% to find out the amount of R2 which is equal to 27.2%. These results indicate that the magnitude of the influence of industrial work practice experience, motivation to enter the workforce and CONCLUSION It can be concluded from the results of the study showed: 1. The influence between industry work experience and work readiness has a positive effect, which means that if the industrial work experience increases, the work readiness gained will increase and vice versa. 2. The influence between motivation to enter the world of work and work readiness has a positive effect which means that if motivation enters the workforce increases, the work readiness gained will increase and vice versa. 3. The influence between career guidance and work readiness has a positive influence which means that if career guidance increases, the career guidance on the work readiness of students of class XII of State Vocational Schools in Jakarta 2018/2019 is 27.2%, and the remaining 72.8% is influenced and explained by other variables not examined in this study. work readiness gained will increase and vice versa. 4. The influence of industrial work experience, motivation to enter the world of work and career guidance has a positive influence on work readiness which means that the experience of industrial work practice, motivation to enter the world of work and career guidance increases, the work readiness gained will increase and vice versa. ADVICE Based on the conclusions and implications stated above, the researcher gives suggestions that are expected to be useful inputs, among others: 1. For State Vocational Schools in Jakarta, they must be able to improve industrial work practice experience, motivation to enter the 11 JOURNAL ECONOMICS world of work and career guidance. How to improve industrial work experience can be done by synchronizing with industry partners in determining the components of success of students in carrying out industrial work practices such as determining the implementation of work and fields of work in accordance with the field of expertise they manage during the learning process at school. In addition, each teacher is expected to motivate students in the form of encouragement, desire and aspirations. In addition, schools can carry out seminar programs or soft skills on career guidance tailored to the wishes of the industry today. 2. For parents, must provide better motivation in their children's learning activities, especially giving guidance in learning their children. Because giving guidance such as managing the time of study can make their children more organized in learning so that they can improve the learning outcomes they get. In addition, each parent is expected to set aside more time for his child such as being able to accompany his child while studying at home or be able to listen to all the complaints experienced by his child. 3. For further researchers, it is better to improve the quality of further research, especially those related to industrial work experience, motivation to enter the world of work and career guidance. It is expected that further researchers can improve the results of this study by adding research subjects and other variables that can affect work readiness such as soft skills, learning achievement, learning outcomes, parent and other support so that the conclusions obtained can be more comprehensive. BIBLIOGRAPHY Agus Fitriyanto. (2006). Ketidakpastian Memasuki Dunia Kerja Karena Pendidikan. Jakarta: Dineka Cipta. B. 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