DEFORMATION STUDY OF KAMOJANG GEOTHERMAL FIELD UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of SARJANA TEKNIK at Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Study Program By: Bagoes Dwi Ramdhani 15112065 GEODESY AND GEOMATICS ENGINEERING STUDY PROGRAM FACULTY OF EARTH SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG 2016 AUTHORIZATION UNDERGRADUATE THESIS I hereby declare that the work in this Undergraduate Thesis titled “Deformation Study of Kamojang Geothermal Field” is originally made by author and has not been submitted, either some parts or all part, either by author or other people, either in Bandung Institute of Technology or other Institution Bandung, May 27th 2016 Author, Foto 3cmο΄4cm Bagoes Dwi Ramdhani 15112065 Examined and approved by, Supervisor I Pembimbing II Dr. Irwan Meilano, S.T., M.Sc. NIP. 19740518 199802 1 001 Dr. Ir. Dina A. Sarsito, MT. NIP. 19700512 199512 2 001 Authorized by, Head of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Study Program Faculty of Earth Science and Technology Institut Teknologi Bandung Dr. Ir. Agustinus Bambang Setiyadji, M.Si. NIP. 19650825 199103 1 003 Abstract GPS has proven to be an indispensable tool in the effort to understand crust deformation before, during, and after the big earthquake events through data analysis and numerical simulation. The development of GPS technology has been able to prove as a method for the detection of geothermal activity that related to deformation. Furthermore, the correlation of deformation and geothermal activity are related to the analysis of potential hazards in the geothermal field itself. But unfortunately only few GPS observations established to see the relationship of tectonic and geothermal activity around geothermal energy area in Indonesia. This research will observe the interaction between deformation and geothermal sources around the geothermal field Kamojang using geodetic GPS. There are 4 campaign observed points displacement direction to north-east, and 2 others heading to south-east. The displacement of the observed points may have not able proven cause by deformation of geothermal activity due to duration of observation. Since our research considered as pioneer for such investigation in Indonesia, we expect our methodology and our findings could become a starter for other geothermal field cases in Indonesia. Keywords: Geothermal, Deformation, GPS i ii Acknowledgement In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise to Allah SWT mercy and guidance so that the author can complete this undergraduate thesis entitle “Deformation Study of Kamojang Geothermal Field”. Appreciation and honouration convey for all people who given inspiration and spirit to author in processing this undergraduate thesis, especially for: 1. Author’s beloved parents, Achmad Sudjudi and Haidar Indiana, also author’s sisters, Nimash Miftahul Sakinah and Mutiara Ayu Shabrina. I really appreciate every single thing that you have done to author, especially for their blessing to the author. 2. Dr. Irwan Meilano, S.T., M.Sc. and Dr. Ir. Dina A. Sarsito MT. as the supervisors of this undergraduate thesis. Thank you for all the guidance and knowledge that help author accomplish this undergraduate thesis. 3. Teguh Purnama Sidiq, S.T., M.Sc. and Dr. Zamzam Akhmad Jamaluddin Tanuwijaya, M.Si. for being examiners of this undergraduate thesis. 4. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Bambang Setiyadji, M.Si. as the Head of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Study Program and author’s guardian angel, second father in this campus. Thank you for your cirtism, advice, and support during author’s study and in processing this undergraduate thesis. 5. All lecturers in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Study Program. Thank you very much for all the knowledge that you have given to Author 6. Dr. Ir. Dwi Wisayantono, M.T. as my faculty trustee. Thank you for your supervision during this undergraduate year. 7. All administration staff of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Study Program especially Mr. Dudung Suhendar for valuable assistance and helpful for every single lectures activity on this campus. iii 8. Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (Center of Geothermallogy and Geological Hazard Mitigation – PVMBG), especially Mr. Ade which provides CGPS data. 9. SEA I GO Johor delegates, Andika Virdian, S.T. and Jery Adrian as my friends studying together in the UTM, Johor Bahru. 10. Bintang Rahmat Wananda, S.T. which always foster and provide insights about the world, best pasrtner in IGEO team. 11. IMJ squad who always become learning partner author for every exam during the study on this campus. 12. IMG 2012 who share same struggle with Author in last three years. My best Family. “Kami Geodesi 2012, HA!!”. 13. The Kamojang GREAT Team, Akbar Putra Perdana, Sangkap Tua, Andika Hadi, Heri Rasmanto, Pandito, Fabianto San, David Tumagor Ifa Hanifah, Shafira Irmarini, Billy Nurkalista, Fuad Rahman, Derian Rachmanda, and Sena Aditya, thank you all for any kind of help and time we shared that you've given to get this valuable data. 14. CoFellow mates in Graduate Research on Earthquake and Active Tectonics (GREAT) Firza, Bintang, Refi, Afi, Suchi, Gio, Yola, Uda Arief, Nafis, Teti, Nana, Dyah, Sewu, who have given advice, spirit and idea each other. Thank you for this valuable time. 15. Senior of GREAT, Putra, Alwidya, Aning, Satrio, who have taught and much helped the author understand GAMIT, given guidance and sharing the knowledge about geodynamics. 16. Staff of Great. Ajeng and Maharlika, for your help. Sorry if often late return the SPPD and bill from the survey. 17. Mr. Umar, Mr. Engkus, Mr. Hendra which always loyal accompany and take the Kamojang Team in to the site. iv 18. In the last, for someone who always beside the author, who didn’t tire to accompany and patiently encounter the author, always and forever to be place for author share everything. Angel of my heart, Nur Azmina. Love you. Bandung, May 27th 2016 Bagoes Dwi Ramdhani v vi Contents Abstract ......................................................................................................................... i Acknowledgement ...................................................................................................... iii Contents ..................................................................................................................... vii Figure List ................................................................................................................... ix Table List .................................................................................................................... xi Chapter 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................1 1.1 Research Background ................................................................................1 1.2 Research Objective ....................................................................................4 1.3 Research Scope ..........................................................................................4 1.4 Research Methodology ..............................................................................5 1.5 Writing Systematics ...................................................................................7 Chapter 2 Data and Method .........................................................................................9 2.1 Geothermal Deformation ...........................................................................9 2.2 Kamojang Geothermal Field ....................................................................10 2.3 Generating GPS Network ........................................................................11 2.4 GPS Observation for Geothermal Deformation .......................................13 2.5 GPS Observation Data of KGF ................................................................16 2.6 Deformation Analysis ..............................................................................18 2.7 Data Processing ........................................................................................21 2.7.1 Data Processing GAMIT 10.5 ....................................................... 21 2.7.2 Outlier Removal ............................................................................ 22 2.7.3 Referencing Campaign Observation Point to CGPS ..................... 23 2.7.4 Displacement Calculation .............................................................. 24 2.7.5 Statistical Test ............................................................................... 25 Chapter 3 Result and Discussion ...............................................................................27 3.1 Establishment of GPS Network ...............................................................27 3.2 GPS Data Processing Result Using GAMIT 10.5 ...................................28 3.3 Time Series Plotting .................................................................................29 vii 3.4 Referencing Campaign Observation Points to CGPS .............................. 31 3.5 Displacement Calculation Result ............................................................. 32 3.6 Statistical Test.......................................................................................... 35 3.7 Deformation Analysis .............................................................................. 37 Chapter 4 Conclusion and Recommendation ............................................................ 45 3.8 Conclusion ............................................................................................... 45 3.9 Recommendation ..................................................................................... 46 References .................................................................................................................. 47 Appendix A: Time Series Plotting ................................................................................I Appendix B: MATLAB Script .................................................................................... V viii List of Figures Figure 1.1 Location of Kamojang Power Plant next to Guntur Volcano. ............... 3 Figure 1.2 Flowchart of research methodology ....................................................... 6 Figure 2.1 Location of Kamojang Geothermal Field. ........................................... 10 Figure 2.2 Location of GPS baseline around Kamojang Geothermal Field. ......... 12 Figure 2.3 Design of Benchmark ........................................................................... 13 Figure 2.4 Process of distance determination from receiver to satellite by using phase data (Abidin, 2007). ................................................................... 14 Figure 2.5 The Location of observation point around Kamojang Geothermal Field and CGPS PVMBG ............................................................................. 17 Figure 2.6 IGS Stations .......................................................................................... 18 Figure 2.7 Pressure Change of Hydrostatic. .......................................................... 20 Figure 2.8 Location of earthquake epicenter affecting GPS stations .................... 23 Figure 3.1 Process generating benchmark ............................................................. 27 Figure 3.2 Time series file (.pos) of KMJ1 station. ............................................... 28 Figure 3.3 KMJ1 time series. ................................................................................. 30 Figure 3.4 KMJ2 time series .................................................................................. 30 Figure 3.5 KMJ3 time series. ................................................................................. 30 Figure 3.6 POST time series. ................................................................................. 31 Figure 3.7 Displacement plotting of North-South Component.............................. 33 Figure 3.8 Displacement plotting of East-West component. ................................. 33 Figure 3.9 The situation around KMJ5 site. .......................................................... 34 Figure 3.10 Displacement of observed pint. .......................................................... 35 Figure 3.11 Displacement vector of Campaign observed point. ............................ 36 Figure 3.12 MT model of Kamojang Geothermal Field. (PT. LAPI, 2012). ......... 37 ix Figure 3.13 Location of reservoir. ......................................................................... 38 Figure 3.14 Change of pressure and residual variance chart east reservoir. ......... 39 Figure 3.15 Change of pressure and residual variance chart west reservoir. ........ 40 Figure 3.16 Displacement model of east reservoir. ............................................... 42 Figure 3.17 Displacement model of west reservoir. .............................................. 42 Figure 3.18 Displacement by model and observation. .......................................... 43 x List of Tables Table 3.1 List of GPS observation points’ coordinate. .......................................... 28 Table 3.2 Standard deviation of topocentric coordinates. ..................................... 29 Table 3.3 Referencing result relative to POST. ..................................................... 32 Table 3.4 t-students statistical test result of the displacement values. ................... 36 Table 3.5 Displacement by the model Mogi of the observed points with change of pressure (a) variance for east reservoir. ............................................... 39 Table 3.6 Displacement by the model Mogi of the observed points with change of pressure (a) variance for west reservoir. .............................................. 40 Table 3.7 Residual of change pressure in east reservoir. ....................................... 41 Table 3.8 Residual of change pressure in west reservoir. ...................................... 41 Table 3.9 Displacement model resultant................................................................ 43 xi xii Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Research Background The developments in science and technology today will spur the need for energy resources, especially electricity energy. Meanwhile, we all know that Indonesia as developing the country with over 200 million of the population that development of science and technology is quite significant would require electrical energy to run all the needs that exist. Growing electricity needs require the development of alternative technologies to producing a power source. There are alternative technologies that have been developed in Indonesia such as Hydroelectric Power Plant (HEPP), Electric Steam Power Plant (ESP), Gas Power Plant (GPP), Waste-to-Energy Power Plant (WEPP), Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), Solar Power Generation Plant (SPP), and Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) (Pandu, 2014). Geothermal site Kamojang managed by Pertamina since 1983. In 2006 PT Pertamina (Persero) builds a subsidiary of Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) for undertaking 15 work areas of mining (WAM) geothermal in Indonesia including geothermal site Kamojang. Kamojang geothermal power plants have a total capacity of 235MW which 140 MW are supplied by PGE in the form of steam to Indonesia Power (a subsidiary of PT PLN) which consists of units 1,2,3 and 95mW in the form of electricity directly supplied by PGE to PT PLN which consists of unit 4 and 5. Electricity power production process at geothermal power plant Kamojang by utilizing steam generated by the production wells to drive the turbines. From the movement of the turbine will be converted into electricity. This production process will cause fluid migration. Fluid migration in the form of gas or liquid from the production process can affect the 1 structure of the constituent rock geothermal site which cause deformation of the surface in geothermal site. One technology that can be used to monitor deformation is Global Positioning System (GPS). The development of using GPS method is not only to be an indispensable tool to attempt understanding crustal deformation prior, during, and after large earthquake occurrences through data analysis and numerical simulation (Abidin et al., 2009), but also to the analysis of crustal deformation and geothermal resources. The development of GPS technology in some geothermal site in the world has been used to: (1) detect a potentially geothermal resources area, such as in Great Basin, Nevada, (Blewitt et al.,2005;Kreemer et al.,2006;Hammond et al.,2007);(2) detect and analyzed the subsidence rate related to the geothermal activities, such as in California (Mossop and Segall, 1997; Floyd and Funning, 2013); (3) investigate geothermal deformation associated with the changes in the geothermal system, such as in Aeolian Islands, Italy (Esposito et al., 2010); analyzed natural and man-made deformation around geothermal field, such as in Iceland (Khodayar et al., 2006). Unfortunately, research about correlation deformation and geothermal activity in Kamojang has never been analyzed using GPS before. Kamojang Geothermal site having a potential of producing electricity based on a volumetric analysis of 140MW-260MW for 25 years of utilization from reservoir area of 8.5 to 15 Km2 [Fauzi, 1999]. Recent reservoir modeling suggests that the Kamojang reserves are able to support another 30MW-60MW for 25 years’ operation. The process of long-term monitoring is needed to support the development of the existing potential in geothermal site Kamojang. 2 Figure 1.1 Location of Kamojang Power Plant next to Guntur Volcano. Moreover, a Kamojang geothermal field is located 7 Km o the west on the slopes of Guntur Volcano. Guntur Volcano is an active Volcano type A [Meilano, 1997] which recorded the last eruption in 1847, future event and ongoing deformation activities around Guntur Volcano should be analyzed. Hence, scientific research related to the interaction between deformation and geothermal activities should be conduct for a comprehensive analysis due to such condition. Due to that matter, this research proposes the first initiation of deformation studies correlating to the geothermal activities around Kamojang field using GPS and a beginning phase of an establishment deformation monitoring in the area. Furthermore, this method can be used in the another geothermal site in Indonesia to optimize the geothermal potential. 3 1.2 Research Objective The objective of this research is to conduct a study of deformation due to geothermal activity, that includes of: 1. Determine the formation of GPS network to observe deformation in the geothermal site Kamojang. 2. Estimate the displacement of GPS observation point for analysis deformation in geothermal site Kamojang. 3. Determine the model correlation of the value of GPS observation point displacement with geothermal activity at Kamojang. 1.3 Research Scope To give boundary of research conduct in this undergraduate thesis, the research scopes used are: 1. The main of data which used in this research are two type data, there are CGPS data and Periodic GPS data. 2. CGPS data used in this research is located around Guntur Volcano, West Java, which is managed by Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (Center of Geothermallogy and Geological Hazard Mitigation – PVMBG). 3. Periodic GPS data used in this research is the data from GPS survey in March to April in 2016. 4. Determine the displacement caused by geothermal activity at Kamojang. 5. Data processing using software GAMIT version 10.5 and visualization using software Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) to plotting the time series of the result. 4 1.4 Research Methodology Research method used in this research are: 1. Literature Study that has relation with this research from textbooks, scientific journal, scientific presentation, other relevant websites. 2. Survey planning and development of GPS network point. 3. Collecting data GPS campaign of the network from March to April in 2016. Data of GPS campaign is obtained from periodic observation by surveying team. 4. Collecting CGPS data from March to April in 2016. The CGPS data is obtained from PVMBG. 5. Collecting IGS data based on International Reference Frame (ITRF) 2008 used as a reference site, data can obtain from 6. Data processing using software GAMIT version 10.5, both of Campaign observation and CGPS, to obtain the coordinate and the displacement of the observation point in the time domain. 7. Time series Plotting to remove outlier data. 8. Statistical test 9. Calculation displacement refers to deformation model. 10. Plotting the data processing result using software GMT for the visualization of the observation point displacement. 11. Deformation model correlation analysis due to geothermal activity in Kamojang. For more detail, the research method is shown on flowchart on Figure 1.2 5 Figure 1.2 Flowchart of research methodology 6 1.5 Writing Systematics This undergraduate thesis writing systematics is explained below: CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This chapter explains research background, research question, research objective, research scope, research methodology and undergraduate thesis writing systematics. CHAPTER 2 METHOD AND DATA This chapter explains base theory related to concept of deformation around geothermal site, general overview of Kamojang Geothermal Site, GPS data Characteristics used in this research, and step of data processing including the processing strategy by using GAMIT 10.5 CHAPTER 3 RESULT AND DISCUSSION This chapter explains data processing results and analysis the displacement of GPS observation point which refers to Geothermal activity in Kamojang. CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This chapter explains about the conclusion as the final result based on the research. The suggestion also will be given for the better future research. 7 8 Chapter 2 Data and Method 2.1 Geothermal Deformation Many natural and man-induced processes result in injection and withdrawal of fluids in the Earth’s interior. Both natural and man-made processes cause fluid migration, and the resulting deformation is often so large that it obscures the deformation due to tectonic processes such as plate boundary deformation. Examples of processes involving fluid migration are ground-water extraction, mining, geothermal or hydrocarbon production, naturally occurring fluctuations in geothermal and magmatic systems, or transient post-seismic processes (Keiding et al, 2009). Examples include migration of magmatic fluids at depth, oil and gas recovery, liquid waste disposal, and geothermal energy production. These processes are commonly accompanied by deformation of the host rocks. When such deformation can be detected and monitored, it may provide important insights about the extent, morphology, and dynamics of subsurface fluid reservoirs (Fialko, 2000). It is widely known that geothermal field exploitation can be accompanied by ground deformation (e.g., Wairakei, New Zealand (Allis et al, 1998); Geysers, U.S.A. (Mossop and Segall, 1997)). Since the energy per unit mass of geothermal water is relatively small compared with that from oil or coal, geothermal energy production involves extraction of large volumes of water. A drastic reduction of underground water is partially compensated by a reduction of the volume of the reservoir. Also, fluid extraction cools the reservoir, causing further volume reduction and deformation. There is ample evidence that the effects of reservoir deformation propagate to the ground surface, causing both vertical and horizontal ground displacement. Additionally, the strains caused by the volume decrease of the reservoir may cause slip 9 along faults, leading to activation of seismicity (Narasimhan and Goyal, 1984). Seismicity induced by geothermal fluid extraction has been reported for Geysers, U.S.A. (Eberhart-Phillips and Oppenheimer, 1984) and Coso, U.S.A. (Fialko and Simons, 2000). 2.2 Kamojang Geothermal Field The Kamojang Geothermal Field (KGF) is one of the only a few dry steam reservoirs in the world which have been developed for energy production. It is located in high geothermal terrain in Garut, West Java Indonesia, 1500 m above sea level and about 40 km southeast of Bandung. Figure 2.1 shows the location of Kamojang Geothermal Field. Figure 2.1 Location of Kamojang Geothermal Field. 10 It is the first operational field in Indonesia and has been producing electricity since 1983. The current total capacity of the PLTP is 235MW consisting of PLTP Units 1,2,3. A total of 140 MW is owned & operated by PLN and PLTP Unit 4 of 60 MW and Unit 5 of 35 MW is owned & operated by PT PGE (total project). The surface manifestations, which consist of hot pools, fumaroles, mud pots and hot springs, are located in the Kamojang creature area. From 1983 to 2015, more than 165 million tons of steam have been extracted from the KGF and more than 45 million ton of condensed and river water were injected into the reservoir system. The make-up has been adding continuously to maintain the larger production rate. KGF has enlarger rapidly the amount rate produced from 8 to 13 MT/year while injection and recharge rate to the reservoir has a limited rate between 2 and 2.7 MT/year (Suryadarma et al. 2010). The large production in more than a quarter-century at KGF caused some variation of several deformation phenomena in surface the ground and geothermal reservoir. The deformation phenomena are controlled by production, injection, and natural recharge rate. The GPS monitoring conducted to monitor the deformation phenomena in the geothermal field throughout exploitation. 2.3 Generating GPS Network To perform GPS observations in the Kamojang geothermal field be a frame in the form of benchmark observations and patent sturdy enough to be a campaign GPS observation stations. The development process is done with the initial survey framework determining the location of the planned location of the point - the point benchmark. The location was chosen in this study are the points that are in the public facilities located on the territory Kamojang. Figure 2.2 show the location of GPS network around Kamojang Geothermal Field. 11 Figure 2.2 Location of GPS baseline around Kamojang Geothermal Field. Of predetermined locations, followed by the process of making the monument benchmark. The benchmark has special specifications that have been determined to have a strong foundation and fairly represent the movement of the surface of the soil in the benchmark point. Specifications of the benchmark point constructed as follows: 1. The composition of concrete mix with cement: sand: gravel = 1: 2: 3. 2. peg made of concrete with reinforcement iron P8. 3. Amid still mounted screws with a length of 10 cm and a diameter of 2 cm. 4. The overall height is 150 cm stakes (20 cm above the surface, buried 130 cm). 5. Preparation of excavation for this marker with a depth of 150 cm. because on the basis of sand excavation by 20 cm. From the predetermined specification, can make the design of benchmark that will be generated. Figure 2.3 show the design of the benchmark ` 12 Figure 2.3 Design of Benchmark 2.4 GPS Observation for Geothermal Deformation The main objective of monitoring geothermal activity is to help to predict the geothermal eruption. Besides that, geothermal monitoring can also be useful for hazard mitigation. These objectives can be completed by collecting some data, which are geological data, geophysical data, and geochemical data. There are many methods of geothermal monitoring; one of them is deformation monitoring. Basically, this method’s aim is to get pattern and velocity of surface deformation, either horizontally or vertically. Later on, the data and information of surface deformation are used to show the characteristic of magma activity and the predicted volume of magma that will spread when the eruption happened. Geothermal deformation monitoring can be done with many systems and sensors; one of them is GPS. Based on the implementation method, geothermal deformation monitoring using GPS can be 13 categorized into two types. The first one is the periodic method that used static GPS survey for the certain period of time. This method is based on differential positioning using phase data. The second one is the continuous method, which is used in this research. The concept of continuous method is based on real-time differential positioning using phase data. In this method, the characteristic of geothermal activity can be recognized by understanding the GPS observation points’ coordinate alteration from time to time. The GPS satellites send signals continuously to the receiver installed on the observation point. These signals give information about the position of the satellite and distance from the satellite to receiver alongside with time information, satellite the condition, and other supporting information. These signals consist of three main components. The first one is called code that gives information about the distance from the satellite to the receiver. This component is categorized into two types, which is the P(Y)-code and C/A code. The second one is navigation message that gives information about the position of the satellite. Navigation message consists of satellite clock correction coefficient, orbit parameters, satellite almanac, UTC, ionosphere correction parameters and other information like constellation status and satellite condition. The last one is the carrier wave that categorized into L1 and L2. L1 brings P(Y)-code and C/A-code alongside with navigation message while L2 only brings P(Y)-code alongside with navigation message. Phase from the L1 and L2 signal can be used to determine the distance between the receiver and the satellite. Figure 2.4 shows the process of distance determination from receiver to satellite by using phase data (Abidin, 2007). Figure 2.4 Process of distance determination from receiver to satellite by using phase data (Abidin, 2007). 14 The distance from the receiver to the satellite can be calculated by using equation (1) below. π·ππππ ππ‘ = π × (π + π) (1) Where Drecsat = Distance from receiver to satellite; λ = Wave length; φ = Total of observed phase; N = Cycle ambiguity. The value of cycle ambiguity needs to be determined first in order to make the distance calculated become the precise distance between the receiver and satellite. This precise distance can be used for high accuracy positioning. Basic data obtained from GPS observations is travel time needed (βt) from P-code and C/A-code alongside with carrier phase (φ) from L1 and L2 carrier wave. Carrier range can be calculated with some parameters obtained from GPS observations that are combined to form equation (2) below. πΏπ = π + ππ + ππ‘πππ + πππππ + (ππ‘ − ππ) + ππΆπ − ππ . . ππ + ππΆπ (2) Li = Carrier range; ρ = Geometric distance from receiver to satellite; dρ = Distance error caused by orbit; dtrop = bias caused by troposphere refraction; dioni = bias caused by ionosphere refraction on certain frequency (fi); dt, dT = Errors and offsets from receiver clock and satellite clock; MCi = Multipath effect; λi = Wave length; Ni = Cycle ambiguity; ϑCi = Noise of observations. Positioning method using GPS can be categorized into two types which are the absolute method and differential method. Both of these methods can be done in either static mode or kinematic mode. The absolute method is the basic positioning method of GPS that is usually use pseudorange data. This positioning method can be done at any point without depending on the others. The accuracy of obtained position by using this method really depends on data accuracy level and satellite geometry. This method is not for high accuracy positioning use. On the other hand, the differential method is intended for high accuracy positioning. The differential method determines the position of a point relatively to other points with known coordinates. By reducing (differencing) data observed by two receivers at the same time, some errors of the data can be eliminated and reduced. This process will lead to a high accuracy positioning result. One of the differential methods mainly used in GPS observations is Double Difference (DD) 15 between receivers and satellites. Data obtained from this differential method involved two receivers and two satellites. Equation (3) shows the phase data of Double Difference (DD) between two receivers and two satellites. π π Δ∇πΏππ ππ = βπΏππ − βπΏππ (3) Where Δ∇πΏππ ππ = Phase data of Double Difference (DD) between two receivers and two satellites; βπΏπππ = Carrier range difference between two receivers and satellite 1; βπΏπππ = Carrier range difference between two receivers and satellite 2. Carrier range of each receiver according to the certain satellite is calculated based on equation (2) (Abidin, 2007). This research uses GPS observation from data campaign in 3 epochs (March 5, March 25, and April 15) of observation points around Kamojang Geothermal Field and CGPS POST of PVMBG. The processing method used in this research is the differential method. This method is used to show the local deformation happening around Kamojang Geothermal Field and eliminate the effects of plate tectonics and the major earthquake. 2.5 GPS Observation Data of KGF There are three main data used in this research. The first one is campaign GPS observation data that is obtained from GPS observation in 3 epochs (March 5, 2016; March 25, 2016; and April 15, 2016). The observation data consists of six observation points that are located around Kamojang Geothermal Field. Those stations are KMJ1, KMJ2, KMJ3, KMJ4, KMJ5, and KMJ6. The second one is continuous GPS observation that is obtained from Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (Centre for Geothermallogy and Geological Hazard Mitigation - PVMBG). The station is POST. POST is located in Observation Base of Guntur Volcano in Garut, West Java. Figure 2.5 show the distribute of observation point at KGF and CGPS PVMBG. 16 Figure 2.5 The Location of observation point around Kamojang Geothermal Field and CGPS PVMBG The last one is IGS data that is used as a tie point. There are eight sites used in this research. Those sites are XMIS (Christmas Island), PIMO (Philippines), KARR (Australia), KAT1 (Australia), GUAM (Guam), PNGM (Papua New Guinea), PBRI (India), and DGAV (Diego Garcia Island). These sites are distributed uniformly around Indonesia. All of the data used in this research have a 30 seconds interval of data acquisition. Later, the GPS observation points around Kamojang Geothermal Field and the CGPS PVMBG will be tied to the IGS sites in order to determine their coordinates. The distribution of IGS stations is shown in Figure 2.6 17 Figure 2.6 IGS Stations GPS data that is processed using GAMIT 10.5 also need supporting data to solve bias and error by modeling it. The supporting data are used for ocean tide loading correction, atmospheric tide loading correction, ionosphere correction, orbit correction, satellite clock correction, and information of satellite orbit. These data, used for correction, are included in three main data. The first one is IONEX data that includes ionosphere data in it. The second one is precise ephemeris data (SP3) that includes orbit correction and satellite clock correction data. The last one is navigation data. Navigation data includes information of satellite orbit. 2.6 Deformation Analysis Deformation analysis is the study of the shape changes of an arbitrary body in time. The approach must depend on the desired results and the available measuring devices. The most common approach used is the geodetic method where observation data from different epochs are compared. Based on the body type of observed object, deformation analysis can be categorized into three types. Those three types are (Agnarsson & Dubois, 1993): 18 1. Deformation of static bodies, where the movement vector between two or more epochs is the result of interest. 2. Deformation of kinematic bodies, where the function of body movement is the result of interest. 3. Deformation of dynamic bodies, where the process of deformation that changes from time to time and then returns to its original state afterward is the result of interest. Deformation analysis of any type of deformable body includes two main types, which are geometrical analysis and physical interpretation. The geometrical analysis describes the change in shape and dimensions of the observed object, as well as the rigid body movements of the object (translations and rotations). The main objective of this type of analysis is to determine the displacement and estimating pressure source of the observed object in space and time domains. On the other hand, physical interpretation aims to establish the relationship between the causative factors (loads) and the deformation happened (Chrzanowski et al., 1986). Furthermore, geometrical analysis can be categorized into two types, which are (Chrzanowski & Chen, 1986): 1. Translation analysis, which shows the changes of position from an object. This analysis uses the position difference of an object from time to time. 2. Strain analysis, which shows the changes of position, shape, and dimension from an object. This analysis uses strain data that obtained directly from observations or derived from the displacement of an object. Strain analysis is important in order to analyze the deformation of the object observed with relative geodetic networks that observed points are assumed located on the deformable body. The approaches of strain analysis can be classified into two basic types. Those types are (Chrzanowski et al., 1983): 1. Raw-observation approach, which based on the calculation of the strain components or their rates directly from differences in the repeated observations. 2. Displacement approach, which based on the calculation of the strain components from differences in adjusted coordinates (displacements) of the geodetic points. 19 This research will focus on the static body concepts because of the epoch used in this research are suitable for it. The deformation analysis used in this research is the geometrical analysis that focused on the displacement. The approach for displacement analysis used in this research is the model Mogi, because two periods of time are compared in this research. Kiyoo Mogi (1958) was a Japanese national geothermallogist that said mathematical models to determine the position of a source of pressure both from the magma chamber using Lame constants λ = μ and v = 0.25. Kiyoo Mogi using this equation with the pressure source conditions that are in the semi-elastic space. based models Mogi, the source of deformation is formulated in the equation: ππ = 3πΌ 3 βπ 4π(π 2 +π 2 )1.5 (4) where πΌ is the radius of the sphere which has a hydrostatic pressure, βπ is the change in pressure inside the ball, d is the depth from the surface to the centre of the ball, λ = μ is Lame constants, r is the radial distance to the surface, R is the distance of the centre of pressure to the point benchmark. Figure 2.7 show the illustration of the Mogi’s model. . Figure 2.7 Pressure Change of Hydrostatic. 20 2.7 Data Processing 2.7.1 Data Processing GAMIT 10.5 GAMIT is a package of programs to process phase data to estimate threedimensional relative positions of ground stations and satellite orbits, atmospheric zenith delays, and earth orientation parameters. GAMIT incorporates difference operator algorithms that map the carrier beat phases into singly and doubly differenced phases. These algorithms extract the maximum relative positioning information from the phase data regardless of the number of data outages and take into account the correlations that are introduced in the differencing process. An alternative, mathematically equivalent approach to processing GPS phase data is to use formally the carrier beat phases. By doing this way, the phase offset due to the station and satellite at each epoch must be estimated. GAMIT (program solve) incorporates a weighted least squares algorithm to estimate the relative positions of a set of stations, orbital and Earth rotation parameters, zenith delays, and phase ambiguities by fitting to doubly-differenced phase observations. Because of the non-linear functional model relating the observations and parameters, GAMIT produces two solutions. The first one is used to obtain coordinates within a few decimeters while the second one is used to obtain final estimates. (Herring et al, 2010a). In current practice, the solution resulted from GAMIT is not usually used directly to obtain the final estimates of station positions. GAMIT is used to produce estimates and associated covariance matrix (“quasi observations”) of station positions and (optionally) orbital and Earth rotation parameters which later becomes an input to GLOBK other similar programs to combine the data with those from other networks and times to estimate positions and velocities (Feigl et al., 1993; Dong et al., 1998). GAMIT can process GPS signals automatically by using sh_gamit program. This automatic processing is controlled by some files. Those files are (Herring et al., 2010b): 21 1. Automatic clean command files (autcln.cmd), which is used for cleaning raw Rinex data. 2. Apriori file (.apr), which needs to be good in order to generate a good solution from GAMIT. 3. Ionex files, which is global ionospheric maps of VTEC in the IONEX format (Schaeret al., 1998). 4. Stations coordinate file (L-File), which contains a list of the best available coordinates of the sites occupied during a particular experiment that changed by GAMIT during processing. 5. Navigation file, which includes orbit parameters from satellite’s coordinates in a geocentric system (X, Y, Z). 6. Processing control file (process.defaults), which contains the list of defaults for the GPS analysis includes directory names and some processing control. 7. Session control table (sestbl.), which contains the appropriate option of controlling GPS data analysis and the apriori measurement errors and satellite constraint. 8. Site processing control file (sites.defaults), which contains the list of IGS stations used in processing. 9. Site control table (sittbl.), which is specifying for each site apriori coordinates constraints and atmospheric models. 10. Station information file (, which contains sites hardware information such as the receiver, antenna, and occupation time for each session. 2.7.2 Outlier Removal Observations are normally distributed which means that occasionally, the large random error will occur. The Poor or invalid result will be produced when there are outliers in a dataset although a least squares adjustment has been applied. To get better adjustment calculation, blunder or outlier must be removed (Ghilani & Wolf, 2006). The result from the GPS data processing using GAMIT 10.5 still 22 contains outlier, although it is already free from bias and error. So, it must be removed in order to get a better result. Outliers can be detected manually by combining all-time series result from the observed year into one file. This can be done using sh_glred program. In this research, outliers are manually removed from the tsview program in MATLAB by applying the statistical test. By using the 95% confidence level (2σ), the data which value are outside the minimum and maximum boundary of the statistical test will be considered as outliers and will be removed. Figure 2.9 below shows the probability density curve with 95% confidence level. Figure 2.8 Location of earthquake epicenter affecting GPS stations 2.7.3 Referencing Campaign Observation Point to CGPS Topocentric coordinates of GPS observation points around Geothermal Field are plotted in the form of time series plotting to see the displacement of those points. Unfortunately, topocentric coordinates resulted from GPS data processing using GAMIT 10.5 still affected by block motion, specifically the Sundaland block motion. The Sundaland block covers a large part of present-day Southeast Asia that includes Indochina (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam), Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Java, and the shallow seas located in between (Sunda shelf). It is mostly surrounded by highly active subduction zones, in which (clockwise from east to the west) the adjacent Philippine, Australian, and Indian plates submerge. To the north, Sundaland is bounded by the south-eastern 23 part of 20 the India-Eurasia collision zone and the South China (Yantze) block (Simons et al., 2007). Thus, in order to get the displacement values affected by only the activity of Geothermal Field or local displacement, the topocentric coordinates of GPS observation points around Geothermal Field are subtracted with the topocentric coordinates of CGPS PVMBG (POST). POST are located relatively far from Kamojang Geothermal Field, which means that these two points are not affected by Guntur Volcano’s activity. In other words, these two points only affected by block motion and the 2012 Sumatra earthquake effect. So, by subtracting the topocentric coordinates of GPS observation points around geothermal field with the topocentric coordinates of CGPS BIG, the effect of block motion and the 2012 Sumatra earthquake can be removed. The reason behind this process is the importance of local displacement that can be helpful in understanding Geothermal Field’s activity to the displacement of GPS observation points around it. Equation (5) and (6) below show the process of referencing observation points to CGPS BIG. ππππ₯ = ππππ − ππΆπΊππ (5) 2 2 ππ‘π·ππ£ππππ₯ = √ππ‘π·ππ£ππππ + ππ‘π·ππ£ππΆπΊππ (6) Where ππππ₯ = Northing component of observation point relative to CGPS BIG; ππππ = Northing component of observation point; ππΆπΊππ = Northing component of CGPS BIG; ππ‘π·ππ£ππππ₯ = Northing component’s standard deviation of observation point relative to CGPS BIG; ππ‘π·ππ£ππππ = Northing component’s standard deviation of observation point; ππ‘π·ππ£ππΆπΊππ = Northing component’s standard deviation of CGPS BIG. Equation (4) and (5) are also applied to the calculation of Easting and Up component. 2.7.4 Displacement Calculation Displacement calculation can be done after observation points are fixed to POST. First, calculate the mean value of Northing, Easting, and Up component alongside with their standard deviation. According to the least-square principle, 24 the mean value is the most probable value. After that, displacement calculation can be done by using equation (6) and (7). ππππ π = ππππ π‘ − πππππ π‘ (7) 2 2 ππ‘π·ππ£ππππ π = √ππ‘π·ππ£ππππ π‘ + ππ‘π·ππ£πππππ π‘ (8) Where ππππ π = Northing component displacement of observation point; ππππ π‘ = Mean of observation point’s Northing component on last 10 days; πππππ π‘ = Mean of observation point’s Northing component on first 10 days; ππ‘π·ππ£ππππ π = Northing component displacement’s standard deviation of observation point; ππ‘π·ππ£ππππ π‘ = Mean of Northing component’s standard deviation on last 10 days; ππ‘π·ππ£πππππ π‘ = Mean of Northing component’s standard deviation on first 10 days. Equation (7) and (8) are applied to the calculation of Easting and Northing component. 2.7.5 Statistical Test The statistical test is done to show the significant displacement that later will be used to comparison the displacement by observation with the displacement by model. This significant movement can be helpful in understanding deformation happening in Geothermal Field. The statistical test used in this research is the tstudent test. This test shows the relation between mean values of the population with mean values of the sample based on the number of redundancies in the sample set. This test used to degrade the confidence level of mean values of the population that has relatively small sample set (Wolf & Ghilani, 1997). The vector resultant of the displacement and its standard deviation become the input for the t-student test. The confidence level used is 95% with α = 0.05 while the t-value used in this test is 12.71. Equation (9) and (10) below show the vector resultant of the displacement calculation and the resultant of displacement’s standard deviation. ππ = √ππ 2 + ππ2 (9) 25 ππ‘πππ = √ππ 2 + ππ 2 (10) Where ππ = Vector resultant of displacement; ππ = Displacement in East-West direction; ππ = Displacement in North-South direction; ππ‘πππ = Resultant of displacement’s standard deviation; ππ = Standard deviation of East-West component; ππ = Standard deviation of North-South component. Null hypothesis (ππ = 0) in this test means that the displacement was not significant while the alternative hypothesis (ππ ≠ 0) means that the displacement was significant. (Arman, 2015). The test used in this research shown in Equation (11). π‘= ππ ππ‘πππ (11) The null hypothesis will be rejected if the t values are bigger than the t-condition value that will be explained by equation (12) below. π‘ > π‘π£,π⁄2 (12) In the equation above, v is the degree of freedom that can be obtained by the equation (13) below. π£ = ππ’ππππ ππ πππ πππ£ππ‘πππ − ππ’ππππ ππ πππππππ‘πππ 26 (13) Chapter 3 Result and Discussion 3.1 Establishment of GPS Network Generating GPS network held on March 4th, 2016. There are six sites location of GPS Network, the location of each campaign observation in the public place around Kamojang Geothermal Field. There is some restricted area from the geothermal company in Kamojang limited the process of establishing GPS Network. From the six points that have been constructed, necessary for the development of distribution point locations to represent the dynamics of the surface of Kamojang Geothermal Field. Process generating GPS baseline Kamojang show in Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1 Process generating benchmark 27 GPS network that have been generated will be used for GPS observation in 3 epochs (March 5th, March 25th, and April 15th). 3.2 GPS Data Processing Result Using GAMIT 10.5 The result of GPS data processing using GAMIT 10.5 is a list of coordinates of GPS observation points including its standard deviation value and displacement of the GPS observation points referred to ITRF 2008. The coordinates generated are geocentric and geodetic. Meanwhile, the displacement referred to ITRF 2008 expressed in the form of topocentric coordinates. The example of time series file (.pos) can be seen in Figure 3.2 below. Figure 3.2 Time series file (.pos) of KMJ1 station. The list of coordinates of GPS observation points around Geothermal Field and CGPS BIG derived from the data processing using GAMIT 10.5 can be seen in Table 3.1. Meanwhile, the standard deviation of topocentric coordinates resulted from the data processing are listed in Table 3.2. Table 3.1 List of GPS observation points’ coordinate. STATIONS POST KMJ1 KMJ2 KMJ3 KMJ4 KMJ5 KMJ6 28 X(m) -1941159.271 -1934100.042 -1934250.493 -1934114.199 -1933999.425 -1933690.278 -1933863.376 Y(m) 6024021.303 6027617.733 6027609.255 6027740.451 6027670.000 6028072.769 6027753.261 Z(m) -794045.766 -789084.831 -788834.691 -788231.518 -788934.159 -786807.839 -788624.838 ΙΈ(Λ) -7.19867 -7.15274 -7.15046 -7.14495 -7.15137 -7.13197 -7.14855 λ(Λ) 107.86083 107.79003 107.79135 107.78981 107.78902 107.78524 107.78762 h(m) 866.792 1500.03 1506.501 1514.081 1500.161 1522.642 1499.084 Table 3.2 Standard deviation of topocentric coordinates. STATIONS Std Dn(mm) Std De(mm) Std Du(mm) POST KMJ1 KMJ2 KMJ3 KMJ4 KMJ5 KMJ6 5.57 4.47 4.36 3.92 4.34 7.14 3.65 6.91 5.44 5.62 4.87 5.54 8.50 4.68 27.27 19.30 19.97 15.97 18.44 47.09 14.50 The coordinates listed on Table 3.1 are the mean value of daily observations in each GPS observation points from epoch 1 to 3 (March 5, March 25, and April 15). This is done according to the least square principle that state mean value is the most probable value. As we can see in Table 3.2, the mean standard deviation of each point is less than or equal to 50 mm. The minimum standard deviation value is around 3.65 mm while the maximum standard deviation value is around 47.09 mm. This means that the results have accuracy level for about five centimeters, which is important to deliver better results of displacement. 3.3 Time Series Plotting Time series were generated by GAMIT software by combining each epoch data. The time series that generated in this research were combined result from March 5th, March 25 th, and April 15 th. The time series of topocentric coordinates can be plotted after the precise coordinates of observation points and CGPS PVMBG obtained. The coordinate was referred to ITRF 2008 and was still affected by Sundaland Block Movement. The movement of KMJ1 station was moving to south-east direction. The movement of KMJ2 station was moving to north-east direction. The movement of KMJ3 station was moving to north-east direction. The Time series of campaign observation point KMJ1, KMJ2, and KMJ3 will show Figure 3.3, Figure 3.4, and Figure 3.5. For CGPS PVMBG POST show in Figure 3.6 by blue dot. 29 Figure 3.3 KMJ1 time series. Figure 3.4 KMJ2 time series . Figure 3.5 KMJ3 time series. 30 Figure 3.6 POST time series. POST was continuous GPS station placed at observation base of Guntur Volcano. The movement of POST station was the north-east direction. Another time series of each station were enclosed in appendix A. 3.4 Referencing Campaign Observation Points to CGPS As mentioned before, the displacement resulted from the calculation must be unaffected by any block motion or earthquake effect. The block motion that mainly affects the GPS observation points’ movement is the Sundaland block motion because the GPS observation points are located in Sundaland block boundaries. As for the earthquake, the most possible earthquake that can affect the movement of GPS observation points is the Indian ocean on 6th April 2016. The effect from block motion and earthquake can be removed by assigning CGPS PVMBG as the reference. By subtracting the GPS observation points’ displacement with CGPS PVMBG’s displacement, it will be resulting in the local displacement of GPS observation points which is unaffected by any block motion and earthquake effect. CGPS PVMBG stations used in this research is POST. Table 3.3 shows the referencing result relative to POST station. 31 Table 3.3 Referencing result relative to POST. Stations Northing(m) Easting(m) Std Northing(m) Std Easting(m) KMJ1 -0.00133 -0.00012 0.00624 0.00863 KMJ2 -0.00558 0.00768 0.00622 0.0088 KMJ3 0.00580 -0.01390 0.00574 0.00807 KMJ4 0.00021 -0.00485 0.00643 0.00914 KMJ5 0.00681 0.00089 0.00921 0.00688 KMJ6 0.00178 -0.00022 0.00553 0.00791 Based on the displacement refers to POST, it is clearly seen that the magnitude of displacement that refers to the CGPS BIG, also known as local displacement, is smaller than the global displacement plotting that refers to ITRF 2008. Besides that, the displacement patterns in local displacement plotting are more obvious than in global displacement plotting. This local displacement is representing the displacement that occurs around the geothermal field whether it is because the geothermal activity or tectonic activity around the area. 3.5 Displacement Calculation Result The trend of displacement can be determined by doing the analysis of each component from the observation point. Each component of the displacement of five observation points is plotted together in order to help analyzing trend of the displacement. Figure 3.7 and Figure 3.8 respectively show the displacement plotting of six observed points as sequence’s in North-South component and East-West component. 32 Figure 3.7 Displacement plotting of North-South Component. Figure 3.8 Displacement plotting of East-West component. 33 Based on time series plotting, there is some trend from each observation point. The displacement of KMJ1 and KMJ5 is moving to south-east direction, and KMJ2, KMJ3, KMJ4, and KMJ6 displacement direction is moving to north-east direction. From Table 3.3 above have shown displacement calculation results. We could see the quality of the data from the observation has a big value of RMS. The quality of data from an observation can be seen from its RMS value. The smaller the RMS value at an observation that shows better quality than observations that have large RMS value. RMS value most in getting from point KMJ5. If we see from KMJ5 location which is right alongside a highway of Kamojang, while the area frequently traveled by vehicles from that have small to large size. This can affect the quality factor data from observations on that point. In addition to the effects of multipath, the location of KMJ5 is not large enough, the situation of KMJ5 surrounded by tall pine tree bark, it could distract the signal of the satellite to the receiver as we known as multipath effect. Figure 3.9 will show the situation around KMJ5 site. Figure 3.9 The situation around KMJ5 site. we could plot the displacement of each campaign observation point with GMT software. Figure 3.10 respectively show the displacement value direction of each campaign observation point. 34 Figure 3.10 Displacement of observed pint. 3.6 Statistical Test The statistical test used in this research is the t-students statistical test with 95% confidence level and t-condition value of 12.71. The main objective of this test is to see whether the displacement is significant enough to cause deformation on Geothermal Field. This test was done by applying Equation (5) until Equation (9). Based on the test results, the t-value of all displacements of GPS observation points are lower than their t-condition value, which means that all of the displacement values tested passed the test. It can be concluded that the displacement values are not significant enough to cause deformation on Geothermal Field. The results of the tstudent test on the result of this research respectively shown in Table 3.4. 35 Table 3.4 t-students statistical test result of the displacement values. Stations Northing(m) Easting(m) KMJ1 -0.00133 -0.00012 Std Northing(m) 0.00624 Std Easting(m) 0.00863 KMJ2 -0.00558 0.00768 0.00622 0.0088 KMJ3 0.00580 -0.01390 0.00574 0.00807 KMJ4 0.00021 -0.00485 0.00643 0.00914 t-students t-value Status 0.125394 Ho qualify 0.8809240 12.71 12.71 1.5208828 12.71 Ho qualify Ho qualify 0.4344043 12.71 Ho qualify Ho qualify Ho qualify KMJ5 0.00681 0.00089 0.00921 0.00688 0.5974163 12.71 KMJ6 0.00178 -0.00022 0.00553 0.00791 0.1858330 12.71 Although the results are not significant, of the patterns that can be used in the attempted viewed displacement. As the displacement is not significant for all observation, the vector of displacement can be plotted. Figure 3.11 below respectively show the displacement with its errors, which symbolized by size of the circle at the end of black arrow. Figure 3.11 Displacement vector of Campaign observed point. 36 3.7 Deformation Analysis The direction of the shift observation points indicates a direction that is different, but the direction is mostly form the trend direction is toward the east. Using Mogi model calculations, determine the effects on the pressure changes magmatic resources of Kamojang geothermal Field. The equation of horizontal displacement of Mogi model show in equation (4). ππ = 3πΌ 3 βπ 4π(π 2 +π 2 )1.5 (4) ππ = πππ πππππππππ‘ π£πππ’π ππ βππππ§πππ‘ππ π = π βπππ ππππ’ππ’π βπ = πππππ π π’ππ πβππππ ππ πππππ π π’ππ π ππ’πππ πΌ = πππππ’π ππ πππππ π π’ππ π ππ’πππ π πβπππ′π π = ππππ‘β ππππ π‘βπ π π’πππππ π‘π ππππ‘ππ ππ π‘βπ π πβπππ π = ππππππ πππ π‘ππππ The Subsurface model of Kamojang Geothermal Field is show in Figure 3.12 (PT. LAPI, 2012). Figure 3.12 MT model of Kamojang Geothermal Field. (PT. LAPI, 2012). 37 Based on Magnetotellurics (MT) model of Kamojang Geothermal Fields, the Location of pressure source of Kamojang Geothermal field is divided into two sides (west and east reservoir). For east reservoir is predicting in east of pangkalan complex and south of Mt. Kamojang, 1.75 km from Surface with radius of pressure source sphere is 0.5 km and west reservoir is predicting in west pangkalan complex, 2 km from surface with radius of preassure source sphere is 0.5 km (PT. LAPI, 2012). From the equation we can find the change pressure of the heat source by fitting displacement observation with displacement by model. We assume the shear modulus Kamojang Area is π = 30 G. The location of the east and west reservoir is shown in Figure 3.13 by black Star symbol. Figure 3.13 Location of reservoir. The displacement of each observation point is move on radial direction from the heat source position. Correlation of displacement observation and model Mogi displacement show in Figure 3.14 and Table 3.5 for the east reservoir and in Figure 3.15 and Table 3.6 for the west reservoir. 38 Table 3.5 Displacement by the model Mogi of the observed points with change of pressure (a) variance for east reservoir. Radial Station Disp(obs) Distance(r) km KMJ3 KMJ2 KMJ6 KMJ4 KMJ1 KMJ5 0.01506 0.00949 0.00279 0.00485 0.00154 0.00687 1.47 1.55 1.78 1.83 1.87 2.26 delta P (Mpa) 25 0.00962 0.00948 0.00894 0.00881 0.00870 0.00756 displacement (cal) delta P delta P (Mpa) (Mpa) 20 15 0.00770 0.00577 0.00758 0.00569 0.00715 0.00536 0.00705 0.00528 0.00696 0.00522 0.00605 0.00454 delta P (Mpa) 10 0.00385 0.00379 0.00358 0.00352 0.00348 0.00302 25 0.01 25 0.016 KMJ3 0.014 Displacement (m) 0.012 0.010 KMJ2 20 0.00 19 0.008 15 0.006 0.00 87 KMJ5 KMJ4 0.004 0.01 94 10 KMJ6 0.002 KMJ1 0.000 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 Radial Distance of observation point to heat source (Km) Disp(obs) 25 20 15 10 2.3 0.0000 0.0150 0.0300 Residual Figure 3.14 Change of pressure and residual variance chart east reservoir. 39 Table 3.6 Displacement by the model Mogi of the observed points with change of pressure (a) variance for west reservoir. Radial Station Disp(obs) Distance(r) km KMJ6 KMJ4 KMJ1 KMJ2 KMJ3 KMJ5 0.00279 0.00485 0.00154 0.00949 0.01506 0.00687 delta P (Mpa) 25 0.00993 0.00999 0.00997 0.00984 0.00977 0.00813 1.27 1.35 1.52 1.65 1.7 2.42 displacement (cal) delta P delta P (Mpa) (Mpa) 20 15 0.00794 0.00596 0.00799 0.00599 0.00798 0.00598 0.00787 0.00591 0.00782 0.00586 0.00651 0.00488 delta P (Mpa) 10 0.00397 0.00400 0.00399 0.00394 0.00391 0.00325 0.016 KMJ3 0.014 0.012 0.01 70 Displacement (m) 25 0.010 KMJ2 20 0.00 55 15 0.00 60 0.008 0.006 KMJ5 KMJ4 0.004 0.01 75 10 KMJ6 0.002 KMJ1 0.000 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 Radial Distance of observation point to heat source (Km) Disp(obs) 25 20 15 10 2.4 0.0000 0.0150 0.0300 Residual Figure 3.15 Change of pressure and residual variance chart west reservoir. 40 From those step, we could have best fit for change pressure of reservoir by listing the residual of each correlation model in Table 3.7 for the east reservoir and in Table 3.8 for the west reservoir. Table 3.7 Residual of change pressure in east reservoir. residual Station delta P(Mpa) delta P(Mpa) delta P(Mpa) delta P(Mpa) 25 20 15 10 KMJ3 0.0054 0.0074 0.0093 0.0112 KMJ2 0.0000 0.0019 0.0038 0.0057 KMJ6 -0.0061 -0.0044 -0.0026 -0.0008 KMJ4 -0.0040 -0.0022 -0.0004 0.0013 KMJ1 -0.0072 -0.0054 -0.0037 -0.0019 KMJ5 -0.0007 0.0008 0.0023 0.0038 total residual 0.0125 0.0019 0.0087 0.0194 Table 3.8 Residual of change pressure in west reservoir. Station KMJ6 KMJ4 KMJ1 KMJ2 KMJ3 KMJ5 total residual delta P(Mpa) 25 -0.0071 -0.0051 -0.0084 -0.0004 0.0053 -0.0013 0.0170 Residual delta P(Mpa) delta P(Mpa) 20 15 -0.0052 -0.0032 -0.0031 -0.0011 -0.0064 -0.0044 0.0016 0.0036 0.0072 0.0092 0.0004 0.0020 0.0055 0.0060 delta P(Mpa) 10 -0.0012 0.0009 -0.0025 0.0056 0.0112 0.0036 0.0175 The best fit for value of pressure change in the reservoir is choose from the closest residual value to the 0. From the table 4.3 is show 20 Mpa is the minimum value of the residual, so the best fit value of pressure change in the east reservoir is 20 Mpa. From the table 4.4 is show 20 Mpa is the minimum value of the residual, so the best fit value of pressure change in the west reservoir is 20 Mpa. From the two reservoir source give displacement to difference direction for each point observed. The displacement model due to east reservoir is show in Figure 3.16 and the displacement model due to west reservoir is show in Figure 3.17 41 Figure 3.16 Displacement model of east reservoir. Figure 3.17 Displacement model of west reservoir. 42 The displacement by model of each observed campaign is the resultant displacement from two reservoir source. Determine the resultant vector can decipher each vector into its component e and n for each reservoir. By completing each component, then the resultant is made by Pythagoras theorem. The resultant displacement model by two reservoirs is show in Table 3.9 Table 3.9 Displacement model resultant. Station KMJ1 KMJ2 KMJ3 KMJ4 KMJ5 KMJ6 dn -0.00489 -0.00433 0.00151 -0.00343 0.00761 -0.00029 de 0.00204 -0.00026 -0.00320 0.00179 -0.00273 0.00065 d resultant 0.00530 0.00433 0.00354 0.00387 0.00808 0.00071 The Resultant Displacement by model is plot by red arrow with the Displacement by the observation by black arrow is show in Figure 3.16. Figure 3.18 Displacement by model and observation. 43 The direction indicates the direction of the second displacement is relatively the same at some point observed. But need to realize that the duration of the observations made and the restrictions assumptions still to be developed in the future to obtain a more optimal result to justify the phenomenon of deformation. 44 Chapter 4 Conclusion and Recommendation 4.1 Conclusion It had been stated in Chapter 1 that the research objectives are determining the formation of GPS baseline, displacement, and the deformation analysis. According to the results and analysis from the previous chapter, these are the conclusion of the research: 1. The Formation of GPS network was established for six station observation point around Kamojang. The distribution of the GPS baseline in the area of research has not been able to represent the deformation characteristics of Kamojang area thoroughly. Additional GPS sites are needed in the western part of Kamojang. 2. The Displacement of observed points is 0.1 mm ± 10 mm to 13 mm ± 12 mm based on GPS observation in 3 epochs (March 5th to April 15th). The quality of observation data is still affected by an error that caused the disruption of GPS signals. 3. The depth of east reservoir is at 1.75 Km from the surface with radius of pressure is 0.5 Km and 20 Mpa of pressure change. The depth of west reservoir is at 2 Km from the surface with radius of pressure is 0.5 Km and 20 Mpa of pressure change. The east reservoir is more active than west reservoir due to resultant displacement from both reservoirs. Although the quality of displacement is still very low but in general the displacement patterns indicate the outward direction from the pressure source. 4. The duration of the observations made has not been able to determine to capture the signal deformation caused by the activity of Kamojang geothermal field. More GPS observation is needed to estimate the displacement. 45 4.2 Recommendation Due to the limited of the number of the station used and study, this research might not as well represent the deformation phenomena in Kamojang Geothermal Field, Indonesia. The geothermal area is well known has a unique geodynamics. Future research could generate more station with even distribution in Kamojang geothermal area to be observed so that it could get the more representative result of deformation in Kamojang geothermal Field. It is also needed to improve by combining campaign stations with CGPS that placed in Kamojang Area in order to monitor the dynamics in the region continuously and can be a reference point in its processing of GPS data. This research also still contained lack of software improvement. GAMIT 10.5 is very useful software to process GPS data and getting its displacement. 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Toronto: John Wiley & Sons. 49 Appendix A: Time Series Plotting A.1 Time Series Plotting KMJ1 KMJ2 I KMJ3 KMJ4 II KMJ5 KMJ6 III POST IV Appendix B: MATLAB Script clc; close all; clear all; format long g; filename = 'cpklpost.xlsx'; %reading pos file pos = xlsread(filename); for i=1:length(pos(:,1)) nX(i,1)=pos(i,5) nY(i,1)=pos(i,6) nZ(i,1)=pos(i,7) end geoc=[nX nY nZ nStd]; %transforming to geodetic coordinates a=6378137.0; b=6356752.314245; e2=(a^2-b^2)/a^2; ei2=(a^2-b^2)/b^2; for i=1:length(nX) P(i,1)=sqrt(nX(i)^2+nY(i)^2); tt(i,1)=atan2(nZ(i)*a,P(i)*b); phi(i,1)=rad2deg(atan2(nZ(i)+ei2*b*(sin(tt(i)))^3,P(i)-e2*a*(cos(tt(i))^3))); lam(i,1)=rad2deg(atan2(nY(i),nX(i))); No(i,1)=a/sqrt((1-e2*(sind(phi(i)))^2)); h(i,1)=(P(i)/cosd(phi(i)))-No(i); end geod=[phi lam h]; %transforming to topocentric coordinates L=mean(phi); B=mean(lam); H=mean(h); geodmean=[L B H]; for i=1:length(phi) N(i,1)=-sind(L)*cosd(B)*(nX(i)-mean(nX))-sind(L)*sind(B)*(nY(i)-mean(nY))+cosd(L)*(nZ(i)mean(nZ)); E(i,1)=-sind(B)*(nX(i)-mean(nX))+cosd(B)*(nY(i)-mean(nY)); U(i,1)=cosd(L)*cosd(B)*(nX(i)-mean(nX))+cosd(L)*sind(B)*(nY(i)-mean(nY))-sind(L)*(nZ(i)mean(nZ)); stdN(i,1)=sqrt((sind(L)*cosd(B)*geoc(i,4))^2+(sind(L)*sind(B)*geoc(i,5))^2+(cosd(L)*geoc(i,6))^2); stdE(i,1)=sqrt((sind(B)*geoc(i,4))^2+(cosd(B)*geoc(i,5))^2); stdU(i,1)=sqrt((cosd(L)*cosd(B)*geoc(i,4))^2+(cosd(L)*sind(B)*geoc(i,5))^2+(sind(L)*geoc(i,6))^2) ; end topo=[N E U stdN stdE stdU]; V coor=[pos(:,1) topo]; subplot(3,1,1) plot (coor(:,1),coor(:,2),'.b') hold on axis([2010 2016 -0.1 0.1]) xlabel('Time (year)') ylabel('North-South (m)') subplot(3,1,2) plot(coor(:,1),coor(:,3),'.b') hold on axis([2010 2016 -0.1 0.1]) xlabel('Time (year)') ylabel('East-West (m)') subplot(3,1,3) plot(coor(:,1),coor(:,4),'.b') hold on axis([2010 2016 -0.3 0.3]) xlabel('Time (year)') ylabel('Up-Down(m)') %outlier removal dN=detrend(N);dE=detrend(E);dU=detrend(U); aveN=mean(dN);aveE=mean(dE);aveU=mean(dU); stdNm=std(dN);stdEm=std(dE);stdUm=std(dU); baN=aveN+2*stdNm;bbN=aveN-2*stdNm; baE=aveE+2*stdEm;bbE=aveE-2*stdEm; baU=aveU+2*stdUm;bbU=aveU-2*stdUm; o=0; for i=1:length(N) if dE(i)>baE || dE(i)<bbE dE(i,2)=1; end if dN(i)>baN || dN(i)<bbN dN(i,2)=1; end if dU(i)>baU || dU(i)<bbU dU(i,2)=1; end end q=dE(:,2)+dN(:,2)+dU(:,2); for i=1:length(dE) if q(i-o,1)>0 q(i-o,:)=[]; coor(i-o,:)=[]; o=o+1; end end save(['CLN',num2str(filename),'.txt'],'coor','-ascii','-double') VI