Parkinson, Tak BerBahaya TeTaPi Mengganggu

Siloam Senior
Health Community
Desember 2015
Parkinson, Tak Berbahaya
Tetapi Mengganggu
What Happen on People with Parkinson’s
Kembalikan Kualitas Hidup
Dengan DBS
Restore Your Active Life with DBS
what’s on
Siloam Hospitals Berpartisipasi di
Hospital Expo 2015
Siloam Hospitals’ Showcase of
Excellence at Hospital Expo 2015
Sahabat Senior,
DR.dr. Andry M.M., M.H.Kes
Kamaljeet Singh Gill
Pemimpin Redaksi
Sharon Tjokrorahardjo
Sintha Amelia
Vinda Ratna Sania
Muhamad Yusuf
Nigar Pandrianto
Luciana S Lestari
Erizka Prafitasari
Siloam Head Office
Gedung Fakultas Kedokteran UPH
Lippo Karawaci - 31st floor
Jl. Boulevard Jend. Sudirman
no. 1688
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Direct : +62 21 2566 8000
[email protected]
Media Consultant
CRE8 – Communication Boutique
Kompas Gramedia Building Unit 2, 4th Floor
Jl. Panjang 8A, Kebon Jeruk,
Jakarta 11530
Tel: (021) 533 0150, 533 0170, Ext 32138
Fax: (021) 530 4776
Email: [email protected]
Ketika bicara tentang parkinson, ingatan kita bisa jadi
langsung tertuju kepada petinju legendaris Muhammad
Ali, Paus Yohanes Paulus II, atau aktor Robin Williams.
Selain nama terakhir, kedua sosok tersebut hidup
bertahun-tahun dengan parkinson.
Meski tak dapat disembuhkan, tetapi penanganan yang
tepat sesungguhnya dapat mengembalikan kualitas hidup
pasien parkinson menjadi normal kembali.
Di edisi kali ini, Silver mengajak Sahabat Senior untuk
mengenal lebih jauh tentang parkinson, mulai dari
mengenali tanda-tanda parkinson, hingga teknik terbaik
dalam menangani masalah degeneratif ini.
Semoga semangat hidup Muhammad Ali dan Paus
Yohanes Paulus II mampu menginspirasi kita untuk
menjalani semangat hidup yang sama dengan atau tanpa
Selamat membaca.
Dear Readers,
What comes to mind when we hear Parkinson’s disease?
We may recall big names, like Muhammad Ali, Pope John
Paul II, or Robin Williams. These people – a legendary
boxing champion, a religious leader, and an actor adored
by millions – have something in common: They were all
diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Ali has been living
with the disease for years, and so did the late Pope.
The articles in this issue are dedicated to explaining
Parkinson’s. We want Silver readers to learn more about
it, get to know its early symptoms, and find out what to
do to treat this degenerative disease.
While it is true that Parkinson’s has no cure, this does
not mean that people with the disease cannot lead a full,
productive life. With the right treatment and care, the
possibility is always there.
Hopefully, true fighters like Muhammad Ali and John Paul
II can lend us some inspiration to always lead the best life
possible, with or without Parkinson’s.
Have fun reading.
Caroline Riady
Chief Executive Officer Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk
Kami Siap Tangani Penyakit Parkinson
Here to Serve Parkinson’s Patients
Restore Your Active Life With DBS
Healthy Tips
Leading a Quality Life for People with Parkinson’s
One Stop Solution Masalah Kesehatan Masyarakat
Kembalikan Kualitas Hidup Dengan DBS
Penderita Parkinson Tetap Dapat Hidup
Bahagia dengan Cara Ini
Our preeminence
A One-Stop Solution for the Public’s Health Problems
Jangan Remehkan Nyeri di Sendi
Do Not Underestimate Joint Pains
we commit
Fajri, Doorman Siloam Hospitals
Tidak Mau Membeda-bedakan Pasien
A Tale of a Devoted Doorman
what’s on
Siloam Hospitals Berpartisipasi di Hospital
Expo 2015
Siloam Hospitals’ Showcase of Excellence at
Hospital Expo 2015
what’s on
Seminar Edukasi: Kenali Rematik Sedini
An Education Seminar: Catching Early Signs of
Menikmati Mewahnya Masakan Nusantara
dalam Pesawat
A New Dining Experience: Tasty Indonesian
Cuisine Onboard a ‘Grounded’ Aircraft
Cover Story
Parkinson, Tak Berbahaya Tetapi Mengganggu
What happens to people with Parkinson’s disease
Teka-teki Silang
Caroline Riady
Chief Executive Officer Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk
Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk
merupakan rumah sakit yang
paling banyak menangani
operasi DBS di Indonesia.
Siloam Hospital Kebon Jeruk has
performed more DBS surgeries
than any other hospitals in
Rasa gemetar atau kaku yang dialami
seseorang saat memasuki usia lanjut
seringkali dianggap sebagai hal yang biasa.
Padahal, bisa jadi itu merupakan gejala awal
penyakit parkinson.
Parkinson adalah penyakit yang dapat
mengganggu kualitas hidup seseorang.
Sayangnya, pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap
penyakit parkinson masih kurang. Penyakit
parkinson yang tidak segera ditangani dapat
membuat penderita tidak mampu lagi berdiri
maupun berjalan, sehingga tidak dapat
beraktivitas seperti biasanya. Karena tingkat
bahaya yang tinggi, maka penyakit parkinson
membutuhkan penanganan yang tepat.
Oleh karena itu, Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk
telah lama menghadirkan fasilitas Parkinson’s
and Movement Disorder Center. Fasilitas
ini menjadi pusat parkinson dan gangguan
gerak pertama di Indonesia yang menangani
penyakit parkinson dan gangguan gerak
Parkinson’s and Movement Disorder Center
ditangani secara komprehensif dengan tim
multidisiplin yang terdiri dari dokter saraf,
dokter bedah saraf, dokter psikiatri, rehabilitasi
medik, psikolog, ahli nutrisi dan perawat yang
berintegrasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas
hidup penderita.
Tremors or stiffness experienced by a person at
old age are often considered a common problem.
These, however, may be early signs of Parkinson’s
Parkinson’s is the kind of disease that may
reduce the quality of life of the person suffering
it. Unfortunately, the public has little knowledge
of the disease. If not immediately treated,
Parkinson’s may threaten the sufferer’s ability
to stand and walk, and kinder his or her daily
activities. Due to the harms it may cause,
Parkinson’s requires proper treatment.
This is the reason Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk
established a Parkinson’s and Movement Disorder
Center – the first center dedicated to treating
people with Parkinson’s and other movement
disorders in Indonesia.
The center is managed comprehensively by a
multidisciplinary team comprising neurologists,
neurosurgeons, psychiatrists, medical
rehabilitation experts, psychologists, nutritionists,
and nurses – all of whom collaborate to improve
patients’ quality of life.
The center offers comprehensive management
services, including Botulinum Toxin (Botox), Deep
Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgery, Thalamotomy,
Pallidotomy and a rehabilitation program for
patients with Parkinson’s or other movement
Fasilitas ini menghadirkan layanan tata laksana
komprehensif yang terdiri dari Botulinum Toxin
(Botox), Operasi Deep Brain Stimulation, Operasi
Thalamotomy, Operasi Pallidotomy, dan program
rehabilitasi bagi pasien dengan penyakit parkinson
dan gangguan gerak lainnya.
Pada penyakit parkinson tahap lanjut, penderita
dapat melakukan operasi stimulasi otak atau
Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). DBS telah diakui
oleh Food Drug Administration (FDA) dari
Amerika Serikat untuk pengobatan penyakit
parkinson, tremor, dystonia, gangguan obsessive
compulsive, dan epilepsi.
Tindakan DBS tergolong aman, dilakukan dalam
keadaan sadar, tidak merusak jaringan otak, dan
gejala parkinson dapat diprogram. Hingga saat ini,
Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk merupakan rumah
sakit yang paling banyak menangani operasi DBS
di Indonesia.
Selain pengobatan, Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk
juga telah berulang kali mengadakan seminar dan
talkshow radio untuk mengedukasi masyarakat
mengenai penyakit parkinson dan gangguan
gerak lainnya.
A DBS surgery is performed on patients
with an advanced stage of Parkinson’s.
This FDA (foods and drug administration)
approval therapy has been proven to
effectivelly treat and manage Parkinson’s
related tremor, dystonia, obsessive
compulsive disorder, and epilepsy.
DBS, is usually performed on conscious
patients, and is considered safe. It will
treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s without
harming the brain tissue. Thus far, Siloam
Hospitals Kebon Jeruk has performed more
DBS surgeries than any other hospitals in
In addition to providing treatments, Siloam
Hospitals Kebon Jeruk also organizes a
series of seminars and radio talkshows to
educate the public on Parkinson’s disease
and other movement disorders.
Our preeminence
Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk,
One Stop Solution
Masalah Kesehatan
A One-Stop Solution for Public
Health Problems
Memercayakan penanganan masalah kesehatan
tidak dapat dilakukan secara sembarangan.
Memberikannya kepada rumah sakit yang kurang
berpengalaman, apalagi tanpa tenaga medis dan
peralatan yang memadai, dapat menggiring kita
kepada masalah-masalah lainnya. Oleh sebab itu,
pastikan rumah sakit yang dipilih dapat memberi
pelayanan kesehatan yang diperlukan.
Menyadari hal ini, Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk
(SHKJ), yang meraih Grand Winner Asian Patient
Safety Award pada kategori Innovation in Safety
Communication di India pada 5 September tahun lalu
telah memiliki sejumlah fasilitas kesehatan, yakni,
Siloam Heart Institute (SHI)
Siloam Heart Institute (SHI) yang menawarkan
layanan pencegahan, pengobatan, operasi, dan
rehabilitasi dengan layanan diagnostik dan peralatan
kesehatan terkini seperti Catheterization Lab (Cath
Lab), CT Scan Cardiac Care Unit (CCU) dan High
Treatments for health problems cannot be
entrusted to just anyone. Giving your trust to
less experienced hospitals, especially those
lacking adequate medical staff and equipment,
may instead lead to other problems. Therefore,
it is imperative that you choose a hospital that
can give you the proper medical treatment you
Realizing the importance of trust, Siloam
Hospitals Kebon Jeruk, which was named
the Grand Winner of the Asian Patient
Safety Award in the Innovation in Safety
Communication category in India on
September 5, 2014, has developed a number of
Siloam Heart Institute (SHI)
Siloam Heart Institute (SHI) provides preventive
care, treatment, surgery, and rehabilitative
services using state-of-the-art diagnostic
tools and medical equipment, such as a
Catheterization Lab (Cath Lab), CT Scan
Cardiac Care Unit (CCU) and High Cardiac Care
Unit (HCCU). These are important instruments
in the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of
patients with heart problems.
Orthopaedic Center (for Hip, Knee, and
Geriatric Trauma)
SHKJ’s Orthopaedic Center offers preventive
care, treatment, surgery, and rehabilitative
Cardiac Care Unit (HCCU). Instrumen-instrumen
ini berperan dalam mendeteksi, mendiagnosis,
mengobati dan memulihkan pasien pasca operasi
Orthopaedic Center (Hip, Knee, and
Geriatric Trauma)
Orthopedic Center SHKJ menawarkan layanan
pencegahan, pengobatan, operasi, dan rehabilitasi
untuk penyakit sistem muskuloskeletal yang
memengaruhi tulang, sendi, otot, dan ligamen.
Emergency Department
Unit Gawat Darurat (UGD) SHKJ akan
mengirimkan rapid response ambulance dalam
waktu tiga menit setelah telepon diterima.
Rapid Response Mobile Hospital dilengkapi
dokter, perawat, obat-obatan, dan peralatan
yang menunjang kondisi pasien selama dalam
Digestive Centre
Digestive Clinic merupakan one stop solution bagi
setiap pasien dengan masalah pencernaan. Selain
dilengkapi dengan teknologi terkini, Digestive
Clinic bekerjasama dengan dokter-dokter senior
yang telah memiliki pengalaman di bidang
gastroenterologi dan hepatologi, radiologi, operasi
saluran cerna.
Urology Centre
Urology Centre adalah pusat penanganan masalah
seputar saluran kencing dan gangguan saluran
kemih. Fokus utama dari Urology Center adalah
mendeteksi dan mengobati prostat dan batu
ginjal. SHKJ memiliki Extracorporeal Shockwave
Lithotripsy (ESWL) untuk menghancurkan batu
saluran kemih dengan gelombang suara sehingga
dapat keluar melalui saluran kencing.
Pediatric Centre
Children Centre SKHJ adalah layanan neonatal,
bayi, anak-anak, dan remaja. Dengan layanan dan
fasilitas yang komprehensif seperti Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Pediatric Intensive
Care Unit (PICU), Pediatric Orthopedic, dan
Pediatric Cardiology. NICU adalah fasilitas bagi
bayi yang memerlukan perawatan intensif,
sedangkan PICU adalah perawatan khusus yang
mengawasi tanda-tanda pada anak-anak dalam
kondisi kritis.
services for musculoskeletal disorders affecting
bones, joints, muscles, and ligaments.
Emergency Department
SHKJ’s Emergency Unit will send a rapidresponse ambulance within three minutes after
a phone call is received. Our Rapid Response
Mobile Hospital carries a doctor, a nurse,
medication, and equipment necessary to manage
a patient’s condition during the trip to the hospital.
Digestive Center
A one-stop solution for patients with digestive
conditions, the Digestive Clinic is equipped
with cutting-edge technologies and employs
senior doctors experienced in gastroenterology,
hepatology, radiology, and digestive surgeries.
Urology Center
The Urology Center deals with urology and urinary
tract problems. Its primary focus is the detection
and treatment of prostate problems and kidney
stones. The center also conduct Extracorporeal
Shockwave Lithotripsy (ESWL) to destroy kidney
stones with shock waves. This allows the stones,
now broken into pieces as small as grains of
sand, to pass from the body along with the urine.
Pediatric Center
SHKJ’s Children Center provides services for
neonates, infants, children, and teens. It is
equipped with a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
(NICU), Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU),
Pediatric Orthopaedic facilities, and Pediatric
Cardiology facilities. NICU is a facility for neonates
in need of intensive treatments, while PICU
specializes in the care of critically ill infants and
Selain itu, “Seseorang dengan parkinson juga
akan mengalami penurunan fungsi kognitif, antara
lain mudah lupa, kecemasan berlebihan, depresi,
insomnia, bicara pelan dan raut muka menjadi
datar,” jelasnya.
Parkinson disebabkan oleh faktor genetik,
lingkungan, dan degeneratif atau penuaan.
Penyakit ini menyerang otak dan memengaruhi
gerak tubuh karena berkurangnya zat dopamin.
“Hingga saat ini parkinson belum dapat
disembuhkan, tetapi gejala awalnya dapat diatasi
dengan obat untuk menekan memburuknya gejala
tersebut,” pungkas dr. Frandy.
Sumber: Dr. Frandy Susatia, Sp.S dan Dr. Made Agus M. Inggas, Sp.BS
Parkinson’s disease does not come with any
physical pain. There is no soreness, and there
are no acute, irritating stings in certain places.
What Parkinson’s may bring, however, is a
deteriorating quality of life; it causes fatigue
and may even damage the self-esteem of the
person suffering it.
Parkinson, Tak
Berbahaya Tetapi
What happens to people with
Parkinson’s disease?
Berbeda dengan masalah kesehatan lain,
penderita parkinson umumnya tak merasakan
sakit tertentu di tubuhnya. Meskipun begitu,
kebanyakan orang dengan parkinson akan
merasakan kualitas hidupnya terganggu, kelelahan,
hingga rendah diri.
Menurut dr. Frandy Susatia, SpS, Dokter Spesialis
Saraf Parkinson’s and Movement Disorder
Center Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk, perasaanperasaan tersebut mungkin muncul karena gejala
umum yang ditunjukkan orang dengan parkinson
adalah gemetar atau tremor saat istirahat,
gerakan lamban, otot kaku, hingga masalah pada
This condition is linked with symptoms that
people with Parkinson’s usually show – shaking
or tremors, as well as slowness of movement,
among others, according to Dr. Frandy
Susatia, SpS, a neurologist at the Parkinson’s
and Movement Disorder Center of Siloam
Hospitals Kebon Jeruk. The muscles and
postural balance are also affected.
In addition, “people with Parkinson’s also
suffer from deteriorating cognitive functions.
They forget things easily, they become overly
worried, and they may even suffer from
depression and insomnia. They slur in their
speech, and their facial expressions become
stiff,” Dr. Frandy says.
Parkinson’s disease affects the brain and bodily
movements due to a lack of dopamine. The
causes may be genetic, environmental, or due
to aging. “The cure for Parkinson’s hasn’t been
found yet. But there are medications that can
ease the early symptoms and manage the
disease’s progression.”
Kami Siap Tangani
Penyakit Parkinson
Here to Serve Parkinson’s Patients
Dr. Frandy Susatia, Sp.S
merupakan Dokter
Spesialis Saraf di
Parkinson’s and
Movement Disorder
Center. Pria kelahiran 25
Februari ini merupakan
lulusan University of Florida
McKnight Brain Institute Shands
Medical Center, Florida, Amerika, ia mengambil
subspesialis Movement Disorder (parkinson).
Menurut dr. Frandy, mayoritas penderita parkinson
berusia di atas 50 tahun, namun 1 dari 20 orang di
bawah usia 40 tahun terdiagnosa parkinson. “Jika
seseorang mengalami gejala-gejala parkinson,
jangan tunda untuk berkonsultasi dengan dokter
spesialis saraf untuk segera diberikan pengobatan
yang tepat,” ujarnya.
Penanganan penyakit parkinson di Parkinson’s
and Movement Disorder Center Siloam Hospitals
Kebon Jeruk dilakukan oleh tim dokter multidisiplin
yang kompeten di bidangnya.
A team of multi-specialists is here at the
Parkinson’s and Movement Disorder Center
Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk, ready to help and
treat the patients
Dr. Made Agus M. Inggas,
Sp.BS merupakan Dokter
Spesialis Bedah Saraf di
Parkinson’s and Movement
Disorder Center. Pria
kelahiran 18 Januari 1974
ini merupakan lulusan
Spesialis Bedah Saraf, Fakultas
Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga pada tahun
Melalui Parkinson’s and Movement Disorder
Center, dr. Made siap membantu penderita
Parkinson untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup
mereka. “Setelah menjalani operasi Deep Brain
Stimulation (DBS), pasien akan langsung dapat
menjalani aktivitasnya kembali seperti semula.
Ini salah satu bukti bahwa ada harapan baru bagi
penderita parkinson,” lanjutnya.
Dr. Frandy Susatia, born on February 25, is a
neurologist at the Parkinson’s and Movement
Disorder Center. Dr. Susatia underwent a
sub-specialty training in Movement Disorder
(Parkinson’s) in 2009 at the University of
Florida McKnight Brain Institute, Shands
Medical Center, in Florida, United States.
Born on January 18, 1974, Dr. Made Agus
M. Inggas, SpBS dedicates his time as
a neurosurgeon to the Parkinson’s and
Movement Disorder Center. He studied
medicine and specialized as a neurosurgeon at
the Airlangga University’s School of Medicine,
graduating in 2009.
Dr. Susatia says most Parkinson’s patients are
over 50 years old. However, statistics reveal
that one out of every 20 people diagnosed
with Parkinson’s is under the age of 40. His
message is clear: “If you see any symptoms,
go see a neurologist immediately to get
immediate treatment.”
With his knowledge and skills, Dr. Inggas is
ready to help patients regain their full life. “We
conducted a Deep Brain Stimulation surgery
and the patient was able to return to his usual
routines, as though he never had the disease.
This proves that there is hope on the horizon
for people with Parkinson’s,” he says.
Waktu operasional: Senin – Sabtu
08:00 – 21:00 WIB
Informasi dan pendaftaran: 1-500-181
Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat
Kembalikan Kualitas Hidup
Dengan DBS
Restore Your Active Life With DBS
Penyakit parkinson memiliki lima stadium. Jika di
stadium awal, gejala parkinson masih dapat diatasi
dengan obat, tidak begitu ketika intensitas gejala
yang timbul terus meningkat dan sudah sangat
mengganggu kehidupan sehari-hari penderitanya.
“Di stadium itu, baiknya pasien melakukan operasi
DBS,” jelas dr. Made Agus M. Inggas, SpBS,
Dokter Spesialis Bedah Saraf Parkinson’s and
Movement Disorder Center Siloam Hospitals
Kebon Jeruk.
Operasi Deep Brain Stimulation atau DBS
dilakukan dengan cara menanamkan sebuah
elektroda atau chip di otak. Chip tersebut
terhubung dengan kabel dan baterai yang ditanam
di dalam dada. DBS memicu sel tertentu di dalam
otak agar dapat menghasilkan dopamin kembali.
Sama halnya dengan mengonsumsi obat, operasi
DBS tidak menjamin kesembuhan bagi penderita
parkinson, tetapi dapat mengembalikan kualitas
hidup pasien parkinson karena gejala penyakit
akan jauh berkurang atau menghilang.
Menurut dr. Made, bila sebelumnya seseorang
dengan parkinson sangat bergantung kepada
orang lain karena kesulitan bergerak, metode DBS
akan membantu orang tersebut untuk kembali
mandiri. “Pasien akan jauh lebih mudah berjalan
kaki atau bahkan berlari,” urainya.
Sumber: Dr. Frandy Susatia, Sp.S dan Dr. Made Agus M. Inggas, Sp.BS
At the onset, people with Parkinson’s disease may
only show mild symptoms. However, as a person
gradually goes through the five stages of the
disease, the symptoms grow more intense and
can be debilitating.
Aside from medication, there is now a procedure
for patients to consider – Deep Brain Stimulation,
or DBS. “DBS is recommended for patients who
have progressed to more advanced stages of the
disease,” says Dr. Made Agus M. Inggas, SpBS, a
neurosurgeon at the Parkinson’s and Movement
Disorder Center at Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk.
DBS is a surgical procedure involving the
implantation of an electrode inside the brain.
This electrode is connected to a wire extension
and a battery pack implanted in the chest. What
DBS does is deliver electrical stimulations to
specific areas in the brain to trigger the release of
According to Dr. Inggas, DBS can help patients
regain nerve control. Patients who have to
physically rely on others can have their movement
independence restored with DBS. “It’ll be much
easier for patients to walk again, or even run,” he
Indeed, DBS is not a cure for Parkinson’s. It
does not put an end to the disease, just as
medications help only to the extent of controlling
the symptoms. However, DBS can considerably
reduce the symptoms, or even eliminate them.
This means it’s one more way of returning a person
with Parkinson’s to an active and productive life.
5.Hindari terpapar senyawa parakuat dan
benturan pada kepala
Senyawa parakuat banyak terkandung dalam
pestisida dan herbisida. Paparan pestisida dan
herbisida dalam waktu lama dapat memperparah
kerusakan saraf pada otak. Benturan pada
kepala juga akan menimbulkan perdarahan dan
kerusakan pada sel otak.
Penderita Parkinson Tetap Dapat
Hidup Bahagia dengan Cara Ini
Leading a Quality Life for People with
Menurut dr. Frandy Susatia, Sp.S, parkinson
merupakan penyakit yang tidak dapat
disembuhkan. Akan tetapi, penyakit ini dapat
diringankan dengan beberapa cara, mulai dari
pemberian obat hingga penerapan pola hidup yang
Sumber: Dr. Frandy Susatia, Sp.S dan Dr. Made Agus M. Inggas, Sp.BS
There is no cure for Parkinson’s disease, says Dr.
Frandy Susatia, Sp.S, a neurologist at Siloam’s
Parkinson’s and Movement Disorder Center.
However, there are ways to alleviate its symptoms.
Berikut ini beberapa tips untuk penderita parkinson
agar bahagia di usia lanjut.
From medications to healthy lifestyles, here
are some tips to help people with Parkinson’s –
including the elderlies – lead a quality life.
1.Pahami penyakit Anda dengan berkonsultasi
ke dokter
Konsultasikan dengan dokter spesialis saraf
mengenai gejala yang Anda rasakan untuk
mendapatkan penjelasan lebih lanjut mengenai
penyakit yang diderita. Dengan demikian, Anda
dapat lebih aware dan mengetahui langkah yang
harus dilakukan agar gejala tidak memburuk.
Disarankan untuk memeriksakan kondisi Anda
secara rutin guna mendapatkan pengobatan yang
1. Know what you’re suffering from
The first thing to do if you recognize any symptoms
is to consult with a neurologist. It is important
to get a proper diagnosis, so that you can start
learning the steps to slow down the disease’s
progression. You will also need regular check-ups in
order to obtain optimum treatment results.
2.Konsumsi obat
Konsumsilah obat dengan teratur sesuai anjuran
dokter. Meski penyakit parkinson tidak dapat
disembuhkan, namun obat dapat mengendalikan
gejala parkinson yang muncul dan membantu
meningkatkan kualitas hidup Anda.
Selain rutin mengonsumsi obat, disarankan juga
untuk berolahraga. Olahraga yang dilakukan
secara rutin dapat membantu memperkuat
tulang, memperbaiki keseimbangan tubuh dan
mencegah kekakuan sendi. Lakukan selama 30
menit setiap hari. Pilihlah olahraga yang Anda
senangi dan lakukan secara konsisten.
4.Konsumsi makanan yang sehat dan bergizi
Perbanyaklah mengonsumsi sayur dan buah yang
kaya akan antioksidan. hindari makanan yang
mengandung kadar gula tinggi, bahan pengawet,
makanan rendah gizi seperti junk food, serta
minuman bersoda dan beralkohol.
2. Take your medications
Parkinson’s cannot be cured, nevertheless
there are medications that can help control the
symptoms and help patients improve their quality
of life. The key to achieving this is taking your
prescribed medications regularly.
3. Make exercise a habit
Regular exercise has multiple benefits: it
strengthens the bones, gives you better balance,
and prevents joint stiffness. You only need 30
minutes a day and you can choose any kind of
exercise – light walking, yoga, swimming, or even
tai chi. Just remember to do it consistently and
make it a part of your routine.
4. Eat healthy, nutritious food
Antioxidants do wonders to our body. Consume
more vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants. At
the same time, stay away from food high in sugar
and preservatives, like junk food, soda, and alcohol.
5. Avoid paraquat
Paraquat is a toxic chemical that anyone would
want to avoid. Commonly found in pesticides and
herbicides, paraquat – if we’re exposed to it – may
aggravate neuronal and brain damages.
You also need to take good care of your head,
because bumps on the head may lead to a brain
hemorrhage and cell damage.
Jangan Remehkan Nyeri di Sendi
Do Not Underestimate Joint Pains
Saat nyeri sendi pada panggul atau lutut
mengganggu aktivitas sehari-hari, penderita
disarankan untuk menjalani operasi penggantian
tulang panggul atau tempurung lutut. Prosedur
operasi tersebut tergolong sederhana dan
dapat dilakukan di tanah air sehingga biaya lebih
Ahli orthopaedic surgeon Dr.dr.Franky Hartono
SpOT(K) mengatakan, beberapa pasien
beranggapan bahwa operasi panggul atau
tempurung lutut mengerikan. Padahal, hal tersebut
membantu pasien untuk bisa bergerak lebih bebas
dan beraktivitas normal.
Head of Hip, Knee, and Geriatric Trauma Center
Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk itu mengatakan,
beberapa kasus yang mereka tangani biasanya
kerusakan total pada persendian. Penyebabnya
antara lain pengapuran sendi (osteoarthritis),
infeksi, trauma pasca kecelakaan, atau patah
tulang komplikasi.
Sementara itu, ahli orthopaedics and traumatology
dr. Wibisono SpOT FICS menjelaskan, prosedur
akan dilanjutkan dengan pengecekan sendi melalui
foto X-ray atau menggunakan arthroscopy.
Proses pengecekan ini tergantung dari masingmasing kebutuhan pasien. ’’Jika kondisi kerusakan
A painful hip joint or knee can interfere with
your daily activities. What should you do if this
condition persists? The solution can be hip or
knee replacements.
Dr. Franky Hartono SpOT(K), the head of the
Hip, Knee, and Geriatric Trauma Center at
Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk, explains that
this kind of pain usually occurs when a patient
suffers total joint damage. This can be caused
by a number of things, such as osteoarthritis,
infection, post-traumatic arthritis, or fracture
complication. This is why, according to Dr.
Hartono, it is important to avoid activities that
put our cartilage at risk of heavy impact.
The orthopaedic surgeon also says that while
replacement surgery may sound intimidating
to some patients, it is in fact a relatively simple
procedure that can substantially help reduce
the pain, enabling patients to walk or move
easily. This procedure can even be performed
in a local hospital at a more affordable cost.
According to orthopaedics and traumatology
expert Dr. Wibisono SpOT FICS, a graduate of
medicine at Airlangga University in Surabaya,
patients would be examined through an
X-ray or arthroscopy procedure, depending
on their condition. “We recommend patients
with stage 3 or 4 damage to have a joint
replacement” he says.
sendi sudah stadium 3 dan 4, dilakukan operasi
penggantian sendi dengan cara implan,’’ kata
alumnus Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga
Surabaya itu.
Sendi yang rusak itu akan diganti dengan
komponen buatan yang terbuat dari titanium dan
telah lulus uji biomedis. Sementara itu, pengganti
tempurung dan bantalan sendi buatan umumnya
dibuat dari bahan polyethilene.
Bahan-bahan tersebut relatif aman dan tidak
bereaksi saat berada dalam tubuh manusia.
Operasi ini aman dilakukan karena koordinasi
dengan tim dokter spesialis lain, seperti dokter
spesialis jantung dan pembuluh darah, selalu
Paket Khusus TKR dan THR
Kini Anda dapat melakukan operasi penggantian
tulang panggul atau tempurung lutut dengan
kualitas terbaik di jaringan Siloam Hospitals.
Tersedia harga paket VIP dan harga khusus mulai
dari Rp 70 Juta. Paket total knee replacement
(TKR) atau total hip replacement (THR) sudah
termasuk biaya tindakan dokter, implan, obatobatan selama perawatan di rumah sakit dan
dibawa pulang, serta pemulihan di kamar
Biaya tersebut juga sudah meliputi konsultasi
persiapan operasi khusus dengan spesialis
ortopedi, biaya operasi, implan, dan rawat inap
kelas VIP. Syarat dan ketentuan promo dapat
berubah sewaktu-waktu.
Hindari Olahraga High Impact
Usai pelaksanaan operasi pasien masuk pada
masa pemulihan selama lima hari. Pada periode ini
pasien menjalani latihan atau terapi khusus untuk
penguatan otot di daerah sendi.
Terapi ini penting dilakukan untuk mempercepat
masa pemulihan. Dokter ortopedi MRCCC
Siloam Hospitals DR.dr. Andri M. Lubis SpOT(K)
menambahkan, setelah operasi penggantian sendi,
pasien dapat kembali berjalan tanpa mengalami
nyeri. Sementara itu, aktivitas yang harus dihindari
pasien pasca operasi adalah olahraga high impact
seperti lari atau lompat.
What happens during the procedure? The
damaged joint is removed and replaced with
a biomedically approved artificial component
made of titanium. An artificial kneecap and
meniscus, on the other hand, are commonly
made of polyethylene. These materials have
been tested and proven safe to be implanted
inside a human body, causing no physical
Hip or knee replacements are safe procedures
to undergo. At all times during the surgery,
patients are under the care and supervision of
a team of doctors, including a cardiologist and
vascular specialist.
Special TKR and THR Packages Only at
Siloam Hospitals
If you are looking into hip or knee
replacements procedure and are looking
for the best treatment, Siloam Hospitals is
ready to serve you. We offer VIP and special
packages starting from Rp70 million. Our
Total Knee Replacement (TKR) or Total Hip
Replacement (THR) packages are inclusive
of the medical procedure, implants, your
stay during the post-surgery recovery period,
and inpatient and outpatient medication.
Consultation with our orthopaedic doctor
and use of a VIP-class patient room are also
included. Terms and conditions apply.
Avoid Heavy Exercise
Aside from the surgery itself, the hip or
knee replacements procedure also includes
a recovery stage. After the surgery, you will
need to stay in the hospital for five days to
heal, and then undergo physical therapy to
strengthen the muscles and train you to walk,
as well as other treatments that are important
to accelerate your recovery. According to Dr.
Andri M. Lubis SpOT(K), an orthopaedic doctor
at MRCCC Siloam Hospitals, patients would
be able to walk again following a surgery, this
time without the nagging pain. Patients are
also allowed to do light exercises, but they
should avoid certain strenuous movements,
such as running or jumping. It is also important
to follow their check-up schedule after leaving
the hospital to make sure they are always in a
good condition.
Fajri, Doorman Siloam Hospitals
Tidak Mau Membeda-bedakan Pasien
A Tale of a Devoted Doorman
Jika anda memasuki lobi Siloam Hospitals Kebon
Jeruk yang berada di Jakarta Barat, anda akan
disambut oleh petugas dengan busana bernuansa
Betawi yang menyapa hangat dan segera
menawarkan bantuan. Seketika suasana hati anda
akan menjadi lebih nyaman.
Itulah doorman yang selalu siap menjemput anda
ketika tiba Siloam Hospitals. Pemandangan seperti
ini lebih sering ditemui di hotel-hotel berbintang.
Itu yang membuat rumah sakit ini menjadi berbeda
dengan rumah sakit kebanyakan.
Salah satu petugas yang berada di sana adalah
Fajri. Ia telah menjalani tugasnya selama tiga belas
tahun. Namun, apa yang membuatnya mau melakoni
profesi sebagai doorman selama itu.
“Saya senang melayani orang lain. Setiap kali ada
pasien datang saya siap menyambut. Saya akan
bertanya apa yang bisa saya bantu untuk mereka,”
kata Fajri yang bangga dengan pekerjaannya.
The difference between Siloam and most
other hospitals is apparent as soon as you
enter the lobby of, take for example, Siloam
Hospitals Kebon Jeruk in West Jakarta.
Every time a visitor arrives at the lobby,
they will be warmly greeted by an officer
wearing a traditional Betawi outfit, who will
immediately ask if they need any assistance.
Siloam is determined to offer comfort to its
patients from the start, thus the employment
of the doorman service commonly found at
star-rated hotels, not at hospitals.
Fajri is one of the doormen at Siloam
Hospitals Kebon Jeruk. He’s been working
there for 13 years – definitely not a short
period. What has made him stick with this
job for that long?
Fajri mengisahkan, sebelum bekerja ia selalu
memastikan alat-alat yang diperlukan dalam
keadan baik. Misalnya saja kursi roda. Ia tahu
kursi ini sangat diperlukan jika ada pasien
yang tidak mungkin berjalan ketika tiba di
rumah sakit.
Kecintaan pria asal Lampung itu terhadap
pekerjaan, ia perlihatkan dengan melakukan
hal-hal yang tidak menjadi tugas utamanya.
Sebut saja ketika mencarikan taksi untuk
pasien. Ia tidak ragu mencarikan taksi bagi
pasien yang akan meninggalkan rumah sakit.
“Kadang-kadang ada pasien yang karena
kondisinya tidak dapat mencari taksi sendiri.
Ya pasti segera saya bantu. Kasihan kalau
pasien harus mencari taksi sendirian, “kata
bapak dari tiga orang anak ini.
Itu memang komitmen Fajri. Ia selalu
berusaha memberikan pelayanan yang baik.
Jika kebutuhan pasien sudah dipenuhi, ia
akan bertanya kembali untuk mengetahui
apa lagi yang mungkin dapat dibantu,”
Fajri mengaku senang dapat berbuat sesuatu
bagi orang lain di Siloam Hospitals. Apalagi
selama ini ia selalu didukung oleh kawankawan maupun atasannya. “Di sini kami
semua saling mendukung. Saya senang
dengan suasana seperti ini. Saya berharap
Siloam Hospitals dapat terus maju dan
berkembang,” Fajri mengakhiri pembicaraan.
Kurnia Pratama
Head of General Affair Siloam
Hospitals Kebon Jeruk
Saya melihat Fajri adalah karyawan
yang selalu bekerja dengan hati tanpa
membeda-bedakan pasien. Dari
bahasa tubuhnya saya dapat menilai
ia memberikan pelayanan dengan
kesungguhan. Jadi ia memperlakukan
pasien dengan baik bukan sematamata karena tuntutan pekerjaan.
“I like serving people. Every time a patient
arrives, I’m ready to welcome them. I will ask if
they need any help,” says Fajri, who adds that he
is proud with his job.
He says before starting work every day, he would
ensure that equipment like wheelchairs are in
good condition and ready for use. Many patients
arrive at the hospital in weak conditions,
unable to walk, thus requiring the use of
Fajri also shows his love for his job by doing work
outside his main duties. For example, he
often helps patients by hailing a taxi for them
when they’re leaving the hospital.
“Some patients, due to their condition,
cannot look for a taxi by themselves. I would
immediately help,” says the father of three.
Fajri says he’s happy being able to help people
through his work at Siloam Hospitals.
In addition, he says his peers and supervisor
support him well.
“We support each other here. I like this kind of
work environment. I hope Siloam Hospitals will
continue to grow and expand,” Fajri concludes.
I see Fajri as an employee who always works
with all his heart, and he treats all the
patients who come here equally. I can
judge from his body language that
he serves our patients sincerely.
He treats them nicely, and not only
because this is demanded by his
Fajri also never fails to pay attention
to his surroundings. For example, he
always ensures that wheelchairs are
ready for use anytime they are needed.
What’s On
Siloam Hospitals Berpartisipasi
di Hospital Expo 2015
Siloam Hospitals’ Showcase of Excellence at
Hospital Expo 2015
Pada 21 – 24 Oktober lalu, Perhimpunan Rumah Sakit
Seluruh Indonesia (PERSI) mengadakan Hospital Expo
ke-28 yang bertempat di Jakarta Convention Center,
Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta. Siloam Hospitals sebagai
salah satu anggota PERSI turut mendukung kegiatan
ini dengan membuka booth.
Dalam kegiatan yang berlangsung selama empat
hari ini, Siloam Hospitals memperkenalkan dan
menawarkan produk-produk pelayanan terbaik (Center
of Excellence) yang terdapat di seluruh jaringan
rumah sakit Siloam. Seluruh layanan di Siloam
Hospitals didukung dengan tim dokter dan medis yang
kompeten dan berpengalaman dibidangnya. Juga,
ditunjang dengan fasilitas dan alat pendukung medis
yang berteknologi canggih dan bertaraf internasional.
Pada kesempatan tersebut, Siloam juga menggelar
Walk in Interview yang membuka peluang kepada para
profesional muda untuk berkarier di Siloam.
Hospital Expo ke-28 ini juga bersamaan dengan
penyelenggaraan Seminar Tahunan PERSI, dimana
Siloam Hospitals turut berperan sebagai salah satu
pembicara. Adapun tema seminar yang diberikan
Siloam adalah ‘Penanganan Pihak Rumah Sakit
Terhadap Tuntutan Pasien’, yang menghadirkan dr.
Anastina Tahjoo, MARS - CEO Siloam Hospitals Lippo
Village sebagai pembicara.
“Hampir setiap tahunnya Siloam berpartisipasi dalam
event yang diselenggarakan PERSI ini. Melalui ajang
ini kami berharap masyarakat bisa mengetahui dan
memperoleh informasi lebih lanjut seputar layananlayanan yang ada di Siloam,” ujar dokter Anastina.
The 28th Hospital Expo 2015 held from
October 21-24, 2015, gathered members of the
Indonesian Hospital Association (PERSI), which
organizes and hosts the annual exhibition and
networking event.
Throughout the four-day expo at the Jakarta
Convention Center, Bung Karno Stadium, Siloam
Hospitals stood among other participants,
proudly showcasing the services of the hospitals
as centers of excellence – all manned by skilled
and experienced medical team.
Siloam Hospitals’ exhibition booth also displayed
its cutting edge, high-tech medical equipment
and devices that comply with international
standards. Walk-in interview sessions were
set up for applicants who aspired to join the
prestigious healthcare provider.
More than being one of the exhibitors,
Siloam Hospitals also contributed its insights
to Indonesia’s healthcare industry. Dr.
AnastinaTahjoo, MARS, the CEO of Siloam
Hospitals Lippo Village, took to the podium as
one of the speakers in a seminar held as part of
the expo.
“Siloam participates in this event almost
every year. We hope that this will be a fruitful
gathering, where the public can learn more
about Siloam and its services,” Dr. Anastina said.
This year the seminar, organized annually
by PERSI, focused on the theme “Handling
Grievances”. Hospitals shared their perspectives
and experiences regarding this topic.
Seminar Edukasi:
Kenali Rematik Sedini Mungkin
Education Seminar: Catching the Early Signs of
Bagi Siloam, layanan kepada masyarakat tak hanya
dengan menghadirkan sistem pengobatan yang baik,
tetapi juga menyediakan program dan informasi
bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Dengan latar belakang
tersebut, pada Sabtu (31/10) lalu bertempat di
Ballroom lantai 11, Siloam Hospitals Lippo Village
(SHLV) kembali mengadakan seminar rutin bulanan.
Head of Department, Out Patient Department
SHLV Aloysius Wihartana mengatakan, seminar
tersebut merupakan bagian penting program layanan
rumah sakit dalam mengedukasi masyarakat. Oleh
karenanya, seminar pun tidak dikenakan biaya.
Dengan tema “Deteksi Dini Penyakit Rematik”,
seminar menghadirkan dr. Sandra Sinthya Langow,
SpPD.KR dan dr. Rima Natasha, SpKFR selaku
pembicara. Di kesempatan tersebut, keduanya
memberikan berbagai penjelasan, informasi, serta
contoh-contoh yang dapat dipraktikkan dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.
Pemaparan yang jelas dan contoh yang mudah
dipahami membuat seminar berlangsung menarik
dan atraktif. Peserta pun tampak puas dengan
informasi dan pengetahuan yang diberikan
oleh kedua pembicara. Di antaranya pasangan
Dharmawan (60) dan Betty (53) yang ikut serta dalam
seminar tersebut. “Banyak informasi baru yang kami
peroleh dari sini. Seperti soal mitos mandi malam
yang dapat menyebabkan rematik, ternyata faktanya
tidak demikian. Sangat memuaskan informasinya,”
tegas mereka.
Delivering the best health care services to the
public is not merely about providing the best
medical facilities. It is also about spreading
knowledge, and to that end Siloam Hospitals have
been conducting regular education programs,
including monthly seminars that highlight different
topics each time.
The public education seminar in October
discussed “Catching the Early Signs of
Rheumatism”. Held on a Saturday, October 31,
at the 11th-floor ballroom of Siloam Hospitals
Lippo Village (SHLV), the seminar featured
Dr. Sandra SinthyaLangow, SpPD.KR and Dr.
Rima Natasha, SpKFR as the speakers. Their
clear and informative explanations, as well as
relevant examples, made the event a success,
with participants actively taking part in exciting
discussions about the topic.
Dharmawan, 60, who attended the seminar with
his wife, Betty, 53, said: “This seminar gave us
a lot of new information. It also clarified some
myths. For instance, it’s not true that taking an
evening shower can cause rheumatism. Overall,
we are very satisfied.”
Public education has always been an
important part of Siloam Hospitals’ services,
says Aloysius Wihartana, the head of the
Outpatient Department at SHLV. As proof of
this commitment, Siloam Hospitals’ education
seminars are for free for all.
Menikmati Mewahnya Masakan
Nusantara dalam Pesawat
A New Dining Experience: Tasty Indonesian
Cuisine on Board a ‘Grounded’ Aircraft
Jika Anda bosan menikmati hidangan dengan
suasana restoran kebanyakan, Taman Santap
Rumah Kayu dapat menjadi destinasi wisata
kuliner yang tepat. Restoran yang terletak di
Taman Impian Jaya Ancol ini menawarkan sensasi
berbeda dengan menghadirkan pesawat Boeing
737- 400 yang terparkir di sudut resto.
Tak sekadar hiasan, kabin pesawat ini
dimanfaatkan sebagai tempat bersantap makanan.
Kesan mewah langsung terpampang kala kita
memasuki pesawat.
Makanan yang ditawarkan di Taman Santap Rumah
Kayu adalah masakan Khas Nusantara. Menu
makanan yang menjadi favorit di antaranya Cumi
Telur Bakar Rumah Kayu, Ikan Gurame Goreng,
serta Ayam Bakar Rumah Kayu.
Sementara Green Fresh Rumah Kayu yang
merupakan campuran dari jus sawi hijau dan nanas
serta perasan jeruk lemon segar dapat menjadi
pilihan minuman sambil menikmati indahnya
pemandangan nyiur melambai Pantai Ancol dari
jendela pesawat.
Ingin suasana lebih santai? Pengunjung dapat
duduk di saung lesehan dengan kapasitas sekitar
500 orang. Selain itu, terdapat fasilitas VIP Room
dan Hall Open Air. Tak usah khawatir, bagi Anda
yang ingin membawa si kecil turut serta, dalam
waktu dekat akan hadir arena bermain anak-anak.
Khusus untuk menikmati makanan di dalam
kabin pesawat, pengunjung sebaiknya melakukan
reservasi terlebih dahulu.
Taman Santap Rumah Kayu
Jl. Lodan Timur 11 No. 7
Taman Impian Jaya Ancol
Jakarta Utara
Phone: 021 64716395
Opening hours: 10.00- 22.00
Getting tired of dining in restaurants that all have
the same look and feel? Taman Santap Rumah
Kayu offers a fresh alternative to the usual culinary
destinations in Jakarta. Situated inside Taman Impian
Jaya Ancol amusement park, the restaurant offers
a different attraction – a Boeing 737-400 aircraft
parked inside its compound.
The plane does not only serve as an ornament. In
fact, its cabin is used as one of the dining areas.
Visitors will feel a sense of luxury as soon as they
step into the cabin.
Taman Santap Rumah Kayu offers a variety of
traditional Indonesian dishes. Among customers’
favorites are Rumah Kayu Grilled Egg Squid, Fried
Gurame, and Rumah Kayu Roast Chicken.
Then there is the restaurant’s trademark, Green
Fresh Rumah Kayu, which is a mixed juice of
brassica leaves, pineapple, and lemon. You can enjoy
the refreshing drink while taking in the beautiful
scenery of swaying palm trees along Ancol Beach,
from your seats behind the cabin’s windowpanes.
Want an even more relaxing experience? Visitors
may dine at one of the ‘saungs’ – small raised and
roofed platforms – which in total can accommodate
up to 500 people. VIP Rooms and the Open Air Hall
are other options available at the restaurant. And if
you’re thinking about bringing your kids along with
you, the place will soon be equipped with a small
playground for children.
Visitors are advised to reserve a table if they wish to
dine inside the cabin.
*Diskon 10% sampai dengan akhir Februari 2016 bagi Anggota Siloam Senior Health Community jika membawa majalah Silver (edisi Desember 2015 )
Isilah teka-teki
silang di bawah ini
2. Penyakit gangguan gerak yang
disebabkan oleh rusaknya
sel otak yang memproduksi
4. Penanganan gejala parkinson
tingkat awal
6. Dokter spesialis yang
menangani penyakit parkinson
1. Gejala penyakit parkinson
3. Cabang Siloam Hospitals yang
memiliki layanan dan fasilitas
pengobatan parkinson
5. Operasi untuk mengatasi gejala
parkinson (singkatan)
Inilah para pemenang Quiz Silver
edisi November. Selamat!
Hadi Haryanto
Elisabeth Sugita
Eddy Tjahjono
Arif Iskandar
Kirim jawaban melalui email ke [email protected] dengan mencantumkan subject:
KUIS Silver+ Edisi Desember 2015.Cantumkan nama lengkap, nomor identitas (KTP/SIM/Paspor), tanggal lahir, alamat lengkap dan
nomor telepon.
Setiap edisi akan dipilih beberapa orang pemenang yang berhak mendapatkan souvenir menarik
Jawaban diterima paling lambat 18 Desember 2015.
Pengumuman pemenang dapat dilihat di Majalah Silver+ edisi Januari 2016.
Christmas is Coming
24/7 Emergency Care. Anyday. Everyday.
24 Hour Ambulance and Emergency Services
For Appointment and General Information