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Nanang Ismail
frequency division
 time division
 code division
 space division (cellular concept)
􀂊􀂊 Multiplex
Band sharing by directions of signal flow
 Only frequency and time divisions are common
uplink (reverse link): user to network
downlink (forward link): network to user
E.g. FDD (frequency division duplex), TDD (time division duplex)
Link stuff, no switching possible
􀂊􀂊 Multiple Access
Band sharing by different users
E.g. FDMA (frequency division multiple access), TDMA (time division
multiple access), CDMA (frequency division multiple access)
Network stuff, switching possible
Radio Spectrum is divided into
frequency bands
power emitted outside these
bands must be strictly below a
certain level
to be on the safe side, unused
guard bands limit interference
between frequency bands
receivers use filtering to
receive carrier frequency of
already introduced in 1900 to
organize usage of radio
transmitters, e.g. on ships
usually used in combination
with other division techniques
Radio Spectrum usage is divided
into time slots
each sender is assigned a time
to avoid collisions, all
participating entities need to be
network needs to periodically
synchronize terminals
 need to consider finite traveling
time of synchronization signal,
depending on distance between
terminal and synchronizing entity!
guard times between slots
prevent collisions due to
imperfect synchronization
usually used in combination with
other division techniques
Several signals are sent in the
same (but wider) frequency band
and the same time slot
each signal is created by spreading
a narrowband signal through the
use of a unique user code to a
multiple of the original bandwidth
the receiver correlates the sum of
the received signal with the
(timeshifted) user code, and
thereby reobtains the original
narrowband signal (de-spreading)
power level of different signal
needs to be aligned
codes need to be uncorrelated,
otherwise interference
replanning cells becomes easier
with this technique
Space Division is today the
technique of choice
patented in 1972 by Bell Labs
instead of each antenna
illuminating an area as big
as possible (as in 1G
Systems), each antenna
covers only small area
lower transmission power
more efficient use of the
spectrum => better coverage
 higher infrastructure costs
 need technique for switching
users traversing from a cell
to another: “handover“
Uplink and Downlink use
different frequencies: FDD,
25 MHz each
 Uplink and Downlink
frequency bands are
subdivided into frequency
124 channels @200 kHz
each of these channels is
divided into 8 time slots
each user sends on a
particular frequency band, on
a particular time slot
Near-far effect
Party scenario: a single loud shout could stop all other conversations
User UE2 will be received with higher power by the BS
De-spreading at receiver works best when power levels of different signals
are the same
Assuming UE1 and UE2 transmit the same power, and the channel
characteristics are the same for both
This user could cause high interference to others in the same cell
Power control comes into play to alleviate the problem
Near-Far Problem in CDMA
How to do power control
Different Performance for Subscriber Links
A Few Subscribers closest to the BTS may contribute too
much multiple access interference (MAI)
Force all users to transmit the minimum amount of power
Reduce the power transmitted by users closest to the BTS;
increase the power transmitted by users farthest to the
Open Loop vs. Close Loop
Open Loop Power Control
Subscriber measures the DL power and adjusts its transmission
Close Loop Power Control
BS measures the UL power. MS measures the DL power and
reports to the BS. BS instructs the user to raise or lower it
transmission power
(Hard) Handover
Only one link of MS to BS is maintained at a time
 Dropped call is possible
Soft Handover
Active MS receives a priority list from the network
 MS searches priority list for new BSs
Softer Handover
Soft handover between sectors of the same BS
 Operation as for soft handover
 Differences only at network implementation level
Interfrequency Handover
When handover occurs between cells where a different
number of carriers have been allocated
 For handover between cell layers using different carrier
frequency (e.g hierarchichal cells)
 For interoperator handover
 For intersystem, e.g. UMTS to GSM
 7-cell
more realistic case
Bunch of global standards, mainly DS-CDMA based systems,
several incompatible air interfaces, seamless roaming(?)
Evolved air interface, packet switched services, limited
roaming of packet calls
Digital communications, circuit switched, intelligent services,
towards global solution (global roaming with GSM)
Analog communications, circuit switched, basic services,
limited compatibility (roaming in Scandinavia with NMT)
Evolved radio interface, IP based core network
New air interface, very high bit rate services
 Analog
 High power transmitters
 Simple modulation schemes
AMPS: Narrowband FM, 30kHz carrier spacing
 Nationwide,
incompatible systems
 Voice-only systems
 Digital
 Low power transmitters
 Enhanced modulation schemes
GSM: GMSK, 200 kHz carrier spacing
 Semi-compatible
 Voice and low data rate services
 Enhancement
of existing 2G systems
 Voice and medium data rate services
 Circuit- and packet-switched
 Voice
and high data rate services, including
 Mixture of different services
 Mainly packet-switched
 High efficiency modulation schemes
 Enhanced multiple access techniques
 International standardisation
 Co-existence with 2G and 2.5G systems
Real convergence of wired and wireless
 Seamless communications consisting of multiple
PANs (personal area networks, e.g. Bluetooth)
Wireless LANs
ITSs (Intelligent Transportation Systems)
Satellite Communications
In excess of 100 Mbps full coverage and high mobility
 Adaptive
e.g. user terminal
 Consumers
are 80% of 2G Usage
 Corporations are supposed to be 80% of early 3G
 3G has increased from 1.3% of the wireless
market in 2002 to 23% in 2007
Suara digital CDMA lebih jernih.
Kapasitas CDMA jauh lebih besar, untuk satu kanal 8 x kapasitas AMPS dan 4
x kapasitas GSM sehingga investasi operator jauh lebih rendah.
Pada CDMAOne, kapasitas suara-yang dihitung dalam erlang-per sektor di
BTS (base transceiver station) mencapai 52,5 erlang, pada GSM hanya 13,2
sampai 32,8 erlang. Pada CDMA 2000-1X, kapasitas per sektor antara 92,8133,9 erlang.
Tiap sektor di BTS GSM dapat digunakan hanya oleh 20-43 pelanggan
bersama-sama, pada CDMAOne dapat sampai 63 pelanggan per sektor dan di
CDMA 2000-1X jauh lebih besar, antara 105-147 pelanggan.
Kemungkinan drop call yang lebih sedikit daripada GSM karena semua
frekuensi CDMA yang besarnya 1,25 MHz disebarkan sekaligus oleh tiap BTSnya (spread spectrum), tidak dipecah-pecah dalam frekuensi kecil-kecil
seperti di GSM akibat digunakan lagi di BTS lainnya (reuse). Karena
kelebihan ini, CDMA dikenal sebagai seluler yang dapat pindah BTS secara
halus (soft handsoff). GSM membagi frekuensi menjadi masing-masing 20
kHz dan tiap BTS yang bertetangga memancarkan frekuensi yang berbeda,
frekuensi yang digunakan satu BTS digunakan lagi (reuse) di BTS yang
berjauhan, dengan tujuan kapasitasnya dapat ditingkatkan.
CDMA versi 2000-1X-dalam hitungan sudah sebanding dengan GSM generasi ketigamampu mengirim data dengan kecepatan sampai 153 kilobit per detik, dibandingkan
dengan GSM yang maksimal 64 kbps. Bahkan, pada CDMA 2000-1X EVDO (Evolution
Data Optimized) mempunyai kapasitas 2,4 Mbps walau dalam praktik yang dicoba oleh
Mobile-8, kecepatan yang dicapai sekitar 800-900 kbps. Pada CDMA 2000-1X EVDV
(Evolution Data and Video) kapasitas transmisinya dapat sampai 3,1 Mbps.
CDMA juga menghadirkan berbagai aplikasi canggih semisal LBS (location based
service) pemetaan, mobile Internet kecepatan tinggi, pesan multimedia, permainan
(games), gambar, konferensi video, dan banyak lagi yang melebihi kemampuan GSM.
Ada kelemahan CDMA, luas cakupan BTS pada CDMA sangat tergantung dari berapa
pelanggan yang menggunakannya. Beda dengan GSM, berapa pun yang menggunakan,
cakupannya tetap. Ini karena sifat CDMA, seperti paru-paru yang akan mengecil saat
bekerja keras meniupkan udara ke luar. Kalau penggunanya sedikit pada waktu
bersamaan, cakupan BTS CDMA akan kembali meluas. Pada beberapa kasus
pemasangan pengulang (repeater) tidak optimal karena malah mempersempit
Cakupan CDMA (maksimal) sama dengan GSM, tergantung dari berapa frekuensi yang
digunakan. Makin kecil frekuensinya, makin luas cakupannya. Kalau seluler, CDMA
atau GSM, menggunakan frekuensi 1.900 MHz, cakupannya hanya sekitar 2 km,
dengan 800 MHz bisa sampai 5-6 km. Namun, dengan 450 MHz, seperti yang digunakan
PT Mobisel, bisa sampai 30 km, bahkan hingga 120 km dengan antena khusus.
GSM berkemampuan roaming. Pemilik GSM dapat menggunakan ponsel di luar domisili
atau operatornya, CDMA belum mampu.