ENGLISH TASK Kelompok 3 (Elektronika Instrumentasi) 1. Fajar Virdaus (021600468) 2. Gratia Larayana Cikita (021600469) 3. Hamdan Fathoni (021600470) 4. Hasna Nurhanifa R (021600471) 5. Ihsan Fajar Ramadhan(021600472) 6. Ika Cismila Ningsih (021600473) 1. This design is likely to be accepted provided/only if the cost is reasonable. Desain ini dapat diterima dengan syarat harganya masuk akal. 2. Steam flow through the nozzle will be smooth provided/only if the nozzle is properly designed. Uap mengalir melalui mulut pipa akan merata asalkan mulut pipa di desain dengan sebaik mungkin. 3. A reactor can be used to produce power provided/only if an efficient heat-transfer system is employed. Sebuah reactor dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan energi listrik asalkan system perpindahan panas digunakan dengan efisien. 4. Temperatures of up to 700o C are acceptable provided/only if special heat-resisting alloys are used. Suhu diatas 700o C dapar diterima asalkan logam penahan panas digunakan. 5. The engine can be run at very high speeds provided/only if the vibration can be damped out. Mesin dapat dijalankan pada kecepatan yang sangat tinggi asalkan getarannya dapat diredam. 6. A chain reaction can be sustained provided there is a critical mass of fissile material available. Reaksi berantai dapat dipertahankan asalkan ada masa kritis dari bahan fisi tersedia