ABSTRAK - Repository Unhas

Aplikasi Kombinasi Pupuk Organik Cair Plus Untuk Perbaikan Kualitas
Tanah, Efisiensi Pemupukan dan
Peningkatan Produktivitas Jagung (Zea mays, Linn)
(A B S T R A K)
Dr.Ir. Burhanuddin Rasyid, MSc – 0021076401
Ir.Syamsul Arifin Lias, M.Si.– 0008116101
Ir. Masyhur Syafiuddin, MP – 0031125911
Muh. Ansar, SP. MP- 0003057302
Desember – 2013
Tanaman jagung banyak dibudidayakan pada lahan kering dengan tingkat kesuburan
yang rendah dengan produktivitas beragam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan
teknologi pengelolaan tanaman dalam upaya peningkatan produksi jagung melalui analisis
interaksi faktor pupuk organik cair, nitrogen, dan jarak tanam. Percobaan lapang dilaksanakan di
Teaching Farm, dan analisis pupuk organik cair, jaringan tanaman dilaksanakan di Laboratorium
Kimia dan Kesuburan Tanah, sedang perbanyakan bakteri pelarut fosfat dilaksanakan di
Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Tanah Jurusan Ilmu Tanah Fakultas Pertanian Universitas
Hasanuddin, Makassar. Metode penelitian ini didesain menggunakan rancangan faktorial yang
didesain dengan: faktor pertama adalah jarak tanam (J) yang terdiri dari dua taraf: J1 = Jarak
tanam 75 x 25 cm; J2 = jarak tanam 50 x 20 cm; faktor kedua perlakuan pupuk organik cair (P)
yang terdiri dari tiga taraf; P0 = tanpa pupuk organik cair (kontrol); P1 = pupuk organik cair 100
mL/L; P2 = pupuk organik cair 300 mL/L; faktor ketiga adalah perlakuan pupuk nitrogen (N)
yang terdiri dari tiga taraf: N0 = Tanpa Urea (kontrol); N1 = urea rekomendasi (300 kg/ha); N2 =
urea - 20% dari rekomendasi (240 kg/ha). Masing-masing kombinasi perlakuan diulang tiga kali.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan J1P1N1 secara umum untuk semua parameter
yang diamati memberikan nilai tertinggi seperti pada tinggi tanaman 198,07 cm, jumlah daun 16
helai, berat segar 326,57 gram, berat kering 124,00 gram, berat tongkol 230 gram, serapan N
3,76%, dan serapan P 1,36%. Meskipun demikian untuk produksi total nilai tertinggi ditunjukkan
pada perlakuan J2P2N2.
Kata Kunci: Pupuk Organik Cair Plus, Nitrogen, Jarak Tanam, Tanah Alfisol, Jagung, Efisiensi
Dry land with various productiviy was important area for maize cultivation. The purpose of this
research was to develop plant management technology to improve maize production by analizing
the interaction of liquid organic fertilizer, nitrogen, and planting space application. Field
experiment was conducted at teaching farm, while organic fertilizer, plant tissue analysis, and
multiplication of phosphate soluble bacteria was done at Laboratoty of Soil Chemistry and
Laboratory of Soil Microbiology, Department of Soil Science, Fac. of Agriculture, Hasanuddin
University. The factorial experimental design was applied on the experiment which consisted of
three factors with three replications in each factor. The first factor was planting space (J) with
two levels: 75 x 25cm; and 50 x 20 cm. The second factor was liquid organic fertilizer (P)
consisted three levels: without liquid organic fertilizer; 100 mL/L; and 300 mL/L. The third
factor was nitrogen fertilizer (N) consisted three levels: without nitrogen; 300 kg/ha
(recommended); and 240 kg/ha. Combination treatment of liquid organic fertilizer (100 mL/L)
and nitrogen (300 kg/ha) in 75 x 25 cm plant spacing was shown the highest in all parameters
measured except in the total production. In the tissue plant parameters, N (3,76%) and P (1,36%),
and the other parameters, plant height (198,07 cm), total leaves (16), fresh and dry weight
(326,57 gr and 124,00 gr) was the highest value in the treatment above when it compared to the
other treatment. The highest of total production (9,0 ton/ha) was found in the combination
treatment of liquid organic fertilizer (300 mL/L) and nitrogen (240 kg/ha) in 50 x 20 cm plant
spacing. The result was shown also the total production in application liquid organic fertilizer
(9,00 ton/ha and 5,32 ton/ha) compared to the treatment without liquid organic fertilizer (3,12
ton/ha and 3,00 ton/ha). Decreasing level of an-organic fertilizer and plant spacing combination,
however, needs to be extended inverstigating.
Key words: Liquid organic fertilizer, Nitrogen, Plant spacing, Alfisol soil, Dry land, Maize.