Coturnix- coturnix Japonica

Peran Faktor Virulen Escherichia coli Isolat Asal Burung Puyuh (Coturnixcoturnix Japonica) Terhadap Daya Imunitas Seluler Makrofag
Riya Ulfa Diana
Salah satu ternak yang mampu menghasilkan produksi protein hewani
tinggi dalam waktu relatif singkat adalah unggas. Unggas rentan terhadap infeksi
bakteri patogen yang ada disaluran pencernaan seperti Escherichia coli terutama
Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) yang menyebabkan kerugian besar
bagi industri perunggasan di seluruh dunia. Penelitian ini mengkaji keberadaan
Escherichia coli pada
puyuh melalui karakterisasi serta analisis sifat
patogenesitas terhadap kemampuan sistem imunitas seluler makrofag dengan uji
in vitro.
Isolat Escherichia coli berasal dari puyuh sakit (panoptalmitis, sinusitis,
perikarditis, airsakulitis, asites, diare). Untuk meneguhkan diagnosa adanya
infeksi Escherichia coli dilakukan identifikasi bakteri berdasarkan karakteristik
pertumbuhan dalam media MCA, KIA, SMAC, Plat Agar Darah (PAD), uji
aglutinasi dan uji imunitas seluler dengan sel makrofag peritoneum mencit.
Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi dari 62 spesimen burung puyuh
menunjukkan bahwa 24 isolat positif Escherichia coli berdasarkan MacConkey
Agar (MCA), Kligler’s Iron Agar (KIA), Sorbitol MacConkey Agar (SMAC).
Hasil uji hemolisis pada PAD dapat diamati α-hemolisis (79%) dan β-hemolisis
(21%). Uji hemaglutinasi terhadap darah kelinci, ayam dan domba berturut-turut
menunjukkan hasil 25%; 42% dan 42%. Uji fagositosis makrofag terhadap
coli menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata sel makrofag mampu
memfagositosis Escherichia coli 14 bakteri/sel.
Kata kunci : Escherichia coli, faktor virulen, fagositosis, makrofag
The Role of Virulence Factor of Escherichia coli isolated from Quail
(Coturnix-coturnix Japonica) to Macrophage Cellular Immunity
Riya Ulfa Diana
The poultry including quail are able to produce protein in a relatively short
time. Poultry are susceptible to bacterial infection caused by gastrointestinal
pathogens such as Escherichia coli espescially Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli
(APEC) which has caused big loss for the poultry industries around the world.
This study aimed to analyze the existence of Escherichia coli in quail by
characterizing of the patogenicity nature toward the macrophage cellular
immunity with in vitro assay.
Escherichia coli isolated from quail with clinical sign such as
phanoptalmitis, sinusitis, pericarditis, airsaculitis, asites, and diarrhoea. The
identification of Escherichia coli based on the characteristics of growth in media
MCA, KIA, SMAC, Blood Agar Plate, hemagglutination test, and a test of
cellular immunity assay by using peritoneal macrophage cells of mice.
Based on identification of a total of 62 samples from quail, cred be
identified 24 possitive. Escherichia coli, based on the growth of the bacteria on
the MacConkey Agar (MCA), Kligler’s Iron Agar (KIA), Sorbitol MacConkey
Agar (SMAC). The growth of Escherichia coli on the sheep blo0d agar result ɤhaemolysis (79%) and β-haemolysis (21%). Hemagglutination reaction of
Escherichia coli to the blood of rabbits, chickens and sheep are 25%; 42% and
42%. Escherichia coli could be phagocytosed by macrophage cells with the
average of 14 bacteria/cell.
Keywords : Escherichia coli, virulance factor, phagocytose, macrophages