H06 It Boros di Tuhan

It bõros di Tuhan ot
Popotũmbongon daaton,
Om mõnginloow daaton sid
Karaja'an di Yesus.
H06 It Boros di Tuhan
It bõros dit ki-kuasa
Minamã’al dit tawan
Om kĩkiawi it suwang
Sitid sompomogunan.
H06 It Boros di Tuhan
I tãbar kowosian
Ot potõlunung daaton
Monũu di tongo tulun
Magandal di maananggung.
H06 It Boros di Tuhan
Borõs di Tuhan Yesus
Ot peedũ dot karaatan
Monũduk no sid daaton
Mogidu sid ara’at.
H06 It Boros di Tuhan
Borõs do Kinoringan
Pogirõt di ginawo
Namõt mongindad tokow
Di Tuhan Yesus Kristus.
H06 It Boros di Tuhan
Firman Allah jayalah
Sampai ujung dunia:
Kita pun dipanggilnya
Untuk hidup yang baka.
H06M Firman Allah Jayalah
Firman Khalik semesta
Yang mengasuh mahluk-Nya,
Bimbingan-Nya pun tepat
Bagi orang tersesat.
H06M Firman Allah Jayalah
Firman Put’ra mulia
Menyampaikan kurnia:
Oleh darah yang kudus
Dosa kita ditebus.
H06M Firman Allah Jayalah
Firman kesaksian Roh
Pandu s’lamat yang teguh:
Kita mengikuti-Nya
Dalam karsa dan kerja.
H06M Firman Allah Jayalah
Firman Hidup yang kudus,
Berkuasa-lah terus
Hingga dunia yang gelap
Lihat fajar gemerlap.
H06M Firman Allah Jayalah
Umat Tuhan, bangunlah,
Masuk ladang dunia!
Banyak-lah tuaiannya,
Tapi kurang pekerja.
H06M Firman Allah Jayalah
Tuhan, untuk panen Mu
Semangatkan hamba Mu;
Biar isi dunia sambut
Sinar Mu seg’ra.
H06M Firman Allah Jayalah
1. Spread, O spread, thou mighty Word,
Spread the kingdom of the Lord,
Wheresoe’er His breath has given,
Life to beings meant for Heaven.
H06E Spread, O Spread, Thou Mighty Word
Tell them how the Father’s will
Made the world, and keeps it still,
How He sent His Son to save
All who help and comfort crave.
H06E Spread, O Spread, Thou Mighty Word
Tell of our Redeemer’s love,
Who forever doth remove
By His holy sacrifice
All the guilt that on us lies.
H06E Spread, O Spread, Thou Mighty Word
Tell them of the Spirit given
Now to guide us up to Heaven,
Strong and holy, just and true,
Working both to will and do.
H06E Spread, O Spread, Thou Mighty Word
Word of life, most pure and strong,
Lo! for Thee the nations long,
Spread, till from its dreary night
All the world awakes to light.
H06E Spread, O Spread, Thou Mighty Word
Up! the ripening fields ye see,
Mighty shall the harvest be;
But the reapers still are few,
Great the work they have to do.
H06E Spread, O Spread, Thou Mighty Word
Lord of harvest, let there be
Joy and strength to work for Thee,
Till the nations, far and near,
See Thy light, and learn Thy fear.
H06E Spread, O Spread, Thou Mighty Word