Soal MCQ 2 Obgyn

Soal MCQ 2 Obgyn
You are seeing a 19 year old woman (G1P0) in the third trimester of pregnancy in the emergency room. While being examined, she has a convulsion. You
a. Obtain neurologic consultation
b. Perform an emergency caesaran delivery
c. Give iv phenytoin
d. Protect the patient from self-harm
e. Obtain a chest film
24 yo G1P0 37 weeks gestation was noted to have a 6lb weight gain and an increase in blood pressure from 100/0 to 130/80 in the past week. She also
has 1+ proteinuria. The examination was repeated hours later and the same results were obtained. The best diagnosis is
a. Normal pregnancy
b. Preeclampsia
c. Eclampsia
d. Pregnancy induced hypertension
e. Transient hypertension of pregnancy
Which of the following histories might lead you to suspect the existence of diabetes in a patient now pregnant for the third time?
a. Spontaneous rupture of the membranes occurred during the second trimester in both preceding pregnancies
b. Jaundice appeared in the last trimester of her second pregnancy
c. Both preceding infant were premature
d. Unexplain intrauterine death occurred at 38 weeks gestation in her last pregnancy
e. Abruption placentae occurred in the second pregnancy
The most common type of anemia in pregnancy is due to
a. Iron deficiency, acute blood loss
b. Iron deficiency, sickle cell disease
c. Folat deficiency, acute blood loss
d. Folat deficiency, sickle cell disease
Microcytic hypochromic anemia may be due to
a. Folat deficiency
b. Vit B12 deficiency
c. Thalassemia
d. Vit b deficiency
e. Acute blood loss
Toxoplasmosis is transmitted to the infant by
a. Ascending passage of a virus delivery through the infected tissue
b. Transplacental passage in the protozoa
c. Sexual intercourse by the mother during pregnancy
d. Hematogenesis spread of the bacteria
You are examining a term patient in the labour and delivery suit. Which of the following sign and symptoms is most likely to indicate ruptured membranes?
a. Vaginal pool pH of 6,5
b. Yellow green colour on nitrazine test
c. Ferning on a specimen from the vaginal pool
d. Superficial squamous cells in the vaginal pool
e. Copious leakage on pants or underwear
You are delivering a 34 yo woman G3P4 at 38,5 weeks whose pregnancy is complicated by gestational diabetes. The head delivers, but the shoulders do
not follow. An afficacious method of delivery for a shoulder dystocia includes McRoberts maneuver, which is
a. Fundal pressure
b. Extreme flexion of the maternal tights
c. Rotation to an oblique position after delivery of posterior arm
d. Strong traction on the head
e. Rotation of the posterior shoulder to the anterior
Laserasi perineum kecuali mukosa anus..
First degree
Second degree
Third degree
Fourth degree
Fifth degree
10. Tentang hasil pap smear yg hasilnya high grade SIL tapi ngga terlihat sel endoservixnya,, next step?
a. …..
b. Repeat pap smear
c. …
d. …
e. Colposcopy n biopsy
11. 24 yo G2P2 has just delivered vaginally an infant weighing 4300 g after a spontaneous uncomplicated labor. Her prior obstetric history was a low uterine
segment transverse cesarean section for breech. She has had no problems during the pregnancy and labor. The placenta delivers spontaneously. There
is immediate brisk vaginal bleeding of greater than 500 cc.
Although all of the following can be the cause for post partum hemorrhage, which is the most frequent cause of immediate hemorrhage as seen in this
a. Uterine atony
b. Vaginal and/or cervical laceration
c. Uterine inversion
d. Coagulopathies
e. Uterine rupture
12. A patient who is 12 hours postpartum develops a temperature of 104oF, a tender uterus, and increased lochia without an odor. Your antibiotic choise
needs to be sure to cover the most likely organism, which would be
a. E.coli
b. Bacteroides
c. Beta-streptococcus
d. Gonococcus
e. Staphylococcus
A 20 yo woman G1 has just delivered. After expression of the placenta, a red, raw surface is seen at the vaginal introitus. Simultaneously, the nurse states
that the patient is pale and her BP is 70/40. External bleeding has been of normal amount.
13. Of the following, the most likely diagnosis would be
a. Ruptured uterus
b. Second twin
c. Ovarian cyst
d. Uterine inversion
e. Vaginal rupture
14. Treatment would consist of
a. Immediate hysterectomy
b. Delivery of the infant
c. Exploratory laparatomy
d. Immediate replacement of the fundus
e. Massive blood transfusion
15. An 18 yo woman comes to your clinic with irregular cycles since menarche and mild hirsutism. She is not interested in pregnancy or contraception. Her
serum TSH, prolactin, and DHEAS levels are normal, with aslightly elevated serum testosterone level of 80ng/dl. Which of the following is the most
appropriate next step for this patient?
a. Oral contraceptive treatment
b. Endometrial biopsy
c. GnRH stimulation test
d. Chlomiphene citrate
e. Bromocriptine
16. Tentang mekanisme IUD mencegah kehamilan dengan cara…
a. …
Penebalan mucus servix
17. Penyebab tersering kehamilan ektopik,,
a. …
b. IUD
c. …
d. Stimulasi ovulasi
e. …
18. An 18 yo woman consults you for a painfull swelling of her left labium that has progressively worsened over the past 3 days. She has been treating the
discomfort with over the counter analgesics and warm sitz baths. On examination, a cm swollen, red, tnder, tense cystic mass is present in the base of the
left labium majus. The most appropriate next step in the care of this patient is
a. Excision of the mass
b. Dry heat
c. Oral antibiotics
d. Intramuscular or intravenous antibiotics
e. Incision and drainage of the mass
19. Which of the following is NOT a component of the Bishop score?
a. Parity
b. Dilation
c. Effacement
d. Station
20. What effect will labor induction have on the incidence of uterine rupture in woman with prior cesarean deliveries?
a. Decreased
b. The same as spontaneous labor
c. Increased
d. Unknown since oxytocin is contraindicated in these woman
21. Intravenous bollus oxytocin may cause which of the following?
a. Hypotension and cardiac arrhythmias
b. Hypertension and headache
c. Hypotension and headache
d. Hypertensioan and cardiac arrhythmias
22. What is the most common presenting complain with vulvar hematomas?
a. Excruciating pain
b. Hemorrhage
c. Constipation
d. Urinary retention
23. Which of the following tocolytics is associated with premature closure of the fetal ductus arteriosus?
a. Ritodrine
b. Nifedipine
c. Magnesium sulfate
d. Indomethacin
24. preterm rupture of membrane, next step?
a. Pematangan paru
b. Start tocolytic
c. …
d. …
e. Expectant
25. What is the treatment of choice for uncomplicated gonorrhea in pregnancy?
a. Ceftriaxone
b. Penicillin
26. Of the following, which is NOT an absolute contraindication to oral contraceptives?
a. Prior tromboembolism
b. History of liver tumor while an oral contraceptives previously
c. Migraine headaches
d. Breast carcinoma with positive estrogen receptors
27. What is the most appropriate therapy for a woman who is 8 week pregnant with the string of a CuT 380 A visible at the cervix?
a. Antibiotics
b. Abortion
c. Removal of intrauterine device
d. No action
28. Which of the following is contraindicated in the treatment of chronic hypertension and pregnancy?
a. Methyldopa
b. Hydralazine
c. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
d. Labetolol
29. How is magnesium toxicity treated?
a. Calcium gluconate 1 g intravenously
b. Calcium gluconate orally
c. Calcium gluconate 1g intravenously and discontinue magnesium
d. Dialysis
30. 5 patients come for contraceptive counseling, each requested IUD insertion. Which of the following is recognize contraindication for IUD insertion?
a. PID
b. Previous pregnancy with IUD
c. DUB
d. Cervix conization
e. Corioamnitis in previous pregnancy
31. Wanita hamil 17 minggu keguguran dari 5 minggu yl tapi yg keluar baru spotting. Wanita ini dalam risiko…
a. Septic abortion
b. …
c. Coagulopathy & hypofibrinogenemia
d. …
e. Ectopic pregnancy
32. Keuntungan episiotomy mediolateral..
a. Luka lbh mudah sembuh
b. Lbh banyak perdarahan
c. …
d. …
e. Risiko laserasi lbh rendah
33. Pengobatan untuk apa…….(lupa)
a. …
b. penicilin
c. Metronidazole dosis …
d. Metronidazole dosis 500 mg qid (yg panjang deh jawabannya)
e. …
34. Pertumbuhan janin terhambat simetris karena…
a. Defisiensi nutrisi
b. …
c. …
d. …
e. Insufisiensi plasenta
35. Hari pemeriksaan HSG
36. Hari pemeriksaan progesterone
37. Hari pemeriksaan GnRH (lupa pertanyaannya…)
a. Hari ke 3
b. Hari ke 8
c. Hari ke 14
d. Hari ke 21
e. Hari ke 28
38. Ada ibu ngeluh spider nevi saat hamil, yg kita lakukan?
a. Suruh ke dokter kulit utk dioperasi
b. Kasih tau klo itu penyakit hati yg serius
c. Edukasi klo itu normal pd orang hamil dan akan menghilang stelah melahirkan
d. …
e. …
39. Ibu hamil ngeluh pusing kunang2 klo tiduran,, yg kita lakukan?
a. EKG
b. Monitor dgn video….
c. …
d. …
e. Edukasi klo itu gpp n suruh jgn posisi tiduran lg..
40. Ibu hamil 40 minggu,, bla bla bla, pengen anaknya sekarang,, yg kita lakukan?
a. Langsung sesar
b. Induksi dgn picosin (namanya itu kyknya...)
c. Jadwalin sesar 1 minggu lagi
d. Jadwalin sesar klo dah mules2
e. …
41. Kita ga boleh periksa dalem klo ibunya punya penyakit..
a. Kanker serviks
b. Gonore
c. …
d. …
e. …
Nah maaf ya tmn2 sekalian karena kmrn pada ga ngumpulin apalan soal, jadi Cuma itu yg gw bisa inget dan yg ketemu di buku soal,,, smoga bisa bermanfaat untuk
her besok.. ayo smangat!! Gw jg her nih.. hix hix