AN ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF FROZEN SHRIMP TRACEABILITY SYSTEM BASED ON DIGITAL BUSINESS ECOSYSTEM ADITIA GINANTAKA GRADUATE SCHOOL BOGOR AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY BOGOR 2015 DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY AND COPYRIGHT TRANSFER * I hereby declare that thesis entitled An Analysis and Design of Frozen Shrimp Traceability System Based on Digital Business Ecosystem is my own work and to the best of my knowledge it contains no material previously published in any university. All of incorporated originated from other published as well as unpublished papers are stated clearly in the text as well as in the references. Hereby, I state that the copyright to this paper is transferred to Bogor Agriculture University. Bogor, April 2015 Aditia Ginantaka F351130361 SUMMARY ADITIA GINANTAKA. An Analysis and Design of Frozen Shrimp Traceability System Based on Digital Business Ecosystem. Supervised by TAUFIK DJATNA and IRVAN FAIZAL. Traceability is the ability to verify the history and location of a food product, thus we could get information on each supply chain actor, who the immediate supplier is and to whom the product sent. Therefore, system approach could used to manage and integrated all information by collecting, store and then retrieve data and information about the product from the earlier stages of production process. One of the biggest challenges is how to exchange and keep the flow of information in a standardized format between supply chain actors. Therefore, to solve the problem, this research focuses on developing a model for documenting and exchanged information based on the digital business ecosystem (DBE). Besides, DBE would support the supply chain actor, in order to integrate all information including the quality and product safety. That’s why DBE is promises as a foundation to establish traceability system. The objective of this work were to analyze the requirement and to design of traceability system. This research focuses to the proposed system for frozen Vanname shrimp products and then verify and validate the traceability system to evaluate system performance. Business process model notation (BPMN) was the primary tool in analyzing task for capturing and transferring data processing between traceable units. BPMN diagram was construct based on interaction between the supply chain actors in it where each actor has their roles to achieve a common goal. The results of the analysis showcased how traceability system work in DBE which involved on dispersed stakeholders. Manual data transformation to the digital system was provided by stakeholders using digital species metaphors, which has been performed and implemented in Java language program. The most appropriate attributes to capture were chosen with Relief method. Water temperature has been selected as attribute which have to keep recorded, to ensure that temperature kept maintained on the entire supply chain stages. This system could claim that the product were safe using cosine similarity computation. As first response to the customers, traceability system also developed to provides information about time required for completion issue after source of product defect has traced. Thus, Fuzzy Associative Memory (FAM) method was used to predict handling time, which assumed influenced by the amount of products inventory that used to replace product defect, amount of products that have to recall from market and amount of time spends for handling inspection process internally. Inspection based on white box verification method was used to proven whether the logic of the model in each stakeholders is implemented correctly or not. Validation has performed using user interview method and simulation test based on black box principle. Result of documentation all evaluation stages, show that traceability system was verified by checking each performance and formulation. Keywords: traceability, digital business ecosystem, food safety RINGKASAN ADITIA GINANTAKA. Analisis dan Desain Sistem Traceability Produk Udang Beku Berbasis Digital Business Ecosystem. Dibimbing oleh TAUFIK DJATNA dan IRVAN FAIZAL. Traceability merupakan kemampuan memeriksa riwayat dan lokasi sebuah produk pangan, sehingga diperoleh informasi berkaitan dengan siapa pemasok dan kemana produk didistribusikan pada jaringan rantai pasoknya. Pendekatan sistem digunakan untuk mengatur dan mengintegrasikan informasi melalui pendokumentasian data pada setiap titik rantai pasok dan rantai proses penanganan produk. Salah satu tantangan besar adalah, bagaimana melakukan pertukaran dan menjaga aliran informasi dalam format yang standar diantara pelaku rantai pasok. Sehingga, penelitian ini fokus pada pengembangan model sistem untuk proses dokumentasi dan transfer informasi berbasis pada konsep digital business ecosystem (DBE). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebutuhan serta mendesain sistem traceability. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk menawarkan gagasan sebuah sistem traceability produk udang beku, kemudian melakukan verifikasi dan validasi sistem untuk mengevaluasi kinerja sistem. Business process model and notation (BPMN) merupakan alat utama untuk analisis tugas-tugas dalam proses pendokumentasian dan transfer data diantara stakeholder. Diagram BPMN dibuat berdasarkan interaksi di antara pelaku rantai pasok yang ada di dalamnya, dimana setiap aktor memiliki peran masing-masing untuk mencapai tujuan bersama. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa sistem traceability berbasis DBE ini melibatkan lima stakeholder. Proses transfer data ke dalam bentuk digital dilakukan oleh setiap stakeholder menggunakan aplikasi digital yang merupakan perumpamaan spesies dalam ekosistem digital (digital spesies). Spesies digital didesain dan dikembangkan dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java. Atribut data yang harus selalu dokumentasikan ditetapkan dengan menggunakan metode Relief. Suhu air dan komoditas ikan ditentukan sebagai atribut yang harus selalu direkam selama proses produksi. Sistem ini dapat menegaskan keamanan produk menggunakan teknik komputasi Cosine Similarity. Jumlah waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk penanganan produk yang cacat, dapat diprediksi menggunakan metode Fuzzy Associative Memory (FAM). Diasumsikan bahwa input sistem FAM, dipengaruhi oleh variable jumlah persediaan produk, jumlah produk recall dan jumlah waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan inspeksi lapang pada unit-unit penganangan produk. Verifikasi sistem dengan melakukan inspeksi berbasis metode white box digunakan untuk membuktikan apakah kerangka logis dari proses pemrograman sistem berfungsi secara benar pada setiap stakeholder. Proses validasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode interview dan simulasi berbasis metode black box. Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa sistem telah siap untuk digunakan dalam dunia nyata. Kata kunci: traceability, digital business ecosystem, keamanan pangan © Copyright 2015 by IPB All Rights Reserved No part or all of this thesis may be excerpted without or mentioning the sources. Excerption only for research and education use, writing for scientific papers, reporting, critical writing or reviewing of a problem. Excerption doesn’t inflict a financial loss in the paper interest of IPB. No part or all part of this thesis may be transmitted and reproduced in any forms without a written permission from IPB. AN ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF FROZEN SHRIMP TRACEABILITY SYSTEM BASED ON DIGITAL BUSINESS ECOSYSTEM ADITIA GINANTAKA Thesis as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in the Agroindustrial Technology Study Program GRADUATE SCHOOL BOGOR AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY BOGOR 2015 Non-committee examiner: Prof Dr Ir Kudang Boro Seminar, MSc Thesis Title : An Analysis and Design of Frozen Shrimp Traceability System Based on Digital Business Ecosystem Name : Aditia Ginantaka NIM : F351130361 Approved by Supervisor Dr Irvan Faizal, MEng Member Dr Eng Taufik Djatna, STP, MSi Chairman Acknowledged by Head of Agroindustrial Technology Study Program Dean of Graduate School Prof Dr Ir Machfud, MS Dr Ir Dahrul Syah, MScAgr Examination date: 14th April 2015 Passed date: PREFACE Praise to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala the Almighty for the overall conducive conditions for me to pursue my study and thesis work in Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia and His blessings to successfully complete it. Firstly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Dr Eng Taufik Djatna, STP, MSi and Dr Irvan Faizal, MEng as supervisor for the support and encouragement during my study in Bogor Agricultural University. I am also indebted to Prof Dr Ir Kudang Boro Seminar, MSc as Non-committee Examiner for his constructive comments on this thesis. I would like to thank PT Nusa Ayu Karamba for giving me the opportunity to conduct my research and data collection. I wish to thank all lecturers and colleagues, especially TIP 2013, at the Agroindustrial Technology Study Program for cooperation and shared their valuable ideas and insights in relation to this study. It has been a pleasure to work with you. Last but not least, I want to express my deepest appreciation to my parents who have always prayed for me and gave me moral support to complete my studies and I am grateful to my wife for their true and endless love, for never-failing patience and encouragement. I wish that this work will be of benefit to readers and contribute to the development of knowledge. Bogor, April 2015 Aditia Ginantaka TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF FIGURES vii LIST OF APPENDIXES vii 1 INTRODUCTION Background Problem Definition Research Objectives Boundaries of Research 1 1 3 3 3 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Traceability Traceability System in Fisheries Supply Chain Digital Business Ecosystem System Analysis and Design Data Mining and Soft Computing PT Nusa Ayu Karamba 4 4 5 7 8 12 14 3 METHODOLOGY Framework Business Process Analysis Identification of System Component Determine Critical Attribute Design Traceability Information System Verification and validation 14 14 15 16 16 17 20 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Identification of Existing Business Process Requirement Analysis Design Traceability Information System System Evaluation 21 21 23 27 31 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMENDATIONS Conclusions Recomendations 33 33 34 REFERENCES 34 APPENDIXES 37 BIOGRAPHY 58 LIST OF TABLES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Notation used in developing the BPMN (White and Miers 2008) Data identification and range of value processing parameters Coding required and existing coding system Seed data documentation result on breeding farm Results of factor analysis with Relief method Shrimp data documentation result from ongrowing unit Shrimp data documentation result from processing unit Standard data attribute of quality reference 11 23 23 24 27 29 29 30 LIST OF FIGURES 1 Linking database in a traceability system (Adopted from Furness and Osman 2006) 5 2 An architecture of the traceability system in fisheries product (Adopted from Parreno-Marchante et al. 2013) Analytical System Entity Construct (Wasson 2006) System development life cycle (Kendall and Kendall 2011) Sample BPMN process (Derreck and Miers 2008) The framework of traceability system for frozen shrimp product Triangular membership function of Fuzzy set X for variable A Current business process and provision of information at the company (Adopted from Parenno-Marchante et al. 2014) 9 Breeding unit 10 Ongrowing unit 11 Fragment of seeds data documentation process 12 Component for traceability system (Wasson 2006) 13 Structural coupling between supply chain ecosystem and digital ecosystem in traceability system (Nachira et al. 2007) 14 Application interface of seed data input 15 Use of digital device in traceability system 16 Possible information exchange between different actors in the frozen shrimp supply chain (Adopted from Thakur and Hurburgh 2009) 17 (a) Inputting data process; (b) Database interface on traceability system 18 (a) Scan the barcode using barcode scanner; (b) Choosing the seed ID manually 19 Result of retrieval data process 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 9 10 10 15 19 21 22 22 25 26 26 27 28 29 32 32 33 LIST OF APPENDIXES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Questionnair TU1 Documentation result from software application Fuzzy set formulation for Product Inventory Fuzzy set formulation of product recall Time required to perform several inspection process Fuzzy set formulation for inspection time Fuzzy set formulation for total handling FAM rules of prediction handling time 37 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 9 Computation result of matrix M and B 10 Requirement verification matrix (RVM) 11 Sample of application form for data capturing on breeding unit 12 Fragment of documentation process at ongrowing unit 13 Fragment of documentation process at processing unit 14 Fragment of documentation process at cold storage unit 15 Fragment of documentation process at retailer unit 48 50 53 54 55 56 57 1 1 INTRODUCTION Background Traceability is an ability to provide the information of history and location based on movement of goods in every stage of production and distribution process. The system requires the supply chain actors knowing who the immediate supplier is and to whom the product sent, that each actor have the information access, both to upstream and to downstream (Bosona and Gebresenbet 2013; Mgonja et al. 2013). Some countries require the producers to have traceability system as an effort to protect their people’s health and safety. Thus, this system is very important for the exporters to avoid rejection from importer countries. Several laws and legislation that regulate the food safety in some countries are Bioterrorism Act by the government of United States of America in 2002 (Thakur and Hurburgh 2010), European Union’s General Food Law which was published in 2005 and Chinese Food Safety Law which had been implemented in 2009 (Hu et al. 2013). Traceability system could reduce cost and labour related the information exchange among business partners and also in information and data logistics improvement of the company internally. Besides that, traceability system provides access to more accurate and more timely information needed in decision making process about how and what to produce, and makes the company has a competitive advantage through its ability in documenting products’ information (Olsen and Borit 2013). Customers is also very interested to receive more accurate information about food product and willing to pay more for food product that could provide service to consult about the origin and freshness declared by using traceability system. The benefit of this system can be the reason for the company to implement traceability system which not only pushed by the compliance to the regulation in some importer countries. However, every business actor in supply chain must collecting the needed information together internally (internal traceability), continuously (recordkeeping), and integrating them to supports the improvement of traceability chain system among the suppliers. That is why, the improvement of traceability system needs a technological innovation that can support the process of products identification, information collection, data storage and transformation, and system integration. Some researches were done to build the structure of information, sending and receiving information from various actors in the system. Process of standardizing the information and automation process in data identification, measurement, and storage, are very needed (Thakur et al. 2011). In other side, one of big challenge in improving the traceability system is about how to exchange and to provide data among the suppliers in standard format (Thakur et al. 2010; Hu et al. 2013). Thus, traceability system needs to use information technology. The growth of information technology has changed the documentation from paper-based into digital. Documentation process with digitalbased is able to build an information documentation precisely and effectively, that the improvement of traceability system based on digital business ecosystem (DBE) is highly needed. DBE is a representation of a business ecosystem where the business actors interact in digital environment (Nachira et al. 2007). Like in natural 2 environment, every supplier in digital traceability system can be assumed as a species in digital ecosystem which interacts in documenting and acquiring information. Traceability system based on digital infrastructure have been develop in order to record-keeping necessary information on tracking and tracing process and for automatically deliver information to customers. However, there are differences in the information provided in each agricultural commodity. Thus, producers have to choose the necessary information that customers really want to know, as well as the customer's right to know. Several researchers have been proposed of the electronic chain traceability system, such as in vegetables supply chain (Hu et al. 2013), on soya beans (Thakur and Donelly 2010) and in aquaculture products (ParrenoMarchante et al. 2014). Food product is a perishable goods and have several supply chain actors. They are started by the production of raw materials from farmer, wholesaler, processor, distributor, and retailer. These characteristics requires appropriate hold and control to keep the quality and safety. Increasing complexity of food supply chain has encourage the supply chain actors to make a vertical integration for information exchange. Therefore, traceability system based on DBE aims to construct a digital environment that provide and facilitate stakeholders in sharing and acquisition information. Each stakeholders could interact easily in digital environment. Therefore, DBE concept could use as a foundation to establish traceability system. As one of main commodities in fisheries with 162.068 tons of export volume in 2012 (KKP 2013), shrimps are potentially to be one of main income for the business owners in Indonesia. Thus, the improvement of traceability system is required to raise the trust of importers to Indonesian frozen shrimps. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia also has regulate about the obligation of traceability system implementation in Ministerial Decree No KEP. 01/MEN/2007 (KKP 2007). Traceability system for fishery products was done on paper documentation, in the first appearance in 2000, and in 2008 this system was suggested to be automatically implemented (Parreno-Marchante et al. 2014). DBE has a big potentiality in helping SMEs to connect each others in order to exchange and acquire data and information between supply chain actors. Besides, tracebility based on DBE have to support the supply chain actor, in order to integrate all information including the quality and product safety. Thus, this system needs supported with the capability to estimates that whole production processes were in standard procedures. Therefore we have to measure the similarity between field data and the standard value of each data. Further orientation in establishing this system is that traceability is a company responsibility effort to serve customer complaints if there are several incident occurs after consume the fish product. As responsible action, the company should handling whole issue related to food safety incident, such as identify the cause of incident, recall suspect product from the market, provided information to the food inspection authorities etc. Therefore, the company should give a first response to customers about how long the problem could be resolved. This system would develop using a method for predict total handling time. Fuzzy associative memory (FAM) (Kosko, 1990) was chosen because this method could translates the structured linguistic condition into numerical framework and provide rule 3 association from historical condition of several factors that influence time to handling issue, thus the prediction could be adaptively inferred and modified. Problem Definition Improvement of digital technology in the implementation of internal traceability system has produced some advantages which have more significant relationship to efficiency of time and human resource (Scheer 2006). Several of technology have been used in data documentation, such as PDA (personal digital assistant) with GPRS-based and 2D barcode in meats labeling (Ben-hai et al. 2010), traceability system with 2D barcode and RFID (radio frequency identification) in wheat flours (Qian et al. 2011), RFID and infrastructure with WSN-based (wireless sensor networks) for fishery products (Parreno-Marchante et al. 2014). Based on the last development in traceability system, digital-based technology is needed to improve traceability system in Indonesia. There is still no any fishery business in Indonesia using integrated traceability software on each supply chain actors. Both small and medium enterprises are still using paper-based system. Therefore, it is needed to improve integrated digital traceability information system based on digital business ecosystem (DBE) concept as a model in chain traceability. Research Objectives According the motivation that have been delivered, the objective of this work were (1) to analyze the requirement of traceability system by means of business process analysis; (2) to design component, rule, role and integration for traceability management information system; and (3) to verify and validate the traceability system to evaluate system performance. Boundaries of Research Traceability system was implemented for frozen Vanname shrimp. Analyzed ecosystem was the internal ecosystem of company at product unit which represents the supply chain system such as, breeding unit, ongrowing unit, processing unit, cold storage unit, and retailer unit. Research object had implemented pond coding and data documenting manually with data compilation from production parameter including the amount of seeds, temperature, pH, feed, and so forth but not yet integrated. Focus of the research is to analyze the need for a management information system through data collection, storage, data exchanging and retrieve data using a digital infrastructure. System design is intended to be used by supply chain actors, whereby the same supply chain actor level performs the same role, thus forming a digital community to perform data collection and interact with other supply chain actor communities to transfer data in a digital environment. Interaction between communities in digital environment would be form a digital ecosystem that aims to provide all the information products to consumers through retailers. 4 Each product handling unit is the stakeholders in the system. System design focused on documenting product history at every stakeholder and tracing at retailer unit. This system can only be used by supply chain actors who have adopted ICT tools in their business activities, for instance the use of personal computers (PC), then connectivity between computers by P2P (peer-to-peer) networks, the local area network (LAN), or enabling the internet connections. System design included software development for data input and data query with login system according to stakeholder in digital ecosystem. System capability was developed for similarity measurement and prediction of total handling time using the method of Fuzzy Associative Memory (FAM) (Kosko 1990). This system produced report with needed information for stakeholders, and last but not least traceability system was evaluate. 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Traceability The general concept of traceability can be defined as an ability to identify the origin of goods or product based on recording information at the entire pathway of supply chain. However, various definitions have been derived for traceability, including a European Union (EU) General Food Law Regulation definition in which traceability is defined as “the ability to trace and follow a food, feed, foodproducing animal or substance through all stages of production and distribution”. An International Standards Organisation (ISO) definition is also to be found that defines traceability as “the ability to trace the history, application or location of an entity by meansof recorded information” (Furness and Osman 2006). This is often termed the principle of “one-up and one-down” (Hu et al. 2013; Thakur and Hurburgh 2010). The increasing demand a high-quality food and feed products is driven by consumer experience with food safety and health issues. Therefore, there are increasing of interest in developing a system that aims to food traceability efforts (Thakur and Hurburgh 2009). The UK Food Agency define functional roles for traceability on the food supply chain management, such as (1) to facilitate rapid response to solve food safety incidents, (2) to facilitate sampling food at critical points at the entire food supply chain mechanism, (3) provide access to gain information concerning foods or food ingredients that could support to food safety, (4) to help determine supply chain integrity with respect to food claims and false labelling (5) to prevent fraud in the food trade, (6) to support food distribution improvement processes and minimize wastage of food, (7) to support food hygiene in processing and handling of food (Furness and Osman 2006). There are two categories of traceability that are commonly used on several company. The first is internal traceability and then external traceability. Internal traceability related the the ability to identify and follow a product within a single company or factory. Meanwhile, external traceability which relates to product information that a company either receives or provides to other supply chain actor. The difference between the both of categories is the scope of stakeholders and anyone who take a role to provide and receive informations. Meanwhile the 5 similarity in both categories traceability system is, concern only to the ability to trace goods, by identify the specific product and linked to the related records. However it is does not mean that all the information should be permanently visible by being included on a product label. Thakur and Donnelly (2010) explains that the implementation of a traceability system requires an analysis of the product material flow, the flow of information and the information handling. There are three categories of information that needs to be captured by each supply chain actor, for instance the product information, process information, and quality information. To allow access to the information that have documented traceability system requires a network infrastructure (including use of the Internet) with appropriately authorised access control and communication protocols as shown on Figure 1. Figure 1 Linking database in a traceability system (Adopted from Furness and Osman 2006) Traceability system is necessary to use item-attendant identifiers, to support identification of specific information. The most probably identification technique using standard EAN UCC (European Article Numbering Universal Code Council) which is an association of international numbering. EAN UCC provides system of numbering and identification using the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) as identifiers of the type of goods on trading transaction (Furnes and Osman 2006). Traceability System in Fisheries Supply Chain Fisheries sector has become one of the food-producing sector of the fastest growing, especially in the Aquaculture subsector. The appropriate management could be a key for supporting the role to meet the rising demand for fishery products. (FAO 2014). Thus, several country have implement traceability system especialy to record environmental paramenters which must be controlled and strickly maintained such as temperature and humidity in the processing environment, during transport or warehousing. The pilot project of traceability system has been deployment in two SMEs in Spain and Slovenia. The system was design into four main component. The first component consist of sensors and data input devices, such as fixed or hand-held 6 RFID readers, antennas, tags and barcode readers. The second component is the set of capture and query software that could transfer data into database or traceability repository. The third component is the traceability database to store the traceability data generated during the product handling operations. The fourth component is the website which service customer to gain the product information by using a web browser or a mobile application (Parreno-Marchante et al. 2013). For shrimp traceability system development, the architecture was adopted as shown on Figure 2. Aquatic products have characteristic in complexity and the coexistence of large and small and high-value and low-value products. In China, a traceability system was constructed using an anti-counterfeit code for aquatic product identification. To participate in a traceability system platform, enterprises are required to use a unified anti-counterfeit code encoding method and a product label to identify their products and to ensure the benefit and brand of these enterprise members (Sun et al. 2014). Database Query data application Barcode scanner Customer Input data application Barcode scanner Application data record form Figure 2 An architecture of the traceability system in fisheries product (Adopted from ParrenoMarchante et al. 2013) The largest value contribution of exports Indonesian fishery products are from shrimp and from group of fish tuna, little tuna and skipjack (KKP 2013). Therefore, it is important to implement a traceability system on shrimp commodity to achieve greater sales value of shrimp. The uniqueness unit of a product that identified at the supply chain is called traceable unit. For example, at fisheries supply chain, boat and cage could used to define traceable unit, meanwhile in fish feed, big sack and silo usually used to define the granularity of traceable unit. Aquatic production batch is also defined as the traceable unit that aquatic products was caught from the same pond with the same day. (Karlsen et al. 2011). The term of traceable unit also refer to size or lot that could be physically and individually identified and that provides the true basis of an effective system for managing emergencies and attributing responsibilities. The unique identifiers makes product possible to identified based on the units that have undergone a given production process so that they can be separated if any quality or food safety problems (Bennet 2006). To evaluate traceability system performance, fish processing companies have to develop their own diagnostic instrument to help them assess their strengths and weaknesses, and also to attain higher control of food safety problems. The diagnostic instrument is composed of five main parts, they are (1) contextual factors, 7 (2) traceability system design, (3) traceability system execution, (4) traceability system requirements, and (5) traceability system performance, and food safety level. Contextual factors is assumed as complexity of traceability system. There are, three indicators derived, they are (1) risk level of raw materials for safety, (2) degree of diversity of raw materials such as many species of fish, and (3) spoilage rate of raw materials. Traceability system design, related to several factors that compose traceability system such as, type of identification, mode of data registration, location of data storage, mode of information communication and the degree of data standardization. Meanwhile, system execution related to constant interaction between employees and management involve communication of traceability procedures and instructions to attain the accuracy of documentation process. For the last, the effectiveness of traceability system basically supported by determine the information that needs to trace. Thus, performance of the system can also be checked on the capability to provide information, the reliability, rapidity, and precision/accuracy of information. Digital Business Ecosystem Historical development of the concept of digital business ecosystem (DBE) driven by effort to provide favourable environment for SMEs Business and their networking. Individual businesses can not thrive alone, and must develop in clusters or economic ecosystems. Thus, the integrated approach for introducing DBE stressed to the creation of an environment, a business ecosystem, and the need for IT skills. DBE constructed by adding digital term in front of business ecosystem term, which means interaction between business actors in digital environment. Decomposition of meaning in each term, is as follows: Digital: the technical infrastructure, based on software technology that could connect several digital devices directly. This infrastructure could transports, finds, and connects services and information over Internet links enabling networked transactions, and distribution of all digital material within the infrastructure. In other meaning, the infrastructure is an organism of digital world Business: An economic community that enabling organizations and individuals interact each other, in order to produces goods and services of value to customers, who themselves are members of the ecosystem. Organization or individual is an organism of business world. Ecosystem: a biological metaphor that depict the interdependence of all actors in the business environment, who mutual develop their capabilities and roles. Thus, digital business ecosystem is an isomorphic model of biological behaviour that represented by the software behaviour. Therefore the ICT infrastructure is designed to support economic activities, which contains the socially-constructed representations of the business ecosystem. The digital ecosystem provides representations of the business ecosystem, which are used for search and discovery, for aggregating and recommending services, for reorganising value chains, and for recommending potentially cooperating business partners (Nachira et al. 2007) 8 Digital ecosystem is a digital environment that consists of digital species (DS) which is analogous to biological species and usually form communities.The majority of DS consist of hardware together with its associated software. The hardware is analogous to the body of biological species whereas the software is analogous to the life of biological species. In nature, a body without life is dead. Similarly, hardware without any application running on it is useless (Hadzic et al. 2007; Hadzic and Dillon 2008). The concept of DE has been developed specifically for the health domain which called DHES (digital health ecosystem). In a DHES, such information may be a personalized medical record, money transactions between patient and chemist when purchasing prescribed medication, which is transported within the DHES for various reasons (Hadzic and Dillon 2008). Every members in DHES could interact each other using digital health species (DES). Besides, DE also applied in form of medical records digital ecosystem (MRDES) that enables efficient use of medical records for the purpose of correct patient identification, diagnosis, appointments scheduling and the like, in everyday life as well as in emergencysituations. Medical records digital environment (MRDE) is populated by interconnected medical records digital components (MRDC) (Hadzic et al. 2007). Meanwhile, DBE has a big potentiality in helping SMEs to connect with potential customers both in business-to-business transaction and in business-to-customers transaction (Leon 2007). Based on the great function in several practices, DBE concept have to establishes by using digital divice as a digital species that would perform the role of business actor. Digital business ecosystem reveals the opportunities to enhance the productivity and efficiency of each business services (Pranata and Skinner 2009). The following services are needed in DBE such as, payment, business contract and negotoations, information carriers, billing, trust, reputation and legal compatibility (Ferronato 2007). Methodology for the design of DBE that consists of the following five steps, they are (1) identify several types of digital species (DS) based on their roles, (2) develop intelligent capability of DS, (3) define DS collaborations, (4) enable, improve and/or construct individual DS and the last is (5) protect the DBE by implementing security requirements (Hadzic and Dillon 2008). Along with the advancement of DE technology, security has emerged as a vital element in protecting the resources and information for the interacting DE member entities in particular (Pranata and Skinner 2009). System Analysis and Design System is an integrated set of interoperable elements, which is have specific and bounded capabilities explicitly, perform value-added processing by working synergistically that enable user satisfaction based on their mission-oriented operational needs in a prescribed operating environment with a specified outcome and probability of success. Different authors have their own definitions of a system which is tempered by their personal knowledge and experiences. However, several standards organizations have achieved convergence and consensus about definition of a system. From several system example that have been analyzed, there are a conclusion that a system could produce combinations of products, by-products, or services. 9 A system entities are described symbolically using a rectangular box as shown in Figure 3. As an abstraction system composed by inputs that are fed into a system then processed into an output. For more detail, system entities include desirable/undesirable inputs, stakeholders, and desirable/undesirable outputs, roles, resources and control. For more detail, system entities include desirable/undesirable inputs, stakeholders, and desirable/undesirable outputs, roles, resources and control. The objective of system analysis and design is seek to know the detail of user requirement by analyze data input or data flow systematically, process or transform data, store data, and output information in the context of a particular organization or enterprise. By doing through analysis, system analysts seek to identify and solve the right problems. Furthermore, systems analysis and design is used to analyze, design, and implement improvements in the support of users and the functioning of businesses that can be accomplished through the use of computerized information systems. System bound and environment Stakeholder Role, rule, mission, objective Acceptable input Unacceptable input Threat Acceptable output System entity • Attribute • Services • Product •Performance • By-products Opportunity Unacceptable output Resource Figure 3 Analytical System Entity Construct (Wasson 2006) The systematic approach take to the analysis and design of information systems is embodied in what is called the systems development life cycle (SDLC). The SDLC is a phased approach to analysis and design that holds that systems are best developed through the use of a specific cycle of analyst and user activities. There are several opinions about the stages contained in SDLC. However, analysts generally agreed about organized approach which divided the cycle into seven phases, as shown in Figure 4. Although each phase is presented discretely, it is never accomplished as a separate stages. Several activities could occur simultaneously, and activities may be repeated (Kendall and Kendall 2011). Requirement analysis on SDLC perform by using several tools method. BPMN is graphical notation to depict the sequence of process in business activities that collaborating and interacting to achieve a goal. Business process modeling constructed to aid a communication with work colleagues inside the organization, helping them form a shared understanding. Besides, BPMN also used to drive the way in which work happens in the modern organization and carry the instructions for how work should happen, who should do it, escalation conditions if it is not 10 done in time, links to other systems etc. BPMN uses a set of specialized graphical elements to depict a process and how it is performed, as shown on Figure 5. Figure 4 System development life cycle (Kendall and Kendall 2011) Figure 5 Sample BPMN process (White and Miers 2008) BPMN provides a standard way of representing business processes using several notation for both high-level descriptive purposes and for detailed. The notation was agreed as a single notation (representation) that other tools and users might adopt. With BPMN, only the processes are modeled which could represent how a business pursues its overarching objectives. However, the objectives are not captured in the BPMN notation. In developing BPMN, there were different levels of process modeling, they are (1) process map that is a flow diagram without a lot of detail other than the names of the activities and perhaps several decision conditions, (2) process descriptions that provide more extensive information on the process, such as the people involved in performing the process (roles), the data, information and so forth, (3) process models are detailed flow-charts encompassing sufficient information such that the process is amenable to analysis and simulation. The main notation of a BPMN can be seen on Table 1. 11 Table 1 Notation used in developing the BPMN (White and Miers 2008) No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notation Function Start Event-Representing the place where a Process can begin. There are different types of Start Events according to the actual condition. Task/ Activities. Representing the steps of working activity in a business process. This notation is usually require some type of input, and will usually produce some sort of output. Gateway. Showing about how the Process diverges or converges. This notation separates or connects a process through sequence flow. Connectors. Connecting two objects on diagram of BPMN. Several types of connectors are sequence flow which shows the order of object flow in a process of activity, gateway, or event. Then, the message flow which shows the communication flow between two participants or system entity, and association which is used to connect an object with artifact (data or information source). End event. Showing that a process or part of a process is stated finish. Just like start Event, there are several types of notations of End Event which shows the differences of the categories as the result of a process. Artifacts (data object). Used to illustrate mechanism to capture of additional information from a process through flow-chart structure. This information has no direct effect to the characteristic of a process. In the development of BPMN, the type of data object is commonly used. Performance of the system can also be checked on its capability, reliability, rapidity, and precision/accuracy. Capability is the ability of retrieving the information required without any error and maybe determined by the reliability of thetools, procedures, and information sources used. Rapidity refers to speed of responding to information requests regarding the trade items. Rapidity may be determined by the information management, tools used, and their automation as well as the level of cooperation between the supply chain partners. Precision/accuracy is the ability to pinpoint a particular food product’s movement. Precision/accuracy maybe determined by consistence of batch sizes used in the supply chain (EAN.UCC 2003). Verification and validation of the system could be performed by applying several test techniques. Software testing is the procedure of executing a program or system with the intent of finding faults. Software testing is a significant activity of SDLC. It helps in developing the confidence of a developer that a program does what it is intended to do so. Black box testing is often used for validation and white box testing is often used for verification. Black Box Testing is testing based on the 12 requirements specifications and there is no need to examining the code in black box testing. This is purely done based on customers view point only tester knows the set of inputs and predictable outputs, meanwhile white box is a test the internal functioning of the software from the developer’s perspective, white box testing mainly focus on internal logic and structure of the code. White-box is done when the programmer has techniques full knowledge on the program structure (Nidhra and Dondeti 2012). Data Mining and Soft Computing Data mining is the process of discovering interesting patterns and knowledge from enormous amounts of data that collected from several source. The data sources can include databases, data warehouses, theWeb, other information repositories, or data that are streamed into the system dynamically. As a result of the natural evolution of information technology, data mining process consist of several tools and technique that could use to bridging gap between data and valuable knowledge that embedded in the vast amount of data. As analogy by refer to the mining of gold from rocks or sand, we say gold mining instead of rock or sand mining. Thus, similar meaning to data mining for example, knowledge mining from data, knowledge extraction, data/pattern analysis, data archaeology, and data dredging. To discover information from large amount of data we have to perform an iterative sequence steps. The first is data preprocessing, where data are prepared for mining, which is include (1) data cleaning (to remove noise and inconsistent data) and (2) data integration (where multiple data sources maybe combined), (3) data selection and (4) data transformation. The next steps is (5) the data mining step (an essential process where intelligent methods are applied to extract data patterns) followed with (6) pattern evaluation and (7) knowledge presentation (where visualization and knowledge representation techniques are used to present mined knowledge to users) (Han et al. 2003). Data usualy structured as an n×d data matrix, with n rows that correspond to entities in the data set, and columns represent attributes or properties of interest. Data mining process using quantitative technique which is comprises algorithms that could use to discovering insights and knowledge from massive data. Several disciplines that influence the development of data mining methods are statistics, machine learning, pattern recognition, data base and data warehouse systems, information retrieval, visualization, algorithms, high performance computing, and many application domains (Zaki and Meira 2013). Relief (relieable eliminated of feature) Generally, a data set is a contents of attribute. Feature selection is the problem of choosing a small subset of features that ideally is necessary and sufficient to describe the largest concept. Feature selection is important to speed up learning and to improve concept quality. Relief Method is a reliable and practically efficient method to eliminate irrelevant features. Relief algorithm composed by training data S, sample size m, and a threshold of relevancy τ, Relief detects those features which are statistically relevant to the target concept. τ encodes a relevance threshold (0≤ τ≤1) (Kira and Rendell 1992). The key idea 13 of Relief is to iteratively estimate feature weights according to their ability to discriminate between neighboring patterns (Sun 2007). Cosine Similarity As part of the operationalization of several data mining algorithm, we need to compare data quantitatively to determine similarity and proximity of data characteristics. The distance measures data could use for computing the dissimilarity or similarity of objects described by numeric attributes. Thus, the purpose of data mining methods can be obtained such as clustering and classification data from thousands of data attributes. Cosine similarity is a measure of similarity that could use to compare documents or, say, give a ranking of documents with respect to a given vector of query words. The computation based on euclidean distance, which is conceptually it is the length of the vector (Kira and Rendell 1992). Fuzzy Associative Memory Working with uncertain data is the reason why FAMs have been used in many fields such as pattern recognition, control, estimation, inference, and prediction. FAM was use to measure of how much one fuzzy set is a subset of another fuzzy set, whose input patterns, output patterns, and/or connection weights are fuzzy-valued. The simplest FAM encodes the FAM rule or association (Ai, Bi), which associates, the p-dimensional fuzzy set Bi with the n-dimensional fuzzy set Ai. More general, a FAM system encodes a bank of compound FAM rules that associate multiple output or consequent fuzzy sets B1,..., Bs with multiple input or antecedent fuzzy sets A1,...,Ar. We can treat compound FAM rules as compound linguistic conditionals. Neural and fuzzy systems estimate sampled functions and behave as associative memories, the computation process based on associative of example data. That means FAM learning the association from samples (Kosko 1990). FAMs belong to the class of fuzzy neural networks, which combine fuzzy concepts and fuzzy inference rules with the architecture and learning of neural networks (Bui et al. 2015). For traceability case, FAM method is used to predict total handling time to cover several issue after customer complaint. FAM was used because, it could be generate more objective rule that acquire from data sample or data training. Thus, the knowledge and rule or relation between Fuzzy set of input and Fuzzy set output could be naturally, and in many cases easily obtained. FAM combine antecedent and consequent sets with logical conjunction, disjunction or negation that would interpret the association linguistically as the condition (Kosko 1990). The associative memory means that this method allow for storage of association of data and information and also the retrieval of the desired output data. Response time is a key driver of customer satisfaction in case there is complaint from customers, with ‘First Response’ time is particularly important. Even when an issue cannot be resolved immediately, it is important that the company heard the complaint and is working on a solution. One of action that could use as first response is give an information about total handling time. Handling time is amount of time for processing an issue. Meanwhile, total handling time means total time spent for processing all issues over a given time period. Handling time covers all activity, including elements such as reading tagging, marking sentiment, 14 looking up customer account info, making notes and drafting responses (Wilson 2014). We would try to construct association of handling time in traceability system as development steps using Fuzzy Associative Memory. PT Nusa Ayu Karamba This research was conducted in a company called PT Nusa Ayu Karamba. The company was established in May 2001. Nusa Karamba Aquaculture Farm & Hatchery was established to begin breeding Grouper Fish in Pulau Seribu. Their Aquaculture is located in Gosong Pulau Pramuka between Pulau Pramuka, Pulau Panggang and Pulau Karya, Indonesia. They breed milkfish, Cod, Pompano, Golden Trevally, Tiger Grouper, Barramundi and also produce boneless milkfish. The whole farm has grown to cover an area of 3,000 sq. metres of various facility buildings and floating cages. Although our current concentration is in producing Grouper seeds ready for the market, we also have fingerlings and Groupers of various sizes. Their original Broodstock came from the wild of Makassar, Surabaya, Bali and Pulau Seribu. The company have successfully bred the Panther and Tiger Groupers. They have accumulated 50 Panther and 40 Tiger Grouper Broodstock at this moment. Besides the Grouper Aquaculture venture, they would like to build further facilities that would support Marine Tourism especially Educational Marine Tours and Research purposes for Scientists and Students in the field of Fisheries and Biology. (Anonim 2015). 3 METHODOLOGY Framework Mainly, traceability system consisted of two large components of system. First, the system of data documenting at every traceable unit and product information tracing from customers. System designing followed the mechanism of system development life cycle (SDLC) (Kendall and Kendall 2011), which included requirement analysis, design and development, testing and evaluation. Business process model in documentation system was developed as the step of requirement analysis to identified stakeholders’ roles and the rule that traced the system to reach the aim of product data documenting. This interaction developed the first layer of digital business ecosystem. Data documenting application developed the second layer where system designing and developing were done. Product data documenting included designing database input application and query traceability application as digital species that represented the roles of stakeholders. Query subsystem consisted of some mathematic models which represented the activity of data query in real, included model sorting and searching. System development was done by adding the ability of data attribute similarity measurement using the method of Cosine Similarity to documenting it. This system was also completed with the ability of predicting total handling time using Fuzzy associative memory (Kosko 1990). Then, process of system development was finished by testing and evaluation through verification and validation. The flow of framework can be seen on Figure 6. 15 Figure 6 The framework of traceability system for frozen shrimp product Business Process Analysis Analysis of the business process mechanism was done by using the BPMN (business process model and notation). Development of BPMN aimed to identify 16 the business process stages in detail and completely in the digital traceability system. A business process model is generally developed as the basis of discussion among stakeholders that can support the process of communication and understanding by visualizing the whole operational activity and some improvement steps (White and Miers 2008). The output of this analysis are stakeholders identification, roles of each stakeholders, rules in business process, data flow, and more which can support a business activity. BPMN in this research was developed using PowerDesigner® version 16.1. Notations in this BPMN were developed in “swimlane” which used to help in making a separator in managing the activity of BPMN diagram, by combining some notations. The main elements of a BPMN process are the "flow objects", such as (1) activities, (2) events, (3) gateways and (4) sequence flow (Derreck and Miers 2013). Identification of System Component System component was identified by observation, in-depth interview, and questionnaire. The first method was done by observing the production process from upstream to downstream. The existing business process be obtained by observe and interviewing the management and technical staff of the companies. Observations focused on identification of business process and system components that could use to compose traceability system which includes the roles and interactions between units, resource, rules, and data flow of information and documents that are currently used in units of raw material handling and fish production units. In-depth interview aimed to collect the more detail information about the business process in producing frozen Vanname shrimps and technical matters by stakeholders. Distribution of questionnaire was done in collecting data attribute and range data value from some parameters of Vanname shrimps. After all information and data were collected completely, the next step was system requirement analysis using the requirement matrix. Determine Critical Attribute The determination of input data from stakeholders was done by using questionnaire. Data was taken by using form TU1 in Appendix 1. Factor analysis was done to identify the most important data in traceability. It was the basis for source code application setting, that the documenting couldn’t be done further before the most important data had been documented. The analyzing was done by Relief algorithm (reliable eliminated of feature) with measuring the value of weight attribute (wi). Relief algorithm chose the attributes based on average weight of each attribute according to the threshold τ . Relief used p-dimensional Euclid Distance. In this algorithm, first, defines ith feature as fi where F = {f1, f2,..., fk} where fk € F, the weight of the ith feature as wfi where W = {wf1, wf2,…,wfk} where wfk € W, an instance value of fi defines as xi where X = {x1, x2,…,xk} where xk € X. The iteration runs using pairwise between data instance xi and the neighbor yj. Then in each iteration (t = 1, 2,…, T), if the neighbor is the same class termed the nearest hit (hi) where NH = {h1, h2,…, hk} where hk € NH and the other, if the neighbor is different class termed the nearest miss (mi) where NM = {m1, m2,…, mk} where mk € NM. For each iteration, the feature weight wfi is then updated as follows (Konokenko et al. 1996): 17 ( n −1) n ∑ ∑ diff ( x , y ) wi = t t =1 j = t +1 j (1) (n − 1) The differences of feature values between two instances xi and yi (hi or mi) are defined by following function diff (Kira and Rendell 1992): | xt − y j | + maxi − mini diff ( xt , y j ) = | xt − y j | − max − min i i Where: wi xt yj maxi mini (if xt and y j are different class) (2) (if xt and y j are the same) = Weight of attributes-i = instance of attribute-t (t= 1,2,3…n) = neighbor of attribute-j (j=2,3,4…n) = maximum value of attribute-i = minimum value of attribute-i Design Traceability Information System System design process focused to providing component for acquiring, processing, organizing and maintaining information generated on each stakeholder. Several programming techniques required for development capturing and acquiring system of data and information, for instance JAVA, XML and web site development-based programming (Gunasekaran dan Ngai 2004). Therefore in this research we software developed by JAVA programming language. NetBeans 7.3.1 used as integrated development environment (IDE) to implement the source codes. Design information database system can adopt Sybase, Oracle, FoxPro, Access, SQL server and other large database systems (Lei dan Wen-li 2012). In this research, SQL Server is used. Traceability system is divided into two major parts, they are capturing data and tracing data. Capturing Data The entire data attribute was documented during the activity of handling process in the data application form on each stakeholder. Every stakeholder carried out the same process namely data input process into desktop computers to be stored in a server. Software application for capture data designed by adding several service to inputting relevant shrimp data in the database system. Both batch quality and batch activity data corresponding to a shrimp batch must be inputted. Digital traceability system that developed in the European Union relied on barcodes to identify for traceable units and XML for internet-based transfer of data between operators (McMeekin et al. 2006). Therefore, the software would develop by including capability to generate a barcode label and then printed it. The printed barcode in label became the key for product registration handled by using hand held barcode scanner to icquiring information on previous traceable unit. 18 Tracing Data A database for this traceability information system was constructed for data query using several computation model follow as tracing process manually, such as sorting and searching, then arrange as source code software by using java programming. A relational database management system is used to perform tracing processes. System Computation Generally, the traceability system is focused on component modeling for the process of collecting information and information retrieval. However, some computation functions are needed for some goals. In order to ensure that processing practices comply with the food safety regulations, the supply chain actor must be able to show that the processing conditions used to manufacture a product (temperature, environmental condition etc) are in compliance with the food safety regulations (Thakur and Hurburgh 2009). Thus, in this research, the function of system computation was used to determine the level of data similarity from the documentation, which was searched by defined standard data in database. Data similarity measurement was done by using the data mining technique with the method of Cosine Similarity, which was measured by the formulation below (Han et al. 2006): sim ( X1 , X 2 ) = X1t .X 2 || X1 |||| X 2 || (3) Where X1 and X2 is two vectors for comparison. X1 is used as variable for data which is collected from field measurement, meanwhile X2 is variable for standard data value that defined by the company. Notation ||X|| is Euclidean norm of vector X = (x1, x2, x3….xp) which defined as: ( || X || = x12 + x22 + x32 + ... + xp2 ) 1 2 (4) (3) Where: x1, x2,…xp = Element of vector X p = Number of elements. In the other hand, as the initial respond to finish the correcting process on searched products, the measurement of total handling time was used to provide initial information about time needed in solving the actual problem when there was any complaint from the customers. In this research, handling time was defined as time needed to do some activities after the process of data tracing from complained products by customers. Determination of total handling time was formulated using the Fuzzy Associative Memory (FAM) which mapped and predicted the total handling time if there was any variable change. Before defining the handling time computation capability in the source code, FAM was formulated using variables that affect the handling time. The set of variables is partitioned into three linguistic scale (Choudhury et al. 2002) using triangular fuzzy set membership function as shown on Figure 7. 19 X 1 µA [ X ] 0 a b [X] A c Figure 7 Triangular membership function of Fuzzy set X for variable A The membership value computed as follow: 0 ; x ≤ a or x ≥ c µ A [ X ] = ( x − a ) / (b - a ) ; a≤ x≤b ( c − x ) / (b - c ) ; b≤ x≤c (5) (4) Where: µ A [ X ] = Membership function of an item value x on Fuzzy set X at variable A a, b, c = a, b, c are parameters of membership function curve and b is midpoint. The value of the membership function formed into elements of the matrix FAM, whereby the input variable set as matrix A and output variable set as matrix B. the association between matrix A and B defined on FAM rules. Matrix A and B encoded using Correlation minimum encoding scheme, then resulting matrix memory (M) as the correlation matrix FAM (Kosko 1990), which compute as follows: (6) with m = min(a , b ) M = AT o B ij i j The computation for handling time then defined on source code to obtain the output value B using the relation composition of A and M. The output value encoded using max-min composition relation which computed as follows: B = AoM Where: M = Matrix memory A = Vector input Fuzzy set A B = Vector output Fuzzy set B with b j = max min( ai , mij ) 1≤i ≤ n (7) mij = As component M at row-i and coloum-j ai = As component A at row-i bj = As component B at coloum-j The result of matrix operation could computed using the Fuzzy centroid defuzzification scheme, which compute using this equation: p ∑ y j ⋅ µB [ y j ] B* = j =1 p ∑ µB [ y j ] j =1 (8) 20 Where: B* µB[ y j ] yj p = Single output Fuzzy = Membership value of Fuzzy set yj for output (B) variable = Value in the output universe = Number of output element Verification and validation The agreement of requirements and system verification documented as a requirements verification matrix (RVM) (Wasson 2006). Inspection method was chosen to proven whether the logic of the model in each stakeholders is implemented correctly or not. The system is checked during design and develop phase and when finished. Verification stages perform in also to check the completeness and correctness of logical function implementation through several actions as follows: 1. Testing, inspection, analysis of system mission and analysis system specification (Meyer et al 2007), by using white box testing. 2. Based on RVM we define statement and question to perform general checklist. 3. To verification that data and information could collect and retrieve, several devices has provided for test method, such as barcode scanner and barcode printer, to prove automatically input and generating report. Validation has performed using user interview method and simulation test to ensure that system design comply requirements and satisfies the user needs. The validation has to confirm that the simulation system or model corresponds to the reality. This means that the investigated aspect has to be simulated realistically, and the results have to be comparable to the real user espectation. Validation stages, perform by conduct several steps (Meyer et al. 2007), based on black box testing as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Checking simulation and investigate system behavior. Documenting output of the investigation in order to testing, recognize and eliminate error in several part, such as: - In the software program it self ; - In the program run ; - In the user interface, and - In the original real world system Evaluate and comparing to the real-world system are taken concerning the goal of the project. Provide recommendations for the investigated system based on the simulation results. 21 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Identification of Existing Business Process Field Observation Field observations performed several times at the company during which all stages of production were carried out from upstream to downstream. Based on observation and interview process, the basic business processes for handling fisheries product are generally divided into 4 diferent location such as breeding unit, ongrowing farm units, processing units and sales unit as shown in Figure 8. The activities that take place at breeding unit are divided into three subprocesses. The process begins by choosing broodstocks to produce seeds, followed by hatching then transferred into the seed ponds for rearing the seeds until larvae are ready to be harvested and could brought up in ongrowing ponds. The breeding units can be seen in Figure 9. The larvae transferred to ongrowing unit that can be seen on Figure 10. Larvae reared to the standard of weight and size to be harvested. On the harvesting time, fish harvested and stored at the countainer filled with sea water and ice, then transferred to the processing unit. There are three subprocesses in this unit, fish is received then processed by cleaning, sorting by size, freeze and packing in plastic packaging using vacuum sealer and the last labeling the packaging. After that, the product transferred to the sales unit then perform stock control to meet the purchase orders at their store unit or distributed to retailer. Figure 8 Current business process and provision of information at the company (Adopted from Parenno-Marchante et al. 2014) Data Identification The company perform manual collection of information about product handling, such as the number of seeds as well as the type and amount of feeds by 22 filling the information board which is also containing standard operation procedure and hygiene procedure. They also measuring processing condition such as pH, temperature and water salinity. The staff just entered the data into paper logs that stored by the administrator of the company. Although the company has perform data and information collection, it is not intended to support the product tracing process because the datas just used as a report of the production process and have not been integrated. The company has marked the ponds code that used during the production process, but not yet integrated with the product handling data. The range value of processing condition parameters obtained form questionnaire. Appendix 1 show the result of received answer from technical staff of the company after fill out the Questionnaire TU1. Detailed information about the parameters measured in the process of handling products, Standard Operation Procedure, and identification number principle is done through questionnaires. Based on the answers given by the operational staff, we have identified several attributes and tolerable value as a limit value for the successful cultivation which could affect the quality of the fish. Recapitulation process of the measured parameters and ranges of values shown in Table 2, meanwhile identification result about the coding rule is shown in Table 3. Figure 9 Breeding unit Figure 10 Ongrowing unit 23 Table 2 Data identification and range of value processing parameters No Supply Chain unit 1 Breeding seed production seed harvesting 2 Ongrowing rearing harvesting 3 Processing 4 Cold storage 5 Retailer Temperature (°C) 29-33 19-22 29-32 19-22 15-18 NA NA Data attribute Salinity pH (ppt) 7.5-8.5 7.5-8.5 7.5-8.5 7.5-8.5 7.5-8.5 7.5-8.5 NA NA DO (ppm) 32-33 28-31 5-7 9-12 25-33 29-33 28-31 NA NA 4,7-7 9-12 9-12 NA NA DO = dissolve oxygen; NA= not available Table 3 Coding required and existing coding system No Supply Chain unit 1 Breeding 2 ongrowing 3 Processing 4 Cold storage 5 Retailer Code required Seed ID Seed Pond ID Feed Supplier ID Rearing Pond ID Feed Supplier ID Batch ID Packaging ID Cold storage ID Retailer ID Coding system No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Coding format NA 1,2,3 etc N, PL Letter with figure Based on size NA Type, size, date NA NA NA= not available Requirement Analysis Business Process Analysis The existing business process of the company, found from field observation. Based on result of current business process analysis we create a new business process model that would made digital traceability system worked properly. Business process in traceability system is modeled in BPMN 2.0. The Development of BPMN is conducted. It is started from the making of simple flow chart, granting information related roles, process, data and information to description, therefore it can be analyzed and simulated. System analysis is conducted for parse a system be resolved into components so it the interaction between components and its environment can be seen. Results of analysis showed the capacity of the system as seen from its ability to add value from input to output. System has divided into four structure systems: 1. Input of traceability system This system requires data related to product, processes and product quality as main input. Data related to product include its product identity code along 24 with various identity components that support the formation of these products. Meanwhile, the data related to the process cover some of the indicators of the process that are set up on the stage of the seed production. Among them are pH of water, water salinity, survival rate, and temperature of water. The data related to the quality of the standard value according to SNI are the total plate count (TPC), the levels of lead, the levels of histamine and others. This system, however, is not documenting related data quality due to lack of infrastructure system. 2. Pre-process on collecting data The results of identification of the data attribute are then observed and documented in the application form for a period of time during material handling process. 3. Collecting data process The main processes include documentation of process traceability system using an application data input of each stakeholder and tracing product process from end user stakeholder. Every stakeholder performs the process of documentation into application data input that was installed in the desktop computer on each unit of stakeholder. As an example, in the breeding unit, the data attribute among others were seeds ID, pond ID, provided feed mill supplier, pond water temperature, pH, water salinity etc (Table 4). After login into software application, users should inputting seed ID data, choose a pond ID, feed supplier ID and all of measured data during handling process. Another stakeholder would perform the same stages after handling process finished. The process is then continued by printing the report in the form of label contains barcode ID and and destination unit as product identification for the next handling process. The barcodes on the labels function as product identification that can be read using barcode scanner. Readable barcode labels subsequently can be added to the data on the next process. The barcode is printed back and imprinted on the next product label. A fragment on business process for barcode generate shown on Figure 11. For tracing purposes, it is essential to know the relationship between ingoing and outgoing idents of a relation type, in example knowing which shrimp batch or pond ID is inside a box of shrimp product (Hulzebos and Koenderink 2006). Business process for another stakeholder can be seen on Appendix 12-15. Table 4 Seed data documentation result on breeding farm Seed ID Number of seed Pond ID Feed supplier ID Date of input data Pond tempera ture (°C) pH Sali- Date of hatch nity (ppt) B191020143 B211020144 B251020145 1540000 1800000 2000000 S00001 S00003 S00002 S00003 S00003 S00003 25/10/2014 28/10/2014 31/10/2014 29 29 29 7.8 7.8 7.8 32 32 32 26/10/2014 27/10/2014 30/10/2014 Seed ID: seed identification number; Pond ID: body of water identification number, Feed supplier ID: vendor that supply feed for cultivation process identification number. 4. Output of traceability system The data set will store in the traceability repository include the relevant traceability data generated during the company operations (Parreno-Marchante et al. 2014). Data will distributed to the query application by getting input product code from customer. The retailer will get traceability reports that 25 following typical several information for instance (1) component source and quality attribute, (2) recall list which contain all the needed information to contact affected customers and (3) suspect lots or unit process with nonstandard procedure. Based on the analysis, traceability system must fulfill basic architecture of Input-Process-Output components as shown in Figure 12. Traceability based on DBE could be seen on Figure 13. Each actor in the traceability system is a model of organism in digital business ecosystem (DBE) which interact each other in data capture and tracing process (1st layer). Through the development of DBE, every technical phase in the process of documenting data can be conducted by using the support of ICT based infrastructure that is analogized as digital species in digital ecosystem. The technique of product search can also be represented in the form of formulation and logic of computer programming hence the digital application design is attained for the process of data documenting and searching (2nd layer). Breeding unit Figure 11 Fragment of seeds data documentation process 26 System Bound and Environment Input: Product Data Process Data Stakeholder: - Breeding unit - Processing unit - etc Role: - Capture Data - Tracing process Traceability System Output: Tracing Report Recall Report Regulation Digital Device Figure 12 Component for traceability system (Wasson 2006) Figure 13 Structural coupling between supply chain ecosystem and digital ecosystem in traceability system (Nachira et al. 2007) Result of Determine Critical Attribute Information about quality is one of information categories that needs to be captured by each supply chain actor (Takur and Donnelly 2010). We assumed that there were some data attribute represent quality of handling process, such as average pond water temperature, pH of water, water salinity and DO (dissolved oxygen). Based on questionnaire at Appendix 1 only water temperature, pH and water salinity that always measured until processing unit and they were numerical type showing a value, then we defined as attributes which were analyzed by using Relief algorithm. That attributes used as quality process parameter in each production stages, thus that attributes must documented for complete information. Table 5 shows result of Relief method utilization to determine critical attribute. The results of attribute analysis using Eq. (1) and (2), showed attribute sequence that influence the system and become the consideration in determining critical data attribute that were needed to be constantly documented. Based on Relief computation, average water temperature was chosen as the critical attribute. Thus on source code application setting, we define that water temperature as “not null” attribute on database structure. The documentation process couldn't be done further before temperature has been documented. 27 Table 5 Results of attribute analysis with Relief method Data attribute Average pond water temperature pH of water Water salinity Average weighted 0.694 0.132 0.333 Rank 1 3 2 Relief: reliable eliminated of feature Design Traceability Information System Based on data attribute determination, we create a database for traceability systems. The database established using the MySQL database system, which could be made using XAMPP 1.7.7. Any relevant data needs to be registered and regulated in the database. The main system is divided into five subsystems that represents the supply chain actor in frozen shrimp production. They are breeding unit, ongrowing unit, processing unit, cold storage unit and retailer. The software application was designed to be used on each unit. Several same unit with the same software will form a community in the digital ecosystem which interact each other for collecting and exchanging data between communities. A traceability system on DBE, could be performed if it is composed of digital species (DS) with different but complementary capabilities. Capturing Data The software application provide several field data to capture several information related product information, process information and quality information (Figure 14). The computer that installed on each unit with different applications running on them, are all different kinds of digital species (DS). As an example for breeding unit, the stage of seeds handling process ended when the seeds grow turning into larvae that are ready to be transferred into rearing pond in the Ongrowing unit. The operator would capture data start from rearing the seeds until harvest the seeds. Figure 14 Application interface of seed data input For example, after the entire data was collected using application form, data was inputed into input data software (DS1) that runing on computer desktop on 28 breeding unit. Seed ID, pond ID feed supplier ID and number of seeds was information relating to the products that represent the product batch identification, location and product from the outside that included in the process of handling. Standard operation procedures (SOP) data represents the process information whereby the user could perform the checklist if the SOP was done, meanwhile temperature, pH and water salinity was represents information about quality of cultivation processes. Data input application in desktop computer would save data into database after clicking “input” button then it would be automatically generated the barcode label, by clicking “print label" menu. The barcode label contains seed ID barcode and also pond ID for the process of enlargement shrimp larvae. By scanning the barcode label using barcode scanner (DS2), seed data would retrieved and shown on input data software that running on desktop computer at ongrowing unit (DS3). Operator at ongrowing unit would be able to read only the information about the origin of the seeds batch that will be transferred into enlargement pond. Interaction between digital species were illustrated in Figure 15. The dataset from Ongrowing unit show in Table 6. Pond ID was intercorrelated with data attribute from ongrowing process, such as feed supplier ID and date of harvest and other quality process (pH, temperature, salinity, DO). During the harvesting days, the data of yield and transportation are collected by an application form to get data about harvest date and harvest container ID which used to. Figure 15 Use of digital device in traceability system 29 It is important to collect data accurately and pass on the information to the next actor in the supply chain. Figure 16 shows the shrimp supply chain and the information that should be recorded and passed on to the next link in the supply chain by each actor. It also shows that which information about a shrimp batch should be passed on to the next actor in the chain. The superscripts link the information that is passed on between supply chain actors. When all the relevant information is recorded and passed onto the next actor, the shrimp batch and their properties used in the final product can be traced back to the origin. Also, the shrimp batch from the farm can be tracked forward to the retailer. It can be seen from Fig.7 that not all of the information is passed to the next link in the supply chain. However, it is important that all the relevant lot information is passed to the next link. This information should be sufficient to support the tracing performance. Table 6 Shrimp data documentation result from ongrowing unit Seed ID Number of seed Pond ID Date of input data Pond temperature (°C) B191020143 B191020144 B211020145 1500 1670 1230 G00001 G00001 G00001 19/12/2014 19/12/2014 19/12/2014 29 31 31 pH Salinity (ppt) 8 28 7.2 32 7.9 30 DO (ppm) Date of harvest 6 5.5 6,5 24/12/2015 25/12/2014 26/12/2014 Table 7 Shrimp data documentation result from processing unit Pond ID Line ID Seed ID Number of seed Container ID Date of input data Date of processing G00001 G00003 G00004 L00001 L00002 L00002 B191020143 B191020144 B211020145 1500 1670 1230 C00002 C00006 C00004 30/12/2014 30/12/2014 31/12/2014 30/12/2014 30/12/2014 31/12/2014 Line ID: line processing identification number, Container ID: boxes used for shipments identification number. Figure 16 Possible information exchange between different actors in the frozen shrimp supply chain (Adopted from Thakur and Hurburgh 2009) 30 Tracing Data In case for handling customer complaint, the traceability system will perform tracing process. Consumers can select two sorts of input methods for entering the traceability code at the retailer unit, they were barcode scan and keyboard input. If it has been selected the barcode scan method, the scanner associated with the terminal is prepared to read the barcode label. Software application running on computer desktop can retrieve data about the product using tracing software by read barcode on product packaging using barcode scanner. The alternative method was that the user could input the traceability code from a keyboard. After the traceability code has been entered and the ‘trace’ button clicked, the information would popup displaying the traceability information. The tracing application will generate tracing report, some information included in the tracing report such as description of the product, expired date of product, flow chart of the process, include identification number of unit process or material and temperature process and water pond salinity, similarity value of the process with standard procedure and then duration of tracing. Consumer confidence could affect consumer preference about the products that have an impact on product positioning in the market. One of the reason that affect consumer confidence is that products comply the required criteria on quality control parameters. Therefore the other output of traceability system is similarity value that could be a representation of the company production quality to process the product which is traced. The similarity measure is an essential concept in information retrieval. This computation usulally used to measure the relevance of documents in information retrieval. In traceability system. The similarity value could used to measure the company performance on product handling and cultivation process. The document replaced by value of data attribute that represents the characteristics of an object. Table 8 Standard data attribute of quality reference pH of Water salinity DO (ppm) Attribute Symbol Average temp (°C) water (ppt) Standard Measurement data X1 X2 31 23 7.5 8 33 32 6 5.5 The tracing software perform similarity measurement by compare of numeric value measurement data with standard data attribute which is determined from range value of attribute that user defined at questionnaire at Appendix 1. Suppose that X1 and X2 are the first two vectors in Table 8. That is, X1= (31, 7.5, 33, 6) and X2 = (23, 8, 32, 5.5). The similarity between the two vectors could compute using Eq. (3) and (4). From computation experiment of cosine similarity between the two vectors, we get similarity value was 0,991. Based on the results of similarity measurement, it indicated that the quality parameter on seeds handling and production process from the searched seeds ID was almost similar to the standard parameter with value of 0,991. The similarity value that almost close to 1 means that data that has measured is similar with the standard that we defined. Thus, it could claim that the seeds ID were in the standard of cultivation process. 31 The other computation result was about prediction of total handling time to resolve several issues that arise after the defect product traced. For instance, replacement of the product, recall product by information about recall list contact number of affected customers and inspection process on each production unit about food safety standard. Replacement the suspect products with new products were affected by inventory finish good. Meanwhile, recalling process of suspect products from market affected by the amount of recall products (recall product). For inspection process each unit in supply chain system affected by the amount and the time of unit checking activity consisted of checking the implementation of standard operation procedure (SOP), quality parameter analysis of production tools (inspection) and checking sample of fish based on SNI standard as shown on Appendix 5. The formulation of FAM can be seen on Appendix 3-7. From FAM formulation that consists of 27 rules (Appendix 8), if there are case of incidents of contamination fish products whereby the inventory conditions as much as 4 tons, product recall amount 21 tons and inspection require 25 hours, result of computational experiment (Appendix 9) using Eq. (6), (7) and (8), showed that total handling time for this case takes 66 hour. The results of prediction total handling time used as advise for customers not to buy the product during handling the contamination issues. This information could used to convince the authorities about the company willingness to resolve the problem within the period of time that have predicted System Evaluation In order to achieve the last objective, this system has verify based on requirement verification matrix (RVM). Systen verification perfom by checking the source code and test the performance using supporting device to prove that system component works properly. Detail of RVM can be seen on Appendix 5, and after we define the verification which is require on system mission, we try to perform general inspection and checklist based on RVM. For example, the verification step was perform on breeding unit interface as part of this system. The first step, we try to inputting user name and password on login interface, if we click the login button, there will a notification that login was success. The data was collected using application form as shown on Appendix 6. After we perform a login steps, we try to inputting data into software application. There will a notification that our data was stored into database and then generate a barcode label. That means the logical function for documentation process has verified, as shown on Figure 17a and 17b. (a) 32 (b) Figure 17 (a) Inputting data process; (b) Database interface on traceability system Based on verification stages, this system is verified and could perform input data process, generate barcode label using barcode printer and read the barcode label using barcode scanner. From validation stages, we have validate that this system was satisfied and comply with specification requirement. Another example of verification process was perform on ongrowing unit to acquire data from database using seed ID as a key code. After we scan the barcode or choosing manually the seed ID that has stored (Figure 18a and 18b), the data has retrieve into input data interface along with other data attributes as shown on Figure 19. (a) (b) Figure 18 (a) Scan the barcode using barcode scanner; (b) Choosing the seed ID manually 33 Figure 19 Result of retrieval data process Traceability management information system provided intangible advantages for instance practicality, security and the deliverability of data for each stakeholder. This system could save, organize and emerge data easier. Besides financial benefits, this system give improvement in the quality of information for management decision-making, prevents in error documentation processes, perform check similarity between field data and standard data and able to compute handling time. Each data saved with high security from lost and easy exchanged to the other stakeholder by the local network among the computer. Thus, the propose system could solve the biggest challenges in order to exchange information and develop a new food electronic chain traceability system. However, this system has several disadvantages, for instance requires high integrity of the operator, thus we could not ensure that data is accordance to the real condition. Besides, this system also requires high cost for investment, because this system could be applied only to the companies that have adopted ICT in their business activities and the stakeholders have to install the software application to join the digital ecosystem for traceability system. 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMENDATIONS Conclusions Business process analysis show that, there were five stakeholders taking role in traceability system for frozen Shrimp product such as breeding unit, ongrowing unit, processing unit, cold storage unit and retailer. We have identified that each stakeholder have a role for collecing data related the product handling process, meanwhile tracing process would perform on retailer. There are five system mission that have to perform among stakeholders. We have been design a traceability software which is composed by input data and tracing application. We have succeded using java programming language as a foundation to implement the sounce code. The traceability could perform all system mission based on stakeholder roles such as data capturing, data store, product labelling, data retrieval and supported by computation capability such as similarity measurement and prediction handling time. 34 The results of verification model show that the model used was able to produce the expected parameter according to its purpose. Similarity measurement could claim that product is safe to consume. Handling service time prediction using FAM could predict total time spend for processing a defect product issue. 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Sampaikan secara tepat dan benar, mana yang berupa pengisian tanda (O) dan mana yang memerlukan kelengkapan keterangan, Terima kasih. A. Breeding Unit No A.1 Pertanyaan Jawaban Memetakan atribut data A.1.1 Parameter apa saja yang diukur a. Suhu /dicatat selama proses b. Salinitas pembenihan? c. pH d. DO A.1.2 Berapa kisaran nilai minimum dan a. Suhu 29⁰C – 33⁰C maksimum untuk setiap parameter? b. Salintas 32 ppt – 33 ppt c. pH 7.5 ppm – 8.5 ppm d. DO 5.0 ppm – 7 ppm A.2 Sistem Pengkodean A.2.1 Apakah ada pemberian kode pada a. Ada benih? b. Tidak ada (Lingkari yang sesuai) A.2.2 Bagaimana format kodenya? A.2.3 Apakah ada pemberian kode pada a. Ada kolam b. Tidak ada (Lingkari yang sesuai) A.2.4 Bagaimana format kodenya? Kode biasa pake angka A.2.5 Apakah ada pemberian kode pada pemasok pakan (Lingkari yang sesuai) A.2.6 Bagaimana format kodenya? A.2.7 Siapa saja nama pemasok pakan? a. Ada b. Tidak ada Sesuai size yang digunakan a. Radiance b. Pt Inve c. Pt beinmeyer 38 A.3 Pencatatan Panen A.3.1Data/parameter apa saja yang a. Suhu dicatat/diukur saat panen? b. Salinitas c. pH d. DO A.3.2 Berapa kisaran nilai minimum dan a. Suhu min 19⁰C max 22⁰C maksimum untuk setiap parameter? b. Salinitas min 28 ppt max 31 ppt c. pH min 7.5 ppm max 8.5 ppm d. DO min 9.0 ppm max 12 ppm A.4 Standar Operasi A.4.1 Tuliskan secara singkat/umum ( 510 poin) standar operasi umum Pembenihan yang dilakukan a. b. c. d. Pemeliharaan induk penanganan telur penanganan noupli kultur pakan alami Plankton dan artemia e. pemeliharaan larva f. panen dan distribusi B. Ongrowing Unit No B.1 B.2 Pertanyaan Jawaban Memetakan atribut data B.1.1 Parameter apa saja yang diukur a. Suhu /dicatat selama proses b. Salinitas pembesaran? c. pH d. DO B.1.2 Berapa kisaran nilai minimum dan a. Suhu min 29⁰C max 32⁰C maksimum untuk setiap parameter? b.Salinitas min 25 ppt max 33 ppt c. pH min 7.5ppm max 8.5 ppm d. DO min 4.7 ppm max 7 ppm Sistem Pengkodean B.2.1 Apakah ada pemberian kode pada c. Ada kolam? d. Tidak ada (Lingkari yang sesuai) B.2.2 Bagaimana format kodenya? Pake kode abjad dan angka B.2.3 Apakah ada pemberian kode pada pemasok pakan? (Lingkari yang sesuai) B.2.4 Bagaimana format kodenya? B.2.5 Siapa saja nama pemasok pakan? c. Ada d. Tidak ada Sesuai size yang digunakan a. Pt matahari sakti b. pt Suri ani Pemuka 39 B.3 B.4 Pencatatan Panen B.3.1 Data/parameter apa saja yang Suhu dicatat/diukur saat panen? Salinitas pH DO B.3.2 Berapa kisaran nilai minimum dan a. Suhu min 19⁰C max 22⁰C maksimum untuk setiap parameter? b. Salinitas min 29 ppt max 33 ppt c. pH min 7.5 ppm max 8.5 ppm d. DO min 9.0 ppm max 12 ppm B.3.3 Apakah dilakukan pencampuran a. Ya ikan saat proses pemanenan dari b. Tidak tiap keramba? (Lingkari yang sesuai) Standar Operasi B.4.1 Tuliskan secara singkat/umum ( 5- a. Persiapan jaring kja 10 poin) standar operasi umum b. persiapan peralatan dan pakan pembesaran yang dilakukan c. penebaran benih/bibit d. Pemberian pakan e. panen dan pengemasan C. Processing Unit No Pertanyaan Jawaban C.1 Memetakan atribut data C.1.1 Parameter apa saja yang diukur a. Suhu /dicatat selama proses pasca panen? b. Salinitas c. pH C.1.2 Berapa kisaran nilai minimum dan a. Suhu min 15⁰C max 18⁰C maksimum untuk setiap parameter? b. Salinitas min 28 ppt max 31 ppt c. pH min 7.5 ppm max 8.5 ppm d. DO min 9.0 ppm max 12 ppm C.2 Sistem Pengkodean C.2.1 Apakah ada pemberian kode pada e. Ada kemasan f. Tidak ada (Lingkari yang sesuai) C.2.2 Bagaimana format kodenya? Sesuai jenis dan sise udang yang dikemas, Tanggal pengemasan. C.2.3 Apakah ada pemberian kode pada g. Ada unit cold h. Tidak ada storage/refrigerator/freezer? (Lingkari yang sesuai) 40 C.2.4 Bagaimana format kodenya? C.3 Standar Operasi C.3.1 Tuliskan secara singkat/umum ( 5- a. Persiapan panen 10 poin) standar operasi umum b. Persiapan es curah pasca panen yang dilakukan c. pengangkatan jaring d. Proses panen D. Cold Storage Unit No Pertanyaan D.1 Memetakan atribut data D.1.1 Parameter apa saja yang diukur /dicatat selama proses penyimpanan pada cold storage/freezer? D.1.2 Berapa kisaran nilai minimum dan maksimum untuk setiap parameter? D.2 Sistem Pengkodean D.2.1 Apakah ada pemberian kode pada retailer/restaurant/konsumen akhir? (Lingkari yang sesuai) D.2.1 Bagaimana format kodenya? D.3 Standar Operasi D.3.1 Tuliskan secara singkat/umum ( 510 poin) standar operasi umum penyimpanan yang dilakukan Jawaban a. b. c. a. Ada b. Tidak ada a. Persiapan pembekuan b. penyusunan dicolstorage c. peroses pembekuan E. Retailer Unit No Pertanyaan E.1 Memetakan atribut data E.1.1 Parameter apa saja yang diukur /dicatat selama proses penjualan? Jawaban a. kondisi udang b. c. E.1.2 Berapa kisaran nilai minimum dan Masih beku apa tidak maksimum untuk setiap parameter? E.2 Standar Operasi E.2.1 Tuliskan secara singkat/umum (5-10 a. Promosi poin) standar operasi umum b. Scaner penjualan yang dilakukan c. Pengemasan d. Pendistribusian 41 Appendix 2 Documentation result from software application 1. Breeding Unit Seed ID Pond Number of Seed B120220159 B180220151 B180220158 B190220151 B191220141 B191220142 B191220143 B191220144 B191220145 B200220157 B201120141 B220220152 B220220153 B220220154 B271120141 B271120142 B271120143 B291120141 S00006 S00007 S00004 S00010 S00003 S00004 S00006 S00007 S00008 S00005 S00001 S00005 S00002 S00009 S00002 S00003 S00005 S00002 1200000 1200000 120000 1200000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 12000000 1000 12000000 1200 1200 3000 3000 2000 1500 Feed Supplier ID PP0001 PP0001 PP0001 PP0001 PP0001 SH0001 PP0002 PP0001 PP0002 Number of Seed Harvest Date of Harvest Date of Input 3000 19/12/2014 3000 19/12/2014 3000 19/12/2014 1000 29/11/2014 2990 28/11/2014 20/02/2015 19/02/2015 21/02/2015 19/02/2015 19/12/2014 19/12/2014 19/12/2014 19/12/2014 19/12/2014 20/02/2015 20/11/2014 19/02/2015 19/02/2015 19/02/2015 27/11/2014 27/11/2014 28/11/2014 05/11/2014 2. Ongrowing Unit Seed Pond B191220143 S00003 B271120141 S00001 Rearing Pond ID 1000 G00001 2990 G00002 Number of Harvest Number of Seed Seed ID Date of Harvest 19/12/2015 28/11/2015 1000 2980 3. Processing Unit Rearing Pond ID G00001 G00002 Line Processing ID L00002 L00001 Seed ID B191220143 B271120141 Number of Seed Countainer ID 1000 C00002 C00001 2980 Tempe rature (°C) 24 25 pH Salinity (ppm) 7 7 32 32 4. Cold Storage Unit Cold Storage ID CS00001 Line Processing ID L00001 Truck ID Number of Countainer Grade E12345 30 A Temperature (°C) 10 pH Date of Expedition 7 32 42 Appendix 3 Fuzzy set formulation for Product Inventory The buffer inventory of products which is defined as many as 7 tons. Membership function for Fuzzy set of product inventory define based on Eq.6. 0 ; P ≤ 1 or P ≥ 5 µ LOW [ P ] = ( P − 1) / 2 ; 1≤ P ≤ 3 (5 − P ) / 2 ; 3≤ P ≤5 0 ; P ≤ 3 or P ≥ 5 µ MEDIUM [ P ] = ( P − 3) / 2 ; 3≤ P ≤5 (7 − P ) / 2 ; 5≤ P≤7 0 ; P ≤ 5 or P ≥ 7 µ HIGH [ P ] = ( P − 5) / 2 ; 5≤ P≤7 (9 − P ) / 2 ; 7≤P≤9 43 Appendix 4 Fuzzy set formulation of product recall Assumed that total batch production that have to recall is 20 tons, meanwhile the probability true level of contamination is 0.2, that means the minimum amount of product recall is 4 ton (Velthuis et al. 2009). The membership function shown below: 0 ; R ≤ 4 or R ≥ 16 µ LOW [ R ] = ( R − 4) / 8 ; 4 ≤ R ≤ 12 (16 − R ) / 4 ; 12 ≤ R ≤ 16 0 ; R ≤ 12 or R ≥ 20 µ MEDIUM [ R ] = ( R − 12) / 4 ; 12 ≤ R ≤ 16 (20 − R ) / 4 ; 16 ≤ R ≤ 20 0 ; R ≤ 16 or R ≥ 28 µ HIGH [ R ] = ( R − 16) / 4 ; 16 ≤ R ≤ 20 (28 − R ) / 8 ; 20 ≤ R ≤ 28 44 Appendix 5 Time required to perform several inspection process No 1 Inspection parameters Threshold Time (Hour)** Checking the production process parameters in each unit Temperature 1/60 pH 1/60 Salinitty 1/60 DO 1/60 2 Observation the SOP 0.5 3 Checking of fish quality parameters through product samples (SNI 2000) Microbial contamination Max 5,0 x 105 colony/g 32 - TPC Max <2 APM/g 28 - Escherichia coli Negative APM/25 g 24 - Salmonella Negative APM/25 g 28 - Vibrio cholerae Max <3 APM/g 26 - Vibrio parahaemolitycus Chemical contamination* Max 0 µg/kg 20 - Chloramphenicol Max 0 µg/kg 18 - Nitrofuran Max 100 µg/kg 16 - Tetracycline Physical Maximum central temperature 0.12 Parasite Max 0 Tail 20 32 Maximum time * = when necessary; ** = Data random 45 Appendix 6 Fuzzy set formulation for inspection time Assumed that checking (inspection) could be performed in parallel. Thus time required to complete the inspection process in each unit based on the longest time, which means 32 hours. 0 ; I ≤ 16 or I ≥ 30 µ SHORT [ I ] = ( I − 16) / 8 ; 16 ≤ I ≤ 24 (30 − I ) / 6 ; 24 ≤ R ≤ 30 0 ; I ≤ 24 or I ≥ 36 µ MEDIUM [ I ] = ( I − 24) / 6 ; 24 ≤ I ≤ 30 30 ≤ R ≤ 36 (36 − I ) / 6 ; 0 ; I ≤ 30 or I ≥ 44 µ LONG [ I ] = ( I − 30) / 6 ; 30 ≤ I ≤ 36 (44 − I ) / 8 ; 36 ≤ R ≤ 44 46 Appendix 7 Fuzzy set formulation for total handling Handling service time is assumed by a maximum lead time of production which require 4 days or means 96 hour. 0 ; H ≤ 16 or H ≥ 56 µ SHORT [ H ] = ( H − 16) / 20 ; 16 ≤ H ≤ 36 (56 − H ) / 20 ; 36 ≤ H ≤ 56 0 ; H ≤ 36 or H ≥ 76 µ MEDIUM [ H ] = ( H − 36) / 20 ; 36 ≤ H ≤ 56 (76 − H ) / 20 ; 56 ≤ H ≤ 76 0 ; H ≤ 56 or H ≥ 96 µ LONG [ H ] = ( H − 56) / 20 ; 56 ≤ H ≤ 76 (96 − H ) / 20 ; 76 ≤ H ≤ 96 47 Appendix 8 FAM rules of prediction handling time Product Recall Inspection time 1 Product Inventory LOW [3] LOW [12] SHORT [24] SHORT [36] 2 LOW [3] LOW [12] MEDIUM [30] MEDIUM [56] 3 LOW [12] LONG [36] LAMA [76] 4 LOW [3] LOW [3] MEDIUM [16] SHORT [24] MEDIUM [56] 5 LOW [3] MEDIUM [16] MEDIUM [30] MEDIUM [56] 6 LOW [3] MEDIUM [16] LONG [36] LONG [76] 7 LOW [3] HIGH [20] SHORT [24] LONG [76] 8 LOW [3] HIGH [20] MEDIUM [30] LONG [76] 9 LOW [3] HIGH [20] LONG [36] LONG [76] LOW [12] SHORT [24] SHORT [36] 11 MEDIUM [5] MEDIUM [5] LOW [12] MEDIUM [30] MEDIUM [56] 12 MEDIUM [5] LOW [12] LONG [36] MEDIUM [56] 13 MEDIUM [5] MEDIUM [16] SHORT [24] MEDIUM [56] 14 MEDIUM [5] MEDIUM [16] MEDIUM [30] MEDIUM [56] 15 MEDIUM [5] MEDIUM [16] LONG [36] MEDIUM [56] 16 MEDIUM [5] HIGH [20] SHORT [24] MEDIUM [56] 17 MEDIUM [5] HIGH [20] MEDIUM [30] MEDIUM [56] 18 MEDIUM [5] HIGH [20] LONG [36] LONG [76] 19 HIGH [7] LOW [12] SHORT [24] SHORT [36] 20 HIGH [7] LOW [12] MEDIUM [30] SHORT [36] 21 HIGH [7] LOW [12] LONG [36] SHORT [36] 22 HIGH [7] MEDIUM [16] SHORT [24] SHORT [36] 23 HIGH [7] MEDIUM [16] MEDIUM [30] MEDIUM [56] 24 HIGH [7] MEDIUM [16] LONG [36] MEDIUM [56] 25 HIGH [7] HIGH [20] SHORT [24] SHORT [36] 26 HIGH [7] BANYAK [20] MEDIUM [30] MEDIUM [56] 27 HIGH [7] BANYAK [20] LONG [36] LONG [76] NO 10 Handling time 48 Appendix 9 Computation result of matrix M and B 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T M 7 = A o B7 = 0 o (0 0 1) = 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T M 6 = A o B6 = 0 o (0 0 1) = 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T M16 = A o B16 = 0 o (0 1 0) = 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T M17 = A o B17 = 0 o (0 1 0) = 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 49 0.5 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 B7 ' = A'oM 7 = 0.875 o 0 0 0 0 0 0.83 0 0.17 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = (0 0 0.875) 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 B8 ' = A'oM 89 = 0.875 o 0 0 0 0 0 0.83 0 0.17 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = (0 0 0.875) 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 B16 ' = A'oM16 = 0.875 o 0 0 0 0 0 0.83 0 0.17 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = (0 0.875 0) 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 B17 ' = A'oM17 = 0.875 o 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = (0 0.875 0) 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 50 Appendix 10 Requirement verification matrix (RVM) No Stakeholder 1 Login menu 2 Breeding unit 3 Onrowing unit Business Proses Status Login menu to access input data interface in each stakeholder Setting user menu data Inputting data attribute on breeding process : - Seed ID - Number of egg - Seed pond ID - Feed supplier ID - Feed Name - Temperature - pH - Salinity - Date of hatchery - Date of seed harvesting - Date of input - Time of input - Operator name Print out the seed label Into barcode label and PDF file Label contains : - Seed ID - Date of breeding - Date of hatchery Setting Number of seed pond and SOPs are used Generate breeding report into PDF file Data included: - Seed ID - Pond ID - Number of seed harvest - Survival rate - Feed supplier ID - Feed name Scan seed label Information retrieval : - Seed ID - Seed pond ID Inputting ongrowing data attribute: - Seed ID - Seed pond ID - Rearing pond ID - Feed supplier ID - Feed Name - Temperature - pH 51 4 5 - Salinity - Total harvest - Date of seed spread - Date of harvest - Date of input - Time of input - Operator name Setting Number of rearing pond and SOPs are used Generate ongrowing report into PDF file Data included: - Seed ID - Pond ID - Number of fish harvest - Survival rate - Feed supplier ID - Feed Name Processing Scan seed Label unit Information retrieval: - Seed ID Benih - Rearing pond ID Inputting data processing: - Rearing pond ID - Line ID3 - Number of product on each grade - Packaging ID - Temperature on post harvest - Date of production - Date input - Time input - Operator name Print out packaging Label into barcode label dan PDF file Label contain : Packaging ID Date of production Generate production report into PDF file, that contain - Seed ID - Rearing pond ID - Line ID - Grade - Number of unit Cold Storage Scan the packaging label unit Information retrieval: - Seed ID - Line ID 52 6 Retailer unit - Grade - Number of packaging Inputting cold storage data: - Packaging ID - Line ID - cold Storage ID - Temperature - Date of entering the cold storage Inputting expedition data - Packaging ID - Cold storage ID - Truck ID - Temperature - Date of expeditioni - Retailer ID Setting number of cold storage and expedition unit Print mail road Scan the packaging ID Information retrieval: - Truck ID - Cold Storage ID - Grade ID Inputting retailer data : - Packaging ID - ID Truk - Temperature - Date of receiving Inputting product sale data - Packaging ID - Date of sales - Number of packaging Tracing Product - Scan packaging ID information that will retrieve is all data from cold storage until breeding unit - Temperature - Graphic temperature - Flowchart of production process - Similarity measurement Print out the tracing report 53 Appendix 11 Sample of application form for data capturing on breeding unit BREEDING UNIT APPLICATION FORM Date of Capture : : Form ID Operator Name Data of Product Seed ID Number of egg Date of birth Pond Seed ID Feed supplier ID Feed name 1 Feed name 2 Feed name 3 Feed name 4 Feed name 5 : : : : : : : : : : Data of Processing SOP 1 2 3 4 5 6 : : : : : : : Checklist Data of cultivation Quality parameter Attribute Temperature (°C) pH Salinity : : : : Value : : 54 Appendix 12 Fragment of documentation process at ongrowing unit Ongrowing Unit 55 Appendix 13 Fragment of documentation process at processing unit Processing Unit 56 Appendix 14 Fragment of documentation process at cold storage unit Cold Storage Unit 57 Appendix 15 Fragment of documentation process at retailer unit Retailer Unit 58 BIOGRAPHY Aditia Ginantaka was born on August 27, 1987 at Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia. He is the second son of Mr. Wagiman, and Mrs. Enan Kesmanasari. He was studied at Senior High School in Purwokerto and graduated in the mid 2005. He received his Bachelor degree in Agro-industrial Technology from Bogor Agricultural University in 2010. He received a BPPDN-DIKTI scholarship to continue his studies and completed his Master in Agro-Industrial Technology studies program, Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural University. During his college, he was join as community organizer of FORUM WACANA IPB (IPB graduate school student forum) in part of public relation. He also as founder "Agro-Edu Community" which is a social activity for educate poor children around Bogor district. His current and previous research interests is about system engineering, supply chain management and soft computing. Author has published a paper about traceability system on International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information System (ICACSIS 2014), which was held in Jakarta. He has succeeded awarded as the best session presenter. Besides that, he have succeeded to present his paper with the tittle An Optimization of Product Recall Cost for Frozen Milkfish in Traceability System in International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Technology (MIMT 2015) which was held in Malaka, Malaysia during 6-7 March 2015