Name : Shavitri Rahmatullaili NIM : 180422623134 Offering : BLL Assets Assets in accounting have the meaning as wealth that owned by a company. What is meant by the wealth is resources that can be in form of objects or rights, previously obtained by the company through transactions or activities in the past and intended to provide benefits in the future. The company uses its assets in carrying out activities such as production and sales. In general, assets are divided into four that are current assets, long term investment, fixed assets, and intangible assets. Current assets is assets that the company expects to be converted into cash or used in approximately one year. Common types of current assets are prepaid expenses (insurance and supplies), inventories, receivebles (notes receiveble, accounts receiveble, and interest receiveble), and cash. Long term investment is a form of long term business outside the company’s main activities. For example, investment in other companies. Fixed assets is tangible assets obtained in form of ready-to-use or must be built first, to be used in the company’s operation and have benefits for more than one year. Fixed assets include land, buildings, equipments, cars, and so on. Intangible assets is assets that have no physical form but have benefits for the company. Examples of intangible assets are patents, copyrights, franchises, goodwill, and brand rights. Long term investment, fixed assets, and intangible assets are include in non-current assets. Non current assets is assets that are expected to be used by company with a period of more than one year. Assets value needs to be examined because it becomes the basic for measuring the company's financial performance. This measure becomes a comparison of the achievements of a company with the achievements of other companies in the same case, whether it is better or not, so that it can be the basic of management decisions to maintain or improve it.