ANALISIS INVESTASI PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN PERUMAHAN HYARTA RESIDENCE YOGYAKARTA RICHARD LOUIS HERMAWAN GINTING 09/286280/NT/13573 INTISARI Perkembangan populasi penduduk yang sangat pesat di Indonesia membuat permintaan akan rumah menjadi sangat tinggi. Hal tersebut dikarenakan kebutuhan akan rumah merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar (home needs) bagi manusia setelah pangan dan sandang, sehingga setiap individu manusia akan mengutamakan pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar daripada kebutuhan sekundernya. Dari situasi ini diperlukan penelitan dan analisa kelayakan investasi di bidang bisnis properti yang sedang berkembang pesat tersebut, sehingga investor dapat menentukan sikap terhadap keputusan investasi pada proyek pembangunan perumahan Hyarta Residence. Data pembuatan laporan diambil dari beberapa buku yang ada di perpustakaan pusat Universitas Gadjah Mada, internet, dan diskusi secara langsung kepada pelaku investasi menyangkut anilisis investasi dan proyek pembangunan perumahan Hyarta residence. Analisa menggunakan metode investasi yaitu Payback Period, Profitability Index, Net Present Value, dan Interna Rate of Return. Dari hasil pembahasan dan analisa investasi diketahui bahwa proyek pembangunan perumahan Hyarta Residence layak sebagai objek investasi, dengan nilai Profitability Index = 1.764878335 > 1, Internal Rate Of Return (IRR) = 42,63 %,Payback Period = 2,2664. Berarti jangka waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menutup initial investment dari proyek pembangunan perumahan Hyarta Residence adalah 2 tahun dan 3 bulan.Net Present Value (NPV) = 49.017.999.000 > 0, dikatakan layak karena memberikan keuntungan sehingga usulan proyek diterima. INVESTMENT ANALYSIS RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS HYARTA RESIDENCE, YOGYAKARTA RICHARD LOUIS HERMAWAN GINTING 09/286280/NT/13573 ABSTRACT Development of the population very rapidly in Indonesia made the demand for homes is becoming very high. That is because the demand for homes is one of the basic needs (home needs) to humans after food and clothing, so that every individual human being will give priority to fulfilling the basic needs rather than the needs of the secondary. Of the situation is necessary for the study and analysis of the feasibility of investments in the areas of property business booming, so that investors can determine the attitude to investment decision on the project construction of residential Hyarta Residence. The report manufacturing data taken from several books in the Central Library of Gadjah Mada University, the internet, and discussion directly to the offender regarding investment anilisis investment and development projects of residential Hyarta residence. Analysis using the method of investment Payback Period, Profitability Index, Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return. From the results of the discussion and analysis of investment noted that housing development project of Hyarta Residence stated as objects worthy of investment, with the highest Profitability Index = 1.764878335 > 1, Internal Rate Of Return (IRR) = 42,63%, Payback Period = 2,2664. Means the period of time needed to cover the initial investment of the project construction of residential Hyarta Residence is 2 years and 3 months, Net Present Value (NPV) = 49.017.999.000 > 0, otherwise worthy because it gives an advantage so that project proposal accepted.