Persuasion Knowledge Model Ardan Amardian 6662180164 3G Communication Science Persuasion • “Persuasion is a communicative process of altering the beliefs, attitudes and intentions or behaviour of another by the conscious and unconscious of words and non-verbal message” – Ilardo (1981) Persuasion Knowledge Model • the Persuasion Knowledge Model is a relational model that considers interaction and hence could provide a suitable framework to improve our understanding of how practising marketers can build loyalty to a product, service, company or brand. (Friestad & Wright 1994) Target Topic Knowledge Persuasion Knowledge Agent Knowledge Persuasion Coping Behaviours Model : Keyrole PKM Persuasion Attempt Topic Knowledge Persuasion Knowledge Agent Target Knowledge The customer/target picks a coping strategy, to deal with the salesperson’s attempt to persuade him. Three similar questions are asked : 1. What is being offered? 2. What do I know of this salesperson? 3. How is this salesperson trying to persuade me?