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TWPE ppt

CV Writing
Technical writing and Professional Ethics
Sonal Dhomne
Humesh Verma
Tellaboina Upendar
Abhishek Verma
Chetan Sahu
Aditi Shrivastava
01. Introduction
* Latin Origin
* Means ‘The course of one’s life’
CV writing plays a crucial role in today's highly competitive job
market. A well-crafted CV or resume serves as an essential tool
for job seekers to showcase their skills, qualifications, and
experiences to potential employers. It is often the first impression
employers have of a candidate, and it significantly influences their
decision to invite the applicant for an interview.
02. Purpose of CV
CVs are an opportunity to show an employer why you are an ideal candidate for the job.
A good CV will:
- Stand out from the crowd.
- Draw attention to your relevant skills, experience, achievements and potential.
- Create such an impression on the employer that they will not be able to turn you downfor
Everyone has potential
Everyone has more skills than they think they do
Everyone can write a good CV
03. Technical Writing in CV
Technical Writing in CVs:
-Technical writing in CVs involves effectively communicating skills,
experiences, and qualifications.
-It ensures clarity, conciseness, and accuracy in presenting information.
-Use appropriate language, grammar, and formatting to enhance
readability and professionalism.
04. Professional Ethics in CV
Honesty and accuracy.
Respect for confidentiality.
Avoid conflicts of interest.
05. Sections in a CV
1. Personal Information: Name, contact details.
2. Education: List educational qualifications in reverse chronological
order, including institution name, dates attended, degree earned, and
relevant academic achievements.
3.Work Experience: Provide a chronological list of job titles, dates of
employment, organization/company names, and brief descriptions of
responsibilities and accomplishments.
05. Sections in a CV
4. Skills: Highlight relevant technical skills, programming languages, foreign languages, or
other abilities.
5.Publications and Presentations: Include any notable articles, papers, books, or conference
6.Awards and Honors: List academic or professional awards, scholarships, grants, or honors
7. References: Optionally indicate that references are available upon request
06. Structuring the CV
- Organize information by starting with the most relevant and recent details within each
- Use bullet points to present key responsibilities, achievements, and skills.
- Prioritize quantifiable accomplishments to demonstrate your impact.
- Customize the format to ensure readability and professionalism.
- Keep the CV concise and focused, avoiding unnecessary details.
- Use headings, subheadings, and formatting to enhance clarity and visual appeal.
07. 5 Cs for a good CV
- Clear : Well organized and logical
-Concise : Relevant and Necessary
-Complete : Includes everything you need
-Consistent : Don’t mix styles or Fonts
-Current : Up-to-date
08. Why CV is Important?
An excellent and well-crafted CV can show companies right
away why a candidate is a good fit. Here are some reasons
why having a CV is beneficial while looking for a new job:
1. Matches you to a job role
2. Might lead to an interview
3. Attracts the attention of potential employers
4. Showcases the benefits you provide to companies
5. Lists your applicable experience and skills
09. Tailoring your CV for different audiences
- Adapt your CV for various recipients, such as recruiters, hiring
managers, or HR professionals.
- Customize your CV to align with the organization's values, culture, and
specific requirements.
- Highlight relevant experiences, skills, and achievements that meet the
expectations and preferences of different audiences.
- Address specific job requirements and emphasize industry-specific
accomplishments to demonstrate your expertise
10. Reviewing And Proofreading
➔ Importance of Reviewing: Stress the need to review
your CV for accuracy, clarity, and coherence to ensure
a professional image.
➔ Proofreading Techniques: Discuss techniques like
reading aloud, checking grammar and punctuation, and
using spell-check tools to identify and correct errors.
➔ Seeking Feedback: Recommend seeking feedback
from trusted colleagues, mentors, or professional
services to get an objective perspective and improve
the overall quality of your CV.
➔ Polished Final Product: Highlight the importance of a
polished CV in making a positive impression on
employers and increasing your chances of success.
11. Cover Letters
Importance of Cover Letter in CV:
- Provides additional context
- Showcases your communication skills
- Demonstrates your interest and research
- Sets you apart from other candidates
- Shows professionalism and attention to detail