Patient ID , Name : Neptali, 30th years old. Sansiro,ST.Centro Abulug Cagayan city August 25th 2017 Medical Ward, STPH Tuguegarao City Name: MAKSUM Student Master of Nursing Diponegoro University Predisposing factors HIV, malnutrition, slums Immunological decline body response mycobacterium invasion Fever excessive sweating Leukocyte Response PMN Neutrophils Phagocytes of bacteria Deficient Fluid Volume Inflammatory response increased serotonin in the hypothalamus gland Increased tryptophan level anorexia enter the central nervous system loss appetite Metabolism anaerobe Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements ineffective Increased lactate acid Fatigue goblet cell work increases secret production increases Imbalance needs and oxygen supply Head ache Acute Pain stimulates cough mechanism stimulates cough mechanism T cells and fibrous tissue enclose macrophages and tuberculosis bacilli fibrosis alveoli damage Impaired Gas Exchange Ineffective Airway Clearance Primer infections Medications programs OAT ineffective management of family therapeutic regimens Risk of MDR ( Multi Drugs Resistance) Droop out/dropped medicine access ; September 17th 2017 ; September 17th 2017 T. Heather Herdman, PhD, RN, FNI, and Shigemi Kamitsuru, PhD, RN, FNI, NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification 2018-2020, Eleventh Edition