SAP 01-Overview History and Overview Compiled by: Agung Sugiarto., MM., Ak., CFP®., CPA Agenda Preface History and Milestone The Product Success and Summary © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 2 “IN THE NEXT CENTURY, PLANET EARTH WILL DON AN ELECTRONIC SKIN. IT WILL USE THE INTERNET AS A SCAFFOLD TO SUPPORT AND TRANSMIT ITS SENSATIONS.” Niel Gross, Newsweek Online, 1999 Connecting information, people and things Since Neil Gross made this prediction at the dawn of the new millennium, we have changed the way things talk, the way we roam, and how we make predictions about our world. The role of the internet is evolving. The Internet of Content: In the early stages, we saw a machineto-people model of connection, for disseminating content. The Internet of People: With the advent of social networks, peopleto-people connections altered our notion of collaboration forever. In essence, the Internet of Things (IoT) is defined by the ability of machines to monitor, analyze, predict and truly automate business in real-time. The Internet of Things: Today, we live in an era of multiple connection models – people-tomachine, machine-to-people, machine-to-machine and peopleto-people – that engage people, processes, data and machines in a bidirectional flow of information to enable brand new possibilities. Changing business – and life – as we know it In 2013, there were approximately nine billion connected things on the planet. By 2020, that number is anticipated to skyrocket to at least 50 billion. With a seemingly infinite number of devices and array of sensors producing an infinite amount of data, software is playing an even more important role than hardware in making hyper-connected things smarter. How will the IoT transform business? The IoT is not a destination but a journey. As enterprises advance along the maturity curve, their IoT initiatives stand to increase the level of business value that is achievable. Offline Level Most companies today are at the start of the journey. They have traditional, imprecise processes with little or no asset information and a high cost of service. Monitoring Level As companies adopt some element of sensor technology, they benefit from monitoring connected assets but typically receive only fragmented information. They are able to run basic analytics and gain insights into their assets, but the model is still essentially reactive. Managed Level As companies add service capability to devices and assets, and expand workflows with mobile apps, they are able to effectively manage information and processes. Integrated Level With the addition of predictive analytics, companies can deliver complete information based on new technologies that proliferate and aggregate sensor information, and apply predictive capability to deliver greater value to the enterprise. Actionable Level By adding ERP processes and workflow integration, companies are on the cusp of automating processes and achieving autonomous control of their assets. New Business Level Once companies truly embrace the IoT, new business models and processes will be created by a new generation of employees and partners for whom intelligent monitoring, real-time analytics and automatic process execution are the norm to address the needs of customers and society in general. Preface • Sudah menjadi “kehendak alam” apabila sebuah usaha (bisnis) akan senantiasa bertumbuh, berkembang dan berdampak pada dinamika operasional yang semakin kompleks. • Perkembangan ini akan membawa konsekuensi pada skala usaha yang semakin besar, tingkat keuntungan yang meningkat, rentang kendali yang semakin luas sehingga tidak mungkin dijalankan secara “tradisional/ warungan”. • Tahun 2000-an merupakan tahun “digital era”. Harga komponen pendukung IT semakin terjangkau serta semakin canggih. Penetrasi internet di masyarakat juga semakin meluas dan menjangkau semua lapisan masyarakat, sehingga membawa dampak pada kegiatan usaha (ekonomi) secara luas. • Perkembangan IT dan dinamika ekonomi yang semakin cepat, mendorong pemanfaatan IT dalam meng-katalisasi proses bisnis. • Berkembang aplikasi-aplikasi bisnis, mulai dari yang bersifat “stand-alone” hingga yang “fully integrated” • Berkembanglah konsep ERP © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 7 What is ERP ? What are Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems? • Incredibly large, extensive software packages used to manage a firm’s business processes. • Standard software packages that must be configured to meet the needs of a company • Database programs with the following functions: • Input • Storage/Retrieval • Manipulation • Output © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 8 Preface Who are the big ERP vendors? SAP, the German juggernaut Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung, or Systems, Analysis and Products in Data Processing. Oracle/PeopleSoft/J. D. Edwards (J.D. Orisoft) Microsoft Dynamics, aimed at smaller companies © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 9 SAP ERP Client-server architecture Application Server Application Server USER PCs w/SAP GUI Database Server Application Server © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 10 USER PCs w/SAP GUI Application Server SAP at a Glance FI Financial Accounting Workflow QM PS PM Quality Mgmt. Project System Plant Maint. PP SD MM Prod. Planning Sales & Distrib. Materials Mgmt. HR AM Human Resources Asset Mgmt. CO Controlling © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 11 SAP at a Glance SAP can use a number of database programs to actually store the data. Oracle MS SQL SAP MaxDB © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 12 Agenda Preface History and Milestone The Product Success and Summary © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 13 History • SAP, started in 1972 by 5 former IBM employees in Germany, it is the world's largest inter-enterprise software company and world's 3rd largest independent software supplier, after Microsoft & Oracle. • The original name for SAP was German: Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkte, German for "Systems Applications and Products.“ • The original SAP idea was to provide customers with the ability to interact with a common corporate database for a comprehensive range of applications. © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 14 SAP AG was founded in 1972 by five German engineers with IBM in Weinheim, Germany; Founders: – Hasso Plattner, – Dietmar Hopp, – Claus Wellenreuther, – Klaus Tschira, – Hans Werner Hector © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 15 When an IBM client asked IBM to provide enterprise-wide software to run on its mainframe The five began writing the program only to be told the assignment was being transferred to another unit Rather than abandon the project altogether, they left IBM and founded SAP © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 16 Without the benefit of loans from banks, venture capitalists, or the German government, SAP began fashioning its software business gradually through the cash flow generated by an growing stable of customers Development of R/1: Working at night on borrowed computers, Plattner and colleagues built SAP's client list, beginning with a German subsidiary of the global chemical company ICI and later adding Siemens and BMW. © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 17 R/2 in the Late 1970s In 1978 SAP began developing, and the following year released, R/2 (R for "real-time"), a mainframe-based, standard business software suite modules for: Accounting, Sales and Distribution Production Enabled customers to consolidate their financial and operational data into a single database and reducing costs © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 18 Introduction of R/3 in the 1990s R/3 had been launched with the expectation that it would complement R/2's multinational-oriented niche by extending SAP's reach into the mid-sized, less mainframe-dominated business software market R/3's release coincided with a growing trend toward corporate downsizing, and even SAP's largest customers began eyeing R/3 as a less labourintensive replacement for R/2 As a result, in the space of one year (1992-93), the percentage of SAP America's total revenue generated by R/3 catapulted from five to 80 percent R/2's status as SAP's flagship product dwindled from 95 percent of revenues to only 20 percent. © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 19 Foreign Markets in the 1990s SAP's sales to German companies had fallen to 37% North American sales accounted for one-third of all revenues; Asia-Pacific market was expected to reach the same level by the year 2000. In 1996 SAP relocated most of its marketing operation to its Wayne, Pennsylvania, complex. Between 1992 and 1996, it opened subsidiaries in South Africa, Malaysia, Japan, the Czech Republic, Russia, China, and Mexico among others R/3 was available in 14 foreign languages including Russian, Mandarin Chinese, and Thai. © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 20 Dekade 1970-an Awal 1970-an, Pendiri SAP mengembangkan konsep ERP (awal SAP Product) © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 21 Punchcard, mekanisme awal media penyimpanan hasil programming ERP. Ide kerjanya sama dengan disket dan flashdisk saat ini Dekade 1980-an Kantor Pusat SAP tahun 1970 Programmer SAP tahun 1970-an SAP R/2 © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 22 Dekade 1980-an Karyawan SAP tahun 1985 © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 23 Dekade 1990-an Tampilan SAP R/3 Joint Agreement SAPMicrosoft tahun 1996 © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 24 Dekde 2000-an Pertemuan tahunan SAP di Jerman, yg dihadiri Kanselir (PM) Jerman Angela Merkel Kantor Pusat SAP di Waldorff, Jerman tahun 2002 © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 25 Agenda Preface History and Milestone The Product Success and Summary © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 26 SAP SAP merupakan software yang banyak dipakai di perusahaan besar untuk mendukung integrasi proses bisnis. Lima tahun terakhir, di perusahaan negara-negara Asia, termasuk Indonesia, sedang gencar-gencarnya mengimplementasikannya. Software buatan Jerman ini telah lama dipakai di perusahaan besar Eropa dan Amerika. SAP juga menyiapkan paket khusus untuk perusahaan level menengah ke bawah (baca UKM). Dengan penambahan area supporting SAP, akan menambah pangsa pasar SAP dan juga membuka peluang tenaga kerja bagi dunia IT. © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 27 Di Indonesia, banyak perusahaan besar yang telah mengimplementasikan SAP, misalnya Astra International, Toyota Astra Motor, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, Bentoel Prima, United Tractor, Daihatsu Motor, Pertamina, Aqua, Telkomsel, Auto 2000, Blue Bird dan masih banyak perusahaan lagi Ada yang hanya memakai untuk keperluan area tertentu seperti Financial Accounting saja atau Sales and Distributon saja, namun banyak pula yang mengintegrasikan beberapa modul. Scope integrasi, harga license tiap user SAP yang relative mahal, biaya consultant yang lumayan dan tingginya ‘kutu loncat ’ SDM SAP, menyebabkan tidak semua perusahaan ‘berani’ memakai solusi SAP. © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 28 SAP (System Application and Product in data processing ) adalah suatu software yang dikembangkan untuk mendukung suatu organisasi dalam menjalankan kegiatan operasionalnya secara lebih efisien dan efektif. SAP merupakan software Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP), yaitu suatu tools IT dan manajemen untuk membantu perusahaan merencanakan dan melakukan berbagai aktivitas sehari-hari. SAP terdiri dari sejumlah modul aplikasi yang mempunyai kemampuan mendukung semua transaksi yang perlu dilakukan suatu perusahaan dan tiap aplikasi bekerja secara berkaitan satu dengan yang lainnya. Semua modul aplikasi di SAP dapat bekerja secara terintegrasi/terhubung yang satu dengan lainnya. © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 29 SAP Best Practices – enabling small & midsize enterprises as a key element of SAP Business All-in-One Industry Solutions Partners Single Business Application Complete, Adaptable Configurable and Extensible covering small business fundamentals on-demand business solution on-premise business solution with deep industry best practices Accelerated by SAP Best Practices © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 30 Modul dalam SAP SAP terdiri dari modul-modul aplikasi sebagai berikut : o SD-Sales & Distribution: membantu meningkatkan efisiensi kegiatan operasional berkaitan dengan proses pengelolaan customer order (proses sales, shipping dan billing) o MM-Materials Management: membantu menjalankan proses pembelian (procurement) dan pengelolaan inventory o PP-Production Planning: membantu proses perencanaan dan kontrol daripada kegiatan produksi (manufacturing) suatu perusahaan. o QM-Quality Management: membantu men-cek kualitas proses-proses di keseluruhan rantai logistik o PM-Plant Maintenance: suatu solusi untuk proses administrasi dan perbaikan sistem secara teknis o HR-Human Resources Management: mengintegrasikan proses-proses HR mulai dari aplikasi pendaftaran, administrasi pegawai, management waktu, pembiayaan untuk perjalanan, sampai ke proses pembayaran gaji pegawai o FI-Financial Accounting: Mencakup standard accounting cash management (treasury), general ledger dan konsolidasi untuk tujuan financial reporting. o CO-Controlling: Mencakup cost accounting, mulai dari cost center accounting, cost element accounting, dan analisa profitabilitas o AM-Asset Management: Membantu pengelolaan atas keseluruhan fixed assets, meliputi proses asset accounting tradisional dan technical assets management, sampai ke investment controlling o PS-Project System: Mengintegrasikan keseluruhan proses perencanaan project, pengerjaan dan kontrol © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 31 Dampak Integrasi Dengan mengimplementasikan SAP di suatu organisasi akan mengintegrasikan sistem yang berakibat: Perubahan yang dilakukan pada satu modul secara otomatis akan mengupdate modul yang lainnya bila informasi yang dirubah berkaitan dengan modul tersebut. Data akan terupdate secara langsung begitu user menginput data ke dalam sistem. Hal ini yang dikenal dengan istilah “realtime processing” Integrasi secara sistem bisa terjadi dengan syarat bahwa seluruh perusahaan harus menggunakan satu sumber data yang sama, baik untuk data customer, data product maupun data vendor. Transparansi data - Semua user yang mempunyai akses ke sistem akan dapat melihat semua informasi yang paling up-to-date setiap saat diperlukan walaupun informasi tersebut di-input oleh user lainpun. © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 32 Parameter Integrasi Suatu karakteristik utama yang menandakan suksesnya integrasi informasi dalam suatu perusahaan adalah bahwa segala informasi hanya perlu di input satu kali saja pada sistem. Sistem SAP memungkinkan hal ini terjadi dengan mentransfer/mengcopy informasi yang sudah di-input pada satu dokumen ke dokumen lainnya sehingga mengurangi pekerjaan input data dan sekaligus mengupdate semua dokumen yang berkaitan dengan rangkaian proses tertentu. © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 33 Contoh integrasi dengan SAP © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 34 Data di SAP Tipe data yang terdapat dalam sistem SAP: 1. Data Transaksi • Data yang digunakan untuk melakukan transaksi di SAP, contoh: membuat purchase order • Setiap transaksi akan tersimpan di dalam satu dokumen tertentu 2. Master Data • Data utama yang harus dibuat dengan benar supaya transaksi bisa dilakukan, contoh: material master, vendor master, customer master • Master data tersimpan secara terpusat dan digunakan oleh seluruh modul aplikasi dalam sistem SAP © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 35 Proses Bisnis dan Fungsi dalam SAP Dalam suatu organisasi, misalnya perusahaan manufacturing, ini berarti integrasi keseluruhan proses supply chain, mulai dari supplier sampai dengan customer, dalam suatu rangkaian proses yang saling berbagi informasi. Proses-proses bisnis yang berlaku pada suatu organisasi manufacturing meliputi : Rangkaian proses end-to-end 2. Proses Procurement to Payment 3. Proses Order to Cash 4. Proses Inventory/Warehouse Management 5. Proses Plan & Manage Enterprise (FI/CO) 1. © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 36 Front – End Scheme 1. Rangkaian Proses End-to-End © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 37 Procurement – Payment scheme 2. Proses Procurement to Payment © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 38 Warehousing 4. Proses Inventory/Warehouse Management Proses-proses yang termasuk ke dalam Inventory Management / Warehouse Management Flow: © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 39 FI-CO 5. Proses Plan & Manage Enterprise (FI/CO) © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 40 Agenda Preface History and Milestone The Product Success and Summary © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 41 Current Global SAP Best Practices Portfolio Expanded versions to meet your industry and geographic needs Industries Cross Industries Automotive Chemicals Consumer Products Discrete Manufacturing Engineering, Construction & Operations Fabricated Metals High Tech Industrial Machinery & Components Logistic Service Providers Media Mining Pharmaceuticals Primary Steel Professional Services Public Sector Retail Wholesale Distribution Utilities … And more Baseline Package CRM Business Intelligence Supply Chain Management Enterprise Portals Human Capital Management Global Risk and Compliance Corporate Performance Management International Accounting Standards … And more Components Country Baseline Versions SAP ERP SAP NetWeaver SAP CRM SAP GRC Access Control SAP GRC GTS SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence SAP Supply Chain Management SAP NetWeaver Portal … And more For an updated list of packages, go to: Release Planning © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 42 Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Croatia Czech Rep. GCC countries Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary India Italy Japan Korea Malaysia Mexico The Netherlands New Zealand Norway Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Romania Russia Serbia & Mn. Singapore Slovak Republic Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand Turkey U.K. United States Venezuela … And more PT Nippon Indosari selects SAP Best Practices Based Package QUICK FACTS PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo Location: Bekasi, Indonesia Industry: CPG Products and Services: Baked Goods Employees: 760 Web Site: SAP Solutions and Services: SAP Business All in One®, SAP Best Practices Partner: Metrodata e-Bisnis Challenges and Opportunities Why SAP Business Process integration and efficiency Management reporting Database centralized Objectives “The benefits in terms of lowering costs, increasing revenues and IT strategy we reap from SAP will be significant and bring Nippon Indosari to a new level of success” Alex Honki Project Manager PT Nippon Indosari Corp. © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 43 Streamline business processes and increase productivity Make the business more transparent Develop a system that can scale with the company Implementation Highlights Implementation was completed in 20 weeks Strong references with similar projects and SAP’s reputation in the consumer goods industry SAP offers the rich functionality that can address the full range of business processes Benefits Pre-configured solution made the implementation faster Full integration of supply chain and use of a full range of logical and analytical capabilities Information is accurate, reliable and available in real-time Enabled more analytics for decision making Ajinomoto, Inc run SAP Hyperlink:file://localhost/Users/agung/Downloads/Ajinomoto run SAP.pdf © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 44 Copyright 1. Semua materi yang ada dalam slide ini adalah milik penciptanya masing-masing 2. Kompilasi dari semua materi yang ada dalam slide ini adalah milik kompilator 3. Penggunaan untuk tujuan akademis diperbolehkan, dengan seijin kompilator © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 45 Thank you The Best-Run Businesses-Run SAP © SAP 2009 / SAP Best Practices Page 46