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The diagram shows the food web which is a combination of several food chains whose
cycles are interconnected. There are about 9 living things found in a cycle of food webs.
These living things are
Carrots, grains, grasss are producers which can generate their own energy requirements
through photosynthesis, in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll. All living conditions are
dependent on plants for their energy requirements for food as well as oxygen.
Rabbits, mice, grasshoppers, and birds are primary consumers. Primary consumers are
organisms that eat the producers. This type of organism belongs to the second trophic level
and is consumed by secondary consumers, tertiary consumers or peak predators.
Foxes and owls are secondary consumers, at trophic level three, are animals that eat
herbivores. Foxes and owls are at the top of food webs because there are no other animals
large enough to eat them.
In food webs, arrows point from an organism that is eaten to the organism that eats it.
As shown by the food web above, some species can eat organisms from more than one
trophic level. For example, bird feeds on primary producers and primary consumers.
All living things in an ecosystem are interdependent. If just one species in an ecosystem
suddenly diminishes, it can have major consequences for the rest of the food web. For
example, if the mice population decreases, the population of grains will increase and the
population of owls will decrease and the other components will also be affected.
The diagram illustrates the phase change of matter. These situation or phase can be of
various types divided into Liquid, Gas, and Solid. As for the process of changing the form of
a substance divided into sublimation, deposition, melting, freezing, vaporization, and
condensation. The picture at the bottom shows the particles density of matter which are
affected by heat.
As for the 6 types of matter change processes are :
1. The change in the form of matter from solid to liquid are called melting. For example,
ice become water, which is the process of receiving heat.
2. The change in the form of a substance from liquid to gas is called vaporization. For
example water becomes steam, it is a process of receiving heat.
3. The change in form from solid to gas are called sublimation. For example camphor
becomes gas, is the process of receiving heat.
4. The change in form of a substance from a gas then becomes liquid is called
condensation. For example the process of distilling water, it is a process to release
5. The change in form from gas to solid is called deposition. For example, champor
vapor becomes champor, it is the process of releasing heat.
6. Then the change in the form of a substance from liquid to solid is called freezing. An
example is water being ice, which is also a process of releasing heat.