AUTOMATIC BIKE BASED ON ARDUINO UNO CONTROLLED THROUGH ANDROID FOR LAND FITNESS Hanif Taufiqurrahman Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Tembalang Undip Campus, Semarang, Indonesia 50275 [email protected] Abstract To maintain the health of the elderly requires one of the sports activities, namely cycling. This sport requires assistance to move the bicycle pedal. Therefore, an automatic bicycle tool (TOMAS bicycle) is proposed which contributes to making it easier for individuals who have difficulty moving due to getting older. The method used is the Assembling Method which is a process of combining several components to form a construction. The result of the making of the equipment is that the elderly can exercise using an automatic bicycle by following the direction of the rotation of the bicycle swing by knowing the speed of the bicycle stroke, the remaining time, and the number of strokes during the therapy. In future research, it is necessary to develop an algorithm for detecting the joints of the leg muscles in order to determine the development of the leg motor of the elderly. Key words: Assembling Method, elderly, foot motor, movement system, sport INTRODUCTION Health is very important for humans, because without good health, every human being will find it difficult to carry out their daily activities. The more dense the activities a person does, the problem of exercising is ignoring. The absence of free time due to busy activities at the office, on campus, at the company, causes a person to be seized with the opportunity to exercise. Basically, exercise is a necessity for every human being in life, so that their physical condition and health are well maintained. Therefore, humans want to try to maintain their health and one way to maintain good health is through exercise. The Indonesian people today are still less aware of the importance of healthy living. This happens because of the lack of public interest and appreciation for sports. Basically, exercise is a necessity for every human being in life, so that their physical condition and health are well maintained. Exercise can improve health and prevent the onset of diseases including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, forms of cancer, obesity, and -----------------------------------------------------------------*) Hanif Taufiqurrahman E-mail: hanifevans@students, injuries. Participation in sports is also known to reduce depression, stress and anxiety, increase self-confidence, energy levels, sleep quality, and the ability to concentrate. There are four most important factors that must be considered in relation to health, namely 1) healthy food, 2) drinking lots of water, 3) getting enough sleep, 4) and always being active. Along with the rapid development of science, knowledge and technology, the pattern and lifestyle of society will increase. This also has an impact on health, reduced movement activity, on the other hand, various diseases attack individuals who are still productive, such as heart disease, diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension and others. The ease and speed of science and technology have resulted in most people being lazy to do physical activities. Sports have become forgotten by some individuals, for various reasons including being busy and not having free time to exercise and because of busyness it is increasingly difficult to manage exercise schedules. Like a car engine that is never used, the engine will slowly break down, so if the body is not trained, it will gradually become problematic and unhealthy. Nowadays many people have a poor lifestyle, especially in eating, sleeping, and exercising improperly. Eating regardless of the nutritional content in these foods, or vice versa because you want to lose weight, eat less because you want to get your ideal body weight quickly. Maintaining a diet is very important so that we can adjust it according to the needs of the body. Apart from maintaining a diet, another important thing is doing sports activities. Exercise is a body movement that has an effect on the body as a whole. Exercise helps stimulate the muscles and other parts of the body to move. The muscles become trained, the circulation of blood and oxygen in the body becomes smooth so that the body's metabolism becomes optimal. The body will feel refreshed and the brain as the nerve center will work better. Furthermore, other exercise benefits can strengthen bone structure, nourish body organs, especially the heart, and reduce stress levels. The Indonesian people today are still less aware of the importance of healthy living. This happens because of the lack of public interest and appreciation for sports. The Susenas results show that the participation of the population aged 10 years and over in doing sports has decreased over time. This condition is due to the fact that the facilities and types of sports that are developing are not in demand by many people (Secretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, 2010: 18). By exercising regularly, diseases such as strokes and coronary heart disease can be prevented and keep the body healthy and fit. METHOD A. Block Diagram Of The System Block diagram of the work process of the tool, namely the input that is processed by a microcontroller and controlled by a smartphone that provides output in the form of motor rotation DC to drive the bicycle swing. Figure 1. Diagram Block System B. Flowchart Of System Design Flowchart of system design in general illustrates how a therapy bicycle can work according to its function so that it can move the bicycle pedal automatically with the control system. Figure 2. Flowchart System can be used when the switch is on. Set the time, speed, and direction of the bicycle swing on smartphone or manual controls. Press the start button to start it, when the start button is pressed the DC motor will automatically rotate according to the speed and direction of the stroke that has been set. Therapy time is running backwards. There are 2 possibilities to stop the appliance, namely when the therapy time has expired and when the stop button is pressed. C. Mechanic Design of Tools Design describes the basic framework of an automatic therapy bicycle made using the basic material of hollow iron 50x40x10 mm. The components contained in the automatic therapy bike are seat settings back and forth, DC motor that is connected to a pulley, pedals and foot guards, 4 wheels, and a manual control box panel. D. Hardware Design Arduino UNOas the main microcontroller for processing and managing the workflow of the tool. There is communication between Arduino and NodeMCU ESP8266 to provide data on the smartphone application. The DC motor is controlled by the BTS7960 motor driver with a speed read by the Optocoupler 1 sensor, while for the Optocoupler 2 sensor it is to calculate the number of strokes. Pushbutton for manual control with data values displayed on the I2C LCD. (2) mm. TOMAS bikes are 1700mm long, 540mm wide and 1250mm high. TOMAS bikes are designed as well as possible for the elderly, adults and children. Figure 3. Hardware Design E. HP Application Software Design The smartphone application software design is made using the App Inventor. This control application can only be done on 1 smartphone. The design is carried out from the making of the page design to the tool operation control program. There are 4 pages on the application, namely the login page, the list page, the home page, and the main page. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. The Prototype Design View name TOMAS Bike (Automatic Bicycle) aims to provide uniqueness and attractiveness. TOMAS bikes are driven by motorbikes with automatic pedaling and can be controlled high speed / low speed. So that the motor that moves the consumer's feet with the pedal rotation. The advantage of the TOMAS bicycle is the motor that drives the bicycle pedals and can be controlled. Seats that have been set back and forth for elderly users, adults and children. Seat belt to hold the user's body in an upright position. Place the foot on the pedal using mountain sandals and tie the foot so that it doesn't easily escape the stroke. Automatic pedal rotation in the long term can stimulate the brain to the leg motor, avoid joint stiffness, and increase the blood flow of the user of the tool. Figure 4. 2 Dimensional TOMAS Bike Design This design describes the basic frame of the TOMAS bicycle which is made using Stalbush iron with two different sizes. The basic support of the TOMAS bicycle uses Stalbush iron measuring 60x40x (2) mm and apart from the base support using iron measuring 40x40x Figure 5. 3 Dimensional TOMAS Bike Design This image is an advanced design of the TOMAS bicycle which describes several components, namely the seat, motorbike, pedals and monitor installed on the TOMAS bicycle. The chair has back and forth settings that can be adjusted based on the length of the legs to make it easier for elderly, adults and children to use. The motor is a very important component that will move the pedal automatically based on the controls on the monitor. The monitor consists of an ON / OFF button, a potentiometer that regulates the speed of the pedal rotation, and a display of the number of revolutions made by TOMAS Bicycle users.. Gambar 6. Desain Akhir Sepeda TOMAS Figure 6. Final Design of TOMAS Bike, Explanation of Tools a. The display screen functions to display speed and time. b. The ON / OFF button functions to turn the appliance on and off. c. The timer functions to limit usage time as needed. d. High speed functions to speed up the motor rotation. e. Low speed serves to reduce motor speed. f. The chair serves as a seat for the user. g. The belt serves as a safety. h. The electric motor functions as a pedal drive. i. Pulley and belt function as a transmission transfer rotation from the electric motor to the bicycle pedal. How the Tool Works a. Connect the power cord to a power source. b. The user sits in a chair and uses a seat belt, and the feet are placed on the pedals. c. Adjust the seating position as needed. d. Press the ON button on the display screen. e. Set the pedal rotation speed as needed. f. The rotation of the pedal is the effect of the rotation of the electric motor which is set with a High Speed / Low Speed potentiometer. 2. Testing Wireless Connection Testing the connection distance in meters, measuring the trial distance using a meter tested per 2 meters. From the results of testing the maximum distance that can be connected from a wireless smartphone at a distance of 24 meters, the bicycle cannot be moved with a smartphone, it is concluded that after testing the connectivity distance from the smartphone, it is found that the maximum distance is 22 meters. 3. DC Motor Testing Testing of a DC motor is done to measure the speed of a regulated DC motor and use calculations with PID. The DC motor test is carried out when the DC motor is mounted on the tool and connected to a pulley to rotate the bicycle swing, resulting in a ratio of the DC motor rotation on the tool to the speed measured with a tachometer. The test is carried out when the tool has not been given a load and is given the user's leg load. For a speed of 10 rpm the error rate is 4% and for a speed of 30 rpm the error rate is 0.8%. This shows that the greater the rpm, the smaller the error. 4. Optocoupler Sensor Test The optocoupler sensor reads the speed of the DC motor with the help of a dish connected to a DC motor shaft which has 20 holes. The resulting deviation for a speed of 10 rpm is 0.08 rpm and for a speed of 24 rpm the deviation is 1.14 rpm, the greater the rpm, the greater the deviation. 5. Manual Control Testing Testing is done by operating the bicycle swing using the buttons on the panel box. Initial testing is about the function of the menu button, the "+" button, and the "-" button. When the menu button is pressed there will be 3 possibilities, namely setting the speed, time, and direction of the swing rotation which will be displayed on the LCD. The testing process is carried out using pushbutton control on the panel box. The results that are read on the manual control displayed on the LCD are speed, number of strokes, and remaining therapy time. 6. Testing the Smartphone Control Application The testing process is carried out from the login and list pages. The data that needs to be filled in on the list page is name, username, and password, while the login page only fills in the username & password. Then test the home page which is a function of the user name listbox and the "NEXT" button. Furthermore, the main page test is the function of the textbox which is used to adjust the speed and time of therapy, the function of the bicycle wheel rotation direction button, start and stop. 7. Bicycle Motion Testing The Test was carried out on the first trial elderly with a body weight of 60 kg, aged 61 years, and testing on the second Cerebral Palsy child with a body weight of 50 kg, aged 65 years. Elderly 1 when forward stroking, got a number of swings of 17 with a time of 5 seconds and a speed of 10, in the direction of the reverse swing, the number of swings obtained was 14 with a time of 5 seconds and a speed of 10. For elderly 2 when the forward stroke, got a number of swings of 20 with a time of 5 seconds and a speed of 10, in the reverse swing direction, the number of swings obtained is 17 with a time of 5 seconds and a speed of 10. After doing the test, the elderly in trial I can follow the motion of the swing but need help. while trial II was able to follow the direction of the swing well without assistance. after doing the experiment there is a positive effect on his legs, which can reduce the feeling of stiffness in the leg muscles. CONCLUSION Automatic therapy bicycles are successfully used as a motor therapy tool for elderly feet by moving the bicycle swing automatically which can stimulate the brain for leg motor skills, and reduce joint stiffness by following the direction of movement of the therapeutic bicycle stroke which regulates the speed and duration of therapy. Based on the results of the manufacture of TOMAS Bicycles, individuals with movement disorders can perform therapy using an automatic bicycle with a design that is adjusted to the user's condition. Many of the impacts felt by individuals who experience movement disorders, because the lack of movement they can do can be avoided by using the TOMAS bicycle. TOMAS bicycles can help individuals with movement disorders in stimulating the brain for leg motor, avoiding stiffness in joints, and improving blood flow. The speed of the pedal rotation can be controlled using a potentiometer that is turned positive for high speeds or negative direction for low speeds. TOMAS bikes have the greatest strength in terms of functions that are able to move the legs automatically. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Praise the presence of Allah SWT who has given His grace and guidance so that I can complete my journal assignment entitled "Sports Tools to Train PotentiometerBased Arm Muscles Using Strength Sensors to Increase Immunity During Pandemic" this is just in time. . The purpose of writing this journal is to fulfill the task of the Product Design course by Mechanical Engineering students, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University. Apart from that, this journal also aims to understand the various theories and knowledge obtained for readers as well as for writers. I thank Mr. Dr. Ir. Sumar Hadi Suryo, MT, as a Product Design lecturer who has given this assignment so that he can add knowledge and insight according to my field of study. I would also like to thank all those who have shared their knowledge so that I can complete this journal. REFERENCES Zulkarnaen. (2010). 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