Meta Sekar Puji Astuti, S.S., M.A., Ph.D Dosen Program Studi Sastra Jepang Universitas Hasanuddin MIMPI KE NEGERI SAMURAI SEJARAH JEJAK PELAJAR INDONESIA DI JEPANG PEMBAGIAN DISKUSI PRA KEMERDEKAAN RI PENDUDUKAN MILITER JEPANG (1942-1945) PASKA KEMERDEKAAN RI - SEKARANG Smithsonian’s National Museum of Asian Art, Washington D.C. MENGAPA HARUS JEPANG? Sackler and Freer Collection, the Peacock Room Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890) Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam Claude Monet, 1840 -1926 Pesona Jepang? Sumber: PPI Jepang 2016 data diolah dari JASSO dan MEXT SEJAK KAPAN JEPANG BERHASIL “MENEBAR PESONA” BAGI BANGSA INDONESIA? Zaman akhir Tokugawa Restorasi Meiji 1868-1912 Dr. Abdul Rivai Menulis tentang Kaisar Meiji dan “pentingnya modernisasi di Bintang Hindia pada Maret 1907. 1903 KITLV Media Collection Barbara Watson Andaya, From Rūm to Tokyo: The Search for Anticolonial Allies by the Rulers of Riau, 1899-1914 1906-1910-an? Four Princes from Goa in Sulawesi arrived in Singapore in September 1906 en route to study in Japan, and three months later two prominent noble from the court of Kota Waringin in Borneo also embarked at Singapore for Japan. In December a Japanese newspaper, the Kokumin, published a report of their visit to Tokyo. In 1907, for instance, a chair in Malay was established at Tokyo University, and the following year sixteen diplomas were awarded.1 An invitation was also issued to young Indonesians, encouraging the to complete their education at this prestigious institution; and, as th Sultan had been informed, from 1908 on, Malay had been included the syllabus of the Tόkyδ Gaikokugo Gakkδ (School for Foreign Languages). (Harian) Neratja tanggal 10 Juli 1917 mengklaim bahwa Raden Soemarsono mantan hakim dari Purworejo berencana ke Jepang dan mencari perumahan untuk mahasiswa Indonesia sebanyak 100 orang. Tokoh-Tokoh Nasionalis It may be that in later days, the flow o f the children o f Indonesia who journey to Japan will increase to the point that Japan becomes for Indonesians a “Second Mecca.” Dr. Soetomo 南⽅方特別留留学⽣生 Nanpo Tokubetsu Ryogakusei Demonstrasi di Taman Hibiya, Tokyo Beasiswa Pampasan Perang (1960-an) Pasca Peristiwa Malari 1970-an Era Orde Baru (1980-1990-an) Beasiswa Habibie (mis: BPPT/Batan) PERIODE 2000-2010 ▸ Monkasho G to G dan U to U ▸ Beasiswa Unggulan untuk dosen ▸ Beasiswa LPDP ▸ Biaya Mandiri IN SPITE O F ITS MODERNIZATION. JAPAN HAS NOT LOST ITS INDIGENOUS ARTISTIC HERITAGE, THERE IS NO GREAT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN JAPAN'S TRADITIONAL CULTURE AND OURS Dr. Soetomo