System Tools

]CD WRITER : Pengertian CD writer adalah suatu software yang berguna untuk
menyalin atau mengcopy file atau memindahkan file yang tersimpan di dalam komputer
ke dalam sebuah CD
Using the Configuration Editor
This chapter describes how to use the Configuration Editor tool kit, which provides a
graphical user interface (GUI) for editing a configuration on a selected router.
The Configuration Editor displays the complete top level of the configuration statement
hierarchy in both list format and expanding and collapsing tree format. To see the
sublevels of the hierarchy, expand the statement or click Edit or Configure for the
statement that you want to edit. You can modify the existing configuration or add a new
configuration. Icons display in the configuration to identify where a configuration
statement has been annotated, modified, is inactive, or must have a value. You can also
use the Configuration Editor to commit the modified configuration, as well as discard any
unwanted configuration changes.
kernel banyak disebut sebgai jantung sistem operasi. Mengapa demikian? Karena kernel
menyediakan akses yang aman terhadap perangkat keras komputer. Di dalam kernel
terdapat mekanisme yang disebut penjadwalan (scheduling). Mekanisme ini mengatur
kapan, dan berapa lama suatu perangkat lunak mengakses perangkat keras. Mirip dengan
mekanisme jantung kita dalam mengatur sirkulasi darah dari dan ke seluruh tubuh. Hal
ini dilakukan karena akses terhadap perangkat keras terbatas, sementara perangkat lunak
yang mengakses suatu perangkat keras sangat banyak. Belum lagi desain dan spesifikasi
perangkat keras sangat beragam karena dibuat oleh berbagai produsen (pabrikan).
Kernel menyediakan satu deskripsi seragam untuk menyatukan cara mengakses suatu
jenis perangkat keras yang bisa memiliki beragam spesifikasi tersebut. Deskripsi ini
disebut hardware abstraction. Dengan hardware abstraction ini, para programmer dapat
sangat dimudahkan dalam merancang sebuah perangkat lunak komputer.
Sampai saat ini, terdapat beberapa arsitektur kernel, yaitu kernel monolitik (momolithic
kernel), kernel mikro (microkernel), kernel hybrida (hybrid kernel) dan kernel exo (exo
Monolithic Kernel
Kernel ini menggunakan mekanisme yang disebut system call untuk menjalankan
berbagai layanan/fungsi utama sistem operasi (mis. manajemen memori, manajemen
proses, konkurensi), dan ditempatkan dalam berbagai modul. Walaupun modul terpisah,
tetap kesatuan kode di antaranya sangat erat karena berada pada alamat yang sama.
Maka, ketidaksesuaian konfigurasi kode antara modul satu dengan yang lain
menyebabkan seluruh sistem tidak stabil atau bahkan crash.
Masuk akal, jika kita menambahkan satu dukungan ke dalam kernel (misalnya dukungan
multiprosesor, koneksi wifi dan lainnya), dan salah menkonfigurasinya dapat
mengakibatkan sistem operasi crash atau populer disebut kernel panic! Namun, sekali
ditemukan konfigurasi yang benar antara modul, kernel menjadi efektif dan efisien.
Contoh sistem operasi yang menerapkan arsitektur kernel monolitik adalah Linux,
FreeBSD, Solaris (Sun) dan Windows NT.
Arsitektur kernel ini menempatkan sebagian besar layanan atau fungsi utama sistem
operasi ke dalam modul yang berada di luar kernel. Modul-modul di luar kernel tersebut
ditempatkan dalam suatu perangkat lunak yang disebut server. Jika terdapat
ketidaksesuaian kode atau konfigurasi antar modul, hanya akan menyebabkan terhentinya
salah satu perangkat lunak, tidak pada keseluruhan sistem operasi. Contoh sistem operasi
yang menerapkan microkernel adalah Symbian, MacOS, Minix dan Amiga.
Hybrid Kernel Kernel ini merupakan perpaduan antara arsitektur kernel monolithic dan
microkernel. Penerapannya adalah denganm memindahkan server yang berisi berbagai
modul dan menjalankan berbagai fungsi utama/layanan sistem operasi ke dalam kernel.
Mengapa dipindahkan ke dalam kernel? Karena fungsi /layanan akan berjalan lebih cepat
dibandingkan di luar kernel (pada user space). Di antara berbagai modul dan server juga
diterapkan mekanisme pemisahan alamat. Komunikasi dan sinkronisasi terjadi antara
server dan modul tersebut, dan dikenal dengan istilah Local Procedure Call. Contoh
sistem operasi yang menerapkan arsitektur kernel hybrida antara lain adalah BeOS,
Windows XP dan Windows 2000.
Exo Kernel Arsitektur kernel ini masih dalam tahap pengembangan dan belum
diterapkan pada sistem operasi untuk khalayak umum. Saai ini dikembangkan dalam
proyek Nemesis, antara lain oleh Universitas Glasgow, Universitas Cambridge, serta
Institut Teknologi Massachusets. Arsitektur Exo Kernel memungkinkan akses perangkat
lunak secara langsung dengan menyediakan sebanyak mungkin library yang dapat dibaca
oleh berbagai sistem operasi.
Dari dulu, terdapat perbedaan pandangan antara gerakan open source dengan perusahaan
perangkat lunak yang berorientasi bisnis. Demikian juga, ada kernel bersifat open source
dan ada yang bersifat closed source. Vmlinuz merupakan kernel sistem operasi Linux dan
diperkenalkan oleh Linus Torvalds. Kernel ini dahulunya juga dikembangkan dari kernel
sistem operasi Minix. Pengguna Linux juga dapat mengkonfigurasi kernel dan dikenal
dengan istilah kernel tuning atau kompilasi kernel. Lain halnya dengan, misalnya kernel
Microsoft Windows atau kernel MacOS yang bersifat tertutup dan hanya bisa dituning
oleh produsennya.
FLOPPY FORMATTER : Adalah suatu sistem yang terdapat pada LINUX ataupun
Windows yang mempunyai fungsi yang sama yaitu untuk menformat floppy disk
Internet Configuration Wizard,
Getting Online
Exploring the Internet has become a popular activity. People use the Internet for
everything from information to finances to getting medical prescriptions on the Web.
However, in order to use the Internet, you must have a connection to it. There are many
types of Internet connections, including:
 ISDN Connection
 Modem Connection
 Wireless Connection
 xDSL Connection
 Ethernet Connections
Red Hat Linux includes the Internet Configuration Wizard, which can be used to
create an Internet connection. You can then configure the connection that you created at
any time using the Network Administration Tool. More information about the Network
Administration Tool can be found in the chapter entitled Network Configuration in the
Red Hat Linux Customization Guide.
To use Internet Configuration Wizard, you must be running the X Window System and
have root privileges. To start the application, use one of the following methods:
 In the graphical desktop environment, go to the Main Menu => System Tools =>
Internet Configuration Wizard.
 At a shell prompt, type the command internet-druid
In both cases you will have to enter your root password to continue.
Your own ISP may have specific connection requirements for their service which differ
from the instructions in this chapter. Before connecting, check with your ISP for any
specific instructions that they provide, including the following information:
 The phone number that your modem must dial to connect to your ISP if you are
using a modem.
 Your login name and password for your account if you are using an xDSL or
modem connection.
 A gateway address. Some ISPs may require you to configure a master address
(called the gateway) that authenticates your computer and allows it to connect to
the Internet.
DNS entries: DNS means Domain Name System. DNS servers act as a road map for the
Internet. When you use the Internet, the DNS tells your machine where to send its traffic.
DNS tracks IP (Internet Protocol) addresses; each computer
 connected to the Internet must have an IP address, which is a unique set of numbers
like 2xx.2xx.2x.2. You may receive one or more DNS entries from your Internet
provider when you sign up.
Internet Configuration Wizard
ISDN Connection
An ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) connection uses high-speed,
high-quality digital telecommunication lines as opposed to an analog modem
connection. This special phone line must be installed by a phone company. To
configure this type of connection, start Internet Configuration Wizard, select
ISDN Connection, and follow the steps in the wizard.
Modem Connection
A modem connection uses a modem to establish a connection to the Internet.
Digital data is modulated into analog signals and sent over phone lines. To
configure this type of connection, start Internet Configuration Wizard, select
Modem Connection, and follow the steps in the wizard.
xDSL Connection
An xDSL (Digital Subscriber Line) connection uses high-speed transmissions
through telephone lines. There are different types of DSL such as ADSL, IDSL,
and SDSL. Internet Configuration Wizard uses the term xDSL to mean all
types of DSL connections.
Some DSL providers require you to configure your system to obtain an IP address
through DHCP with an Ethernet card. To configure this type of connection, start
Internet Configuration Wizard, select Ethernet Connection, and select DHCP
on the Configure Network Settings screen. Some DSL providers require you to
configure a PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) connection with an
Ethernet card. To configure this type of connection, start the Internet
Configuration Wizard, select xDSL Connection, and follow the steps in the
wizard. If you must supply a username and password to connect, you are probably
using PPPoE. Ask your DSL provider which method you should use.
Cable Modem Connection
A cable modem connection uses the same coaxial cable that your TV cable travels
on to transmit data. Most cable Internet providers require you to install an
Ethernet card in your computer that connects to the cable modem. Then, the cable
modem connects to the coaxial cable. The Ethernet card is usually required to be
configured for DHCP. To configure this type of connection, start Internet
Configuration Wizard, select Ethernet Connection, and select DHCP on the
Configure Network Settings screen.
Wireless Connection
If you are connecting your Red Hat Linux computer to a wireless access point
(WAP) or peer-to-peer (also called ad-hoc) network with a wireless (802.11x)
network card, then you will need to configure your wireless device. Choose the
Wireless Connection, then select the device from the list provided. You can then
configure the device for DHCP or fixed IP addresses In the pop-up device
configuration window.
The Internet Configuration Wizard is a utility that guides you step-by-step through the
process of establishing your Internet connection. Once your connection is up and running,
you can then configure it to suit your needs or particular connection. For more detailed
instructions, refer to the Network Configuration chapter in the Red Hat Linux
Customization Guide.
Network Device Control Protocol
Network Device Control Protocol (NDCP) was designed by Laurent Grumbach who at
the time was an engineer with Harris Broadcast. Previous to that he had worked for Louth
Automation which was acquired by Harris. NDCP was designed to be a network based
protocol instead of the traditional serial connection protocols to Broadcast devices.
NDCP was an XML compliant protocol and loosely based on the concepts of SOAP. The
intent was that vendors would standardize their Broadcast devices on a single protocol
instead of each vendor offering proprietary protocols for their devices. The use of a
network based protocol would also allow the devices to be remote from the controlling
application and not limited by the connection length of an RS422 serial line.
sistem Logs
Direktori yang mengandung system log files. Mereka diupdate saat sistem berjalan, dan
mengecek log file ini bisa memberi informasi berharga mengenai kesehatan sistem. Jika
sistem tiba-tiba ada yang tidak beres, file log bisa mengandung beberapa informasi
mengenai situasi tersebut.
Red Hat Network Alert Notification Tool