Veterinary Embryology

Veterinary Embryology | <!--:in-->Struktur Dasar Sel Hewan <!--:--><!--:en-->Basic Struc
Copyright Kusdiantoro Mohamad [email protected]
Struktur Dasar Sel Hewan Basic Structure of
Animal Cell
Sel hewan termasuk ke dalam kelompok sel eukariota karena memiliki inti
“sebenarnya”. Sel ini memiliki inti (nukleus) yang dibungkus oleh membran inti
yang memisahkan materi genetik yang terdapat di dalamnya dengan bagian luar
inti atau sitoplasma. Sitoplasma sendiri mengandung cairan sitoplasma yang
disebut sitosol (cytosol) dan berbagai organel sel (cell organelle) selain inti. Adapun
istilah cairan intraseluler merujuk kepada seluruh cairan yang terdapat di dalam sel,
yaitu sitosol berikut cairan yang terdapat di dalam organel-organel sel termasuk inti
sel. Sel dibungkus oleh membran plasma yang memisahkan cairan intraseluler sel
dengan lingkungan luar.
>> Lanjut ke Membran Plasma
>> Lanjut ke Inti (Nukleus)
>> Lanjut ke Anak Inti (Nukleolus)
>> Lanjut ke Ribosom
>> Lanjut ke Retikulum Endoplasmik
>> Lanjut ke Aparatus Golgi
>> Lanjut ke Mitokondria
>> Lanjut ke Lisosom
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Veterinary Embryology | <!--:in-->Struktur Dasar Sel Hewan <!--:--><!--:en-->Basic Struc
Copyright Kusdiantoro Mohamad [email protected]
>> Lanjut ke Peroksisom
>> Lanjut ke Sitoskeleton
>> Lanjut ke Sentriol
>> Lanjut ke Silia
<< Kembali ke Struktur Dasar Sel Hewan
<< Kembali ke PENDAHULUAN
<< Kembali ke DAFTAR ISIThe animal cells belong to a group of eukaryotic cells
because it has a "true" nucleus. This cell has a nucleus that is surrounded by a
nuclear membrane that separates the genetic material contained in it with the
outside of the nucleus or cytoplasm. The cytoplasm contains a fluid called cytosol
and various cell organelles except the nucleus. The term of "intracellular fluid"
refers to the entire liquid contained inside the cell, i.e the cytosol and the liquid
contained in the cell organelles, including the cell nucleus. The cell is surrounded by
the plasma membrane that separates the intracellular fluid with the extracellular
>> Continued to Plasma Membrane
>> Continued to Nucleus
>> Continued to Nucleolus
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Veterinary Embryology | <!--:in-->Struktur Dasar Sel Hewan <!--:--><!--:en-->Basic Struc
Copyright Kusdiantoro Mohamad [email protected]
>> Continued to Ribosomes
>> Continued to Endoplasmic Reticulum
>> Continued to Golgi Apparatus
>> Continued to Mitochondria
>> Continued to Lysosome
>> Continued to Peroxisome
>> Continued to Cytoskeleton
>> Continued to Centriole
>> Continued to Cilia
<< Back to Basic Structure of Animal Cells
<< Back to CONTENTS
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