ALKALOID INDOL SIMPLE INDOLES FASE DIAM Silika gel G FASE GERAK Kloroform, toluene Aseton, methanol, etanol Ethyl acetate, propan-2-ol, and 13.5 M ammonia, i.e., 100:2:1, 16:3:1, and 9:7:4 Methanol:0.2 M ammonium nitrate silica gel methanol:13.5 M ammonia 100:1.5 UV first observing under UV light 254 nm for the presence of fluorescent or quenching zones. If the latter are sought, then a layer with added fluorophor (e.g., silica gel GF ) should be used. The Cinchona alkaloids in particular give a very strong bright blue fluorescence under UV 365 nm and can be detected at very low concentration s. Many of the ergot alkaloids give a blue fluorescence under UV light at both 254 and 365 nm. REAGEN Dragendorff’s Reagent, Gives an orange color with many types of alkoloids. 4Dimethylaminobenzal dehyde solution in an acidic medium, such as HCl, is own as Ehrlich’s reagent or Van Urk reagent, and gives a blue color with simple indoles such as the harmane series, and particularly with the ergot alkaloids. It has been extensively used to detect the alkaloids of ergot with which it gives blue, violet, or green colors. Cerium(IV) sulfate solution gives a variety of colors with the Catharanthus and Vinca alkaloids, 18,19 while iron(III) chloride= perchloric acid has been widely utilized for many indole and oxindole compounds, especially those from Rauvolfia, Strychnos, Mitragyna,andUncaria with which a wide variety of colors are seen. dragendorff’s o-phthalaldehyde=sulfuric acid and this can detect amounts as low as 20 ng for ERGOT ALKALOI silica gel toluene:chlorofor m:ethanol 28.5:57:14.5 formamide:ethano l 8:15 acetone:0.1 M ammonium carbonate:ethanol 32.5:67:5.1 Silica gel diethylamine 13.5 M ammonia DS TERPEN OIDAL INDOLE ALKALOI UV light 254 and 365 nm, and as blue zones iron(III) chloride solution=perchloric acid, and also ceric sulfate spray DS QUINO LINE ALKAL OIDS variety of colors with different types of alkaloids Silica gel INDOL ES WITH A QUATE RNARY NITRO GEN OTHER silica gel INDOL E ALKAL OIDS indoloqui nolizidin serotonin and 100 ng for bufotenine. which change to a purple color on heating, with Van Urk reagent. Iodoplatinate reagent gives a range of colors which enable the common alkaloids to be distinguished from one another, for example, ergometrine gives a white zone against a pinkish background while ergotamine gives a strong pink color and ergocristine a pale brown. 0% of a base (e.g., diethylamine in a weakly polar solvent such as chloroform) UV 365 nm dark violet fluorescence. 0.2 M aqueous ammonium nitrate to methanol (2:3) ethyl acetate:formic acid:water 6:1:1 chloroform:metha nol:water 7:3:1 chloroform:metha bright yellow fluorescent compound under UV light 365 nm With iodoplatinate reagent the four compounds give slightly different colors with quinine giving violetbrown, cinchonidine grey-violet, quinidine red-violet, and cinchonine brown-red. 46 e alkaloid cryptolep ine Canthino ne Camptot hecin Ellipticin e nol 97:3 benzene:chlorofor m:ethanol Alkaloid Isoquinolon