Schedule EXPRESSIONS Things that you need to know Name of days Time Activities Preposition for day and time 9.45 It is nine forty five It is quarter to ten P.M. : post meridian A.M. : ante meridian In the morning In the evening At noon In the morning Exercise 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 6.25 p.m 3.56 a.m 11.09 p.m 7.05 a.m p.m 8.17 12.55 a.m 11.25 p.m 9.59 a.m Vocabulary b.i.d t.i.d q.i.d p.r.n 2 hrly a.c p.c p.o Tab Caps. Twice a day Three times a day Four times a day When necessary Once every two hours Before meals after meals Orally Tablets Capsule