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Nama Siswa
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Hari/Tanggal :
Jumlah soal : 40 butir soal pilihan ganda
1. Jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar soal
2. Sebelum mengerjakan soal-soal, tulislah terlebih dahulu pada lembar jawaban: nomor peserta ujian, nama lengkap, dan asal
sekolah SMP/MTs!
3. Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat/benar dan berilah tanda
kolom pilihan jawaban yang disediakan!
4. Berilah tanda
pada satu pilihan jawaban saja untuk satu soal! Bila tanda X lebih dari satu untuk satu soal, maka jawaban
dianggap salah.
5. Jika terjadi kesalahan memilih jawaban, maka coretlah tanda
dengan dua garis lurus mendatar pada jawaban yang dianggap
salah (contoh : X ), kemudian berilah tanda
pada jawaban yang dianggap benar.
6. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika, atau alat bantu hitung lainnya.
7. Berdo’alah sebelum mengerjakan
8. Periksalah pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian!
: Hello, Adam.
How are you doing?
: Fine, thanks.
How are you?
Soraya : I’m very well. Thank you.
The underlined sentence is the expressing of…
a. greetings
c. leave taking
b. invitation
d. sympathy
: Have you had your lunch?
: Yes, I have.
I’d better be going, or I’ll be late
at my school.
Good bye, Endang.
: Good bye, Ananda. See you
From the dialogue above, we know that Endang
is using …expression.
a. greetings
c. leave taking
b. invitation
d. sympathy
3. The trip to Bali has been …due to bad weather.
a. cancel
c. cancelled
b. cancels
d. canceling
You can’t see the manager …he is not here
The conjunction that is suit to the sentence is…
a. therefore
c. though
b. and
d. because
I think my first memories began when I started
school at about five years old. I lived in suburb of
Sidney. I had a happy childhood. I remember
playing in a big garden. I fell from a big tree and
broke my hand. I remember I had a naughty friend
named Giant-O, because he was fat. He liked hitting
and pulling my head. It was so pathetic.
One day I hit him over the head with my bag.
His parents were very angry with me. But I didn’t
feel sorry at all at the time. Nevertheless, since then
Giant-O has become my good friend. It was such an
unforgettable childhood.
Who is Giant-O?
a. a boy
b. my friend
c. the writer’s friend
d. a teacher
Which statement that is true based on the
a. When he was child she fell from a tree and
broke her head.
b. The teacher was angry with the boy because
he hit her.
c. She was living outside Sydney when she was
a child.
d. She didn’t feel sorry for hitting him over the
head using her bag.
What we remember is the meaning of….
a. memory
c. child
b. remember
d. history
Childhood means…
a. young people
b. the time when you were a child
c. you were young
d. what happened in the last time
Part of town or city not near the center is
a. urban
c. metro
b. village
d. suburb
10. Teacher
: Do you bring your dictionaries
with you today?
: I’m sorry, Sir. ……………
The appropriate expression to fill the blank is
a. Remember that?
b. I’ve completely forgotten.
c. It’s coming back to me now.
d. I’ll always remember.
11. Mother : Hey..hey..are you going to school?
: Yes, Mom. I overslept.
I’m in a hurry.
Mother : ……….
: Oh, my goodness.
I thought it’s a school day!
The utterance that mother should say is….
a. Don’t you remember that it’s Sunday
b. Let me think. Yes, I remember.
c. Remember that?
d. I’m afraid I forget.
I was driving along the coast road when the
car suddenly lurched to one side.
You know what happened? At first I thought a
tire had gone flat but then I saw telegraph poles
collapsing like matchsticks. It’s terrible, isn’t it?
Next, guess what! The rocks came tumbling
across the road and I had to get out of the car.
When I got back to town, well as I said, there
wasn’t much left.
My God, that was a nightmare.
12. The orientation is in paragrapgh….
a. one
b. two c. three d. four
13. The text is a……
a. narrative
b. recount
c. procedure
d. descriptive
14. The structure of the text is….
a. orientation – complication – resolution
b. orientation – events – reorientation
c. goal – materials – steps
d. introduction – identification – description
15. Another example of a recount is ….
a. diary
c. news
b. application letter
d. myth
David Duchovny cleverly played the role of
Mulder in the “X Files” film. Duchovny was born on
7 August 1960 in New York City. After successfully
studying English Literature at university, Duchovny
became interested in acting. He gained parts in
several movies including “Beethoven”. Don’t Tell
Mom the Babysitter’s Dead, and “Chaplin” before
the X Files.
16. What kind of recount is the text?
a. procedural recount
c. review
b. biographical recount
d. historical
17. How old was David Duchovny now?
a. forty
c. forty nine
b. forty five
d. ninety
good arrangement of the words above is…
Mount Blanc is near Lake Geneva?
Lake Mount Blanc is near Geneva?
Lake Geneva is near Mount Blanc?
Is Lake Geneva near Mount Blanc?
23. Dr. Indra – is – Japanese – Chinese – or - ?
The good arrangement of the words above is…
a. Dr. Indra is Japanese or Chinese?
b. Is Japanese Dr. Indra or Chinese?
c. Is Dr. Indra Japanese or Chinese?
d. Is Japanese or Chinese Dr. Indra?
Once upon a time there lived a very famous
king, named the King of Crete. He had a monster
which was half bull and half man.
He ordered Daedalus, a craftsman from
Athens, to build a wax in order to house the
monster. When Daedalus finished his work, he
wanted to leave Crete. But the King would not let
him go.
Daedalus escape through the air by using
wings fixed to his body with wax. He also made
wings for his son, Icarus and made him fly behind
But the son was so glad and excited that he
soon went too high. As he flew nearer to the sun, it
got warmer and warmer until at last the wax melted
and his body fell down into the sea near Troy.
The sea is now called the Icarian Sea.
24. The text above is a kind of …
a. recount
c. descriptive
b. narrative
d. procedure
25. The generic structure of the text is …
a. orientation – arguments – conclusion
b. introduction – events – conclusion
c. orientation – events – reorientation
d. orientation – complication – resolution
26. Paragraph one is called as …
a. orientation
c. complication
b. events
d. resolution
18. What was the character that Duchovny played
in The X Files?
a. Beethoven
c. Mulder
b. Chaplin
d. Babysitter
27. Who was Daedalus?
a. He was a king of Crete.
b. He was a craftsman from Athens.
c. He was the monster of the King.
d. He was the son of Icarus.
19. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to entertain the readers with stories.
b. to tell the readers what happened.
c. to describe something specifically.
d. to help us do task or make something.
28. How did Daedalus escape from the king?
a. Going to Athens.
b. Flying to the sun.
c. Flying through the air.
d. Killing the monster.
20. Andy
: What …she eat?
: She ate noodles.
What is the correct word to fill the blank?
a. do
b. does
c. did
d. was
29. Who was Icarus? He was …..
a. the King of Crete
b. the son of Daedalus
c. The craftsman from Athens
d. half bull and half man monster
21. Nova
: When did she go?
: She…an hour ago.
What is the appropriate word to fill the blank?
a. go
b. went c. gone
d. goes
22. Mount Blanc – is – Geneva – near – lake - ?
: Do you want me to tell you a
story about “Theseus and the
Daughter : Really? Oh, please do, Mom.
I can’t wait to hear the story.
b. because people understands their customs.
c. because there are guidebooks on
international etiquette.
d. because their language is widespread
30. What is the mother going to do?
a. telling a story
c. going to bed
b. reading a book d. hearing the story
31. What does the daughter say to show her
a. Really?
c. Oh, please do, Mom.
b. I can’t wait
d. to hear the story.
36. The text above is talking about….
a. Cultural awareness
b. British customs
c. International meeting
d. American people
32. Evil fox
: Look, Pinocchio, can you come on
Monday morning?
Pinocchio : Sorry, I’d love to, but ….
Pinocchio should say …
a. sure
b. all right
c. I’d be glad to go
d. I’ll be very busy on Monday afternoon
Imagine you have arranged a meeting at four
o’clock. What time should you expect your foreign
business colleagues to arrive? If they are Germans,
they will be bang on time. If they are Americans,
they’ll probably 15 minutes earlier. If they are
British, they’ll be 15 minutes late, and you should
allow up to an hour for the Italians!
When the European Community began to
increase in size, several guidebooks appeared giving
advice on international etiquette. At first many
people thought this was a joke, especially the
British, who seemed to assume that the widespread
understanding of their language meant a
corresponding understanding of English customs.
33. What nationality is the most punctual?
a. Americans
c. Germans
b. British
d. Italians
34. What nationality is the most least?
a. Americans
c. Germans
b. British
d. Italians
35. Why do the British think that everyone
understands their customs?
a. because British is ruled by a Queen.
37. Paula
: “Good afternoon, Mr. Indian!”
Mr. Indian : “Paula! I’m so glad you could
: “I’m very sorry to hear about
Tommy’s death.
It must be pretty hard on you.”
From the dialogue above, we know that Paula is
a. attention
c. greeting
b. leave taking
d. sympathy
38. An ancient traditional story about gods, magic,
and heroes is called…
a. diary
c. myth
b. biography
d. fable
39. bill said don’t wait up for me I’ll be home late
What is the correct punctuation of this
a. Bill, “said don’t wait up for me I’ll be home
b. Bill said, “Don’t wait up for me I’ll be home
c. “Bill said don’t! Wait up for me. I’ll be home
d. Bill said, “Don’t wait up for me! I’ll be home
40. “She has no feeling at all.”
What did she say?
a. She says that she has no feeling at all.
b. She said that she had no feeling at all.
c. She says that she had no feeling at all.
d. She says that she has had no feeling at all.