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Ditta Cempaka Pane,S.Gz
Metode diagnostik yang efektif dalam skrining :
kanker kolon
diare / konstipasi kronik
anemia tanpa sebab yang jelas
untuk evaluasi lebih lanjut adanya kelainan pada pe
meriksaan colon in loop
• Dapat melihat secara langsung struktur kolon d
an melakukan pengambilan sampel jaringan mel
alui biopsi untuk meneliti lebih lanjut kelainan ko
lon tersebut.
Persiapan kolonoskopi berbeda dengan persiap
an endoskopi lainnya (dimana cukup dengan pua
sa selama 6 jam saja).
•Persiapan kolon yang ideal :
• pembersihan kolon dari materi feses dengan cepat
• mudah tanpa menyebabkan perubahan makroskopis
dan mikroskopis mukosa kolon
• diet dapat dikonsumsi dan dievaluasi dalam waktu si
• nyaman
• tidak menyebabkan gangguan elektrolit
•Persiapan usus pada kolonoskopi yang tidak bai
k menyebabkan tidak bersihnya kolon sehingga
dapat mengakibatkan
lolosnya lesi
pembatalan tindakan
menambah waktu prosedur
menambah seringnya komplikasi karena kurang tepa
tnya keputusan diagnosa pasien
• kurang tepatnya terapi selanjutnya.
Diet utk Kolonoskopi
• Secara umum klien diminta untuk diet rendah s
erat selama 1-2 hari sebelum pemeriksaan
• Istilah yang sering digunakan adalah makan bu
bur kecap  pembatasan diet ini banyak yang ti
dak disukai klien
• In the United States, a clear liquid diet is usuall
y recommended the day prior to the colonoscop
y evaluation. This type of restrictive diet is not w
ell liked among patients.
Colonoscopy Diet
A few days before
The day before the
The day of the
the colonoscopy
• Start a eating a
• only clear liquids
low-fiber diet
• clear broth, black
• no whole grains,
coffee or tea, clear
• clear liquid foods
• Don't eat or drink
nuts, seeds, dried
juice, clear soft
anything two
fruit, or raw fruits
hours before the
or vegetables
source: Harvard Health Publications, 2015
Low-Fiber Diet
Three-two days before, eat only low-fiber foods
Low-Fiber Diet
Low-Fiber Diet
Low-Fiber Diet
Low-Fiber Diet
Low-Fiber Diet
Clear-Liquid Diet
One day before and the day of colonoscopy
Perbandingan Efektifitas Pemberian Bubur Kecap
Dengan Tanpa Pemberian Bubur Kecap
Terhadap Kebersihan Kolon
Untuk Persiapan Tindakan Kolonoskopi
• Metode: Quasi Experimental
• Subjek: Dua kelompok yaitu kelompok dengan pemberian bubur
kecap dan kelompok tanpa pemberian bubur kecap (@ (15 respon
• Kualitas kolon dinilai menggunakan Boston Bowel Preparation Sc
ale (BBPS).
• Hasil : tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan pd poin BPPS pemeri
ksaan kolonoskopi antara klien dengan pemberian bubur kecap d
engan tanpa pemberian bubur kecap
A randomized controlled trial comparing a low-resid
ue diet versus clear liquids for colonoscopy prepara
tion: impact on tolerance, procedure time, and aden
oma detection rate.
Stolpman et al. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2014 Nov-Dec;48(10):851-5.
• Method: prospective, blinded, randomized controlled trial of pati
ents undergoing screening or surveillance colonoscopy
• Bowel prep quality was scored using the Boston Bowel Preparati
on Scale (BBPS).
• Subject: 200 patients were randomized to
a low-residue diet (LRD) for breakfast and lunch the day before
the procedure or
clear liquids (CLD) all day before the procedure
• 96.5% of patients had a good or excellent bowel pre
p (BBPS=6, 7, 8, or 9).
• LRD prep quality was noninferior to CLD prep quality
(LRD 7.8 vs. CLD 8.1).
• Polyp detection rates were similar (68% vs. 65.4%, P=
• Patient tolerance and acceptance did not differ.
• Withdrawal times were equivalent between both grou
ps (16.2 vs. 16.5 min, P=NS).
Low-residue versus clear liquid diet
before colonoscopy:
a meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials.
Nguyen et al. Gastrointest Endosc. (2016) 83:499-507.e1.
• Method: Publikasi dari Scopus, PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane, CI
NAHL (Februari 2015) mengenai adult patients undergoing colono
scopy examination and comparing LRD with CLD on the day befor
e colonoscopy
• Subjek: 9 penelitian dgn 1686 pasien
• Patients consuming an LRD demonstrated significantl
y higher odds of tolerability (OR 1.92; 95% CI, 1.36-2.7
0; P<0.01) compared with a CLD
• Patients were more willing to have a repeat colonosc
opy performed (OR 1.86; 95% CI, 1.34-2.59; P<0.01)
• There is no differences in quality of bowel preparatio
ns (OR 1,21; 95% CI, 0,64-2,28; P=0,58)
• There is no differences in adverse effects (OR 0,88; 95
% CI, 0,58-1,35; P=0,57)
• A low-residue diet on the day before colonoscopy se
ems to be better for patients and should be utilized m
ore often for outpatient procedures.
• However, for hospitalized patients, this diet may not
be as effective given multiple other factors. In hospitali
zed patients, a clear liquid diet was noted to be the on
ly dietary modification that improved quality of colonic