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Exercise kelas XII ENGLISH

Exercise: choose the correct answer
1. In Analytical Exposition Text, it
mostly uses.....
a. simple present tense
b. simple past tense
d. Introduction
d. present continuous tense
6. The argument and point of view in
analytical exposition text have to be
supported by .....
a. relevant information.
b. data and relevant information.
c. facts and relevant information.
d. facts and general information.
2. What is the social function of
Analytical Exposition text?
a. to persuade the reader that something is
in the case.
b. to persuade the reader that something
should or should not be the case.
7. What is the generic structure of the
Analytical Exposition text?
a. Orientation - Events - Reorientation
b. Thesis - Arguments - Reiteration
c. Thesis - Arguments - Recommendation
d. Identification – Description
c. present perfect tense
c. to tell the reader about the past events.
b. to amuse the reader.
3. What do you think about an analytical
a. text restates a topic but focuses on one
side of argument.
b. text evaluates a topic of an argument.
c. text evaluates a topic but focuses on an
d. text evaluates a topic but focuses on one
side of argument.
4. What do we call the last paragraph of
Analytical Exposition Text?
a. Recomendation
b. Complication
c. Argument
d. Reiteration
5. What do we call the first paragraph of
Analytical Exposition Text?
a. Argument
b. Thesis
c. Reiteration
8. What is the difference between
Analytical and Hortatory text ?
a. Analytical has Introduction, Hortatory
has Thesis.
b. Analytical has Conclusion and
Hortatory has Recommendation.
c. Analytical has Recommendation and
Hortatory has Conclusion.
d. Analytical and Hortatory use Simple
Present Tense.
9. Something found in the Exposition
might be.......
a. The setting
b. The conclusion
c. An analytical paragraph
d. None of the above
10. These are parts of the generic
structure of analytical exposition, except ...
a. Thesis
b. Arguments
c. Reiteration
d. Orientation
11. I personally believe … Therefore, my
conclusion is … In conclusion …
Question : Those phrases are commonly
used to ___
a. introduce a topic
b. state an argument
c. make reiteration
d. amuse readers
12. Introducing the topic and indicating
the writer’s point of view.
Question : This statement refers to_____of
an analytical Exposition text.
a. Analytical
b. Reiteration
c. Argument
d. Thesis
13. An analytical exposition text starts
with ....
a. an introduction
b. a current popular issue
c. a controversial argument
d. a thesis statement
14. In Analytical Exposition Text, it
mostly uses.....
a. simple present tense
b. simple past tense
c. present perfect tense
d. present continuous tense
15. What is the generic structure of the
Analytical Exposition text?
a. Orientation - Events - Reorientation
b. Thesis - Arguments - Reiteration
c. Thesis - Arguments - Recommendation
d. Identification - Description
16. What is Analytical Exposition Text?
a. It is a text that tells about the author's
past experience.
b. It is a text that entertains its readers.
c. It is a text that elaborates author's idea
about phenomenon surrounding.
d. It is a text that explains why and how
things happen.
17. Explaining the argument to support
the writer’s position. The number of
arguments may vary, but each argument
must be supported by evidence and
Question : This statement refers to____of
an Analytical Exposition Text
a. Thesis
b. Persuading
c. Argument
d. Reiteration
18. The communicative purpose of
analytical exposition text is ...
a. to persuade the readers or listeners that .
something is the case.
b. to retell past events
c. to give steps of doing something
d. to tell the newsworthy event(s) of the
19. What do we call the last paragraph of
Analytical Exposition Text?
a. Recomendation
b. Complication
c. Argument
d. Reiteration
20. What type of text that has the same
meaning as Argumentative Texts?
a. Exposition Text
b. Descriptive Text
c. Recount Text
d. NarrativeText
Choose the correct answer!
1. Name the red part of the sentence.
Since the weather was so hot, we went to the swimming pool.
2. Dashiell Hammett was an American writer. He worked as a detective when he was young.
Because of this, his detective stories are very exciting and seem true-to-life.
CAUSE: Dashiell Hammett worked as a detective.
What was the EFFECT?
He became an American.
His stories seem true-to-life.
He wrote only true stories.
3. Dolphins are one of the smartest mammals in the animal kingdom. Because of this, they
are able to do a lot of things that humans can do as well. They are able to solve problems by
using different tools. They are also able to perform intelligence tests and always score very
well. They are great at developing communication because of their intelligence as well.
The CAUSE of dolphins being able to develop communication is...
they use tools
they are very intelligent
they score well on tests
they can talk like humans
4. Keegan was hungry because he skipped lunch.
What is the effect?
Keegan was hungrybecause he skipped lunch
5. Scientists are not sure of all the causes of tornadoes. Tornadoes happen when a cold wind
high up meets warmer air and warmer winds lower down. This causes the winds to swirl and
the warmer air from below rushes upwards at terrific speed. As the tornado moves forward,
this warm wind rushing upwards can pick up any objects in its path.
Which of these is NOT an effect of when cold wind high up meets warmer air and warmer
a tornado forms
the winds swirl
scientists find causes of tornadoes
wind rushes pick up objects
6. Our dog is a hero in our town. One day, little Jimmy Ward did not come home for dinner.
Everyone looked for him all over town. Finally, our dog found Jimmy asleep under a tree.
CAUSE: Jimmy did not come home for dinner.
What was the EFFECT?
Everyone looked for him.Jimmy was a hero in our town.Our dog was asleep.
7. One reason streams become polluted is storm water runoff. When rain or melted snow
runs off, it carries trash from sidewalks and streets with it. These pollutants flow into storm
sewers or directly into a lake, stream, or river. Then, bacteria from the trash spread to create
health hazards. The trash itself can choke and suffocate ducks, fish, turtles, and birds. Used
motor oil, paint, and insecticides can poison fish.
According to this passage, which of the following is caused by storm water runoff?
Swimming pools fill up.Snow melts and runs off.Trash chokes ducks, fish, and turtles.People
leave trash on sidewalks and streets.
8. Name the red part of the sentence.Carlos fell asleep in class because he went to bed late
last night.
9. What is the EFFECT in this sentence?Due to peanut allergies, students aren't permitted to
bring in baked goods.
peanut allergies
students aren't permitted to bring in baked goods
10. Policeman sometimes use dogs to help them in their line of work. Dogs have a good
sense of smell. this makes them useful in tracking down outlaws. Dogs can also help find
stolen goods.
CAUSE: Dogs have a good sense of smell.
What was the EFFECT?
They are good at stealing.They work for outlaws.They can track down outlaws.