CASE STUDY BRIEF BG 2018 VACCINE; THE EARLIEST FORM OF PROTECTIVE MEASURES TOWARDS A HEALTHIER GENERATION OF INDONESIANS I. BACKGROUND The mark of a strong country begins with generations of healthy individuals. Vaccines are one of the ways to protect Indonesian children from a variety of diseases and illnesses, but the rate of its uptake has been unstable and tends to decline; despite the government’s mandate to have all babies aged below a year old to complete its basic immunization. It is required that: 1. Babies at the age of less than 24 hours to be given immunization against Hepatitis B HB-0. 2. Aged 1 month old to be given immunization against BCG and Polio 1. 3. Aged 2 months old to be given immunization against DPT-HB-Hib 1 and Polio 2. 4. Aged 3 months old to be given immunization against DPT HB-Hib 2 and Polio 3. 5. Aged 4 months old to be given immunization against DPT-HB-Hib 3, Polio 4 and IPV or injectable Polio. 6. Aged 9 months to be given immunization against Measles or MR. If the non-vaccinated chid suffers from diseases or illnesses otherwise could have been prevented by the vaccines, they are not only a danger to themselves but also to those around them. II. THE CHALLENGE MAIN ISSUE: THE DANGEROUSLY UNSTABLE RATE OF VACCINATION UPTAKE The rate for immunization tends to be unstable, and has not been improving. Based on the data shared by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, the rate of its uptake has dropped in the years 2014 and 2015, falling to 80 percent; far below its target of achieving an uptake of 90 percent. Despite the number gradually rising, the rate remains unstable, which may pose a negative threat potentially impacting various stakeholders. 1/5 III. THE NEGATIVE IMPACT OF UNSTABLE RATE OF VACCINATION UPTAKE III.I. HEALTH: III.I.I. Diphtheria Outbreak Across 142 Towns: The number of cases reported has reached up to 600 cases, and 38 patients have died from it. “This diphtheria epidemic is a like a bomb that has slowly been exploding, because negligent parties in the past 8-9 years people have not been getting their vaccinations” said Dr.dr. Hindra Irawan Satari SpA (K), consultant of tropical infections (Republika). III.I.II. The Worst Diphtheria Outbreak in West Sumatra in 2014: “As people were affected by anti-vaccination groups, the rate of uptake for vaccines has dropped from 93 percent to 35 percent, when the standard required was at 80 percent.” – Piprim, Founder of Rumah Vaksinasi (Kompas). III.I.III. The Threat of a National Outbreak of Measles and Rubella: In Asmat, Papua, 75 out of 651 children who have been diagnosed with measles and malnutrition have died by the end of 2017 (Kompas). This outbreak poses a nationwide threat, as the uptake of MR phase 2 vaccinations have only reached 42.98 percent, where it should have been at 95 percent. III.II. ECONOMY: The Country’s Loss Reaches Trillions of Rupiah: Indonesia suffers large economic losses due to its measles and rubella epidemic, reaching 5.7 trillion Rupiah from the 57,056 cases reported between the years 2014 and 2018 (CNN Indonesia). This counts for just measles and rubella, not including other diseases and illnesses listed in the complete vaccination list. III.III. SOCIAL: Thousands of individuals that make up the future generation of Indonesians are at risk of becoming a victim of epidemics that could have otherwise been prevented, potentially resulting in debilitating repercussions, permanent disabilities and even death. III.IV. NATIONAL SECURITY: Indonesia can be considered as one of the most dangerous countries to live in due to its epidemic of diseases, where it has negatively impacted tourism, investments and the economy. An example of this is when Japan and several European countries issuing a travel warning due to massive measles outbreaks in the past. 2/5 One of the causes that contributes to the decrease in the rate of vaccination uptake is the community’s confusion caused by the anti-vaccination movement, building a negative perception for immunization. The movement has built fears over the side effects of vaccines or KIPI (Kejadian ikutan pasca imunisasi), said to cause autism, mental disabilities paralysis as well as other adverse events, where it has not been proven to be the case. Vaccinations are developed with years and years of trials; some even taking up to 10-20 years to develop a safe vaccine. But with the controversy spurred by the antivaccination movement, vaccinations have been considered useless and negative; even though it is one of the earliest forms of protective measures to protect humans and prevent the spread of outbreaks. In the end, the controversy regarding vaccinations will result in Indonesian children becoming victims to the selfishness and ignorance of parents, antivaccination organizations, NGOs and other parties that have a significant impact on the many less fortunate people since the unstable vaccine uptake is driven by the declining uptake from Puskesmas area that giving free vaccine (required for low segment market) while uptake in middle and big hospital (middle up segment) tend to be stable. Having said that, the less fortunate people are being the most at risk of outbreaks, they will be unable to protect nor treat themselves, fatally risking their lives and spreading it even further. IV. TASK 1. Define the core issue to the decline uptake. 2. Create a solution to resolve the core issue. 3. Create communication campaign to make target audience aware. *Powered by Rumah Vaksin. 3/5 PERSYARATAN TEKNIS: - Proposal kampanye harus diserahkan dalam bentuk/format dokumen PowerPoint (pptx). Gunakan font standar. Bila menggunakan font khusus, disarankan teks tersebut dirubah menjadi gambar. - Sebanyak-banyaknya terdiri dari 10 (SEPULUH) halaman termasuk halaman muka/judul - Seluruh materi presentasi, termasuk judul/tema kampanye harus dibuat dalam Bahasa Inggris. - Tidak terdapat ID atau penanda apapun yang bisa menunjukkan siapa pembuatnya atau institusi pembuatnya - Panitia telah memberikan nomor pendaftaran kepada peserta dengan format: Nomor Urut/Kategori/Tahun (contoh: 001/BG/2018). Nomor urut bisa dilihat di: - Nama dokumen harus sesuai dengan nomor pendaftaran yang diberikan panitia, dengan menghilangkan tanda garis miring (contoh: 001BG2018.pptx) - Proposal kampanye untuk BG Award harus dikirimkan melalui email ke [email protected] selambat-lambatnya hari Minggu tanggal 11 November 2018 pukul 22.00 WIB dengan subyek/judul email: “Materi BG 2018“. Materi yang diterima selewat pk. 22.00 WIB, otomatis digugurkan. Panitia akan mengirimkan email otomatis yang berisi konfirmasi penerimaan materi tersebut. - Jika lolos ke babak final, maka peserta harus mempresentasikan proposal kampanyenya pada tanggal 29 November 2018 dalam waktu 10 (sepuluh) menit dihadapan Juri Panel 4, yang langsung disusul dengan tanya jawab dengan juri yang akan berlangsung selama 5 (lima) menit. Jadwal dan lokasi (di Jakarta) selengkapnya akan disusulkan. - Peserta yang terpilih sebagai finalis (maksimal 10 peserta) akan diberi kabar melalui alamat email yang terdaftar di Panitia paling lambat hari Minggu, 25 November 2018 pukul 17.00 WIB. Peserta yang terpilih sebagai finalis wajib segera mengirimkan Surat Pernyataan terlampir dan melampirkan foto dari masing-masing anggota tim (dalam file terpisah - bukan foto bersama/gabungan). - Panitia berhak menggugurkan karya yang masuk apabila tidak memenuhi syarat teknis di atas - Panitia tidak melayani tanya jawab melalui media komunikasi apapun. Tidak diperkenankan pula melakukan komunikasi dengan para juri. Peserta yang diketahui melakukan komunikasi dengan juri, baik secara langsung ataupun tidak langsung, akan otomatis digugurkan. ---o0o--- 4/5 SURAT PERNYATAAN Dengan ini, kami yang bertandatangan di bawah ini: Nama (sesuai KTP) : ............................................................................................. No. KTP : ............................................................................................. Nama (sesuai KTP) : ............................................................................................. No. KTP : ............................................................................................. sebagai pasangan peserta ☐Daun Muda Award ATAU ☐BG Award pada ajang Citra Pariwara 2018 dengan Nomor Pendaftaran: ....................................., menyatakan memahami dan menyetujui hal-hal sebagai berikut: 1. Ide-ide kreatif yang dinilai pantas menjadi finalis Daun Muda Award dan BG Award Citra Pariwara 2018 akan diserahkan kepada Rumah Vaksin untuk dapat digunakan sebagai materi kampanye. 2. Rumah Vaksin berhak menggunakan keseluruhan ide tersebut dengan/tanpa melakukan pengembangan dari ide tersebut. 3. Peserta Daun Muda Award dan BG Award tidak akan menuntut kompensasi/imbalan lebih lanjut di kemudian hari atas penggunaan ide kreatif tersebut oleh pihak Rumah Vaksin. Demikian surat pernyataan ini dibuat dengan suka-rela dan tanpa tekanan dari pihak manapun. ............................... , …………………………………… 2018 Meterai Rp 6.000,- Nama: _______________________ Nama: _________________________ Catatan: Surat Pernyataan ini adalah syarat wajib bagi peserta yang terpilih menjadi finalis DM dan BG Awards Citra Pariwara 2018. Harap surat ini dikirimkan kepada panitia via email (berupa dokumen hasil scan/foto – nama file adalah nomor pendaftaran Anda) setelah pengumuman finalis dan sebelum finalis melakukan presentasi di depan Juri Panel 4. Bawa dokumen aslinya dan serahkan kepada Anggota Tim Penjurian BG & DM 2018 pada tgl. 29 November 2018. Kirimkan via email foto masing-masing anggota tim Anda dalam format JPG (antara 500KB s/d 1MB) dan gunakan nama masing-masing anggota tim sebagai nama file fotonya. 5/5