HUBUNGAN ATRIBUT PAKAIAN MEREK LEVI’S DENGAN LOYALITAS KONSUMEN (KASUS PADA KONSUMEN DI KOTA BANDUNG) Oleh: MUHAMMAD BAEHAKI 10090304121 INTISARI Seiring maraknya “pemain” di pasar shopping goods, khususnya dalam industri garmen maka semakin kompetif persaingan yang terjadi antar industri garmen. Masing-masing produsen berupaya menampilkan produknya dengan atributatribut tertentu agar dapat diterima di pasar. Levi’s mengeluarkan berbagai model pakaian dengan atribut-atribut yang menarik dengan maksud meraih pangsa pasar yang mempunyai kisaran usia 15-50 tahun yang ingin tampil aktif, sportif, maupun lepas. Agar tetap ada, perusahaan harus teliti dalam menilai keunggulan yang dimiliki, mempertahankan, mengembangkan, bahkan menggali potensi yang dimiliki perusahaan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode survei, dimana data dikumpulkan melalui penyebaran kuesioner pada responden yang mengetahui dan pernah membeli produk Levi’s. Jumlah sampel yang diambil adalah 67 orang berdasarkan rumus Slovin. Adapun uji statistik yang dipakai adalah korelasi rank spearman untuk mengetahui hubungan antara atribut pakaian merek Levi’s dengan loyalitas konsumen. Berdasarkan uji statistik yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh hasil dimana terdapat hubungan yang sangat kuat antara atribut pakaian merek Levi’s dengan loyalitas konsumen. respon konsumen terhadap atribut pakain merek Levi’s positif. Melalui uji signifikansi penulis memperoleh hubungan yang positif antara atribut pakain merek Levi’s dengan loyalitas konsumen. Pada akhirnya penulis menyarankan agar Levi’s lebih mensosialisasikan atribut produknya dalam aktivitas promosi. Selain manfaat fungsional yang ditonjolkan, manfaat emosional pun dirasakan sangat penting untuk loyalitas kosumen. i RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ATTRIBUTESS OF LEVI’S BRAND CLOTHES AND CONSUMERS LOYALTY (A CASE OF CONSUMERS IN BANDUNG CITY) By: MUHAMMAD BAEHAKI 10090304121 ABSTRACT In line with the increasingly plenty of “players” in shopping goods market, particularly in garment factories, there has been occurring increasingly intensive competition among garment factories. Each of the producers attempts to display its products with some certain attributes for market to accept them. Levi’s produces various clothe models with attractive attributes intended to win a share of market for those consumers wit 15-50 years old who want to have impression s being active, sportive, casual. To survive, a company should be careful in assessing its own advantage and maintaining, developing or even digging its own potentials. In this research the writer used survey method, where the data were collected by spreading questionnaires to the respondents who know and ever brought Levi’s products. The total sample was 67 based on Slovin’s formula. Meanwhile, the statistical test used was Spearman rank correlation to determine relationship between Levi’s brand clothes and consumers’ loyalty. Based on the conducted statistical test, results were obtained that showed that there was a very strong relationship between the attributes of Levi’s brand clothes and consumers’ loyalty. The responses of consumers on the attributes of Levi’s brand clothes were positive. By significant test, the writer obtained positive relationship between the attributes of Levi’s brand clothes and consumers’ loyalty. In the end, the writer recommends that Levi’s should socialize more intensively its product attributes in its promotional activities. Beside from emphasized functional benefit, emotional benefit would be also perceived as very important for consumers’ loyalty. ii