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Jurnal Konstruksi Interior

International Journal of Engineering Research And Management (IJERM)
ISSN : Volume-Mei 2018
The Main Structure and The Estimated
Calculation of Interior Construction
Adam Riza Afrianto ¹, Adi Wardoyo ²
[email protected] ¹, [email protected] ²
C. Research Objective
1. Know the main structure to create a comfortable layout as a
child's boutique.
2. Knowing the calculation estimates of columns and beams
on the child's boutique.
Abstract— Construction in Interior Design is part of several
elements that are used with a strong purpose, and also accept
outside loads or own load with forms that exceed the
requirements limit. In the process of preparation of interior
construction using the calculation of theory, structural analysis,
and existing methods as a guide project implementation. Only
used on ideal structural conditions. The objectives of this paper
is to know the main structure to create a comfortable layout as a
child's boutique and Knowing the calculation estimates of
columns and beams on the child's boutique. The results is this
design plan the building structure using beam size 15x20 cm,
ring block measuring 12x15 cm, and column size 15x15cm. type
of column used is 4D12 and 8D12 obtained calculation <_ (less
than equal to) 1%. So this column has the feasibility to support
the load of block and floor plates.
A. Upper Structure
1. Column
The column is an element of compressive structure that
plays an important role of a building, so the collapse of a
column is a critical site that can cause the collapse of the floor
and the total collapse of the entire structure (Sudarmoko,
1996). The function of the column is as the successor to load
the entire building to the foundation. When compared, the
column is like a human body frame that ensures a building
stands. The columns include the main structure for continuing
the weight of buildings and other loads such as live loads
(people and things), as well as wind loads. Columns work is
very important, so the building does not easily collapse.
SK SNI T-15-1991-03 defines a column as a component
of a building structure whose main task is to support a vertical
axial load with a high part not supported at least three times
the lateral dimension.
The structures in the columns are made of iron and
concrete. Both are a combination of tensile and
pressure-resistant materials. Iron is a tensile material, whereas
concrete is a pressure-resistant material. The combination of
these two materials in the concrete structure allows the
column or other structural parts such as sloof and the beam
can withstand the compressive forces and tensile forces in the
For columns on simple buildings form columns there are
two types of main columns and practical columns.
Index Terms—Interior Design, Block, Column, Load
A. Background
Construction in Interior Design is part of several elements
that are used with a strong purpose, and also accept outside
loads or own load with forms that exceed the requirements
limit. In the process of preparation of interior construction
using the calculation of theory, structural analysis, and
existing methods as a guide project implementation. Only
used on ideal structural conditions. This process is only a
form of project conditions.
The background of the importance of studying the
construction is to create a building interior that meets the
conditions of construction that have been determined after all
theories and regulations are met that is strong, solid, safe,
comfortable, economical and aesthetic. Boutique children as
the main object of design, therefore the designer must analyze
the interior structure whether the mass or limits of interior
element strength is ideal against the burden of avoiding
excessive deformation. Is the construction of the built
interiors already pay attention to aspects of comfort and
beauty so that consumers feel safe and comfortable.
2. Block
Block are also one of reinforced concrete work. Block are
part of the structure used as a floor holder and binder upstairs
column. Its function is as a framework of horizontal
3. Floor Plates
Floor plates are floors that are not located above ground
directly, so are floor level. This floor plate is supported by the
blocks that are resting on the columns column of the building.
Floor plate thickness is determined by:
1. The amount of deflection is permitted
2. The width of the width or distance between the
supporting block
3. Construction materials and floor plate
B. Research Question
1. How is the main structure to create a comfortable layout as
a child's boutique?
2. What is the estimated calculation of columns and blocks in
the child's boutique?
Manuscript received 28 May, 2018.
Adam Riza Afrianto, Faculty of Architecture, Design and , Institute of
Technologym Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia, 081-334230655,
[email protected] ¹
Adi Wardoyo, Faculty of Architecture, Design and , Institute of
Technologym Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia, 081-217172377,
[email protected] ²
Based on its structural action, the plates are divided into
four (Szilard, 1974):
1. Wooden plates
2. Membrane
3. Flexible Plates
4. Plates thick
Materials for Floor plates can be made from:
1. Wooden floor plates
2. Concrete floor plate
3. Yumen floor plate
Floor plate system:
1. System plate one system
2. Two-way plates
refilling work should only be carried out after the inspection
and approval of the Construction Management Consultant,
whether the depth, the soil layer or the type of excavated soil.
3. Basement Structure
Basement construction is often an economical solution to
overcome the limitations of land under construction. But as an
underground structure, the design and construction of the
basement construction needs to be done by taking into
account many things. Besides the technical aspects of the
basement itself, no less important is the environmental aspect.
The quality of work in basement construction will greatly
affect the life of the basement.
Integrated quality control is necessary to achieve high
quality and reliable construction products. Some things
related to the Basement excavations that need to be
considered are load and excavation methods. The load is
usually a flat-split load, point load, and line load and the load
is evenly split. While the method of excavation which is
divided into: open cut, cantilever, angker, and strut.
The selection of excavation method is adjusted to the
building planning and the consolidation in the field. In the
basement excavation method there are several factors that
need to be considered, among others: soil type, project
condition, groundwater level, large working ground pressure,
time of execution, cost analysis and so on.
Some problems that arise in the execution of basement
excavation, such as the decrease of ground surface around the
excavation that can cause structural damage to the building
near the excavation, fan cracking channels and other means.
One of the causes is the decrease of groundwater surface
around the excavation due to pumping during construction.
To prevent problems that arise then the selection method
dewatering sangan determine.
B. Bottom Structure
1. Foundation
The common sense for the Foundation is the structure of
the lower part of the building which is directly related to the
ground, or the part of the building located beneath the surface
of the ground which has the function of carrying the burden of
other building parts on it. The foundation must be taken into
account in order to guarantee the stability of the building to its
own weight, building loads (load of building contents),
external forces such as: wind pressure, earthquake, and
others. In addition, there should be no drop in levels beyond
the allowable limits.
In order to avoid the foundation's failure to function, the
foundation of the building must be placed on a layer of hard,
solid, and strong soil supporting the building load without
causing excessive degradation. The foundation is a structural
part of the building that is very important, because its function
is to support the building above it, then the development
process must meet the following main requirements:
1. Strong enough to hold the shear load due to the upright
charge downward.
2. Can adjust unstable ground movement (soil motion).
3. Resist the effects of weather changes.
4. Resistant to the effects of chemicals.
2. Soil Excavation
Soil digs for foundations and other excavations shall be
carried out according to internal size, width and in accordance
with the peels listed in the drawing. All traces of old building
foundations and tree roots in the foundation to be carried out
must be dismantled and disposed of. Unused drain pipes must
be blocked.
If at the location to be constructed there is a water pipe,
gas pipeline, exhaust pipes, power cables, telephones and so
on, it is promptly notified to the Construction Management
Consultant or authorized agency to obtain necessary
The Executor of Work / Contractor is solely responsible
for any damages as a result of the excavation work. If the
excavation exceeds the specified depth, the Contractor shall
fill / reduce the area with materials in accordance with the
filling requirements of the foundation material in accordance
with the foundation specifications.
The Executor of Work / Contractor shall keep the
foundation pits free of landslides on the left and the right (if
necessary protected by retaining equipment) and free from
standing water (if necessary pumped), so that the foundation
work can be performed well according to specifications.
Replenishment with excavated soil, done layer by layer,
while watered sufficiently and pounded until solid. This
A. Design Plan
Figure 1. 1st Floor Design Plan
International Journal of Engineering Research And Management (IJERM)
ISSN : Volume-Mei 2018
C. Block
Figure 2. 2nd Floor Design Plan
Figure 5. Block Type
B. Column
Figure 6. Block Iron Selection
Figure 3. Number of Column
Figure 7. Ring Block Iron Selection
D. Column Load Sharing
Figure 4. Column Iron Selection
In this design plan uses 4D12 and 8D12 columns, so the
calculation is as follows:
Column A, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, N, P, Q, T, U
Column B, C, D, K, M, O, R, S, V, W, X, Y, Z
Figure 8. sharing of column loads based on floor area
E. Cutting of Design Plan
1. A-A’
Figure 9. A-A’
2. B-B’
Figure 10. B-B’
A. Furniture
Figure 12. Furniture 2
Figure 13. Aesthetic Elements
Figure 11. Furniture 1
International Journal of Engineering Research And Management (IJERM)
ISSN : Volume-Mei 2018
Construction in Interior Design is part of several elements
that are used with a strong purpose, and also accept outside
loads or own load with forms that exceed the requirements
limit. In the process of preparation of interior construction
using the calculation of theory, structural analysis, and
existing methods as a guide project implementation. Only
used on ideal structural conditions. This process is only a
form of project conditions.
In this design plan the building structure using block size
15x20 cm, ring block measuring 12x15 cm, and column size
15x15cm. type of column used is 4D12 and 8D12 obtained
calculation <_ (less than equal to) 1%. So this column has the
feasibility to support the load of block and floor plates.
Sudarmoko, 1996. Diagram Perancangan Kolom Beton Bertulang,
Jurusan. Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Szilard, R.1974. Theory and Analysis of Plates, Classical and
Numerical Methods, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.