PELAKSANAAN BAURAN KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN PADA PT. EXCELCOMINDO PRATAMA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PELANGGAN (Studi Pada PT. EXCELCOMINDO PRATAMA Cabang Bondowoso) Oleh: Triana Ratih ( 03220330 ) Comunication Science Dibuat: 2010-05-12 , dengan 3 file(s). Keywords: Bauran Komunikasi Pemasaran, Pelanggan emasaran yang dilakukan oleh PT. Excelcomindo Pratama dalam meningkatkan pelanggan pada produk pro XL. Untuk membantu pemahaman bagi peneliti, maka digunakan tinjauan teoritis yang menjelaskan tentang bauran komunikasi pemasaran, lima jenis bauran komunikasi pemasaran yaitu iklan (advertising), penjualan tatap muka (personal selling), promosi penjualan (sales promotion), hubungan masyarakat (publicity and public relation), pemasaran langsung (direct marketing), model komunikasi pemasaran, proses komunikasi pemasaran serta tujuan komunikasi pemasaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dimana pengumpulan data dilakukan dengna cara mengumpulan informasi aktual secara terperinci, mengidentifikasikan masalah, dan membuat perbandingan dari segala kendala yang muncul. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan cara interview dan dokumentasi. Teknik penetapan jumlah informan peneliti menggunakan teknik purposive sampling yaitu pemilihan sample yang mencakup orang-orang yang diseleksi atas dasar kriteria tertentu yang dibuat peneliti berdasarkan tujuan penelitian.(Rachmat, 2006: 154). Sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis model Interaktif, dengan tiga prosedur, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan menarik kesimpulan/verifikasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maupun kondisi empirik pada perusahaan diketahui bahwa pelaksanaan Komunikasi bauran pemasaran yang telah dilaksanakan PT. Excelcomindo Pratama Cabang Bondowoso telah mencakup seluruh unsur variabel pemasaran yang ada. Bentuk bentuk periklanan yang sudah dilaksanakan meliputi pemasangan material promo, spreding product, edukasi tentang keunggulan produk. Promosi penjualan dilakukan dengan berbagai program dalam menunjang promosi penjualan antara lain melalui Grebek Pasar dan Terminal. Publisitas yang dilakukan dengan menegaskan kembali identitas merek dari produk. Sedangkan personal selling dilakukan dengan Pemberian gift N S P ke pelanggan, Sosialisasi HSDPA dan direct selling komunitas Berdasarkan hasil tersebut bisa direkomendasikan kepada PT. Excelcomindo Pratama Cabang Bondowoso mengingat sering terjadinya kendala terhadap masalah jaringan, pihak menejemen XL perlu lebih memprioritaskan penambahan Base Transceiver Station (BTS) kepada semua jaringan agar lebih efisien. Pola jaringan yang juga memungkinkan untuk menggunakan dengan lebih baik bandwidth yang sudah ada tanpa harus mengorbankan kualitas jaringan. ABSTRACT Keywords: marketing communications mix, customer The more rapidly the field of telecommunications competition, and the emergence of the companies engaged in the same field makes PT. Exelcomindo Pratama must compete in the capture market share. Competition is happening in the telecommunications company not only of the quality of the product, but also from the technology and market structure does not even hesitate to drop each other. PT. Excelcomindo Pratama (Excelcom) is a cellular operator GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) Dual Band third in Indonesia, present since November 1995. Companies could be said was new, but its presence can be placed in three major operators in Indonesia, are expected to have a mature marketing communications for business competition there. Of those phenomena, researchers interested to know the implementation of the marketing communications mix is made PT. Primary Exelcomindo in improving the customer. Formulation of the problem in this research is how the implementation of the marketing communication mix done by PT. Excelcomindo Pratama in improving the customer on a pro XL product. While the purpose of this study was to examine the implementation of the marketing communication mix done by PT. Excelcomindo Pratama in improving the customer on a pro XL product. To help the understanding of researchers, it is used to explain the theoretical review of the marketing communications mix, five types of marketing communication mix of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, publicity and public relations , direct marketing, marketing communication model, the process of marketing communications and marketing communications purposes. This research uses a qualitative approach, which made data collection with way to collect actual information in detail, identify the problems, and make comparisons of all the obstacles that arise. Data collection techniques used in this study is to interview and documentation. Engineering researchers determining the number of informants using purposive sampling technique is sample selection that includes the people who are selected on the basis of certain criteria based on the researchers made research purposes. (Rachmat, 2006: 154). While the data analysis techniques used in this study is the analysis Interactive models, with three procedures, namely data reduction, data presentation, and draw conclusions / verification. Based on the results of empirical research as well as conditions on the company is known that the implementation of the marketing communications mix that had been conducted PT. Excelcomindo Pratama Branch of Bondowoso has included all the elements of marketing variables that exist. Forms of advertising that have been implemented include the installation of promo material, product spreding, education regarding the benefits of the product. Sales promotions conducted by various programs to support sales promotion including through Grebek Market and Terminal. Publicity carried out by reaffirming the brand identity of the product. While personal selling is done by granting NSP gift to customers, Socialization HSDPA and direct selling community Based on these results can be recommended to PT. Excelcomindo Pratama Branch of Bondowoso considering the frequent constraints on network problems, the management needs to better prioritize XL additions Base Transceiver Station (BTS) to all the network more efficiently. Network pattern which also allows for better use of existing bandwidth without sacrificing network quality.