URINARY SYSTEM Ch25 STRUCTURE LIST You are responsible for all structures in these lists, and the lecture notes. Be able to identify all structures on diagrams and photos from your text , PAL lab manual , and atlas ( if one accompanies your text). Identify the following structures on the cat : kidney hilus renal artery renal vein renal cortex renal medulla renal pelvis ureter bladder urethra kidney model: renal cortex renal column segmental a. Nephron model : renal corpuscle PCT DCT collecting duct afferent arteriole interlobular a. renal medulla minor calyx interlobar a. renal pyramid major calyx arcuate a. papilla renal pelvis interlobular a. ureter glomerulus Bowman’s capsule loop of Henle (ascending and descending limb; thick and thin segments) efferent arteriole arcuate a. peritubular capillaries vasa recta male reproductive model: urinary bladder detrusor muscle ureter prostatic urethra membranous urethra spongy urethra female reproductive model: urinary bladder detrusor muscle ureter urethra HISTOLOGY ATLAS ( lab manual p 700) plate 41, 42, 43 microscope slides: kidney find: cortex – with renal corpuscles ; medulla – without renal corpuscles glomerulus + Bowman;s capsule renal tubules – cuboidal epithelium (may see microvilli) medulla – thick (cuboidal) and thin (squamous) segments of loop of Henle urinary bladder 4 layers: mucosa – transitional epithelium submucosa + muscularis + adventitia (ct) also see Tissue Review 5 diagrams from text: nephron and blood vessel renal corpuscle + juxtaglomerular apparatus renal blood vessels p 1002, 1004 1005 1000