Edible Sea Urchins: Biology and Ecology Editor: John Millet Lawrence (c) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All fights reserved. 225 The ecology o f Echinometra T.R. McClanahan a and N.A. Muthigab aThe Wildlife Conservation Society, P.O. Box 99470, Mombasa, Kenya bKenya Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 81651, Mombasa, Kenya 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Species of Echinometra The total number of species of Echinometra and a species-level taxonomy has yet to be completed, particularly for the central Indo-Pacific (Palumbi 1996). Species diversity is likely to show a pattern similar to other tropical taxa, with the highest genetic and species diversity in the west Indo-Pacific and decreasing with the distance from a center somewhere in Indonesia (Palumbi et al. 1997). The existing nomenclature does not coincide well with diversity pattern as only one species of Echinometra, E. mathaei, is reported from the Indo-Pacific (Clark and Rowe 1971). Edmonson (1935) reported two species from Hawaii, E. mathaei and E. oblonga, but as Mortensen (1943) argued these were morphs of a single species, Clark and Rowe (1971) did not recognize E. oblonga. Genetic and morphological studies suggest at least four species of Echinometra occur in the Indo-West Pacific (Nishihara et al. 1991, Palumbi et al. 1997) and that E. oblonga is distinct morphologically and gametically incompatible with sympatric E. mathaei (Metz et al. 1994). Studies of the two Caribbean species that live sympatrically show no hybridization (Lessios and Cunningham 1990; McCartney et al., in press). Nonetheless, as various species ofallopatric and sympatric Echinometra do hybridize (Asian and Uehara 1997), reproductive isolation is maintained by spatial and temporal segregation of gametes as well as gametic incompatibility, depending on the species. Both Caribbean and Indo-Pacific species appeared to have formed during the Pleistocene with speciation associated with sea level drops (Palumbi 1996, McCartney et al., in press). The two sympatric Caribbean species of Echinometra, formed 1.27 to 1.62 mya (McCartney et al., in press) and Indo-Pacific Echinometra appear to have formed from 1.5 and 3 million years (Palumbi 1996). Indo-Pacific and Atlantic lineages of Echinometra split between 3.3 and 4.2 mya, shortly before the rise of the Isthmus of Panama (McCartney et al., in press). The more broadly distributed Caribbean species, E. lucunter, has an Atlantic and Caribbean subspecies (polypora and lucunter) which were estimated to be separated by 200,000 and 250,000 years (McCartney et al., in press). Two other unnamed species of Echinometra have not been reported in Hawaii or the western Indian Ocean and are probably restricted to West Indo-Pacific between Japan(foundin Okinawa at 26 ~ and northern Australia (Palumbi 1996). Two species are reported from the Atlantic- 226 Caribbean, E. lucunter and E. viridis, and 1 species from the Eastern Pacific, E. vanbrunti. Echinometra insularis has been reported from the remote Easter Island (Fell 1974, Osorio and Atan 1993). Consequently, we estimate 8 common species of Echinometra at the global level. Ecological comparisons of these 8 species (Kelso 1971; Russo 1977; Tsuchiya and Nishihira 1984; 1985; 1986; Neill 1988; Arakaki and Uehara 1991) suggest differences in morphology, behavior, diets, tolerance to environmental stress and reproduction between and within species based on population density, predators, habitat, particularly water movement, and other local environmental conditions. 1.2. Biogeography and large scale distribution Echinometra are commonly reported from shallow waters between the average low tide and depths of 10 m. Most species are commonly found in the first few meters of water, but the Caribbean species, E. viridis, can be common in submerged patch reefs to depths of 20 m. Most of the ecological scientific literature does little more than describe Echinometra as a member of the sub- to intertidal fauna. Consequently, it is probable the genus exists throughout most of the tropics including the west African coast, St. Helena and S~o Tome (McCartney et al., in press). Clark and Rowe (1971) did not report Echinometra from the western Indian and Pakistan coastline, so this may be one of the very few unsuitable locations. 1.3. Local distribution and abundance patterns The upper limits to the distribution of Echinometra, mean low water, is likely to be caused by dessication or hot water. Four Okinawan species differ in their tolerance to these conditions (Tsuchiya et al. 1987; Arakaki and Uehara 1991), the two Hawaiian species E. mathaei and E. oblonga do not (Kelso 1971). Temperatures > 40 oC are lethal for Echinometra (Tsuchiya et al. 1987), although this probably varies with the local temperature environment. Echinometra burrows are a common feature of the upper margin of rocky intertidal and reef flat zones where they form a distinct zone at mean low water (Schoppe and Werdings1996). The lower depth limit, in contrast, is likely to be primarily caused by predation (McClanahan and Muthiga 1989). Food is of secondary importance but may be important for Echinometra that feed principally on drift algae in the intertidal zone (Russo 1977). Echinometra distribution can be patchy with densities varying from 0.1 to 100 ind. m -2 over very short distances. This patchiness is not always easy to explain and generally increases with the spatial scale of the comparison, being less than 50% within reef sites, but being over 150% between reefs. Patchiness of settling larvae, post-settlement environmental factors such as dessication, food and crevice availability and predation may be responsible for this variability. The degree of agonistic or aggregating behavior of Echinometra reported (McClanahan and Kurtis 1991) may also be involved. Settlement of small recruits (< 15 mm) on shallow coral reefs in Kenya occurs largely on coral rubble and can vary between 0.4 and 42 recruits'mR'year t (Muthiga 1996). Low recruitment densities of around 1 ind. "m2"year1 are typical as the distribution of these data is not normal, but leptokurtic with high recruit levels being rare events. Muthiga (1996) concluded that, although rare high recruitment events could temporarily elevate population densities ofj uveniles, adult Echinometra (> 15mm) populations were caused primarily by levels of predation or post-recruitment mortality and were largely uninfluenced by these rare recruitment events. A long-term monitoring study ofE. mathaei in on coral reefs in Kenya found that spatial variability in population densities is strongly and positively related to predation levels 227 (McClanahan 1998). In contrast, studies on the intertidal rocky shore of Hawaii suggest that water movement and the availability of algal drift positively influences the density of Echinometra as well as the ratio of E. mathaei to E. oblonga (Russo 1977). The sturdier E. oblonga is more dominant with high water movement. Some Echinometra exhibit agonistic behavior with individuals defending their burrows or crevices against intruders (Grunbaum et al. 1978; Tsuchiya and Nishihira 1985; Shulman 1990; McClanahan and Kurtis 1991). Others are less aggressive and, at times, form social aggregations (Tsuchiya and Nishihira 1985; McClanahan 1999). As some species can be aggressive in one habitat or environment but not in another, it is difficult to generalize about behavior based on species alone (McClanahan and Kurtis1991). The agonistic types have more uniform distributions than the less agonistic types which can even form aggregations (Tsuchiya and Nishihira 1985). Recolonization of disturbed areas is slower for the territorial than nonterritorial species (Tsuchiya and Nishihira 1986). This agonistic behavior is primarily defense for predatorfree space rather than a defense of food resources and is flexible depending on the abundance of predators (McClanahan and Kurtis 1991). Consequently, both genes and environment appear to interact and influence this behavior and associated distribution patterns in Echinometra. 2. POPULATION BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY 2.1. Reproductive biology and ecology Echinometra reproduces sexually, however there is no obvious external sexual dimorphism. However, genital papillae in E. mathaei can be distinguished at sexual maturity when male papillae become long and the female papillae remain stumpy protuberances (Tahara and Okada 1968). In general the sex ratio of Echinometra populations is 1:1 (Pearse and Phillips 1968; Muthiga 1996) exceptions, include a predominance of males of E. mathaei in the Gulf of Suez (Pearse 1969) and of females in the west tropical Pacific (Pearse 1969). The mechanism that determines sex in echinoids is not known (Pearse and Cameron 1991) although sex chromosomes have been reported for E. mathaei (Uehara and Taira 1987). Pearse (1969) described the sequence of events that occur during reproduction of Echinometra in detail for E. mathaei. It is similar to echinoids in general (Pearse and Cameron 1991). The factors that influence the timing of the reproductive cycle of Echinometra are not well understood (Muthiga 1996). Of the 21 studies carried out on the reproduction of Echinometra (Table 1) only three indicate continuous reproduction: E. mathaei in Hawaii (Kelso 1971), on Rottnest Island (Pearse and Phillips 1968) and in the NW Red Sea (Pearse 1969). However even these populations have peak periods of spawning. Pearse (1969; 1974) suggested E. mathaei may have a restricted spawning period in the higher latitudes and continuous spawning throughout the year closer to the equator where the environmental factors especially temperature are presumably more stable. However, E. mathaei at Diani, Kanamai and Vipingo on the Kenyan coast (Lat. 04~ has an annual reproductive cycle with gametogenesis commencing in July and spawning peaking in February-March of each year (Muthiga 1996). The length of the reproductive cycle from beginning of oocyte or spermatocyte accumulation to phagocytosis of relic ova or sperm is approximately 6 months a similar period for E. mathaei at Wadi el Dom in the Gulf of Suez (Pearse 1969) and the eastern coast of South Africa. 228 Table 1. Echinometra: spawning seasons. Species Location Spawning season Reference S. E. Honshu, Japan Minatogawa (Okinawa Island) Japan Sakurajima (Kagoshima Bay) Japan Shirahama (Kii Pen) Japan Seto, Japan Sesoko Island, Japan Hawai Gulf of Suez NW Red Sea Diani, Kanamai and Vipingo, Kenya Eastern coast, South Africa Rottnest Island, Australia Jan- Sep May- Dec Jun- Sep Jul- Aug Jul- Aug Sep - Oct Continuous Jul- Sep Continuous Nov- Mar Jan- Mar Continuous Kobayashi 1969 Fujisawa and Shigei 1990 E. lucunter Bermuda south Florida Puerto Rico Barbados Panama Jul - Oct Jun- Aug Aug- Oct Jul - Oct Continuous Harvey 1947 McPherson, 1969 Cameron 1986 Lewis and Storey 1984 Lessios 1981 E. vanbrunti Panama Sep - Nov Lessios 1981 E. viridis south Florida Puerto Rico Panama Jun- Aug Sep - Nov Apr- Dec McPherson, 1969 Cameron 1986 Lessios 1981 E. mathaei Onada 1936 Arakaki and Uehara 1991 Kelso 1971 Pearse 1969 Pearse 1969 Muthiga 1996 Drummond 1995 Pearse and Phillips 1968 229 The seasonal reproductive pattern of E. mathaei on the Kenyan coast is closely correlated to seawater temperatures as well as light which are influenced by the monsoons (McClanahan 1988). Interestingly, populations of E. mathaei at Rottnest Island, Western Australia, spawn continuously throughout the year in seawater temperatures that are cooler than on the Kenyan coast. Temperature may therefore not be the key factor controlling spawning in E. mathaei. Availability of food for larvae maybe an important factor in controlling spawning ofE. mathaei along the Kenyan coast as spawning occurs just prior to the peak in phytoplankton concentration. Availability of food for newly metamorphosed young is an important factor in E. vanbrunti, which spawns during the dry season upwelling (Lessios 1981). Other factors that play a modifying role include population density and the physical environment. Lessios (1981) showed that spawning synchrony is tighter in sparsely populated populations of E. viridis and less important in densely populated populations of E. lucunter. He postulated that salinity could act as a proximate cue for controlling the timing of spawning as it coincided with increased salinity for E. lucunter and E. viridis at Fort Randolph, Caribbean. Spawning also occurs in E. lucunter during a discrete period from July and October in wave swept areas and occurred during several periods in populations in calm waters (Lewis and Storey 1984). Lunar periodicity in spawning has not been found in E. mathaei (Muthiga, 1996) and E. viridis (Lessios 1991). 2.2. Feeding ecology Echinometra has two basic feeding modes that vary with species and environment: 1) catching algal drift and 2) benthic grazing. Most probably individuals of all species use both modes at any time. It is not always easy to discern the source of food for Echinometra, as guts are often full of masticated algae and sediments. Echinometra with little sediment in the gut are probably feeding on drift algae, but may be eating abundant fleshy algae in areas with low sedimentation. Feeding on drift algae is most common in shallow waters along shorelines, but also occurs in areas with currents such as reef channels or shallow tops of patch reefs or reef fiats. Additional work is needed to determine when and where the various species feed on benthic versus drift algae. Drift algae are probably more important for those species and individuals which are less agonistic, while benthic algae are more important for agonistic ones. Drift algae are likely to be the dominant food in areas with abundant late-successional algal communities while early-successional turf-forming algae are the likely main food in early successional algal communities. Calcium carbonate sediments are usually the largest fraction of the gut content of Echinometra, being between 65 and 95% of the gut (Downing and El Zahr 1987; McClanahan and Kurtis 1991; Black et al. 1984). These measurements support the conclusion that benthic epiand endolithic algae are the major source of food for Echinometra (Odum and Odum 1955). These algae are largely small, fast growing filamentous turf-forming algae, largely green and blue-green algae, that grow in and on the surfaces of coral rock. Many herbivorous sea urchins will feed on animals if given the choice. This is true for Echinometra, but it has a lesser preference for animal food compared to other sea urchins (McClintock et al. 1982). Nonetheless, Echinometra is a generalized herbivore, feeding on a variety of macrophytes, including seagrass, but occasionally consumes benthic animals, such as sponges and corals, as well as a variety of algae. 230 2.3. Energetics Echinometra has low energy requirements that can be lowered further during starvation conditions (McClanahan and Kurtis 1991). One reason for the low energy requirement is the low level of organic matter in their body. Eechinometra mathaei are reported to be 55% water and 40% spines and test or largely calcium carbonate, with only 5% of its wet body being organic matter (McClanahan and Kurtis 1991). Echinometra respire only about 0.1% of their wet weight per day and can survive up to 170 days without food (McClanahan and Kurtis 1991; Lawrence and Bazhin 1998). Daily consumption of organic matter is between 2.5 and 4% of the wet body weight per day (McClanahan and Kurtis 1991, McClanahan 1992). Much of the ingested organic matter, around 50%, is defecated and not absorbed (Mills et al., pers. comm.). Consequently, around 25% of the body's organic matter is absorbed daily, although this may vary with diet and species. This aspect of their energetics has yet to be investigated. Since respiration is a small part of the energetic demands, other biological processes, largely reproduction, are a major part of Echinometra energy expenditures. In the absence of food, reduced reproduction is likely to be a major adaptation. However, Muthiga (1996) found that gonads are often conserved relative to other body parts. Increased jaw size (Black et al. 1984; McClanahan and Kurtis 1991; Muthiga 1996), reduced body size (Muthiga 1996), lowered respiration (McClanahan and Kurtis 1991), and reduced lipid content of the gut (Lawrence 1970) are frequently observed responses to reduced food. Consequently, reproduction is one of the most important, conservative and energy demanding activities of Echinometra. Echinometra can reach a wet biomass levels of around 1.1 kg.m 2 which is among the highest reported values for a herbivore (McClanahan 1992). Experimental (McClanahan and Kurits 1991) and energy-based simulation model studies (McClanahan 1992; 1995) suggest that the high net production of shallow-water turf algae and low per capita consumption rates of Echinometra are responsible. Modelling studies suggest that low resource consumption rates make populations of Echinometra intolerant to high mortality as low consumption is associated with slow growth, particularly if growth is channeled towards reproduction rather than somatic growth, which is the case for Echinometra. This low consumption and somatic growth rates make Echinometra a good resource competitor. It tolerates lower resource levels than many other herbivores (McClanahan et al.1994), particularly bony fish, which have consumption rates around 3 to 5 times higher (McClanahan 1992). This makes Echinometra tolerant of environmental stress and competition, but intolerant of predation or harvesting. High levels of reproduction and larval recruitment allow Echinometra to quickly colonize disturbed areas, but slow growth slows the time to reach a maximum biomass. These energetic conditions allow Echinometra to become dominant in environmentally stressful conditions with low predation. These same life-history and energetic characteristics would, however, cause a rapid overharvesting such that short intense harvesting periods would require long periods for their biomass to recover. 2.4. Growth and longevity Growth estimates of Echinometra have been reported from a variety of sources including estimates from size distributions (Kelso 1971; Dnunmond 1994; Muthiga, 1996), from natural growth lines on test plates (Ebert 1988), from tagging records (Ebert 1975) and from observations of growth in aquaria (Lawrence and Bazhin 1998). In general, Echinometra has a moderate, although variable, growth relative to other species of sea urchins (Ebert 1975). 231 Estimates of growth for adults range from a growth constant K of 0.19 to 0.46 with maximum lengths between 30 and 85 mm (Table 2). Few studies have been done for different sizes or growth stages of Echinometra. The differences in the size of individuals used in reported studies partly explains the high variation in reported growth constants. Like many echinoids, however, growth is relatively rapid during the juvenile stages and slows down as the individual approaches the asymptotic size. Table 2. Echinometra: srowth (K), maximum lensths in mm, and mortality estimates (M) Species Location N K L~,f(mm) M Reference E. mathaei Lani Overlook, Hawai Diani, Kenya Kanamai, Kenya Vipingo, Kenya Kapapa Island, Oahu 77 248 175 189 0.46 0.29 0.32 0.25 0.19 38.1 40.1 62.0 71.1 84.9 55.0 South Africa E. oblonga 0.32 Lani Overlook, Hawai 35 0.40 0.36 32.2 30.9 Kapapa Island, Hawai 11 50.0 Ebert 1975 Ebert 1982 Muthiga 1996 " " 0.05 Kelso 1971 0.2 Ebert 1975 Drummond 1994 Ebert 1975 Ebert 1982 0.07 Kelso 1971 0.18 Ebert 1975 Juvenile E. mathaei on the Kenyan coast increased by 325% on a length basis from 4 mm to 17 mm (horizontal test diameter) in 8 months (Muthiga 1996), while recruits fed algal turf in aquaria increased by 896% on a wet weight basis from 118 mg to 1175 mg in 6 months (Lawrence and Bazhin 1998). Muthiga (1996) found that E. mathaei approached an asymptotic growth at around 5 to 7 years. Echinometra mathaei are reported to live up to 8 to 10 years along the African coast (Drmnmond 1994; Muthiga 1996) and reach a maximum size of 85 mm diameter (Muthiga 1996). The size at first reproduction has been reported for E. mathaei as 12 mm in South Africa (Drummond 1994). Growth in Echinometra is highly dependent on food availability (Muthiga 1996). Comparisons of three populations of E. mathaei on the Kenyan coast with differing levels of food availability support the allocation model where resources are appropriately allocated to growth, reproduction and maintenance depending on food availability (Gadgil and Bossert 1970). Individuals from Vipingo, the reef with the highest food availability, grew faster, were larger and had larger gonads than those at Kanamai or Diani which were food limited reefs (Muthiga 1996). Diani reef, the most food limited had the smallest individuals and maximum sizes, but these individuals had larger gonads than those at Kanamai indicating that sea urchins at Diani allocate resources to reproduction at the expense of body growth. This study also showed that E. mathaei attains sexual maturity at a larger size and has larger gonads when food is not limiting compared to conspecifics in food limited environments (Muthiga 1996). Growth and the allocation of resources to key functions are also affected by population density as the amount of resources available to an individual urchin for growth will be 232 constrained by competition with conspecifics. Individuals at Diani, the reef with the highest population density, not only had the smallest body size but the largest jaws relative to body size an indication of food limitation (Ebert 1980). Large jaws relative to body size were also reported for E. mathaei on Rottnest Is Australia (Black et al. 1982). Echinometra mathaei, like other echinoids (Ebert, 1980), has morphological plasticity with individuals allocating more resources to various body parts depending on prevailing conditions. More resources are allocated to strengthen body wall under rough hydrodynamic conditions thereby enhancing individual survivability (Drummond 1994). 2.5. Pelagic larval dynamics Larval development of Echinometra was described by Mortensen (1921). Several factors including temperature, salinity and food availability affect the rate of larval development but few field data are available. Although the eggs ofE. mathaei can be fertilized normally at 28 - 36 ~ normal development only occurs at temperatures below 34~ (Rupp, 1973). Estimates of the larval period have been reported for E. lucunter (23 days), E. vanbrunti (18 days) and E. viridis (30 days) (Cameron 1986; Emlet et al. 1987). The rate of larval development in laboratory studies with Echinometra is strongly affected by diet (Emlet et al. 1987). Larvae of E. lucunter increased growth with increased food ration (Metaxas and Young 1998). Poor dietary conditions affects the shape, the density and locomotory abilities of echinoid larvae eventually affecting recruitment (Strathmann 1987; Metaxas and Young 1998). Echinometra lucunter, E. mathaei (Cameron and Hinegardner 1974) and E. viridis (Cameron 1986) have been reared in the laboratory to metamorphosis. Events that occur at or near the time ofechinoid settlement and the first few days of benthic life may cause significant mortality but the causes are not well understood. Recruitment is usually reported for juvenile Echinometra from year class determination of size frequencies (Ebert 1975), but also from the repeated census of small juveniles (2-4 mm test diameter) (Muthiga 1996). The first visible recruits of Echinometra are usually closely correlated although offset by 1 to 2 months from their spawning period. Echinometra lucunter and E. viridis show seasonality, spawning in August-September and recruiting in September-October (Cameron 1986) and E. mathaei recruits are observed yearly one to two months after the peak spawning period on Kenyan reefs (Muthiga 1996). Interestingly, at Rottnest Island, Western Australia, E. mathaei recruit seasonally despite continuous reproduction indicating that not all months have the right environmental conditions for successful larval development and recruitment (Watts et al. 1990). Echinometra shows temporal and spatial variability in recruitment. Comparisons of recruitment on three different reefs between 1992 to 1994 on the Kenyan coast showed a great deal of spatial and temporal variability for E. mathaei (Muthiga 1996). There was no significant relationship between population density and recruitment, as the reef with the highest population density showed similar recruitment levels to the reef with the lowest population density. However, there was a positive relationship between recruitment and annual seawater chlorophyll concentration in this study. Inter-annual variation in water-column productivity should, therefore, be expected to increase the success of larvae and the numbers of benthic recruits. As highly successful recruitment years and subsequent population density of adults were not related, mortality in the early post-settlement stage was a better predictor of adult populations (Muthiga 1996). 233 2.6. Benthic population dynamics Long-term population dynamic studies have been undertaken in the Persian Gulf (Allen, K. pets. comm.) and the fringing reef lagoon of southern Kenya (McClanahan and Kurtis 1991). Echinometra population densities on patch reefs of the Persian Gulf have shown a steady rise since 1987, most pronounced after the 1998 E1 Nifio. Loss of coral and increased turf algae probably explain the increases in populations ofE. mathaei in this environmentally stressful and predator-depauperate environment. Populations in Kenya reefs show marked differences between shallow reef lagoons, ranging from 0 to 300.10 m "2. This has been attributed largely to varying levels of post-settlement predation in these reefs (McClanahan and Muthiga 1989; Muthiga 1996). Populations on most reefs have been fairly stable (<10% annual variation) in reefs with moderate population densities (10 to 70" 10 m'E), but the low and the high ends of population densities are more variable (McClanahan 1992). At low population densities (Malindi), high predation and variable recruitment result in high total variation of population estimates (188%) of which nearly 140% is annual variation. As almost no E. mathaei >2 cm diameter occurred in this reef this variation was largely due to larval recruitment variability and rapid rates of predation on the recruits. At the high end of population densities (Diani) the numbers increased steadily from 50 to 300.10 m 2 from 1970 (Khamala 1971) to 1992 and then subsequently declined and stabilized at 150"m"2 (-~5000 kg.ha-~). This change is most likely explained as a response to reduced predation on this reef over the early part of this period, caused by high levels of fishing, followed by a compensation and stabilization at the energetic maximum (-~5000 kg.ha1) of E. mathaei. The Kenyan study indicates that E. mathaei has more stable and predictable populations, both in space and time, than other sea urchin species (McClanahan 1999). Both life-history and community ecology forces are probably responsible. These include continuous reproduction during the optimal spawning and larval growth period, relatively high levels of recruitment to the benthos for a tropical species, flexible diet, low energetic requirements and the ability to resist starvation, and defense of burrow space. McClanahan (1999) suggested that E. mathaei may also be the top competitor in the sea urchin guild in shallow low-predation environments and that its populations are, therefore, less affected by other sea urchin competitors. Nonetheless, this stability does not imply an inability to respond to changes in predation and food availability. High reproduction, settlement and flexible diet should make it quite responsive to changes in resources. As evidence for this is largely circumstantial, such as the populations surges and stabilization described above, more experimental studies at the appropriate scale (> 1 year and > 1 m "E) of population dynamics are required. 3. COMMUNITY ECOLOGY AND COEXISTENCE Echinometra can achieve high population densities, wet weights temporarily reaching 11,000 kg'ha 1, and consume a large fraction of the benthic primary production. Because Echinometra are only seldom harvested in sufficient quantities to influence their populations, they can be considered pests at times of high population abundance. Echinometra consume much of the net benthic production that might otherwise be consumed by other commercial species such as herbivorous rabbit, parrot and surgeonfishes. They can erode reef substratum, reducing its complexity and suitability to other coral reef species. Consequently, the factors that control their 234 populations, allow them to coexist with other herbivorous species, and keep them as a more minor part of the food web are important for marine habitat and fisheries management. 3.1. Competitive interactions with other herbivores Large-scale population reduction experiments (50 m x 50 m) that reduced Echinometra numbers in Diani, Kenya, resulted in increased abundance of algae, reduced coral abundance and increased herbivorous and invertivorous fish numbers (McClanahan et al. 1996). Small-scale reductions (5 m x 5 m) of Echinometra did not produce large changes in the benthos, other than increased non-encrusting algae in one reef flat site with initially low (-~10%) erect algal cover, but less change on a reef that already had high (-~70%) erect algal cover (Prince 1995). Consequently, the influence of Echinometra on the local benthic and associated species may depend on the levels of food and whether they are feeding on drift or benthic algae (McClanahan 1999). Under most conditions of low population densities, and with its low energy requirements, Echinometra is probably not competing strongly with other large herbivores. At high population densities it may be dominant in the consumption of benthic algae. 3.2. Sea urchins Most species of Echinometra defend their burrows against other Echinometra and other species of sea urchin such as Diadema (Gnmbatun et al. 1978; Neill 1988; McClanahan 1988; Shulman 1990). Usually the inhabitant expels the intruder, but not necessarily if differences in body size are large (Grunbaum et al. 1978; Neill 1988; McClanahan and Kurtis 1991). Removal of Echinometra also results in recolonization by neighboring conspecifics and is faster for the less agonistic forms (Neill 1988). Small-scale reductions ofE. mathaei on the tops of coral heads resulted in a rapid, but partial recolonization of the heads by smaller individuals (McClanahan and Kurtis 1991). This suggests that smaller individuals hide and occupy suboptimal locations as a result of intraspecific competition with larger individuals. These intraspecific competition studies may be less applicable to Echinometra that have less agonistic behavior or feed on drift algae. Interspecific competitive interactions occur between Echinometra and other genera, largely Diadema (Williams 1981; McClanahan 1988; Shulman 1990). Studies of resource competition are fewer and less informative about interspecific competition (Lessios 1988). Williams (1981) found that Diadema and Echinometra responded to changes in their numbers by either increasing or decreasing to compensate for the direction of the manipulation. In general Echinometra manipulations had stronger effects than the Diadema manipulations. The three-spot damselfish (Eupomacentrusplanifrons) may mediate this interspecific competition because it is aggressive towards D. antillarum but not Echinometra (Williams 1979; 1981). Williams (1980) and Shulman (1990) suggested that D. antillarum is the superior resource competitor over Echinometra in the Caribbean. Williams (1980) suggested that preferential attacks by the three-spot damselfish on D. antillarum prevents Echinometra from being competitively excluded. This hypothesis, while intriguing, is probably not correct. Lessios (1988) did not find population increases in other sea urchins, including Echinometra, after the mass mortality of D. antillarum in the early 1980s. Diadema antillarum is unlikely to competitively exclude Echinometra because it has a larger body and spine length that will prevent it from occupying Echinometra crevices. Diadema antillarum may bite the spines of intruding Echinometra but it does not push competitors (Shulman 1990) and is unlikely to exclude the 235 agonistic forms of Echinometra. At most, D. antillarum may restrict Echinometra to their crevices. High predation on Echinometra outside of crevices (McClanahan 1988; 1999) is more likely to restrict Echinometra to crevices than competitive interactions with Diadema. In contrast to the Caribbean studies, crevice competition studies in Kenya found that E. mathaei is a superior interference competitor over both D. setosum and D. savignyi (McClanahan 1988; McClanahan and Shafir 1990). For shallow fringing reefs with low levels of predators, E. mathaei lives outside of crevices and other species are found only at very low population densities (McClanahan (1998). This suggests that E. mathaei may be the superior resource competitor. Experimental reduction of Echinometra populations in Diani, Kenya resulted in an increase in other species, particularly Tripneustes gratilla (McClanahan et al. 1996; unpublished data). A survey of sea urchins in patch reefs of northem Tanzania found that E. mathaei was uncommon and the large sea urchin, Echinothrix diadema, was often numerically dominant when predation was low (McClanahan et al. 1999). These studies suggest that Echinometra may be the competitive dominant in some habitats such as shallow fringing reefs and rocky shores, but that E. diadema may dominate in other habitats like patch reefs or reefs with unstable rubble substratum where Echinometra burrows are difficult to create. Competition between Echinometra and other grazing invertebrates is likely but not well studied. Prince (1995) found an increase in the herbivorous snail, Turbo intercostalis, in plots from which Echinometra had been removed and suggested, but the experimental design lacked statistical power to be certain of this interaction. Positive associations between Echinometra and other invertebrates may occur. Crabs, fish and brittlestars are associated with Echinometra burrows (Schoppe and Werdings 1996) 3.3. Fish No interspecific competition between fish and Echinometra has been reported other than the studies of Williams (1979; 1980; 1981), which found low levels of aggression toward Echinometra. Consequently, interference competition between Echinometra and fish is probably not very common. Resource competition may be common when Echinometra reaches high population levels as indicated by slightly increased herbivore fish abundance (damselfish and parrotfish) and grazing rates in areas where Echinometra populations were reduced (McClanahan et al. 1994; 1996). 3.4. Predation and predators A number of marine fish and invertebrates as well as shorebirds feed on Echinometra in the intertidal zone (Schneider 1985). Fish predators have been identified from gut contents (Randall 1967) and from direct observations of baited sites (McClanahan 1995; 1999; 2000). It is difficult to distinguish predators from scavengers of already opened carcasses from analysis of gut contents. The number of scavenger species is considerably larger then the number of predatory species (McClanahan 1995; 2000). The main fish predators include triggerfish, wrasses, emperors, porgies, pufferfish, and grunts. Only a few species in each family are likely to make Echinometra a significant part of their diet. Many species may feed on small individuals, although this has been poorly studied, but far fewer feed on large ones. A study of predators on large E. viridis at an atoll in Belize, found only four common predators, namely the jolthead porgy, the ocean and queen triggerfishes, and the hogfish (McClanahan 1999). The spanish grunt and porcupinefish are also likely to be predators in the Caribbean (Randall 1967). Ten fish 236 species-are primarily scavengers (McClanahan 1999) but studies of gut contents studies suggest a much larger number (Randall 1967). Eight common predators occur in Kenya, of which one, the red-lined triggerfish (Balistapus undulatus), is responsible for nearly 80% of the observed predation (McClanahan 2000). The other predators were mostly Coris and Cheilinus wrasses, two other less common triggeriish, and an emperor. The red-lined triggerfish is aggressive and dominates most other predators, with the exception of the larger titan triggerfish (Balistoides viridescens). Dominance of predation by the red-lined triggerfish increased with the time since fishing was eliminated (McClanahan 2000). Consequently, it is likely that the red-lined triggertish is the dominant predator in unfished reefs. Other wrasses and emperors may be more dominant in heavily fished reefs. Invertebrates, mostly snails and starfish, prey on Echinometra. Their impact on Echinometra populations are probably much less than the predatory fishes (McClanahan and Muthiga 1989; McClanahan 1999). Less than 10% of the predation on tethered Echinometra in Kenya was attributable to snails and starfish, with each group contributing an estimated 5% of the predation in fished reefs (McClanahan and Muthiga 1989). Most of the predation by invertebrates was in heavily fished reefs with almost no predation by invertebrates in unfished marine parks. Consequently, heavy fishing may cause invertebrates to become more important predators than fish. Helmet shells (Cassidae) feed on Echinometra. In the western Indian Ocean, the bullmouth helmet shell, Cypraecassis rufa, is the dominant snail predator ofEchinometra (McClanahan and Muthiga 1989). About 7% of the predation in the Belize study could be attributed to a helmet shell, probably Cassis madagascariensis (McClanahan 1999). Observations that large generalist starfish, such as species in the genera Culcita and Protoreaster, and other invertebrates including lobsters, crabs and sea anemones opportunistically feed on Echinometra are anecdotal. No observations suggest that they are major predators that can control the abundance of Echinometra. The proliferation of sea urchins and Echinometra on many fished reefs can largely be attributed to the loss of bony fish, particularly benthic-feeding triggerfish, rather then the collection of ornamental snails or invertebrates (McClanahan and Muthiga 1989; McClanahan 2000). 4. Herbivory and grazing effects 4.1. Herbivory Echinometra is often the dominant herbivore of benthic algae in some shallow areas (McClanhan and Kurtis 1991; Prince 1995), but its effect on algae and plants is likely to be minimal when it feeds on drift algae (Prince 1995; McClanahan 1999). Echinometra, like other reef herbivores (Choat 1991), probably feeds preferentially on early successional turf algae, avoiding late successional and less palatable forms of fleshy algae. In late successional algal communities it may turn to drift algae as the main diet. It is likely to vary in its importance as a herbivore dependent on the state of the algal succession in individual sites. Most reefs and rocky shores are dominated by early successional algae, so the benthic herbivore mode is likely to be its most common ecological role. As a generalized herbivore it may feed on many species and ecological types of algae, but its ability to influence the abundance of specific algal or plant species is only partially understood. Coral reefs are estimated to have a net benthic production of around 2 g carbon'm'2"day~ 237 (Larkum 1983) or--20 g wet organic matter.m2.day~ (Atkinson and Grigg 1984). As an individual Echinometra consumes about 1 g organic matter.dayl, it is possible that the grazing influence of Echinometra is great. At a density of around 20 Echinometra'm 2 all net production would be consumed by Echinometra. About half of this would be defecated. Some of the feces would be recycled by grazers and some lost to the water column. Echinometra populations can be more than 100"m2 in some reef fiats. Allochtonous production of drift algae is likely to be a major resource for Echinometra at this density. The effect of Echinometra on algae and plants will be influenced by their population numbers and mode of feeding. Experimental reduction of Echinometra populations at around 25.m 2were undertaken in an area of Diani Beach, Kenya and resulted in a many-fold increase in the brown algae Sargassum, Padina and Turbinaria on rocky coral rubble bottoms and the seagrass Thalassia hemprichii on sandy bottoms (McClanahan et al. 1996). The effect on seagrass was more surprising than the expected effect on the rocky bottoms as seagrass is only a small portion of the Echinometra diet in this reef (McClanahan, personal observation). Sediment accumulated and filled in the spaces between rocky rubble areas which, in the absence of Echinometra, probably improved conditions for seagrass colonization. This suggests that benthic grazing Echinometra can cycle sediments, reduce their accumulation rates, and keep rocky or rubble surfaces from being buffed in sand and colonized by seagrass. Consequently, Echinometra effects on plants is not always directly related to their feeding preferences. This study of the high population density benthic grazing mode of Echinometra suggests that a number of mid to late-successional brown algae are suppressed by Echinometra, as would be expected from their energy demands. 4.2 Erosion of calcium carbonate The observation that 60 to 95% of the gut of Echinometra that live in excavated burrows is calcium carbonate sediments has prompted study of the role of Echinometra in the inorganic carbon cycle of coral reefs (Ogden 1977; Russo 1980; Bak 1990; Downing and E1Zahr 1987; McClanahan and Kurtis 1991, Peyrot-Clausade et al. 1995; 2000; Mokady et al. 1996; Conand et al. 1997). Pennings and Svedberg (1993) suggested that calcium carbonate does not deter the feeding of Echinometra but is detrimental to other coral reef grazers. Some erosion by Echinometra is new by scraping coral rock with their teeth and spines. Some of the sediments in their gut are from already eroded sediments. The ratio of new to previously eroded sediments has been a problem in estimating the amount of actual or new erosion rates. Estimates of rate of erosion of coral rock by Echinometra have varied from 0.1 and 0.4 g'individuall'day~ although Downing and El Zahr (1987) reported values at up to 1.4 g. individual-l'day~. Consequently, Echinometra may erode up to 10 kg calcium carbonate. m2"year-~at some high population densities, or considerably more than typical calcium carbonate deposition rates for coral reefs of between 1 and 4 kg-m2.year~ (Smith 1983). The complexity of reef environments can be increased by bioerosion, but it may be greatly reduced when erosion exceeds accretion. Consequently, the effect of Echinometra on the inorganic carbon cycle can be large as well as their influence on the topography of the substratum. 238 5 CONCLUSION Echinometra is the most ubiquitous and abundant shallow-water sea urchin in the tropics. Its small body size, oblong body shape, flexible behavior and diet, high reproduction and recruitment rates, and low resource requirements are life-history properties that allow it to survive in cryptic and environmentally stressful environments. Echinometra is flexible in its allocation of resources to different body parts and in reproduction and feeding. This allows it to adapt to variable environmental conditions. It is conservative in the maintenance of gonads and reproduction, which lacks strong lunar cycles and is variable for seasonal cycles. Behavior and feeding vary with and between species. Physical isolation mediated by sea level changes, rather than differences in reproductive behavior, is probably the main mechanism for speciation. The small body size and spine length of Echinometra make it highly susceptible to predators and it has a number of fish and invertebrate predators that feed on it when exposed, particularly bottom-feeding durophagous triggerfish and wrasses. It can become very abundant, the dominant herbivore and the major eroder of reef rock substrata in reefs and rocky shores with stable substratum and few fish predators. About half of the food consumed will not be absorbed and becomes detritus. Most of the consumed energy will be released as gametes. At their highest population densities their feeding, scraping and spine abrasion will cause reef erosion to exceed reef growth rates. The success of Echinometra in areas with few predators makes it a good indicator species for environmentally stressed or overfished reefs. When fleshy algae and associated algal drift are abundant it will feed primarily on drift algae and can reach biomass levels beyond what could be maintained by local primary production. REFERENCES Arakaki Y, Uehara T (1991) Physiological adaptations and reproduction of the four types of Echinometra mathaei (Blainville). In: Yanagisawa T, Yasumasu I, Oguro C, Suzuki N, Motokawa T (eds) Biology of Echinodermata. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 105-112 Asian LM, Uehara T (1997) Hybridization and FI backcrosses between two closely related tropical species of sea urchins (genus Echinometra) in Okinawa. Invertebr. Reprod. Dev 31: 319-324 Atkinson MJ, Grigg RW (1984) Model of a coral reef ecosystem: II. Gross and net benthic primary production at French frigate shoals, Hawaii. Coral Reefs 3" 13-22 Bak RPM (1990) Patterns of echinoid bioerosion in two Pacific coral reef lagoons. Mar Ecol. 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