PENYUSUNAN MODUL PENGAYAAN KEANEKARAGAMAN IKAN DI PANTAI DRINI BAGI SISWA SMA KELAS X ENRIHMENT MODUL ARRANGEMENT OF FISH IN PANTAI DRINI FOR X CLASS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT OLEH: Akbar Edo Prasetyo, Pendidikan Biologi/Pendidikan biologi Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta ([email protected]) Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman ikan hasil tangkapan nelayan di pantai Drini, dan potensi pantai Drini sebagai sumber belajar yang dikemas dalam bahan ajar berbentuk modul pembelajaran pada materi keanekaragaman hayati sehingga dapat diketahui kualitas modul. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua macam penelitian yaitu, penelitian Deskriptif dan penelitian pengembangan. Penelitian deskriptif dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi keanekaragaman ikan pantai Drini. Penelitian pengembangan melakukan pengembangan bahan ajar berbentuk modul, dengan ADDIE Model, namun dalam penelitian ini penyusunan modul hanya melalui tiga tahap Analysis, Design and Development (ADD) saja. Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar observasi dan lembar penilaian kualitas modul. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di pantai Drini terdapat 26 jenis ikan dari 19 famili, 8 ordo dan 2 kelas yang berbeda. Telah tersusun modul pengayaan materi keanekaragaman ikan di pantai Drini. Kualitas modul ditinjau dari aspek kelayakan isi/materi, aspek kebahasaan, aspek penyajian dan aspek kegrafikaan sudah memenuhi kriteria bahan ajar dengan hasil baik. Kata kunci: Modul Pengayaan, Keanekaragaman Jenis Ikan, Sumber belajar, Bahan Ajar Abstract This study aims to determine the diversity of the fish caught fishing in the pantai Drini, and its potential as a learning resour pantai Drini packaged in modular enrihment teaching materials on biodiversity so that the material can know the quality of the module.This study consists of two kinds, namely study, descriptive research and research development. Descriptive study was conducted to identify the diversity of fish in the pantai drini. Development research to develop modular teaching materials, the ADDIE model, but in this study the preparation of the module only through the three stages of Analysis, Design and Development (ADD) only.The research instrument in the form of observation sheet and sheet quality assessment module. The results showed that in the pantai Drini are 26 species of fish from 19 families, 8 orders and 2 different classes. Module has been structured learning materials fish diversity in the pantai Drini. Quality modules that have been compiled in terms of the feasibility aspect the content/material, linguistic aspects, presentation aspects and graph aspects meets the criteria of teaching laterials with good results. Keywords: Enrihment Module, Fish Species Diversity, Learning resources, Instructional Materials