KEMENTERIAN PERHUBUNGAN DIREKTORAT JENDERAL PERHUBUNGAN UDARA PERATURAN DIREKTUR JENDERAL PERHUBUNGAN UDARA NOMOR : KP 254 TAHUN 2017 TENTANG PETUNJUK TEKNIS PERATURAN KESELAMATAN PENERBANGAN SIPIL BAGIAN 147-01 (STAFFINSTRUCTION 147-01) SERTIFIKASI ATAU PERPANJANGAN ATAU PERUBAHAN DAN PENGAWASAN UNTUK ORGANISASI PUSAT PELATIHAN PERAWATAN PESAWAT UDARA BERDASARKAN PKPS BAGIAN 147 (CERTIFICATION OR RENEWAL OR AMENDMENT AND SURVEILLANCE OF A CASR PART 147 AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE TRAINING ORGANIZATION (AMTO) DENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESA DIREKTUR JENDERAL PERHUBUNGAN UDARA, Menimbang : a. bahwa pada Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor PM 85 Tahun 2017 tentang Peraturan Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil Bagian 147 (Civil Aviation Safety Regulations Part Perawatan 147) Pesawat Organisasi Udara Pusat (Aircraft Pelatihan Maintenance Training Organization) Edisi 1 Amandemen 0 (Edition 1 Amendment 0), telah mengatur ketentuan persyaratan sertifikasi dan perpanjangan sertifikat organisai pusat pelatihan perawatan pesawat udara; b. bahwa perlu disusun suatu petunjuk teknis bagi Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara untuk melakukan sertifikasi, perpanjangan, perubahan dan pengawasan terhadap organisasi perawatan pesawat udara,; pusat pelatihan c. bahwa berdasarkan dimaksud dalam pertimbangan huruf a dan sebagaimana huruf b, perlu menetapkan Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara tentang Petunjuk Teknis Peraturan Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil Bagian 147-01 (Staff Instruction 147-01) Sertifikasi Atau Perpanjangan Atau Perubahan Dan Pengawasan Untuk Organisasi Pusat Pelatihan Perawatan Pesawat Udara Berdasarkan PKPS Bagian 147 (Certification Or Renewal Or Amendment And Surveillance Of A CASR Part 147 Aircraft Maintenance Training Organization (AMTO); Mengingat : 1. Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2009 Penerbangan (Lembaran Negara tentang Republik Indonesia Tahun 2009 Nomor 1, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4956); 2. Peraturan Presiden Nomor 7 Tahun 2015 tentang Organisasi Kementerian Negara (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2015 Nomor 8); 3. Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2015 tentang Kementerian Perhubungan (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2015 Nomor 75); 4. Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor PM 189 Tahun 2015 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Kementerian Perhubungan (Berita Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2015 Nomor 1844) sebagaimana telah beberapa kali diubah, terakhir dengan dengan Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor PM 44 Tahun 2017 tentang Perubahan Kedua atas Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor PM 189 Tahun 2015 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Kementerian Perhubungan (Berita Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2017 Nomor 816); 5. Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor PM 85 Tahun 2017 tentang Peraturan Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil Bagian 147 (Civil Aviation Safety Regulations Part 147) Organisasi Pusat Pelatihan Perawatan Pesawat Udara (Aircraft Maintenance Training Organization) Edisi 1 Amandemen 0 (Edition 1 Amendment 0); MEMUTUSKAN: Menetapkan : PERATURAN UDARA DIREKTUR TENTANG KESELAMATAN (STAFF PETUNJUK PENERBANGAN INSTRUCTION ORGANISASI PESAWAT UDARA SIPIL PERUBAHAN PUSAT PERATURAN BAGIAN 147-01 SERTIFIKASI DAN PELATIHAN BERDASARKAN PKPS (CERTIFICATION OR RENEWAL OR SURVEILLANCE OF A PART CASR PERHUBUNGAN TEKNIS 147-01) PERPANJANGAN ATAU UNTUK JENDERAL ATAU PENGAWASAN PERAWATAN BAGIAN 147 AMENDMENT AND 147 AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE TRAINING ORGANIZATION (AMTO). Pasal 1 Memberlakukan Petunjuk Teknis Peraturan Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil Bagian 147-01 (Staff Instruction 147-01) Sertifikasi Atau Perpanjangan Atau Perubahan Dan Pengawasan Untuk Organisasi Pusat Pelatihan Perawatan Pesawat Udara Berdasarkan PKPS Bagian 147 (Certification Or Renewal Or Amendment And Surveillance Of A CASR Part 147 Aircraft Maintenance Training Organization (AMTO) sebagaimana tercantum dalam Lampiran yang merupakan bagian tak terpisahkan dari Peraturan Direktur Jenderal ini. Pasal 2 Pada saat Peraturan ini mulai berlaku: a. Keputusan Nomor Direktur Jenderal SKEP/53/III/2001 Perhubungan tentang Udara Petunjuk Pelaksanaan (Staff Instruction Nomor 147-01) tentang Persetujuan Organisasi Pelatihan Perawatan Pesawat Udara; b. Peraturan Nomor Direktur Jenderal SKEP/88/IV/2008 Perhubungan tentang Udara Surveillance of Aircraft Maintenance Training Organizations (AMTO); dicabut dan dinyatakan tidak berlaku. Pasal 3 Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara melakukan pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan Peraturan ini. Pasal 3 Peraturan ini mulai berlaku sejak tanggal ditetapkan. Ditetapkan di Jakarta pada tanggal 25 September 2017 DIREKTUR JENDERAL PERHUBUNGAN UDARA ttd. Dr. Ir. AGUS SANTOSO, M.Sc Salinan sesuai dengan aslinya KEPALA BAGIAN HUKUM, ENDAH PURNAMA SARI Pembina (IV/a) P. 19680704 199503 2 001 LAMPIRAN PERATURAN DIREKTUR JENDERAL PERHUBUNGAN UDARA NOMOR : KP 254 TAHUN 2017 TANGGAL : 25 SEPTEMBER 2017 Staff Instruction SI 147 -01 Certification or Renewal or Amendment and Surveillance of a CASR Part 147 Aircraft Maintenance Training Organization (AMTO) Edition Amendment Date 25 September 2017 REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA - MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF CIVIL AVIATION JAKARTA - INDONESIA SI 147-01 SUMMARY OF AMENDMENTS AMENDMENT DATE REFERENCE REMARK No. Original March 2001 ICAO Annex 1 To include ICAO of Annex 1 Edition 1 September 2017 CASR 147 To include new ICAO Annex 1 requirement of CASR 147, ICAO Doc 9841 harmonized with ICAO Annex 1 and Doc. 9841. SI 147-01 FOREWORD 1. PURPOSE This Staff Instruction prescribes responsibilities, policies, and procedures to be used by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DAAO) for evaluating an applicant for certification or renewal or amendment of CASR Part 147 Aircraft Maintenance Training Organization (AMTO). 2. REFERENCES This Staff Instruction should be used in accordance with the applicable regulations. 3. CANCELATION SKEP/53/III/2001 (SI 147-01, Revision Original), dated 6 March 2001 is canceled. SKEP/88/IV/2008 SI 147-03, Revision Original, dated 21 April 2008 is canceled. 4. AMENDMENT The amendment of this Staff Instruction shall be approved by the Director General of Civil Aviation. DIRECTOR GENERAL OF CIVIL AVIATION Signature. Dr. Ir. AGUS SANTOSO, M.Sc Salinan sesuai dengan aslinya KEPALA BAGIAN HUKUM, ENDAH PURNAMA SARI Pembina (IV/a) NIP. 19680704 199503 2 001 SI 147-01 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY OF AMENDMENTS 1 FOREWORD 2 CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 5 1. Objective 5 2. Definitions 5 CHAPTER II. CERTIFICATION OF PART 147 AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE TRAINING ORGANIZATIONS 8 1. General 8 2. Pre-application Phase 8 3. Formal Application Phase 14 4. Document Compliance Phase 16 5. Demonstration and Inspection Phase 17 6. Certification Phase 18 7. Applicable Forms 20 CHAPTER III. EVALUATE CURRICULLUM/REVISION AND INSTRUCTOR QUALIFICATIONS 22 1. General 22 2. Procedures 26 3. Applicable Forms 27 CHAPTER IV. EVALUATE FACILITIES, FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, AND TOOLS 28 1. General 28 2. Procedures 32 3. Applicable Forms 33 CHAPTER V. EVALUATE QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM & TRAINING PROCEDURES MANUAL 34 1. General 34 2. Procedures 38 3. Applicable Forms 39 CHAPTER VI. SURVEILLANCE OF PART 147 AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE TRAINING ORGANIZATIONS 40 1. General 40 2. Procedure 42 3. Applicable Forms 44 CHAPTER VII. ISSUANCE OF EXAMINING AUTORITY 45 SI 147-01 1. General 45 2. Procedure 46 3. Applicable Forms 48 CHAPTER VIII. RENEWAL and amendment OF PART 147 AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE TRAINING ORGANIZATIONS 49 1. General 49 2. Formal Application Phase 49 3. Document Compliance Phase 50 4. Demonstration And Inspection Phase 50 5. Certification Phase 51 6. Applicable Form 52 SI 147-01 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1. Objective This staff instruction provides guidance for certificating an Aircraft Maintenance Training Organization (AMTO) under CASR Part 147, Aircraft Maintenance Training Organizations and guidance for evaluating the curriculum or curriculum revision of an Aircraft Maintenance Organization (AMTO) under CASR Part 147, Aircraft Maintenance Training Organizations. 2. Definitions Approved Non-Certificated Instructors (Specialized Instructors). Individuals who are not certificated but who have been found qualified by the AMTO to teach mathematics, physics, basic electricity, basic hydraulics, drawing, and similar subjects. Certificated Instructors. Those instructors who hold DGCA Basic Certificate and the category appropriate for the AMTO subjects to be taught. Common Hand Tools. Small, ordinary tools such as ratchets, sockets, and screwdrivers. This should not be considered an all-inclusive list, but simply an example for the DGCA Airworthiness Inspector to consider. Instruction Hour. The educational unit hour, as used by an AMTO, that consists of a time period of not less than 50 minutes. This instructional time period conforms to the existing practices at many education institutions. Instructional equipment or instructional aids. Equipment or aids used to provide instruction and instructional equipment is not required to meet return to service standards. Examples include diagrams, visual aids, computers, interactive software, aircraft, and mockups of aircraft, engines, and components, as well as actual components, such as magnetos and fuel controls. SI 147-01 Shop. Facilities for providing instruction on projects taught at teaching Level 2 or 3. The shop environment should resemble a typical aviation repair facility. Shop Equipment. Machinery and supportive equipment, such as air compressors, work stands, racks, benches, fabricating devices, sheet metal equipment, and battery chargers. Simulated Approval for Return to Service. A measured standard of instructing students' academic and skills in which to prepare them with the needed skills to maintain and properly return aircraft, parts, or components to service. Special Tools. Highly specialized tools, such as tension meters, micrometers, and torque wrenches. Teaching Levels. Three levels of instruction with varying degrees of difficulty. a. b. Level 1 requires: • Knowledge of general principles, but no practical application. • No development of skill. • Instruction by lecture, demonstration, and discussion. Level 2 requires: • Knowledge of general principles, and limited practical application. • Development of sufficient skill to perform basic operations. • Instruction by lecture, demonstration, discussion, and limited practical application. c. Level 3 requires: • Knowledge of general principles, and performance of a high degree of practical application. • Development of sufficient skills to simulate return to service. • Instruction by lecture, demonstration, discussion, and a high degree of practical application. 6 SI 147-01 Troubleshoot. To systematically analyze and identify malfunctions, and to identify the source of trouble in an airframe, powerplant, or aircraft component. For the purposes of AMTO, the item of equipment or simulator training aids must be in operating condition. For example, a turbine powerplant must be operational for the student to troubleshoot. Curriculum Components. The DGCA must approve the curriculum or revision. The part 147 approved curriculum will consist of the following for each subject: • Training Subjects taught; • Training objective; • Teaching level requirements; • The total number of hours required for successful completion; • Required practical projects with corresponding lab or shop hours. SI 147-01 CHAPTER II CERTIFICATION OF PART 147 AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE TRAINING ORGANIZATIONS 1. GENERAL This section prescribes procedures for evaluating applications for AMTO certification. The certification of an AMTO is not limited to organizations physically located within the Republic of Indonesia. The certification process provides for interaction between the applicant and the DGCA from initial inquiry to issuance or denial of an AMTO Certificate. It ensures the thorough review, evaluation and testing of programs, systems, and methods of compliance. The certification process consists of the following five phases: 2. • Pre-application phase, • Formal application phase, • Document compliance phase, • Demonstration and inspection phase, and • Certification phase. PRE-APPLICATION PHASE Preliminary Assessment. Upon initial contact from an applicant requesting part 147 certification, the DGCA will conduct the preliminary assessment. During preliminary assessment meeting only basic information and general requirement might be assessed and discussed, these includes: • Legal aspect of applicant • Desired date of operations • Curriculum and training procedures manual preparations • Qualification of management personnel • Training facilities, instructional equipment, tool, material and shop equipment. SI 147-01 The proposed applicant will provide complete information and data concerning the ratings sought. After preliminary assessment the DAAO should make a determination if the proposed applicant is qualified or not to apply for certification. The applicant may request the other preliminary assessment at least 60 days after the date of the applicant failed the preliminary assessment. Establish Certification Team. When it is determined to proceed with the certification process, the DGCA establishes the team members to conduct the certification. The team will consist of at least two Maintenance Inspector from the DAAO, and, if required, one maintenance inspector from DGCA regional representative. One team member will be designated as the Certification Project Manager (CPM). The Sub Directorate of Standard will obtain a precertification number. Responsibilities of the CPM. The team member designated as the CPM must have completed appropriate training (DGCA Formal Course No. 4003 and 4503). The CPM should preferably have previous experience in the certification of an AMTO under part 147. 1) The CPM must serve as the primary spokesperson for the DGCA throughout the certification process. Consequently, the CPM must thoroughly coordinate all certification matters with all other specialists assigned to the certification project. 2) The CPM must be responsible for ensuring that all certification tasks are complete, and must coordinate all correspondence to and from the applicant. 3) The CPM must notify the Director of Airworthiness & Aircraft Operations of any information that may significantly affect or delay the certification project. 4) The CPM must ensure that individuals involved with the certification project is kept fully informed of the current status of the certification. 5) The CPM must ensure that an application for a certificate and rating, or for an additional rating, under part 147 is made on a form and in a manner prescribed by the Administrator, and submitted with: a) A description of the proposed curriculum; b) A list of the facilities and materials to be used; SI 147-01 c) A list of its instructors, including the kind of certificate and ratings held and the certificate numbers; and d) A statement of the maximum number of students it expects to teach at any one time. Responsibilities of the Certification Team Members. It is the responsibility of each team member to respond to a CPM request for assistance and keep the CPM informed of the status of the certification. Immediately bring any discrepancy that may delay the certification effort to the attention of the CPM. Pre-application Meeting and Discussion Topics. In preparation for the pre- application meeting, the CPM should remind the applicant that the key management personnel should attend the meeting and should be prepared to discuss, in general terms, various aspects of the applicant's proposed operation. 1) The pre-application meeting should be held in the DAAO Office. This will allow the applicant to become familiar with the DGCA personnel. 2) During the pre-application meeting, the applicant should provide the DGCA with an AMTO point of contact (POC). Encourage the applicant to ask questions during the discussion. Applicants should be thoroughly familiar with the certification phase requirements before continuing with the certification process. It is important, therefore, that the CPM be thoroughly prepared to conduct the meeting. 3) Open discussion of the applicant's intent for AMTO certification should take place while the DGCA offers answers to any questions the applicant has regarding the application process. At a minimum, the following should take place during the pre-application meeting: a) Discuss DGCA expectations of the AMTO to include ethical considerations, meeting minimum regulatory compliance with part 147 to qualify for certification, and maintaining consistent regulatory compliance at all times after certification. b) Discuss the five phases of certification and the requirements of each phase. c) Discuss what the applicant may expect from the DGCA during and after certification. 10 SI 147-01 d) Verify the applicant is aware of the regulatory requirements and DGCA policies regarding certification and operation of an AMTO. e) Inform the applicant of the three types of DGCA ratings that may be issued (i.e., Basic Aircraft Maintenance Training, Aircraft Type Training, and Component Type Training.). f) Provide instruction on the completion of DAAO Form No. 147-01, Aircraft Maintenance Training Organization Application. g) Verify the applicant understands the purpose and content of the formal application documents. h) Discuss the AMTO requirement to provide written procedures on specific processes including tool control, use of cleaners, lubricants, and flammable liquids, i) Discuss AMTO procedures for administrative procedures and recordkeeping processes, j) Discuss and verify that the applicant understands section 147.37 regarding crediting students for previous training, k) Inform the applicant that the organization may not teach students before certification as an AMTO and then give credit for that training after certification. 1) Discuss the requirement for written approved procedures for recording and controlling attendance, and provisions for course makeup when curriculum subjects are missed, m) Discuss the procedures for taking DGCA written knowledge tests, oral (knowledge) and practical (skill) tests, n) Discuss the requirement for procedures to maintain, keep, and distribute student records and transcripts, o) Discuss the significance and issuance of part 147 AMTO operations specifications (OpSpecs). p) Discuss the content of a compliance statement listing each applicable part 147 section and the necessity for providing either a brief narrative or a specific reference to a document that describes the manner of compliance with the part 147 regulation, q) Discuss with the AMTO applicant the need to develop AMTO operating policies and procedures addressing allowances to deviate from the approved curriculum order of instruction on a case-by-case basis due to unexpected interruptions such as 11 SI 147-01 inoperative mockups, inclement weather, hospitalized instructor, etc. r) Discuss with the AMTO applicant the need for the AMTO to incorporate policies and procedures addressing the reporting of interruptions that cause deviations in the order of instruction in the approved curriculum to the principal training inspector (PTI). s) Discuss with the AMTO applicant the issuance of OpSpecs as dictated by the AMTO-specific operations. Pre-application Meeting Discussion of Documents. 1) Inform the applicant of the following certification documents required to be submitted for review during the formal application meeting. It is important that the CPM be thoroughly prepared to conduct the meeting. 2) Inform the applicant to develop the following: a) An event-scheduling calendar developed by the applicant that identifies, documents and forecasts the step-by-step The eventscheduling calendar should be developed in a way that ensures the certification process covers all phases of certification. b) The applicant should develop a Schedule of Events (SOE) that ensures the certification process is sound, and is agreeable to the CPM. The applicant and the CPM should review the schedule periodically to ensure steps are not missed. A copy of the completed SOE should be retained by the CPM in the certification file completion of the certification process as outlined in the five phases of certification. c) Two completed copies of DAAO Form No. 147-01. d) A compliance statement listing each applicable part 147 section and providing either a brief narrative or a specific reference to a document that describes the manner of compliance with the regulations. e) A description of the proposed curriculum. Emphasize that the actual curriculum must receive approval before certification. f) A student enrollment statement indicating the maximum number of students to be taught for each rating during each enrollment period. The DAAO Form No. 147-01 application will also show this information. 12 SI 147-01 g) A Training Procedure Manual. Emphasize the written description of standards for graduation, written description of attendance and missed course content makeup procedures, description of grading procedures, description of the facilities to be used for instruction. Ask the applicant to provide detailed drawings with dimensions of classrooms and laboratory/ shop facilities. The drawings should show the relative location of each organization facility h) An inventory of the materials, equipment, and tools to be used. Advise the applicant to detail which tools the organization will provide and which the students must furnish. i) A list of instructors showing any required certificate, license, ratings, and subjects to be taught by each. j) Each subject in the proposed curriculum must be accounted for on the instructor listing. Ensure that the applicant understands that technical maintenance courses other than certain general subjects must be taught by appropriately certificated, licensed, or rating. Inform the applicant that at least one certificated instructor is required for every 25 students in each shop or laboratory class (refer to section 147.21). k) A written description of the method that ensures access to appropriate and current technical data necessary for the rating(s) sought. The procedures should demonstrate the ability to access or possess the current information. The data should include the following: • Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR), • Type Certificate Data Sheets (TCDS), • Airworthiness Directives (AD), • Supplemental Type Certificates (STC), • Maintenance Manuals, and • ACs. Conduct Precertification Inspections. If possible, visit the proposed organization before a formal application is filed. Inspect and make necessary recommendations regarding the following: • Classrooms, • Work areas, • Materials, 13 SI 147-01 3. • Laboratories, • Technical data, • Instructional aids, • Other areas as needed. FORMAL APPLICATION PHASE The formal application phase requires a formal application meeting to present the required certification documents and discuss those issues relevant to the particular application. a. Schedule and Conduct Formal Application Meeting. The CPM meets with the official(s) representing the organization. Review the submitted formal application and documents, including the SOE. Determine whether the applicant has submitted all documents, and if they are complete. b. Review the Document. If all documents are complete, review DAAO Form No. 147-01, the compliance statement, the curriculum, standards for graduation, attendance and makeup procedures, grading procedures, facility layout, and the instructor qualifications for conformity to the regulations. NOTE: If discrepancies exist in the documents, return the documents to the applicant with a letter identifying the discrepancies. It should be clearly explained to the applicant the need to correct the document deficiencies in a timely manner to facilitate continuance of the certification process. NOTE: 1) Statement of Compliance development of a (SOC). compliance To benefit the statement applicant, assists in the certification process by showing in writing how the applicant intends to meet the requirements of each section of the part 147 rule. The compliance statement must list each applicable part 147 section and provide a brief narrative or a specific reference to a manual or other document describing the planned method of compliance with the regulation. 14 SI 147-01 2) Curriculum. For guidance on curriculum requirements see Chapter III. a) Practical projects referring to section 147.29 (d) include all functions specified in the curriculum that involve hands-on tasks. Therefore, practical projects should include any task taught to Level 2 or 3, as specified in Advisory Circular 14702 and aircraft type rating practical projects as specified in Advisory Circular 147-04. b) Section 147.47 addresses the maintenance of curriculum requirements. CASR 147 prescribes minimum standards for certification and operation. These standards may be exceeded beyond what the rule requires, but only as part of an approved curriculum. 3) List of Instructors and Qualifications. The certificate number, license number, ratings, and subjects must be listed for each instructor. There must be at least 1 certificated or licensed instructor for every 25 students in each shop or laboratory class. Evaluate the suitability of non-certificated or licensed instructors to teach certain general courses on an individual basis. 4) Student Enrollment Statement. This statement indicates the maximum number of students to be taught for each rating during each enrollment period. Do not count students enrolled in other non-DGCA-approved courses toward the maximum allowable part 147 enrollment. NOTE: Non-DGCA-approved courses may not detract from the part 147 organizations ability to provide for a quality education (due to facility overcrowding, equipment overuse, etc.). PTIs must be cognizant of the effect non-DGCA-approved courses may pose. 15 SI 147-01 5) Diagram and Description of Facilities. This description must include a facility layout plan indicating the relative location of classrooms to shops/laboratories, including dimensions, and the relative location of each facility to each other facility when there is more than one site or location for the organization. 6) Inventory of Equipment, Materials, and Tools. The inventory must detail which tools the organization will provide and which tools the students must furnish. 7) Accept or Deny Formal Application. Acceptance or denial of the formal application is based on inclusion of all required materials as detailed in the pre-application meeting. The proposed methods of compliance are not being evaluated at this stage. Based on the initial review of the formal application and any meetings with the applicant, accept or deny the application. Advise the applicant in writing of the results. If the application is denied, return the application and attachments with a letter stating the reasons for denial. 4. DOCUMENT COMPLIANCE PHASE Review Documents. Thoroughly review the applicant's curriculum and other documents to ensure that each complies with the applicable regulations. Approve, accept, or deny each document as appropriate. Documents reviewed during this phase must include: 1) DAAO Form No. 147-01. 2) Statement of Compliance (SOC). 3) Curriculum (refer to section 147.29 and Chapter III of this Staff Instruction). 4) Instructor requirements and qualifications (refer to section 147.21). 5) Contract agreement for facilities or instructional equipment (if any) 6) Training procedures manual (refer to section 147.31 and Chapter V of this Staff Instructions) Document Deficiencies. If you find deficiencies in any document submitted by the applicant, return the document with a letter identifying the deficiency. 16 SI 147-01 NOTE: The certification team must be ready to offer suggestions, but not mandate how to improve the product but should avoid writing the applicant's documents. If Necessary, Terminate the Certification Process. If the documents submitted are consistently found to be of insufficient quality, schedule a meeting with the applicant to discuss each deficiency in detail. Advise the applicant that continuing the certification process is impractical and the option for the applicant to reapply for certification. 5. DEMONSTRATION AND INSPECTION PHASE In this phase, the certification team makes an onsite inspection to determine whether the applicant's proposed procedures and programs are effective. At this time, the applicant demonstrates that the facilities and equipment are safe and satisfactory. Emphasis is on compliance with the regulations. Throughout the demonstration and inspection phase, the CPM must ensure that each aspect of the applicant's demonstration is first documented, then observed, required and then either approved or disapproved. Evaluate Suitability of Facilities, Equipment, Tools, and Materials. 1) Facilities. The instructional aids, laboratory and shop equipment, and physical layout of the facilities must meet the requirements outlined in sections 147.23, 147.25, and 147.27. The applicant should keep in mind that the facilities must constitute an environment suitable for learning. Excessive noise, dust, fumes, heat, cold, and clutter could distract the applicant during development of the AMTO facility. The ratings that the organization proposes to obtain will influence the layout of the AMTO facility. 2) Equipment. An AMTO is required to have sufficient shop equipment in place and in satisfactory operating condition to adequately serve the student enrollment and meet shop/project subject requirements. The equipment must be situated so students can operate it in a safe and efficient manner. 17 SI 147-01 3) Tools. The AMTO must provide an inventory of special tools required to provide instruction. All special tools must be in satisfactory working condition for the purpose for which they are to be used. Section 147.27 requires the AMTO to furnish an adequate supply of special tools appropriate to the ratings and curriculum of the AMTO. 4) Materials. The AMTO must provide a list of materials required for instruction. The organization must have sufficient materials in stock and properly stored to provide for the approved student enrollment. 5) Quantities of Necessary Items. The amount of materials and the kinds of equipment and tools students will use also depends on the curriculum and number of students. For example, the applicant must demonstrate that the organization has the appropriate tools and equipment to accomplish each project. Observe Demonstrations and Conduct Inspections. Verify that the applicant's proposed procedures and programs are effective, and that facilities and equipment are safe and satisfactory. Follow the procedures in Chapter IV. Verify compliance with the regulations as follows: • Facilities meet the requirements of section 147.23; • Instructional aids meet the requirements of section 147.25; and • Materials, special tools, and shop equipment meet the requirements of section 147.27. Document Deficiencies. If deficiencies exist, provide a list of discrepancies to the applicant. Schedule a meeting to discuss in detail the appropriate corrective action to be taken. Place documentation in the certification file. If the applicant does not demonstrate compliance or if discrepancies cannot be resolved, send a letter of denial and a list of discrepancies. Inform the applicant that the CPM must be notified in writing of all corrective action taken. 6. CERTIFICATION PHASE An applicant is entitled to the issuance of an Aircraft Maintenance Training Organization Certificate with appropriate rating(s) and OpSpecs after accomplishing the following: 1) The certification process is completed; 18 SI 147-01 2) Each unsatisfactory item has been corrected; 3) The DGCA has determined that the applicant has met all regulatory requirements and understands the related responsibilities; 4) The DGCA has determined that the applicant is capable of complying with CASR 147 on a continuing basis; and 5) The applicant has demonstrated capability of conducting operations in a safe manner. Issue Certificate. When the applicant has met all regulatory requirements, the CPM will accomplish the following: 1) Ensure all deficiencies have been documented and addressed. 2) Ensure all items in the CPM file are closed and satisfactory. 3) Review SOE for completeness. 4) Approve the curriculum and accept Training Procedures Manual (TPM) by signing and dating the List of Effective Pages (LEP) and prepare letter of approval and control page for curriculum and TPM indicating the date and revision status. 5) Obtain a final certificate number from Sub Directorate of Standard and prepare DAAO Form No. 147-02, Certificate of Approval of AMTO Part 147. Ensure that the certificate is signed and give the original certificate to the new certificate holder. Make a copy for the certification file. 6) Prepare (as applicable) part 147 AMTO OpSpecs (DAAO Form No. 14703): • A001, Issuance and Applicability (mandatory). • A002, Ratings (mandatory). • A003, Management Personnel (mandatory). • A004, Examining Authority (optional). CPM Drafts and Director Signs Certificate Approval and OpSpecs. The Certificate of Approval and Operation Specification (OpSpec) will be drafted by CPM and signed by Director of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations showing the limitations issued. Issue all mandatory and any applicable optional DGCA OpSpecs with appropriate ratings. 19 SI 147-01 NOTE: The Certificate of Approval and OpSpecs are legal documents. Language should clearly specify the authorizations, ratings, and/or limitations being approved. When filling out these forms, erasures, strikeovers, or typographical errors must not exist on the completed document. Prepare Certification File. Once the applicant receives AMTO certification, prepare a part 147 Certification file to be kept at the DAAO for documented future review of the complete certification process. The file must include the name and title of each Maintenance Inspector who assisted in the certification. The CPM signs the file. The file must contain at least the following: DAAO Form No. 147-01; Statement of Compliance (SOC); Applicant's SOE; The Certification Job Aid; Complete inspection check list; Copy of the signed Certificate of Approval, DAAO Form No. 147-02; Copy of the OpSpecs issued to the AMTO (DAAO Form No.147-03); List of the instructors, their qualifications, and the courses they will be teaching; Facility layout; Copy letter of approval curriculum and TPM; Copy of the approved curriculum (soft copy); Copy of training procedures manual (soft copy); and Summary of all discrepancies encountered during certification. 7. APPLICABLE FORMS No 1. Form Number DAAO Form No. 147-01 Form Title Application For Aircraft Maintenance Training Organization 2. DAAO Form No. 147-02 Certificate of Approval - Aircraft Maintenance Training Organization 3. DAAO Form No. 147-03 Operation Specifications (Opspec) Aircraft Maintenance Training 20 SI 147-01 Organization 4. DAAO Form No. 147-04A Certification Job Aids - Pre Application Phase 5. DAAO Form No. 147-04B Certification Job Aids - Formal Application Phase 6. DAAO Form No. 147-04C Certification Job Aids - Document Compliance Phase 7. DAAO Form No. 147-04D Certification Job Aids - Demonstration and Inspection Phase 8. DAAO Form No. 147-04E Certification Job Aids - Certification Phase 9. DAAO Form No. 147-05 Evaluation of Training Procedure Manual and Quality System 10. DAAO Form No. 147-06 Curriculum and Syllabus Evaluation 11. DAAO Form No. 147-07 Training Facility Inspection 12. DAAO Form No. 147-08 Instructor Qualification Evaluation 13. DAAO Form No. 147-09 Reference Material Inspection 14. DAAO Form No. 147-99 Part 147 AMTO Certification Checklist: Preliminary Assessment 21 SI 147-01 CHAPTER III EVALUATE CURRICULLUM/REVISION AND INSTRUCTOR QUALIFICATIONS 1. GENERAL a. Hours of Instruction 1) Minimum Hours Instruction Specified by section 147.29. The number of hours of instruction offered by a curriculum must be at least the minimum specified by section 147.29. The training organization may offer more hours of instruction; however, regardless of the number of hours offered, the DGCA must approve the entire AMTO curriculum at the time of initial certification or any subsequent revisions to the curriculum as requested by the AMTO. 2) Deviations to the Curriculum. The following blocks of time are not to be included in calculating the minimum number of instructional hours specified in section 147.29: b. • Time spent in taking the DGCA knowledge test; and • Specific DGCA test-prep courses. Order of Instruction. The curriculum must describe the order of course progression for each rating offered. For example, basic electricity would be a prerequisite for Aircraft Electrical Systems. The order of instruction or prerequisites must be identified and evaluated by the DGCA during the curriculum approval process during initial certification and during review of subsequent curriculum revisions. 1) Interruption in the Order of Instruction (Curriculum). Interruptions causing deviations from the approved course curriculum (however frequent) must be reported by the AMTO to the principal training inspector (PTI). Reporting of an interruption in the order of instruction allows for discretionary surveillance by the PTI. Allowances to deviate from the approved curriculum order of instruction may be permitted on a case-by- case basis (inoperative mockups, hospitalized instructor, etc.) in accordance with procedures described in the curriculum and/or the training organization's operating procedures. 22 SI 147-01 2) Revisions to the Curriculum. Deviations that are deemed to be continuous, on-going will necessitate a revision to the curriculum and subsequent DGCA approval. The assigned PTI will monitor all interruptions in the order of instruction to ensure that these interruptions do not detract from the quality of instruction. Prolonged or extended continuous interruptions in the order of instruction may require DGCA approval by the appropriate DGCA. NOTE: The DGCA does not consider student-induced interruptions in training due to absence (illness, financial problems, vacation, etc.) as a change in the order of instruction. These types of interruptions may require makeup provisions covering the missed subject matter. c. Subjects Prescribed by Part 147 & 65. The curriculum must cover the subjects and items prescribed in section 147.29, and part 65 appendices A or B, as applicable. 1) Subjects that are submitted for approval as part of the curriculum will not be made part of the curriculum until approved by the DGCA. 2) Additional subjects/courses that are required by the training organization for their purposes (i.e., degree programs) must not be submitted as part of the DGCA-approved curriculum. 3) A distinction must be made between additional courses/subjects that are part of the approved curriculum under part 147, and those that are not. 4) The teaching of additional subject material beyond the requirements of part 147 & 65 will require additional instruction hours beyond those required by section 147.29. 5) The teaching of subject items beyond the requirements of part 147 & 65 will not require additional instructional hours beyond those required by section 147.29. 23 SI 147-01 d. Practical Application Projects 1) The curriculum must list the practical projects that must be completed for each subject item. There must be sufficient practical projects to address the requirements of part 147 and part 65 appendices A or B, as applicable. The curriculum must include enough detail to evaluate the practical projects for correct teaching level, for equipment and tools needed, and for performance standards and objective grading criteria. 2) The curriculum must show an appropriate amount of time for each subject area, Maintenance Inspector who have oversight for the operation of, an AMTO will review and monitor curriculums to ensure they do not provide insufficient or excessive time allotments based on criteria associated with the rule. 3) The curriculum must provide that each task in each subject item is accomplished. For example, if a project requires that the student inspect and repair to accomplish a practical project, a requirement for both inspection and repair must be included in the project plan. 4) The Maintenance Inspector should ensure that instructional hours for each subject are distributed in a manner which allows both adequate theory instruction (Levels 1, 2, and 3) and sufficient lab/shop, instruction equipment (Levels 2 and 3) to obtain the required practical application (teaching level) for the item being taught. e. Scheduling of Tests. Upon completion of each curriculum subject, a test must be scheduled. Additional tests and quizzes may be administered during the subject being taught. f. Grading Criteria. An accepted academic standard for passing (including the DGCA written exams) is a minimum of 70 percent. However, the training organization may require a higher minimum passing grade. All theoretical and practical portions of each subject listed in the curriculum must be passed to the approved grading standard. Each practical project must be passed to the approved standard. 24 SI 147-01 g. Revisions to the Curriculum. Changes to the approved curriculum must be approved before implementation. Changes in the curriculum may include changes in any of the following: Hours of instruction; Testing; Training subject; Required practical projects with corresponding lab or shop hours Teaching level h. nstructure Requirements. An instructor must hold an DGCA Certificate/License with category/ratings appropriate to the subjects that the instructor teaches, and comply with section 147.21. 2) Individuals listed as instructors, lab assistants, or teaching assistants should also hold appropriate Certificate/License with category/ratings appropriate. However, the AMTO may provide specialized instructors who are not Certificate/License to teach mathematics, physics, basic electricity, basic hydraulics, drawing, and similar subjects. i. Student/Teacher Ratios. Section 147.21 requires at least 1 instructor for each 25 students in each shop or laboratory class. NOTE: The PTI should monitor the student/ teacher ratios and alert the training organization when the ratios have/will exceed the limitations set forth by section 147.21. The training organization has the option to add another instructor(s) on a temporary or permanent basis depending on the staffing needs at the time. This will assure the student/ teacher ratio of no more than 25 will be maintained continuously. Under certain circumstances, the AMTO has the option to apply for an exemption to the rule. j. Performance. The PTI should encourage the training organization to provide for regular assessment of instructor performance. 25 SI 147-01 k. Reference Material. The training organization may provide the training manual or handout to student containing all subject to be taught, and technical publication to support the training enrollment. 2. PROCEDURES a. Review the Curriculum. For an initial certification, thoroughly analyze the curriculum before the date of the team inspection. Ensure the following: • The number of hours meets the requirements of section 147.29; • The curriculum fulfills the requirements of part 147 and part 65 appendices A or B; • Instructor qualifications match the subjects being taught; • All subjects taught to Level 2 or 3 involve some practical hands-on projects or skill demonstration; • Instructional hours for each subject should be distributed in a manner which allows both adequate theory instruction (Levels 1, 2, and 3) and sufficient lab/shop instruction (Levels 2 and 3) to obtain the required practical application (teaching level) for the item being taught; • The curriculum shows a list of minimum required training organization tests to be given. This could be a separate document, or be provided within the course outlines; • The curriculum states the minimum standards for a student to successfully complete the requirements for DGCA certification; b. Review Operating Rules. Review the training organization's operating policies and procedures (Training Procedures Manual), in accordance with Operating Rules in part 147 subpart C. The training procedures manual should describe how the AMTO will comply with the regulations which are not addressed within the curriculum. The training organization's operating procedures may be included in a Letter of Compliance (i.e., an SOC) or within a separate manual or document. 26 SI 147-01 c. Review Instructor Qualifications. Review the instructors hold an DGCA Certificate/License with category/ratings appropriate to the subjects that the instructor teaches, and comply with section 147.21. d. Review References Material. Review the training manual or student handout, to ensure the training material or handout cover all subject area to be taught, current, and furnished to each student. 3. APPLICABLE FORMS No 1. Form Number Form Title DAAO Form No. 147-06 Curriculum and Syllabus Evaluation 2. DAAO Form No. 147-08 Instructor Qualification Evaluation 27 SI 147-01 CHAPTER IV EVALUATE FACILITIES, FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, AND TOOLS. 1. GENERAL a. Pre- And Post-Inspection Activity 1) Initial Certification. The certification team will approve the curriculum before formal inspection of the facility. During the pre-application meeting, the certification project manager (CPM) may request a briefing and an informal inspection of the facility. 2) Added Rating/Curriculum/Location Change. The AMTO must request in advance any change to its rating or curriculum. When adding a rating or executing a change in curriculum or location that affects facilities, equipment, materials, tools, etc., the office manager or airworthiness unit supervisor will determine whether one Maintenance Inspector or a team is necessary to accomplish the site inspection. a) To add a rating, see the appropriate paragraphs on changes to curriculum in Chapter III, and refer to the appropriate Part 147 sections on changes to equipment, materials, tools, and records found below. b) For changes to curriculum, see curriculum requirements as found in Chapter III. c) For change in location, the DGCA must make a detailed analysis of the change in plans and their effect on the following: • The students in training, whether or not in actual attendance during the time of the change. • Instructional hours as shown in the curriculum. There must not be a loss of instructional hours as a result of these changes. • The training organization's method of meeting the certification requirements, particularly space requirements and curriculum according to part 147, section 147.23 and 147.29. 28 SI 147-01 d) e) The training organization must receive approval in writing. Revise operations specifications (OpSpecs) as appropriate to reflect applicable changes. 3) Amendment to or Transfer of Certificate. The AMTO must apply for a change to its certificate if changing the location of the AMTO. The training organizations must notify the DGCA in writing at least 30 days before the date of the change. The DGCA may prescribe conditions the training organization must follow while moving to the new address/location. If the AMTO accomplishes the change in location without approval, the Certificate of Approval AMTO 147 will be suspended or revoked. (Refer to section 147.53.) a) Sale or Transfer of Assets. A new certificate number is not required when there is a change in ownership or operator name, but the privileges of an AMTO Certificate of approval are not transferable. If the holder of the Certificate of Approval AMTO 147 sells or transfers its assets, the new owner must apply for an amended certificate. b) Change in Ownership. A change in ownership may or may not affect the status of an AMTO. If the operational relationship AMTO that established an continues unchanged, a change to the certificate number may not be required. If that relationship no longer exists, the certificate number identifying the AMTO cannot be retained by the n e w owner. b. Demonstration Activity Ensure compliance with regulations as follows: • That facilities meet the requirements of section 147.23; • That instructional aids meet the requirements of section 147.25; and • That materials, tools, and shop equipment meet the requirements of section 147.27. 29 SI 147-01 1) Facilities The instructional equipment, shop equipment, hand tools, and physical layout of the building must meet the requirements outlined in sections 147.23, 147.25, and 147.27. The DGCA Inspector should keep in mind that the facility must constitute an environment suitable for learning. The AMTO should defer facility issues concerning safety suitability or industry standards to National guidelines specific to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements and regulations. 1) Classroom Areas. An area suitable for classroom instruction may not be suitable for lab and/or shop. With appropriate scheduling and consideration of factors such as ventilation, lighting, and noise, temperature control, an area appropriate for lab and/or shop may be acceptable for classroom instruction. 2) Shop Environment. Ventilation must be such that it properly removes fumes from painting, fueling, degreasing, composite areas, etc., from the immediate work area and does not allow them to pass into other instructional areas. 3) Facility Size and Location. • Facilities must be adequate to hold the number of authorized students participating in any of the shop/lab projects designated for that area. • Facility locations and class schedules must be so that students can travel between classes without cutting into instructional time. DGCA Inspector should pay special attention to situations in which the students cannot go easily and quickly from one class to another. 2) Equipment a) Instructional Equipment. 1) The instructional aids required in section 147.25 must be appropriate to the scope and depth of the curriculum of the training organization. The DGCA Inspector must determine whether the complexity of instructional aids is appropriate to the specific teaching level of the subject item. 30 SI 147-01 2) In some situations, the training organization may choose to use active aircraft for instructional purposes in the shop. This is permissible as long as the aircraft is on the premises at the time of instruction. The Maintenance Inspector must remind the training organization that active aircraft used to comply with section 147.25 must become part of the approved instructional equipment and must be available as specified in section 147.45. 3) The DGCA Inspector must ensure compliance with requirements for the ratio of instructional equipment to students in each shop course. Section 147.25 requires that a maximum of eight students may work at any one unit of equipment at a time. However, the DGCA Inspector may determine whether or not eight students are too many to complete a certain project safely and competently, such as when using live aircraft for the demonstration of gear retraction systems. b) Shop Equipment. 1) The DGCA Inspector must determine if enough equipment is in place and in satisfactory operating condition to serve the student enrollment adequately and meet shop project requirements. 2) The location of equipment must be so that its operation can be in a safe and efficient manner. The installation of large standing equipment must be secure. The placement of large pieces of equipment should provide sufficient aisle space so that the students can move about freely. The DGCA must determine if the floor is free from clutter and items such as extension cords. 31 SI 147-01 3) Materials The training organization must have sufficient materials in stock and properly stored to provide for the approved student enrollment. To ensure adequate instruction, the amount and variety of stock should directly reflect the requirements of the curriculum. 4) Tools a) Tool Standards. For subjects taught at Level 3 or practical training, all tools must be in satisfactory working condition and of the proper kind for their intended purpose. Section 147.27 requires the training organization to have an adequate supply of materials and tools appropriate to the curriculum of the training organization. b) Student Hand Tool Policy. The training organization may either provide common hand tools or require students to furnish their own. In either case, the training organization must establish a policy on provision of common hand tools. The training organization must list any tools that it requires the student to furnish. The training organization will furnish special tools, such as cylinder hold-down wrenches, micrometers, etc. 2. PROCEDURES a. Review the Applicant's File. Before inspecting the facility, review the applicant's application and DGCA file. Check history for previous noncompliant trends. Check the curriculum or proposed curriculum for currency. Take a copy of the curriculum and OpSpecs. Prior to visiting the facility, make sure you have a copy of the facility diagram to confirm that the facility layout mirrors the diagram. Review OpSpecs to ensure that all mandatory paragraphs are current. Additionally, determine if any applicable, optional OpSpecs are required and issued. b. Inspect the Facility. Compare the curriculum against the instructional aids, shop equipment, and hand tools at the site. Compare the physical layout with the facility layout plan. 32 SI 147-01 1) Check the instructional aids for agreement with the curriculum. Determine if the items required for each course are actually at the site as required by the approved student enrollment level. 2) Determine whether all instructional aid are actually operable and safe to use. For example, a retractable landing gear instruction device should operate properly. 3) Ensure that adequate stocks of operational/ maintenance instructions, parts manuals, and technical data are at the site, according to the requirements of the curriculum. 4) Determine if the number and size of classrooms and shop areas are consistent with the facility layout submitted with the curriculum. Ensure that the lighting and ventilation are adequate. 5) Verify that the tools, materials, and shop equipment match the inventories required by the curriculum. Ensure the proper storage of these items. 6) Verify that a recordkeeping system is in place for tool inventory and updating of technical instructional materials. 7) Determine that AMTO maintains a current set of Opspec. 8) Determine that AMTO is operating in accordance with the Opspec. 3. APPLICABLE FORMS No 1. Form Number DAAO Form No. 147-07 Form Title Training Facility Inspection 33 SI 147-01 CHAPTER V EVALUATE QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM & TRAINING PROCEDURES MANUAL 1. General a. Quality Assurance System The aircraft maintenance training organization shall establish a quality assurance system accepted by DGCA including: 1) an independent audit function to monitor training enrollment standard, the testing method, instructor qualification and training, training facilities, instructional equipment, material, special tool and shop equipment compliance with and adequacy of the procedures, and 2) a feedback system of audit findings to monitor corrective and preventive actions. The independent audit procedure should ensure that training enrollment standard, the testing method, instructor qualification and training, training facilities, instructional equipment, material, special tool and shop equipment compliance with CASR Part 147. The compliance should be checked at least once in every 24 months and may be carried out as one complete single exercise or subdivided over a 24-month period in accordance with a scheduled plan. The primary objective of the quality system is to enable the training organization to satisfy itself that it can deliver properly trained students and that the organization remains in compliance with CASR Part 147. The independent audit is a process of routine sample checks of all aspects of the training organization's ability to carry out all training and examinations to the required standards. It represents an overview of the complete training system and does not replace the need for instructors to ensure that they carry out training to the required standard. 34 SI 147-01 A report should be raised each time an audit is carried out describing what was checked and any resulting findings. The report should be sent to the affected department(s) for rectification action giving target rectification dates. Possible rectification dates may be discussed with the affected department(s) before the quality department confirms such dates on the report. The affected department(s) should rectify any findings and inform the quality department of such rectification. The aircraft maintenance training organization training may have a dedicated quality audit group whose sole function is to conduct audits, raise finding reports and follow up to ensure that findings are being rectified, or use competent personnel from one section/department not responsible for the function or procedure to check the section/department that is responsible subject to the overall planning and implementation being under the control of the quality manager. The management control and follow up system should be established, this function is to ensure that all findings resulting from the independent audit are corrected in a timely manner and to enable the accountable manager to remain properly informed of the state of compliance. Apart from rectification of findings the accountable manager should hold routine meetings to check progress on rectification except that in the large training organization such meetings may be delegated on a day to day basis to the quality manager as long as the accountable manager meets at least once per year with the senior staff involved to review the overall performance. b. Training Procedure Manual The aircraft maintenance training organization is responsible for develop the Training Procedure Manual and sent to DGCA for acceptance. The training organization shall ensure that the training procedure manual is amended as necessary to keep the information contained therein up to date. 35 SI 147-01 The training procedure manual shall have statement of compliance, declaration, and signed by accountable manager, including the following information: 1) Description of Training Organization: a) The legal (registered) name of the training organization and trading name (if any). b) The full address, phone number(s), email and facsimile number(s). 2) Chart and description of the training organizations, and the names of the management personnel. The chart showing the responsibilities and reporting level of each member of the organization. Where an individual report to more than one manager, the chart shall clearly indicate which manager is responsible for which function. 3) Description of qualification, duties and responsibilities of the management personnel as required by CASR 147.17 and 147.19. The duties, position qualifications and responsibilities of each of the reporting levels listed on the organizational chart shall be described. Such personnel must be employed on a full time basis in at least the following or equivalent position: 4) a. Accountable manager (who may also be head of training) b. Head of training c. Quality manager d. Instructional manager Description of rating or the scope of training authorized under aircraft maintenance training organization certificate. Detailed description of the type of training authorized under training organizations. 5) Description of training curriculum and syllabus. If the curriculum and syllabus as a part of training procedure manual, the DGCA inspector must indicate that part is approved by signed on the curriculum part. 36 SI 147-01 6) Description of training facilities, instructional equipment and material, special tool and shop equipment, including simple floor plan, list of instructional equipment, special tool and shop equipment. 7) List of training instructors and assessor, including their qualification and scope of instruction authorizations. The training procedure shall have contained the following procedure to ensure that the training enrollment in accordance with approved curriculum and CASR 147: 1) Training enrolment procedure, including training preparation and conduct of training as describe in section 147.37: a) Procedure for training plan development; b) Procedure for material training preparation; c) Procedure for class room and equipment preparation; d) Description of trainee pre-requisite; e) Procedure for conduct of training including practical training. 2) Credit for previous experience or instruction procedure as describe in section 147.37(c), including evaluation authenticated transcript from the student's former or by conduct the entrance test equal to one given to student who complete a comparable required curriculum subject at the crediting training organization, and notification procedure its crediting to DGCA for acceptance. An aircraft training organization may credit a student with instruction satisfactorily completed at an accredited university or academy or another aircraft maintenance training organization under CASR 147. 3) Quality assurance system procedure, in accordance with 147.49, including a) Procedure for establishing and maintaining Instructors and Examiners qualification; 37 SI 147-01 b) Procedure for establishing and maintaining training material; c) Procedure for revising, notifying, submitting and recording revision of TPM; d) Procedure for establishing internal audits, corrective action, reporting system and requirement qualification for auditor. 4) Training record procedure as describe in section 147.39; a) A description of the kinds of training records to be kept as required in CASR 147, including attendance record, test 8b grade result, accrediting from previous instruction, the student current progress in accordance with CASR 147.39(b), training certificate and transcript. b) Details of the methods used to record training, location and person responsible to keep the record. c) Method and detail procedure for record retention as required in CASR 147.39 with at least retain for five years after the end of student enrollment. 5) Examine the grades procedure to ensure: a) the system reliably distinguishes between successful students and unsuccessful students. b) all grade reports and records identified, as part of the approved grading system, meet the record-keeping requirements of CASR 147.51. 6) c) the approved grading system is being followed. d) the curriculum objectives are being met. Sample of form to be used including the description how to completed the form. 2. PROCEDURES DGCA Inspector will receive the training organization or applicant's training procedure manual or revision as required by CASR 147.31, and review the submitted training procedure manual or revision to ensure that it meets the regulatory requirements of CASR Part 145.31. The manual or revision must include the information and procedure are stated in section 38 SI 147-01 2 of this chapter using DAAO Form No. 147-05. DGCA Inspector will return all copies of training procedure manual to the applicant with an explanation of discrepancies that must be corrected and instructions for resubmitting the documents in order to proceed with the certification or revision process. DGCA Inspector will sign the List of Effective Pages and prepare Approval Letter after all discrepancies has been rectified and training procedure manual complied with CASR 147.31. The training organization or applicant receives the approval of the training procedure manual, copies of the manuals or disks must be provided to the DGCA. The DGCA Inspector will file a copy in DGCA data base (IMSIS) along with a copy of the approval letter. 3. APPLICABLE FORMS Form Number No 1. Form Title DAAO Form No. 147- Evaluation of Training Procedure 05 Manual and Quality System 39 SI 147-01 CHAPTER VI SURVEILLANCE OF PART 147 AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE TRAINING ORGANIZATIONS 1. GENERAL a. Surveillance Objectives This chapter provides guidance for conducting surveillance of certificated Aircraft Maintenance Training Organization (AMTO). The primary objective of surveillance is to provide the DGCA, through the conduct of a variety of inspections, with an accurate, real time, and comprehensive evaluation of the safety status of the air transportation system. This surveillance program objective is accomplished by inspectors performing the following: • Determining each maintenance training organization's compliance with regulatory requirements and safe operating practices • Detecting changes as they occur in the operational environment • Detecting the need for regulatory, managerial, and operational changes • b. Measuring the effectiveness of previous corrective actions. Surveillance Scheduling CASR 147.55 allows inspection of a AMTO at any time to determine its compliance with part 147. 1) Formal Inspections. The purpose of a formal inspection is to determine whether the AMTO continues to meet the requirements under which it was certificated. a) The surveillance program (DAAO Form No. 147-12) will be developed to determine the AMTO continues to meet certification requirements. The inspection is normally made once every 3 months in certain surveillance area by using specific checklist: 40 SI 147-01 No Surveillance Area Form is utilized Training Procedure Manual and DAAO Form No. Quality Assurance System 147-05 2. Curriculum and Syllabus DAAO Form No. 14 3. Training facilities DAAO Form No. 1. 147-07 4. Instructure Qualification DAAO Form No. 147-08 References Manual 5. DAAO Form No. 147-09 6. Record System DAAO Form No. 147-10 b) At the inspection exit briefing, the inspector must provide the AMTO with notification of discrepancies found during the formal inspection, record and monitor the discrepancies in DGCA data base (IMSIS). The DGCA Inspector will provide a written follow-up list of areas of noncompliance to the AMTO. The AMTO must initiate immediate corrective action to demonstrate regulatory compliance and must provide the DGCA with written notification of the action taken. NOTE: In the written notification, the inspector must explain to the AMTO the timeframe within which the discrepancies must be corrected. c) Before beginning subsequent inspections and surveillance of the AMTO, the DGCA Inspector will review the AMTO file, the operations specifications (OpSpecs), approved curriculum, and existing AMTO-related IMSIS entries to identify any previous deficiencies noted during previous inspections. The inspector will inspect the AMTO to validate the level of regulatory compliance in these areas. 41 SI 147-01 2) Informal Inspections. An informal inspection will be less comprehensive than a formal inspection. This inspection may be unannounced, at the inspector's discretion. The purpose of the informal inspection is to evaluate a specific area of the operating rule for regulatory compliance by the AMTO, or to ensure the program is effective. a) The frequency of informal inspections will vary according to the needs of the individual AMTO and the DGCA workload. At a minimum, however, there must be no fewer than two informal inspections per AMTO year. b) The inspector must notify the AMTO in writing of deficiencies found during the informal inspection. The discrepancies must be recorded and the record placed in in DGCA data base (IMSIS) for monitoring and reference and follow-up purposes. NOTE: In the written notification, the inspector must explain to the AMTO the timeframe within which the discrepancies must be corrected. 2. PROCEDURE a. Review DGCA Office Files Relating to the AMTO. 1) Review the AMTO's approved curriculum, OpSpecs, and DGCA data base (IMSIS). Take a copy of the curriculum, OpSpecs, and facility layout to the AMTO site for reference and validation. 2) b. Check the inspection history, if applicable. Review Enrollment Records. Determine that the number of students enrolled is not more than the number approved in the AMTO's application. Determine if the AMTO can effectively instruct the number of students actually enrolled. c. Review Student Records. Determine whether records are available for all students. Select the records of one or two recently graduated students and one or two current students, and perform a total verification ensuring: 1) The attendance system shows the hours of absences allowed and makeup provisions for subject material missed. See Chapter III, Section 1 of this Staff Instruction 42 SI 147-01 2) The attendance system does not permit the time required to make up missed material to be deducted from regular instruction time. d. 3) The approved attendance system is being followed. 4) Recordkeeping meets the requirements of CASR 147.39. Examine the System for Determining Final Course Grades. Ensure the system reliably distinguishes between successful students and unsuccessful students. 1) Ensure all grade reports and records identified, as part of the approved grading system, meet the recordkeeping requirements ofCASR147.39. 2) e. Ensure that the approved grading system is being followed. Ensure Maintenance of Instructor Requirements. Determine whether instructor resources are adequate and effective, meeting the requirements of CASR 147.21. 1) Check the instructor/student ratio against the maximum allowable ratio of 1:25 in a class shop or lab. If necessary, require a lower ratio in any shop or lab to provide adequate instruction and supervision of students. 2) Determine if instruction given by specialized instructors is well coordinated with aviation technical subjects (e.g., math instructors might teach Weight and Balance (W&B) principles). Evaluate the suitability of non-certificated instructors to teach certain general courses on an individualized basis. 3) Determine whether the AMTO has positive control over what is taught and when it is taught, in accordance with its approved curriculum. 4) Observe classes and conduct interviews to determine individual instructor effectiveness. While it is permissible to talk to instructors and/or students in an ongoing lab or shop session, try to avoid disrupting any theory class while it is in session. 5) encourage the AMTO to assess instructor performance regularly and provide for instructor improvement. f. Ensure AMTO Space Usage Allows for Appropriate Separation of Classes in Session (CASR147.23(b)). See Chapter IV of this Staff Instruction. 43 SI 147-01 g. Ensure AMTO implement the Quality Assurance System. Determine the internal audit findings and discuss with the AMTO ways of improving the overall AMTO program. See Chapter V of this Staff Instruction, for guidance. 3. APPLICABLE FORMS Form Title Form Number No 1. DAAO Form No. Quality System 147-05 2. DAAO Evaluation of Training Procedure Manual and Form No. Curriculum and Syllabus Evaluation Form No. Training Facility Inspection Form No. Instructor Qualification Evaluation Form No. Reference Material Inspection Form No. Record System Inspection Form No. AMTO Surveillance Program 147-06 3. DAAO 147-07 4. DAAO 147-08 5. DAAO 147-09 6. DAAO 147-10 7. DAAO 147-12 44 SI 147-01 CHAPTER VII ISSUANCE OF EXAMINING AUTORITY 1. GENERAL The objective of this chapter is to determine whether a AMTO applying for written test examining authority meets the requirements outlined in CASR 147 subpart D. Successful completion of this task results in either issuance or denial of examining authority to that AMTO. An AMTO may request written test examining authority for a type of training. CASR 147.47 states that an AMTO that holds examining authority may recommend a person for the basic certificate, license or rating without taking the DGCA knowledge test. If the AMTO does not hold written test examining authority, written test is conducted by DGCA. ELIGIBILITY. Only the holder of a Certificate of Approval for a AMTO[sfcjis eligible for an examining authority. In addition to meeting the requirements of CASR 147, a AMTO must meet the provisions ofjgfcjCASR 141.65 within the preceding 24 calendar-months. a. CASR 147 Requirements for Initial Approval. An AMTO must meet the following prerequisites to receive initial approval for examining authority: 1) The AMTO must complete the application for examining authority on a form and in a manner prescribed by the DGCA. 2) The AMTO must hold a AMTO certificate and rating issued under part 147. [sfrj 3) The AMTO must have held the rating in which examining authority is sought for at least 24 consecutive calendar-months preceding the month of application for examining authority. 4) The type of training for which examining authority is requested may not be a training that is approved without meeting the minimum instruction hour requirements of part 147. 5) Within 24 calendar-months before the date of application for examining authority, that AMTO must meet the following requirements: 45 SI 147-01 a) The AMTO must have trained at least 20 students in the type of training for which examining authority is sought, and recommended those students for license, certificate, or rating. b) At least 80 percent of those students passed the required knowledge test, for the basic certificate, license or rating on the first attempt, and that test was given by DGCA. b. CASR 147 Requirements for Renewal. To retain approval of its examining authority, an AMTO must meet the following requirements: 1) The AMTO must submit formal letter to DGCA for renewal of its examining authority. 2) The AMTO must hold a AMTO certificate and rating issued under part 147. 3) The AMTO must have held the rating for which examining authority is sought for [$}j»at least 24 calendar-months preceding the month of application for renewal of its examining authority. 4) The type of training for which examining authority is requested may not be a training that is approved without meeting the minimum instruction hour requirements of part 147. c. Expiration of Authority. Examining authority expires concurrently with the[s.EPjCertificate of Approval on which it is issued; that is, examining authority expires at the end of the 24th calendar-month after the month in which it was issued. Reapplication must be made at least 30 days before the expiration date. Examining authority is routinely renewed at the same time as the AMTO's certificate is renewed, provided the AMTO meets the requirements of part 147 subpart D. 2. PROCEDURE a. Review Inspection History. After receipt the formal application letter, review the DGCA file for information from past inspections. Note any unsatisfactory items that might affect issuance of examining authority. 46 SI 147-01 b. Examine Qualifications. Based on the information provided in the DGCA file, determine if the applicant meets the requirements of part 141 subpart D. 1) If the applicant is not qualified, inform the applicant of the deficiencies. 2) If the applicant is qualified, discuss the privileges and limitations of examining authority. c. Discuss Privileges and Limitations of Examining Authority. Discuss with the applicant the proposed procedure for complying with CASR 147 subpart D. d. Schedule Inspection. When the application is complete and accurate and the applicant meets the appropriate qualifications, schedule the inspection for a written test examining authority. e. Written Test Examining Authority Procedures. 1) Written test examining authority. Use the following procedures for the written test examining authority inspection: a) Verify the qualifications of the instructor to to ensure the person who will be provide the written test is appropriately qualified. b) Inspect training the examination class room, aids, and other facilities for compliance with the DGCA written test facility. c) Verify that the AMTO has adequate question bank, and written test procedure including the the question bank confidential, [s.e.pj d) Evaluate the student records to determine if qualifications and standards have been satisfactory and that the syllabus has been followed. e) When observing the written test for which examining authority is requested, make sure that written test is equal in scope and content to the DGCA written test as established in CASR 65 Appendix A and B. 47 SI 147-01 2) Issuance Written Test Examining Authority.[sep] a) If the inspections are satisfactory, prepare and issue the Operation Specification paragraph A004 (DAAO Form No. 147-03). b) If the applicant does not meet all or any of the required items, advise the applicant in writing of the disapproval and what corrective action the applicant may want to pursue. 3. APPLICABLE FORMS Form Number No DAAO Form No. Form Title 147- Written Test Examining Authority 1. 11 Evaluation 48 SI 147-01 CHAPTER VIII RENEWAL AND AMENDMENT OF PART 147 AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE TRAINING ORGANIZATIONS 1. General a) Objective. This chapter provides guidance for evaluating an applicant for renewal or amendment of a CASR Part 147 Aircraft Maintenance Training Organization. b) The Amendment Process. The holder of an AMTO certificate must apply for a change to its operations specifications if it changes the location of the AMTO or requests to add or amend a type of training. The AMTO must apply for a change to its certificate if it changes the location or add a rating and notify the DGCA in advance and the DGCA may prescribe conditions that the AMTO must follow when moving to a new address or location c) The Renewal Process. This process provides for interaction between the applicant and the DAAO. It ensures that programs, systems, and intended methods of compliance are thoroughly reviewed, evaluated, tested, and integrated throughout the AMTO(s). The renewal or amendment process consists of: • Formal application phase, • Document compliance phase, Demonstration and inspection phase, and Certification phase. 2. Formal Application Phase. a. Renewal Time Frame. An AMTO must renew its certificate before exceeding two (2) years from the date of issue or last renewal. b. Application Submission Time Frame. The Certificate holder is responsible for submitting a renewal application letter 30 days before the expiration date of its certificate. c. Tracking Program. The DAAO must track renewal dates to establish an effective yearly work program. 49 SI 147-01 d. Documents. Ensure that all documents for the formal application package have been submitted and are complete. Verify the inclusion of the following: 1) A formal application form (DAAO Form No. 147-01) for renewal certificate with contain any desired changes to the basic information that was submitted prior to the original certification and during the ongoing operations. 2) AMTO manuals and documents, if either of the manuals has been revised since the AMTO's last renewal. A copy of the revision must be provided with the application package, including: a) Copy of AMTO, Opspecs, and ACL; b) Copy of Curriculum and Training Procedure Manual; c) A statement of compliance with the current Indonesia CASR Part 147. 3. Document Compliance Phase. a. Review the Application Package. Review the submitted manuals and documents for completeness and currency. b. AMTO Curriculum and Training Procedure Manual. If revisions are made to these manuals, they should be reviewed as they are submitted. In some cases, a certificate holder may elect to revise its manuals for its certificate renewal. Regardless of when they are submitted, the DAAO must approve or accept these revisions. The revision's inclusion should not delay the renewal process. The DAAO may elect to review the revisions and approve or accept or reject them after the certificate renewal has been completed based on the old manuals. 4. Demonstration and Inspection Phase Renewal Procedures. The Inspection for renewal certificate of approval will cover with the following area: No Audit Area 1. Training Procedure Manual and Form is utilized DAAO Form No. 147-05 Quality Assurance System 50 SI 147-01 5. 2. Curriculum and Syllabus DAAO Form No. 147-06 3. Training facilities DAAO Form No. 147-07 4. Instructure Qualification DAAO Form No. 147-08 5. References Manual DAAO Form No. 147-09 Certification Phase. a. Prepare Documents. When the applicant has met all regulatory requirements, the DAAO Inspector will accomplish the following: 1) Prepare Aircraft Maintenance Training Organization Certificate of Approval and Operation Specifications. 2) AMTO Certificate of Approval shall be signed by Director General of Civil Aviation, the OpSpecs shall be signed by Director DAAO. NOTE: AMTO Certificate of Approval and OpSpecs are legal documents. The language should clearly specify the authorizations, condition, and limitations being approved. When completed, these forms should have no erasures, strikeovers, or typographical errors. NOTE: If the AMTO expires during the time between inspections or due to unusual circumstances, prior issuance the certificate, DGCA may need to issue a temporary extension letter of up to 90 days if the applicant demonstrates an ability and willingness to correct the noted deficiencies. b. Prepare Certification Report. Ensure that a certification report is prepared. The report must include the name and title of each DAAO Inspector on the certification team. The DAAO Inspector signs the report, which contains at least the following: 1) The Formal Application Form 2) Complete inspection checklist 3) Copies of training procedure manuals acceptance 4) Copies of curriculum manuals approval 5) The Statement of Compliance 6) A copy of the Operations Specifications 51 SI 147-01 7) A copy of the Aircraft Maintenance Training Organization Certificate of Approval 6. 8) Summary of closure of all findings 9) Executive Summary Report. Applicable Form Form Number No 1. 2. 3. DAAO Form No. 147- Application For 01 Training Organization DAAO Form No. 147- Certificate 02 Maintenance Training Organization DAAO Form No. 147- Operation 03 Aircraft of Aircraft Maintenance Approval Specifications - Aircraft (Opspec) Maintenance Training Organization 4. 5. DAAO Form No. 147- Evaluation of Training Procedure 05 Manual and Quality System DAAO Form No. 147- Curriculum and Syllabus Evaluation 06 6. DAAO Form No. 147- Training Facility Inspection 07 7. DAAO Form No. 147- Instructor Qualification Evaluation 08 8. DAAO Form No. 147- Reference Material Inspection 09 DIRECTOR GENERAL OF CIVIL AVIATION Signature. Dr. Ir. AGUS SANTOSO, M.Sc >alinan sesuai dengan aslinya KEPALA BAGIAN HUKUM, ENDAH PURNAMA SARI Pembina (IV/a) IP. 19680704 199503 2 001 52