ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Psoriasis merupakan reaksi

Latar Belakang: Psoriasis merupakan reaksi inflamasi kulit yang ditandai dengan
peningkatan sitokin proinflamasi di kulit dan sistemik. Fototerapi NB-UVB dapat
digunakan sebagai terapi psoriasis karena dapat menimbulkan deplesi sel Langerhan’s
dan sel T, menginduksi apoptosis sel T, mengurangi migrasi sel T, dan menurunkan
produksi sitokin proinflamasi.
Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui tingkat penurunan keparahan penyakit (PASI) dan IL-6
serum serta hubungan antara penurunan derajat klinis (PASI) dengan kadar IL-6 serum
pada pasien psoriasis yang menjalani fototerapi NB-UVB.
Metode: Eksperimental the one group pretest-posttest design. Interleukin 6 diukur pada
sebelum, fototerapi ke 15 dan ke 30 dengan tehnik ELISA indirek, sedangkan keparahan
penyakit diukur dengan skor PASI. Analisa statistik digunakan untuk mengetahui
tingkat penurunan dan korelasi antara skor PASI dan IL-6 serum.
Hasil: Lima belas subyek dapat menyelesaikan penelitian. Skor PASI dan kadar IL-6
serum menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan setelah fototerapi ke 15 dan ke 30
(p<0,001). Perbaikan klinis (% PASI) dengan perubahan kadar IL-6 serum (% IL-6)
setelah fototerapi ke 15 berkorelasi tidak signifikan (p=0,181), arah positif dengan
kekuatan lemah (r=0,385), sedangkan setelah fototerapi ke 30 hasil korelasi tidak
signifikan (p=0,249), arah negatif dengan kekuatan lemah (r= -0,317).
Kesimpulan: Fototerapi NB-UVB menurunkan keparahan psoriasis (PASI) dan kadar
IL-6 serum secara signifikan setelah fototerapi ke 15 dan ke 30. Perbaikan klinis
penyakit dengan perubahan kadar IL-6 serum setelah fototerapi ke 15 berkorelasi tidak
signifikan, arah positif dengan kekuatan lemah, sedangkan setelah fototerapi ke 30 hasil
korelasi tidak signifikan, arah negatif dengan kekuatan lemah.
Kata kunci :psoriasis, PASI, kadar IL-6 serum, fototerapi NB-UVB
Background: Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin reaction characterized by increase of
pro-inflammatory cytokines in the skin and systemic. Narrow-band UVB phototherapy
can be used in psoriasis treatment because it may cause depletion of Langerhans cells
and T cells, induces apoptosis of T cells, reducing the migration of T cells, and reduce
the production of proinflammatory cytokines .
Objective: To determine the rate of disease severity reduction (PASI) and IL-6 serum
levels as well as the relationship between the decrease in clinical degree ( PASI ) with
IL-6 serum levels in psoriasis patients who received narrow band UVB phototherapy.
Methods: Experimental the one-group pretest and posttest design. Interleukin 6 is
measured on before, 15th and 30th phototherapy by indirect ELISA, while the disease
severity was measured by PASI score. Statistical analysis is used to determine the rate
of decline and the correlation between PASI scores and serum IL-6 .
Results: Fifteen subjects could complete the study. PASI scores and serum levels of IL6 showed a significant decrease after phototherapy to 15 and to 30 (p < 0.001). Clinical
improvement (% PASI) with the changes of IL-6 serum levels (% IL-6) after
phototherapy to 15 correlated not significant (p=0.181), positive direction with the weak
force (r=0.385), whereas after phototherapy to 30 correlation results not significant
(p=0.249), negative direction with the weak force (r= -0.317) .
Conclusion: Narrow-band UVB reducing the severity of psoriasis (PASI) and serum
levels of IL-6 significantly after phototherapy to 15 and to 30. Clinical improvement of
disease with the changes of IL-6 serum levels after phototherapy to 15 correlated not
significant, positive direction with the weak force, whereas after phototherapy to 30
correlation results were not significant, negative direction with the weak force .
Keywords: psoriasis , PASI , IL-6 serum levels, narrow-band UVB phototherapy.