THE STUDY OF TURMERIC, GARLIC AND ZINC EFFECT ON THE VISCERAL ORGANS WEIGHT PERCENTAGE, VILLOUS SURFACE AREA AND MUCOSAL SURFACE AREA OF BROILER (Pemberian Serbuk Kunyit, Serbuk Bawang Putih dan Mineral Zink Terhadap Bobot Organ Dalam, Luas Permukaan Vili dan Luas Permukaan Mukosa Ayam Broiler) Purwanti, S1, R.Mutia2, S.D. Widyhari3, W. Winarsih3 ABSTRAK Penelitian dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh dari pemberian kunyit (1,5%), bawang putih (2,5%) dan mineral zink dalam bentuk ZnO (120 ppm) terhadap bobot organ dalam, luas permukaan vili dan luas permukaan mukosa ayam broiler. Kunyit dan bawang putih dibuat dalam bentuk serbuk. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis statistik dengan mengggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan dan setiap perlakuan terdiri atas 5 ekor. Pakan yang disusun mengandung 23,5% protein kasar dan 3.215,04 kkal/kg Energi Metabolisme. Ransum perlakuan R0 (ransum basal atau kontrol), R1 (ransum basal + serbuk kunyit 1,5% + serbuk bawang putih 2,5%), R2 (ransum basal + serbuk bawang putih 2,5% + mineral ZnO 120 ppm), R3 (ransum basal + serbuk kunyit 1,5% + mineral ZnO 120 ppm), dan R4 (ransum basal + serbuk kunyit 1,5% + serbuk bawang putih 2,5% + mineral ZnO 120 ppm). Pakan dan air minum diberikan ad libitum. Pemeliharaan dilakukan selama 35 hari untuk data bobot organ dalam, luas permukaan vili dan luas permukaan mukosa. Untuk pengamatan diambil sebanyak 3 ekor untuk setiap unit percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua perlakuan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (P>0,05) terhadap bobot organ dalam (hati, jantung, rempela, pankreas, limpa, empedu dan ginjal) kecuali pada usus dan seka (P<0,05), juga tidak signifikan (P>0,05) terhadap luas permukaan vili dan luas permukaan mukosa ayam broiler. Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa ayam broiler (0-35 hari) masih mampu mentoleransi pemberian kombinasi kunyit (1,5%), bawang putih (2,5%) dengan mineral zink (120 ppm) terlihat pada bobot organ dalam, luas permukaan villi dan luas permukaan mukosa yang masih dalam kondisi normal. Kata kunci : kunyit, bawang putih, zink, organ dalam, luas permukaan vili, luas permukaan mukosa ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted to study of turmeric (1.5%), garlic (2.5%) and ZnO (120 ppm) effect in the diets on visceral organs weight percentage, villous surface area and mucosal surface area of broiler. Turmeric and garlic were offered in powder form. The data were analyzed by a Completely Randomized Design with 5 treatments and 4 replications and 5 chicks in each replicate. Diets were formulated to contain 23.5 % crude protein (CP) and 3 215.04 kcal metabolizable energy (ME)/kg. The treatments were R0 (basal diet as a control), R1 (R0 + 1.5% turmeric powder + 2.5% garlic powder), R2 (R0 + 2.5% garlic powder + 120 ppm ZnO), R3 (R0 + 1.5% turmeric powder + 120 ppm ZnO) and R4 (R0 + 1.5% turmeric powder + 2.5% garlic powder + 120 ppm ZnO). Diets and water were offered ad libitum. Data were collected during 35 days to obtain the data visceral organs weight percentage, 1 Staf Pengajar Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar Staf Pengajar Fakultas Peternakan Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor 3 Staf Pengajar Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor 2 villous surface area and mucosal surface area. Three chicks of each replicate were slaughtered for visceral organs weight, villous and mucocal surface area parameters. The results showed that all treatments showed no significant differences (P > 0.05) of visceral organs weight percentage (liver, heart, gizzard, pancreas, spleen, gall bladder and kidney) except in the total intestine and cecum (P < 0.05), also not significant (P > 0.05) on the surface area of villi and mucosal surface area of broiler chickens. The conclusion that the broiler chickens (0-35 days) are still able to tolerate a combination of turmeric (1.5%), garlic (2.5%) with the mineral zinc (120 ppm) seen in the visceral organs weight percentage, villous suface area and mucosal surface area that is still in normal condition. Keywords : turmeric, garlic, zinc, visceral organ, villous surface area, mucosal surface area INTRODUCTION Growth of broiler chickens have a relatively fast in terms of prime characteristic aroma and taste of meat, resulting in increased consumption of chicken meat so that consumer demand is increasing. Problems in broiler chicken farm development effort is meeting the needs of high-quality feed that is still dependent on imported feed ingredients and feed additive use of antibiotics can lead to residues at the end of farm products. Relative to the above it is necessary to find an alternative that can overcome the problems, one of which is with the use of herbal ingredients in this case the use of turmeric and garlic. The use of herbs as an alternative feed additives is expected to leave no residue and is safe for the health of consumers, in addition to herbs are easily available and inexpensive. Purwanti et al. (2009) reported that the use of a combination of garlic and minerals ZnO tends to give better performance, lower cholesterol levels carcass, and can improve the health status of broilers. Garlic research by Airola, managed to find and isolate a number of the active component of garlic, among others allisin; active substance which has the power to kill the bacteria and anti-inflammatory; alliin, an amino acid antibiotics, and lower blood cholesterol and broiler meat (Jaya, 1997). Mineral zinc in the form of inorganic zinc has a function to increase performance and imune response to the broiler (Ali et al., 2003). Feed consumed affects the development and anatomy of the digestive tract and internal organs of poultry. Puastuti (2001) reported that the use of herbs in a feed into one of the alternatives in tackling the cholesterol that has been selected by many parties in a way to manipulate the rations through the gastrointestinal system, which is trying to keep the body's cholesterol is excreted in the feces of cattle by the mechanism of increased bile acid excretion. Therefore, the effect of turmeric powder, garlic and zinc minerals against the visceral organs weight percentage, villous surface area and mucosal surface area needs to be investigated. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals used in this study is the Ross broiler strain 1 Super Jumbo 747 aged one day as many as 100 individuals purchased from PT. Cibadak Sukabumi Indah Sari Farm is maintained until the age of 5 weeks. The cage was used with litter system with a size of 1 m x 1 m x 1 m (length x width x height) placed in four main cage space. Place a feed tray with the size 15x20 cm and a size of 500 ml of drinking water used up to 1 week old chicken. Ration of treatment given to broiler chickens from doc (day old chicken) until the age of 5 weeks after randomization. Building blocks of rations consisting of rice bran, corn, oil, fish meal, soybean meal, CaCO3, DCP, vitamins and minerals, lysin and methionin arranged by NRC (1994) with 23.5% protein content and energy 3 215.04 kcal / kg. Ration treatments consisted of basal diet added with turmeric powder, garlic powder and the mineral zinc (ZnO) as a feed additive and is made in the form of crumble. Ration treatment consisted of 5 different diets, namely: R0 (basal rations, R1 (basal diet + 2.5% garlic powder + turmeric powder 1.5%), R2 (basal diet + 2.5% garlic powder + ZnO 120 ppm), R3 (basal diet + 1.5% + turmeric powder ZnO 120 ppm), R4 (basal diet + 2.5% garlic powder + turmeric powder + 1.5% ZnO 120 ppm). The experimental design used in this study was completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 4 replications. Data were analyzed by ANOVA (analyzes of Variance / ANOVA) with the help of SPSS software version 13.0. Variables measured in this study include the visceral organs weight (%), villi surface area (method Iji et al., 2001), and mucosal surface area (method Drozdowski et al., 2005). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Giving Turmeric Powder, Garlic Powder and Mineral Zink on Organ Weights in Broiler Chickens Kabir et al. (2004) says that the calculation of relative weights of organs conducted to determine the function of an organ. In this study is the organ in the liver, heart, gizzard, pancreas, spleen, gall, kidneys, intestines and caecum. All converted in percent of live weight and can be seen in Table 1. Table 1. Percentage of visceral organs weight in broilers fed garlic, turmeric and the minerals zinc for 35 days Parameters Treatments R0 2,50 ±0,52 R1 2,48 ± 0,43 R2 2,24 0,23 R3 1,99 0,18 R4 2,64 0,44 Heart(%) 0,51 0,01 0,53 0,04 0,51 0,05 0,46 0,05 0,49 0,02 Gizzard (%) 1,29 0,03 1,57 0,19 1,33 0,26 1,41 0,15 1,54 0,41 Pancreas (%) 0,24 0,04 0,28 0,04 0,26 0,07 0,25 0,04 0,26 0,01 Spleen (%) 0,29 0,05 0,28 0,19 0,24 0,01 0,17 0,04 0,28 0,11 Gall (%) 0,11 ±0,05 0,09 ± 0,04 0,11 ±0,01 0,08 ± 0,01 0,08 ± 0,05 Kidney (%) 0,71 ± 0,09 0,87 ± 0,10 0,75 ± 0,12 0,69 ± 0,04 0,76 ± 0,14 Total Intestine (%) 2,82 ± 0,12cd 3,46 ± 0,23b 3,12 ± 0,34bc 2,93 ± 0,25c 3,09 ± 0,19ac Caecum (%) 0,34 ±0,03ab 0,42 ± 0,03cd 0,38 ± 0,05bc 0,33 ± 0,04ab 0,47 ± 0,06d Liver (%) Description: The different superscript on the same line of each variable, significantly different P <0.05), R0 (basal diet without the addition of turmeric powder, garlic powder andthe mineral zinc), R1 (basal diet + garlic powder white turmeric powder2.5 % + 1.5%), R2 (basal diet + 2.5% garlic powder + 120 ppm ZnO), R3 (basal diet +1.5 % + turmeric powder ZnO 120 ppm), R4 (basal diet + 2.5% garlic powder +turmeric po wder + 1.5% ZnO 120 ppm) In table 1 it appears that from some combination of garlic, turmeric and zinc minerals in the ration according to treatment did not affect the relative weights of internal organs. Based on the weight of internal organs obtained showed that the weight of internal organs are still in accordance with the weight of his life, without being affected by the ration treatment. The weight of organs in each treatment as a whole is still within the limits of normal weight. The weight of internal organs may vary and may be influenced by the type, age, major and animal activity (Ressang, 1984). The liver is the most important organs as filters for nutrients before the food is channeled through the body and be reabsorbed by the blood, in addition to the liver as well as a place of glycogen reserves, produces bile and filter out substances that are toxic. The average liver weight ranges (1.99 to 2.64%) and not significantly different (P> 0.05), but there is a tendency R3 treatment of liver weight was lower than from all treatments. Putnam (1991) the percentage of chicken liver ranged between 1.7 2.8% of live weight. Liver weight results are still in the range of normal heart weight, but the numeric treatment of R3 shows a slightly lower heart weight. The low weight of liver allegedly due to the R3 substances curcumin and essential oil compounds that speed up the liver to secrete bile, the compound also can protect the liver to bakteriosida and bacteriostatic (Ressang, 1984; Ganong, 1983). Mean percentage of heart did not show significantly different results. The percentage of heart weight ranged from 0.45 to 0.53% results of research and also still be in the range of normal heart weight. Nickle et al. (1979) states that heart size varies among species of birds, depending on body size. Average heart weight was 0.44% of live weight (Nabib, 1987). Ressang (1984) states that the heart has a big power in adjusting to the change in his body, big heart is strongly influenced by the type, age, major and animal activity. Gizzard weight results also showed no significantly different results (P> 0.05). Gizzard weight ranged from 1.29 to 1.57% of body weight gain and under range, gizzard weight was 1.6 to 2.3% of live weight (Sturkie, 2000). The low weight of gizzard gizzard indicates that the job is not too heavy to be able to digest the ration given to all treatments. Gizzard with a heavier weight of work signifies a heavier gizzard for digesting the food can be given (Sutardi, 1997). Pancreas weight ranged from 0.24 to 0.28% results of live weight, and showed no significant difference between treatments (P> 0.05). The weight of the pancreas is still in the normal range of about 0.25 to 0.40% of body weight or 2.5 to 4.0 g (Sturkie, 2000). Although not significant, but the numeric treatment of pancreatic weight R3 shows that tend to be low compared with other treatment after the control. The function of the pancreas produces more lipase to be involved in the hydrolysis of fat resulted in decreased weight of the pancreas (Tillman, 1986). Szabo (2004) in his research adds ZnO (1000, 2500, 5000 mg / kg diet) in the rat diet can increase the enzyme activity of amylase, lipase, trypsin and protease in pancreas and small intestine. The reduced weight of the pancreas in R3 indicated that pancreatic lipase bile salts assist in emulsifying fat diet. Tillman (1986) states that pancreatic lipase bile salts assist in emulsifying fat globule-shaped large and hydrolize fat globule triglycerides into monoglycerides, fatty acids and glycerol so that the fat is more easily absorbed by the villi in the small intestine. Turmeric powder has kolagoga activity of curcuminoids which works to increase the production and secretion of bile acids are released into the duodenum and activate the enzyme breaker so that the absorption of fat-reduced fat (Purseglove et al., 1981). Mean percentage of spleen weight ranged from 0.17 to 0.29% results from the weight of life. The average spleen showed no significant differences in each treatment.Percentage of normal chicken spleen weights ranged from 0.18 0.23% of live weight. Numerically lowest spleen weight in the treatment R3 0.17 ± 0.04%. One function of the spleen which collect antigen-sensitive cells that can boost immunity in cattle. Tizard (1994) reported that the spleen is responsive to antigen stimulation thus less developed in animals that is free of pests so that the resulting spleen weights tend to be smaller compared with controls. The function of the active ingredient in turmeric protochatechuic acid, one of which is to stimulate the immune system and the active substance ukanon A, B, C and D which serves to stimulate endurance, stamina and immunity. Mineral zinc has also been reported to increase immune system function (Desmukh, 2001). The combination of turmeric powder and the mineral zinc that reduced the percentage of spleen weight function allegedly active substance contained in both ingredients work in synergy. The average percentage of weight also did not show the presence of bile significant effect (P> 0.05) on each treatment. The average percentage of weight bile ranged from 0.08 to 0.11% of live weight. Although statistically not significant but numerically R3 treatment showed the lowest average of 0.08 ± 0.01%. Treatment of R1 and R4 showed almost the same average value of 0.09 ± 0.04% and 0.08 ± 0.05%. Turmeric has launched a pharmacological effect of blood and vital energy, anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory), antibacterial, improving expenditure bile (kolagogum), and moisturizers (astringent). Rukmana (2004) suggested that turmeric also efficacious as a laxative bile (kolagoga), a poison antidote (antidota), reinforcing the stomach and appetite enhancer. The average percentage of kidney weight did not show any significant effect (P> 0.05) on each treatment. The average percentage of kidney weights ranged from 0.69 to 0.87% of average body weight. Although statistically not significant but numerically R3 treatment showed the lowest average (0.69 ± 0.04%). Mineral zinc acting on the R3, especially as the cofactor of more than 100 enzymes involved in carbohydrate and energy metabolism, protein degradation and synthesis of nucleic acid synthesis, heme biosynthesis, transport of CO2, DNA replication, RNA transcription, growth and cell activation. All treatments have a significant influence (P <0.05) against the mean percentage of broiler chicken intestine weight of research results. Weight was obtained at the lowest intestinal R0 treatment (control) was 2.82 ± 0.12%, while the heaviest on the R1 treatment (3.46 ± 0.23%). R0 treatment significantly lower (P <0.05) compared to treatment R1, then R1 significantly (P <0.05) higher than the treatment of R3 and R4.Treatment R0 (control) intestine more easily absorb the nutrients so that the intestines work more light in the absorption compared to treatment with the addition of the two herbs (R1). Weighing the intestine indicates that the colon work harder in absorbing nutrients. Treatment R3 shows the percentage of intestinal weight of 2.93 ± 0.25%, lower than the treatment R4 is 3.09 ± 0.19%. The addition of turmeric powder, garlic powder and the mineral zinc in the treatment of intestinal R4 resulting work harder to be able to absorb the garlic powder and turmeric powder. Absorption of zinc occurs in the duodenum, ileum and yeyunum and few occur in the colon or stomach, the largest absorption in ileum. The absorption of about 30-60% mineral zinc is influenced by the number and proportion of other minerals and chemical composition of rations and other forms of mineral zinc (Underwood, 1971). Given the variety of interactions during transport through intestinal cells, the possibility of mineral zinc status also regulate the amount of absorption, by changing levels of metallotionin.Induction metallotionin is one of the factors regulating mineral zinc absorption in the intestine. All treatments have a significant influence (P <0.05) against the mean percentage of weight now. R4 treatment (0.47 ± 0.06%) were significantly (P <0.05) higher than the R3 (0.33 ± 0.04%), R2 (0.38 ± 0.05%) and R0 ( 0.34 ± 0.03%), and R1 treatment (0.42 ± 0.03%) were also highly significant (P <0.05) higher than the R0 treatment (0.34 ± 0.03%) and treatment R3 (0.33 ± 0.04%). According to Zubair et al. (1996) that now has diverse functions including degradation of fiber (cellulose) with the help of microorganisms, synthesis of vitamins with the help of microorganisms and increase the immunological response of broilers resulting in an increased weight of these organs. Treatment R4 by the addition of garlic powder and turmeric powder to add levels of crude fiber ration treatment than treatment with the addition of only one type of herb, and also that without the addition of R0 treatment herbal showed a lower percentage of weight now. R4 treatment consisting of a combination of two herbs with a donation of crude fiber content is high enough from both of these herbs showed higher weight than treatment now R2, R3 which consists of only one type of herbal only and R0 which without the addition of herbs. Crude fiber content R4 treatment by 2.08% higher than in treatment R2 (1.96%), R3 (2.04%) and treatment R0 (1.93%), crude fiber content also treated R1 (2,08 %) is higher than R0 (1.93%) and R3 (2.04%). Giving Turmeric Powder, Garlic Powder and Mineral Zinc on Villous Surface Area and Mucosal Surface Area Broiler Gastrointestinal tract is the interface between the internal and external environment with its main function as the absorption of nutrients. Yamauchi and Isshiki (1991) express the characteristic morphology of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the small intestine in chickens, determine intestinal function in the growth of chickens. This research examined morphometric intestinal villi to calculate the surface area per villi and intestinal mucosal surface area at 1 mm villi. The surface area of villi and mucosal surface area can be seen in Table 2. Table 2. The surface area of villi and mucosal surface area of broilers fed garlic, turmeric and the minerals zinc for 35 days Treatments Parameters Villous surface area (mm2/villi) Mucosal surface area (mm2/mm2) R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 4.01 ± 0.40 57.14± 8.44 4.52± 0.71 58.74± 15.58 4.44± 1.07 51.81± 17.57 4.64± 0.37 55.38± 15.41 3.93± 0.55 41.16± 9.29 Description: R0 (basal diet without the addition of turmeric powder, garlic powder and the mineral zinc), R1 (basal diet + 2.5% garlic powder + turmeric powder 1.5%), R2 (basal diet + 2.5% garlic powder + 120 ppm ZnO ), R3 (basal diet + 1.5% + turmeric powder ZnO 120 ppm), R4 (basal diet + 2.5% garlic powder + turmeric powder + 1.5% ZnO 120 ppm). Statistically giving turmeric powder and garlic powder did not affect significantly (P> 0.05) on the surface area of villi. Although not statistically significant influence but numerically R3 treatment (basal diet + 1.5% + turmeric powder mineral zinc 120 ppm) showed the surface area of villi which tends to be higher among all treatments followed by the standard deviation is lower. The highest surface area of villi in a row R3 treatment (4.64 ± 0.37 mm2/villi), R1 (4.52 ± 0.71 mm2/villi), R2 (4.44 ± 1.07 mm2/villi) R0 (4.01 ± 0.40 mm2/villi) and R4 (3.93 ± 0.55 mm2/villi). Treatment R1, R2, R3 shows the trend of increased villi surface area is higher than R0 treatment (control). This shows that the combination of herbs added to the mineral zinc can improve the absorption of food. Iji et al. (2001) suggest that the decrease in surface area of villi will limit the absorption of food juices. Morphology of intestinal mucosa consists of villi that serves to expand the area the absorption of nutrients. On the surface of the villi contained mikrovilli as penjuluran cytoplasm that can increase the efficiency of absorption. The more surface area the greater the chance of intestinal villi of absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Silva et al. (2007) states that the density and size of villi and mikrovilli the small intestine showed a relationship with the absorption capacity of the poultry. Also Ferrer (1995) states that the height and density microvilli is the best measurement to indicate changes in absorption on the surface area of villi. All treatments also do not have a significant influence (P> 0.05) on the mucosal surface area. The addition of zinc minerals showed decreased mucosal surface area compared to treatment without the addition of the mineral zinc is the treatment R0 and R1. 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