13/10/2012 Peranan DNA barcoding dalam konservasi fauna Hari Sutrisno Research Center For Biology The Indonesian Institute of Sciences Jl. Raya Bogor Km 46, Cibinong Bogor, Indonesia Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 Konservasi Conservation: con (together) dan servare (keep/save) Konservasi:upaya yang dilakukan manusia untuk melestarikan atau melindungi alam (terjemahan bebas Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia) Konservasi: menggunakan sumberdaya alam untuk memenuhi keperluan manusia dalam jumlah yang besar dalam waktu yang lama Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 1 13/10/2012 Mata hari CO2 Air •Karbohidrat •Protein •Lemak/minyak •Vitamin •Mineral •Sandang •Pangan •Papan •Obat-obatan •Keperluan hidup lainnya O2 N Air Biodiversity has made Earth a uniquely habitable place for human Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 In term of Genetic Resources, the Indonesian Biodiversity is of importance for Sustainable Development Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 2 13/10/2012 Ada antibiotika dalam kulit kodok buduk Magainins protein berukuran kecil dihasilkan oleh kelenjar kulit kodok dan katak yang mampu mematahkan gradasi ion dan menyebabkan bakteri membengkak dan mati. Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 Past Extinction •First major extinction (c. 440 mya): 25% famili hilang •Second major extinction (c. 370 mya): 19% famili hilang. •Third major Extinction (c. 245 mya): 54% famili hilang •Fourth major extinction (c. 210 mya): 23% famili hilang •Fifth major extinction (c. 65 mya): 17% famili hilang Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 3 13/10/2012 the Sixth Extinction •Transformasi landscape •Overexploitasi species •Polusi •IAS Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 4 13/10/2012 Perubahan Tutupan Lahan in Sumatra 19002010 (Worldbank, 2002) Hectares (million) 1900 1960 1980 2000 2010 Forest cover in 2000 is analysed based on satellite image, Others are estimation Montane Swamp Lowland 2010 1900 2000 1980 1960 Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 Tutupan Hutan Kalimantan Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 5 13/10/2012 The impact of human activity to insect dinamic (Sutrisno, 2010) 40 35 30 25 Geometridae Noctuidae 20 Pyralidae 15 10 5 0 Primary Old secondary Young Secondary Agathis Transition Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 6 13/10/2012 Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 7 13/10/2012 Mengapa “the Sixth Extinction ” terus berlanjut •Diperkirakan antara 1 sampai 10 juta manusia di dunia 10.000 tahun yang lalu •Saat ini lebih dari 6 milyar •8 milyar tahun 2020. •10-11 milyar tahun 2070 Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 1850 Kota dengan penduduk diatas satu juta orang (Dick Van e-Wright, 2007) Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 8 13/10/2012 2000 Kota-kota dengan penduduk diatas satu juta orang Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 Seminar Nasional CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 9 13/10/2012 Salah satu Masalah Utama dalam usaha konservasi • Identitas biologi organisme • Laju kepunahan •Minimnya ahli taxonomy. Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 Barcoding is a standardized approach to identifying plants and animals by minimal sequences of DNA, called DNA barcodes. DNA Barcode: A short DNA sequence, from a uniform locality on the genome, used for identifying species. Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 10 13/10/2012 For barcoding, standardization should help • • accelerate construction of a comprehensive, consistent reference library of DNA sequences speed development of economical technologies for species identification. Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 The goal is that anyone, anywhere, anytime be able to identify quickly and accurately the species of a specimen whatever its condition Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 11 13/10/2012 Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 Why barcode animals with mitochondrial DNA? Mitochondria, energy-producing organelles in plant and animal cells, have their own genome. Twenty years of research have established the utility of mitochondrial DNA sequences in differentiating among closely-related animal species. Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 12 13/10/2012 Why select the barcode sequence from within one gene? Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 Four properties make mitochondrial genomes especially suitable for identifying species: Greater differences among species, on average 5- to 10fold higher in mitochondrial than in nuclear genes. Thus shorter segments distinguish among species, and because shorter, less expensively. Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 13 13/10/2012 Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology • • Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 Copy number. There are 100-10,000 more copies of mitochondrial than nuclear DNA per cell, making recovery, especially from small or partially degraded samples, easier and cheaper. Relatively few differences within species in most cases. Small intraspecific and large interspecific differences signal distinct genetic boundaries between most species, enabling precise identification with a barcode. Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 14 13/10/2012 • Introns, which are non-coding regions interspersed between coding regions of a gene, are absent from mitochondrial DNA of most animal species, making amplification straightforward. Nuclear genes are often interrupted by introns, making amplification difficult or unpredictable. Seminar Nasional Kehutanan Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 Barcodes affirm the unity of the species Homo sapiens. Comparisons show we differ from one another by only 1 or 2 nucleotides out of 648, while we differ from chimpanzees at 60 locations and gorillas at 70 locations. Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 15 13/10/2012 Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Kehutanan CSIRO Entomology Yogyakarta, 9 October 2012 16