xi ABSTRAK Latar belakang : Riskesdas (2013) mencatat kanker

Latar belakang : Riskesdas (2013) m encatat kanker serviks di Indonesia sekitar
330.000 ora ng da n di J awa T imur y akni s ekitar 21.313 ka sus. J awa Timur
menjadi p rovinsi t ertinggi d alam k asus k anker s erviks. s ehingga, p emerintah
menargetkan 80% pe rempuan us ia 30 -50tahun m elakukan d eteksi d ini s etiap 5
tahun. Namun, Kemenkes (2013) mencatat yang telah melakukan di Jawa Timur
sebesar 1,27% dan di Kabupaten Bangkalan sebesar 1%.
Tujuan : Tujuan d ari p enelitian i ni a dalah u ntuk m engidentifikasi p engaruh
faktor m inat terhadap de teksi di ni ka nker s erviks di w ilayah ke rja pus kesmas
Metode : Metode penelitian ini ialah analitik berdesain cross sectional. Populasi
adalah perempuan usia subur di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Bangkalan sebanyak 96
sampel. P engambilan s ampel dilakukan de ngan total sampling dan m emenuhi
kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Variabel independen pada penelitian ini adalah faktor
minat d an s ub v ariabelnya i alah p engetahuan, r esiko f isik, d an p ersepsi tentang
kanker serviks. Sedangkan variabel dependen adalah deteksi dini kanker serviks.
Instrumen menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-Square.
Hasil : Penelitian ini menunjukan r esponden m elakukan d eteksi d ini k anker
serviks sejumlah 61 ora ng (63,5%). S etelah a nalisis da ta menggunakan SPSS.23
dengan α=0,05 didapatkan nilai signifikan pengetahuan (p=0,402), resiko fisik
(p=0,904), persepsi (p=0,021) dan minat (p=0,053). Jika nilai p>α, maka H0
diterima. S elain i tu, didapatkan ni lai r pe ngetahuan (1,734), resiko fisik (0,203),
persepsi (7,700), dan minat (5,885).
Simpulan ; J adi,tidak ada p engaruh y ang s ignifikan an tara p engetahuan, r esiko
fisik, da n m inat t erhadap de teksi di ni ka nker s erviks. N amun, a da pe ngaruh
persepsi terhadap deteksi dini kanker serviks.
Kata kunci : Minat, Pengetahuan, Resiko Fisik, Persepsi, Deteksi Dini Kanker
Background : Riskesdas (2013) re corded i n I ndonesia c ervical c ancer about
330,000 people and in East Java, which is about 21,313 cases. East Java become
the hi ghest i n t he prov ince o f cer vical can cer cases. S o, t he g overnment i s
targeting 80% of w omen a ged 30 -50 years of early d etection ev ery 5 years.
However, the Ministry of Health (2013) notes that have been doing in East Java
by 1.27% and in Bangkalan by 1%.
Aim : The purpose of this study was to identify influence of interest factors in the
early detection of cervical cancer at the region of Bangkalan public health centers.
Method : This r esearch m ethod i s an alytic with cross s ectional d esign. Th e
population i s w omen of c hildbearing a ge i n Bangkalan public health cen ters as
many as 96 samples. Sampling was done by total sampling and meet the inclusion
and ex clusion criteria. The i ndependent v ariable i n t his s tudy i s t he f actor o f
interest and the sub-variables are knowledge, physical risks, and the perception of
cervical can cer. W hile the d ependent v ariable i s the early d etection o f ce rvical
cancer. The instrument uses a questionnaire. Data analysis using Chi-Square test.
Result : The re sults s howed re spondents e arly de tection of cer vical cancer a
number of 61 people (63.5%). A fter analysis of data using SPSS.23 with α=0.05
knowledge g ained s ignificant v alue ( p= 0.402), phy sical ri sk (p= 0.904),
perception (p= 0.021) a nd i nterest (p= 0.053). I f t he v alue of p> α, then H0 is
accepted. M oreover, t he know ledge obt ained r v alue (1.734), phy sical ri sk
(0.203), perception (7,700) and interest (5,885).
Conclusion : there i s n o s ignificant r elationship b etween k nowledge, p hysical
risk, an d i nterest i n the early d etection of cer vical cancer. H owever, t here i s a
perception of influence on the early detection of cervical cancer.
Keywords: I nterest, Knowledge, P hysical R isks, P erception, E arly D etection o f
Cervical Cancer